Approaching Orenbourg, we saw a crowd of convicts, with shaved heads andfaces disfigured by the pincers of the public executioner. At that timered-hot irons were applied to tear out the nostrils of the condemned.They were working at the fortifications of the place under thesupervision of the garrison pensioners. Some carried away inwheel-barrows the rubbish that filled the ditch, others threw up theearth, while masons were examining and repairing the walls. The sentrystopped us at the gate and asked for our passports. When the sergeantheard that we were from Belogorsk he took me at once to the General, whowas in his garden. I found him examining the apple trees, whichautumnal winds had already despoiled of their leaves; assisted by anold gardener, he covered them carefully with straw. His face expressedcalmness, good humor and health. He seemed very glad to see me, andquestioned me about the terrible events I had witnessed. The old manheard me attentively, and whilst listening, cut off the dead branches.

  "Poor Mironoff!" said he, when I had finished my story; "it is a pity;he was a brave officer; and Madame Mironoff a kind lady, an expert inpickling mushrooms. What has become of Marie, the Captain's daughter?"

  "She is in the fortress, at the house of the Greek priest."

  "Aye! aye! aye!" exclaimed the General. "That's bad, very bad; for it isimpossible to depend upon the discipline of brigands."

  I observed that the fortress of Belogorsk was not far off, and thatprobably his Excellency would send a detachment of troops to deliver thepoor inhabitants.

  The General shook his head, doubtfully. "We shall see! we shall see!there is plenty of time to talk about it; come, I beg you, to take teawith me. Tonight there will be a council of war; you can give us someprecise information regarding this Pougatcheff and his army. Meantime,go and rest."

  I went to my allotted quarters, where I found Saveliitch alreadyinstalled. I awaited impatiently the hour indicated, and the reader maybelieve that I did not fail to be present at this council, which wasto influence my whole life. I found at the General's a custom-houseofficer, the Director, as well as I can remember a little old man,red-faced and fat, wearing a robe of black watered silk. He questionedme about the fate of the Captain Mironoff, whom he called his chum,and often interrupted me by sententious remarks, which, if they didnot prove him to be a man well versed in war, showed his naturalintelligence and shrewdness. During this time other guests arrived. Whenall had taken their places, and to each had been offered a cup of tea,the General carefully stated the questions to be considered.

  "Now, gentlemen," said he, "we must decide what action is to be takenagainst the rebels. Shall we act offensively, or defensively? Each ofthese ways has its advantages and disadvantages. Offensive war presentsmore hope of a rapid extermination of the enemy, but defensive waris safer and offers fewer dangers. Let us then take the vote in legalorder; that is, consult first the youngest in rank. Ensign," continuedhe, addressing me, "deign to give your opinion."

  I rose, and in a few words depicted Pougatcheff and his army. I affirmedthat the usurper was not in a condition to resist disciplined forces.My opinion was received by the civil service employes with visiblediscontent. They saw nothing in it but the levity of a young man. Amurmur arose, and I heard distinctly the word "hare-brained" murmured ina low voice. The General turned to me smiling, and said:

  "Ensign, the first votes (the youngest) in war councils, are foroffensive measures. Now let us continue to collect the votes. TheCollege Director will give us his opinion."

  The little old man in black silk, a College Director, as well as acustoms officer, swallowed his third cup of tea, well dashed with astrong dose of rum, and hastened to speak:

  "Your Excellency," said he, "I think that we ought to act neitheroffensively nor defensively."

  "What's that, sir?" said the General, stupefied; "military tacticspresent no other means; we must act either offensively or defensively."

  "Your Excellency, act _subornatively_."

  "Eh! eh! Your opinion is judicious," said the General; "subornativeacts--that is to say, indirect acts--are also admitted by the scienceof tactics, and we will profit by your counsel. We might offer for therascal's head seventy or even a hundred roubles, to be taken out of thesecret funds."

  "And then," interrupted the man in silk, "may I be a Kirghis ram,instead of a College Director, if the thieves do not bring their chiefto you, chained hand and foot."

  "We can think about it," said the General. "But let us, in any case,take some military measures. Gentlemen, give your votes in legal order."

  All the opinions were contrary to mine. All agreed, that it was betterto stay behind a strong stone wall, protected by cannon, than to temptfortune in the open field. Finally, when all the opinions were known,the General shook the ashes from his pipe and pronounced the followingdiscourse:

  "Gentlemen, I am of the Ensign's opinion, for it is according to thescience of military tactics, which always prefers offensive movements todefensive." He stopped and stuffed the tobacco into his pipe. I glancedexultingly at the civil service employes, who, with discontented looks,were whispering to each other.

