Page 11 of Wrath

  It wasn’t his cock that penetrated her pussy but two fingers breached her instead. The wonderful sensation of being slowly stretched by him caused her to moan and press back against his hand. Wrath bent over her more, pressed his body against her, and tormented her by finger-fucking her.

  “So tight,” he rasped next to her ear. “So warm and wet for me. Am I hurting you?”

  She couldn’t speak but shook her head. She parted her feet more until the edges of the shower stall prevented her from spreading them farther. Her back arched and she rocked against his fingers, urging him to take her. Words finally came.

  “Fuck me, Wrath. Please?”

  He growled but his fingers withdrew. She bit her lip, expected his cock to press up against her, but instead both of his hands gripped her ribs. He was strong enough to jerk her away from the wall and he spun her in his arms. Her eyes widened as she stared up at him in surprise as they faced each other.

  “Wrap your arms around my neck.”

  She didn’t hesitate. He bent enough to make it easier for her, one of his arms locked around her waist and he lifted her off her feet. Her back pressed against the wall as his body pinned her there. Their gazes locked as they studied each other.

  “Wrap your legs around me.”

  His voice came out gruff, harsh, and sounded more animalistic than human. She didn’t care. She just lifted her legs. It was hard to wrap around him with their bodies wet but she had help when he gripped her thigh to hoist her higher. She gripped him just above his hipbones and hooked her ankles together.

  The hand under her thigh played with her clit and she threw her face against his shoulder, moaning, and cried out when two fingers drove into her pussy, fucking her fast and deep, while his thumb tapped against her clit. The pleasure became so intense she couldn’t think and he pinned her so tightly she couldn’t even move.

  Lauren came screaming but her mouth pressed against his skin, muffling the sound. Her body jerked and her legs began to slip down his waist when she wasn’t able to hold on to him anymore. Wrath didn’t let her fall. He twisted his fingers inside her and she cried out again. She jerked hard, still climaxing, as he tapped his fingers right against her G-spot. He kept doing it until she begged him to stop, unable to take any more. His fingers slowly withdrew and she lifted her head until she could stare into his sexy eyes.

  He lifted her up in his arms until their faces were level. He growled and suddenly buried his face in the crook of her neck and sharp teeth gripped her skin. He didn’t bite into her but she wasn’t alarmed at feeling them. She trusted Wrath. Her arms wrapped tighter around his neck and she wrapped her legs around his hips again once she recovered from the intense climax. His cock was pinned between their bodies but he shifted her higher in his arms until it was free, lowered her until the hard length of him rested against the seam of her pussy, and he growled again.

  “Talk to me,” he rasped.

  “What would you like me to say? That was amazing.”

  “Tell me not to enter you.”

  “I want you to.”

  He groaned. “I’d hurt you.”

  Lauren squeezed his hips with her thighs and used the leverage of his body to move against him erotically. “I want you.”

  He snarled and gripped her thighs. Lauren was startled when he forced her to unwrap her legs from his hips. His hands pushed her legs together. His erection was trapped between her thighs.

  “Hold on to me. Do you have your weight?”

  Lauren held on tighter around his neck. “Yes.”

  He stared at her and suddenly bucked his hips up. His cock didn’t enter her but the force of him driving up between her thighs would have thrown her if he hadn’t had such a strong hold on her. She gasped and he growled.

  “I’d take you harder. Do you understand? Once I enter you I’d be too rough. You’re too small inside. I’d cause you pain and I won’t do that.”

  “Be gentle. We’ll go slow.”

  He turned his head away and closed his eyes. “I have issues you don’t understand.” He stepped back and she had to try to regain her footing when he wiggled his hips enough to force her legs to slide down his.

  “Go.” He released her, shoved open the shower door, and gently pushed her out of the shower stall.

  Stunned, Lauren found herself dripping on the bathroom floor. Wrath slammed the shower door between them, held it closed, and fisted his own cock. She backed away, barely managed to grab a towel in her bewildered state but didn’t miss it when he released the door and grabbed the soap.