  "But, gentlemen," continued he, giving out with a sigh a long puff ofsmoke, "I dare not assume the responsibility. I go with the majority,which has decided that we await in this city the threatened siege,and repulse the enemy by the power of artillery, and if possible, bywell-directed sorties."

  The council broke up. I could not but deplore the weakness of the worthysoldier, who, contrary to his own convictions, decided to follow theopinion of ignorant inexperience.

  Some days after this famous council of war, Pougatcheff, true to hisword, approached Orenbourg. From the top of the city walls I made areconnaissance of the rebel army. It seemed to me that their number hadincreased ten-fold. They had more artillery, taken from the small fortscaptured by Pougatcheff. Remembering our council, I foresaw a longcaptivity behind the walls of Orenbourg, and I was ready to cry withchagrin. Far from me the intention of describing the siege of Orenbourg,which belongs to history and not to family memoirs. Suffice it to say,that this siege was disastrous to the inhabitants, who had tosuffer hunger and privations of every kind. Life at Orenbourg becameinsupportable. The decision of fate was awaited with anguish. Food wasscarce; bombshells fell upon the defenseless houses of citizens. Theattacks of Pougatcheff made very little excitement. I was dying of_ennui_. I had promised Accoulina that I would correspond with her, butcommunication was cut off, and I could not send or receive a letterfrom Belogorsk. My only pastime consisted in military sorties. Thanksto Pougatcheff I had an excellent horse, and I shared my meager pittancewith it. I went out every day beyond the ramparts to skirmish withPougatcheff's advance guards. The rebels had the best of it; theyhad plenty of food and were well mounted. Our poor cavalry were in nocondition to oppose them. Sometimes our half-starved infantry wentinto the field; but the depth of the snow hindered them from actingsuccessfully against the flying cavalry of the enemy. The artilleryvainly thundered from the ramparts, and in the field it could notadvance, because of the weakness of our attenuated horses. This was ourway of making war; this is what the civil service employes of Orenbourgcalled prudence and foresight.

  One day when we had routed and driven before us quite a large troop, Iovertook a straggling Cossack; my Turkish sabre was uplifted to strikehim when he doffed his cap and cried out: "Good day, Peter, how faresyour health?"

  I recognized our Corporal. I was delighted to see him.

  "Good day, Maxim. How long since you left Belogorsk?"

  "Not long, Peter. I came yesterday. I have a letter for you."

  "Where is it?" I cried, delighted.

  "Here," replied Maxim, putting his hand in his bosom. "I promisedPolacca to try and give it to you." He gave me a folded paper, and setoff on a gallop. I read with agitation the following lines:

  "By the will of God I am deprived of my parents, and except you, Peter,I know of no one who can protect me; Alexis commands in place of my latefather. He s
o terrified Father Garasim that I was obliged to go and liveat our house, where I am cruelly treated by Alexis. He will force me tobecome his wife. He says he saved my life by not betraying the trick ofpassing for the niece of Accoulina. I could rather die than be his wife.I have three days to accept his offer; after that I need expect nomercy from him. O, Peter! entreat your General to send us help, and ifpossible, come yourself. MARIE MIRONOFF."

  This letter nearly crazed me. I rushed back to the city, not sparing thespur to my poor horse. A thousand projects flashed through my mind torescue her. Arrived in the city, I hurried to the General's and ran intohis room. He was walking up and down smoking his meerschaum. Seeing mehe stopped, alarmed at my abrupt entrance.

  "Your Excellency, I come to you, as to my own father; do not refuse me;the happiness of my life depends upon it."

  "But what is it?" said the General; "what can I do for you?"

  "Your Excellency, permit me to take a battalion of soldiers and half ahundred Cossacks, to go and storm the fortress of Belogorsk."

  "Storm the fortress?" said the General.

  "I answer for the success of the attack, only let me go."

  "No, young man," said he; "at so great a distance the enemy would easilycut off all communication with the principal strategic point."

  I was frightened by his military wisdom, and hastened to interrupt him:"Captain Mironoff's daughter has written me, begging for relief. Alexisthreatens to compel her to be his wife!"

  "Ah! Alexis, traitor! If he fall into my hands I shall try him intwenty-four hours, and he shall be shot on the glacis of the fortress!meantime patience."

  "Patience!" I cried; "in the interval Marie will be compelled to obeyhim."

  "Oh," said the General, "that would not be a misfortune--it is betterthat she should become the wife of Alexis, who can protect her. When weshall have shot the traitor, then she will find a better husband."

  "I would rather die," I said with fury, "than yield her to Alexis."

  "I understand it all now," said the old man. "You are, no doubt, in loveyourself with Marie Mironoff. That's another thing. Poor boy! Still,I can not give you a battalion and fifty Cossacks. The thing isunreasonable." I hung my head in despair. But I had a plan of my own.