  He jacked off in front her, a near brutal show of muscles and strength, and fear inched up her spine. If he took her as roughly as he handled his body it would hurt. The fact that he wasn’t hurting left her reeling as she backed out of the bathroom and finally turned away from him and she stumbled to the bed.

  * * * * *

  Shadow glanced at Brass, then at his watch. Brass frowned when he looked at him again. Shadow sighed.

  “It’s after eight.”

  Brass nodded. “It is.”

  “Should we check on them? Wrath usually is here to eat at six when breakfast comes. Their food has grown cold.”

  Brass shook his head. “I heard sounds as I passed the room. Leave them alone.”

  “What kind of sounds?” Shadow arched his eyebrow.

  Brass grinned. “He wasn’t force breeding her if that’s what you’re worried about. They were sharing sex for sure from the sounds but it was mutual. I heard the female moaning his name.”

  “I don’t know if I should be very worried or very happy right now.”

  Brass frowned. “We should be happy. She is attractive and they are having a good time together.”

  “It’s Wrath. We both have reasons to worry.”

  Brass hesitated. “It is a different experience with humans but nothing to be worried about. We have control of our bodies and strength. He will be fine and so will she.”

  “You have never had to endure what we have.” Shadow’s voice lowered. “We’ve been conditioned against human females. The sight of their bodies drives us into rages when we remember what was done to us. Sex isn’t appealing but shameful and painful. We’re both terrified that we might snap if we were to have a female in our beds. We’ve discussed it at length.”

  “I’m sorry about what happened to you but I’m sure he’s fine. He’s a reasonable male, he’s protective of her and I believe he cares.”

  “Seeing one naked would be reliving what they did to us. You have never been forced to ejaculate your semen—the machine doesn’t stop and it hurts. Your dick remains hard because we are designed that way and hours of pain pass with only short bursts of pleasure when your body is forced to come. Images of human women are what they showed us to keep our dicks hard with the help of the drugs.”

  Brass paled slightly. “I had forgotten the extent of your abuse.”

  “Wrath was afraid last night to take her to his room. His attraction to her was very strong.”

  “She is attractive.”

  “You have no idea. After you left to talk with Vengeance I asked her to take her hair down. Wrath dropped a plate of food.”

  Brass grunted. “Long and beautiful?”

  Shadow nodded. “Definitely hair a man would want to spread out in his fingers and rub on his body. It looked very soft.”

  Brass glanced at his watch. “If he is not here soon we will leave without him.”

  “We should check on them to make certain they are fine.”

  “They sounded fine. Perhaps his need to protect her is overriding his conditioning. She wasn’t screaming for help when she said his name.”

  “I’m still worried.”

  “Have faith in the male. I do.”

  Shadow hesitated. “He was always stronger than I was. I have to believe he won’t harm her. We will leave without him anyway. One of us has to remain behind to guard the female or we’ll have to trust some of the human males to care for he
r here while we are gone.”

  Brass’ fingers tapped the tabletop. “I was hoping to take her with us. I wanted to use her to bait Bill. We’ll give them more time.”

  * * * * *

  Lauren huddled on the bed with the towel wrapped around her when the shower ended and Wrath entered the room with a matching towel tucked around his hips. His dark gaze sought her out and he slowly approached until he lowered to his knees in front of her. Sadness showed in his expression and it tore at her heart.

  “I’m sorry. I scared you, didn’t I?”

  “I don’t understand. Are you into pain? Is that it?”

  “No.” He stroked the back of her hand with his fingertips. “Mercile did some things to me that make me afraid I will hurt you.” He stopped rubbing and gripped her hand. “They used images of human females to cause me pain. I’m afraid I will lose control if I’m inside you because they combined pleasure with severe pain. I don’t trust myself enough yet to risk taking the chance that I’d lose the ability to separate the experiences.”

  “You, um, were so rough with, um, you know.” Her cheeks burned.

  “They gave me a high pain tolerance while forcing me to give them my seed.”

  Tears filled her eyes but she blinked them back. “They forced you to masturbate? Do you like pain now with sex? Is that it? I read a lot of books and I know some people need that.”

  A soft growl rumbled from him. “No. I don’t wish pain for either of us. I just am afraid if I enter you that I’ll lose control because it will feel too good. I’m terrified I’ll take you too roughly and I won’t be able to stop.”

  She stared deeply into his eyes. “I don’t believe that.”

  “It happened. They did vile things to me.”

  “I meant I don’t believe that you’d be rough with me and cause me pain. You’ve been nothing but wonderful. I admit my sexual experiences aren’t that vast but I wish you could see yourself the way I do now.”

  “Give me time.”

  The humor struck her and she laughed. “I can’t go home, remember? We have plenty of that.”

  “I’m sorry you’re stuck with me.”

  She squeezed his hand. “I’m not.”

  “We should get dressed and go eat. We’re both hungry.”


  “I am sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” She meant it. There was a lot she didn’t understand but he was a tortured soul, one who had experienced deep emotional pain as well as physical, and obviously actual intercourse was something he feared. “We’ll work through this.”

  He released her hand, stood, and got them both clothes from his dresser. She was becoming accustomed to him seeing her naked, didn’t hesitate to drop the towel, and made the best of the sweats he gave her. They were too large but he used a knife to cut off some of the legs and the arm length enough to free her hands and feet.

  “This is not my most fashionable look.”

  Wrath studied her body. “You look very attractive to me.”

  That made her smile. “Thank you.”

  They both used the bathroom and Wrath insisted on brushing out her hair. She sat on the bed facing away from her while he tenderly removed all the tangles. It was nice, a bit too personal, and a new experience for Lauren. No man had done that for her but she enjoyed it.

  “Let’s go.” He stood, dropped the brush and walked to the door.

  He opened it and waved Lauren to step out into the hallway. Wrath gripped her hand in his and stayed at her side until they reached the main room. Lauren hesitated when she saw two of the men from last night seated at a table. Vengeance wasn’t one of them.

  “He’s gone,” Wrath said softly, as if he could read her mind. “Vengeance was sent back to Reservation early this morning.”

  Lauren felt relief. The two men at the table stared at them as they approached. Shadow was the one to speak.

  “You both overslept and missed breakfast. I put your plates in the refrigerator for you.”

  Wrath nodded. “Thank you.” He showed Lauren to a seat. “I’ll warm them. You relax. You’re a guest.”

  Lauren glanced at the two men to discover Brass openly staring at her hair. It was still wet from the shower. She watched the large man until his gaze flicked to hers.

  “It is beautiful hair. I imagine when it is dry it is breathtaking.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled.

  “How are you today?” Shadow drew her attention next.


  “Vengeance caused you no injury?”

  “I have a few bruises but I’m fine. Wrath said he’s gone now.”

  Brass nodded. “Yes. A helicopter and some of our people came to take him home. We apologize again for what he tried to do to you. Forced mating is forbidden and so is forced breeding.”

  “Wrath explained the difference to me.”

  Shadow blinked. “He did?”

  She nodded. “I was curious and asked him. I didn’t understand what Vengeance was talking about.”

  Shadow glanced at Wrath before meeting her gaze again. “I wondered how the subject came up.”

  Brass shook his head and the two men frowned at each other. Shadow turned back to Lauren.

  “We would like to ask you a favor.”

  “What do you need?”

  Brass spoke. “We would like you to take one of us into your work and see if you can find out where Bill is.”

  Lauren was stunned at that request. “You plan to just grab him if he’s at work?”

  “We have the right to arrest him for his crimes against New Species,” Brass assured her softly. “I doubt he will be there but he’s made friends at work, hasn’t he? Perhaps you could find out from them where he is.”

  Lauren glanced at their black clothing. “I guess I could do that but one of you would definitely have to change clothes and wear…” She studied their eyes. “Sunglasses. Otherwise if Bill is there he’s going to spot you right away. The black clothing will draw attention and if Bill worked for Mercile Industries he’s going to be alarmed to see a New Species.”

  “We’re sure he’s the correct human male. We thought of this already.” Brass hesitated. “We thought we’d have Wrath dress up however you think he should. He could pretend to be a client of yours and walk inside the building with you. Would it be appropriate for you to take a client to work?”

  “Sure. I’m due in to work at ten today.” She glanced down at her clothes. “Could we stop by my apartment first? I can’t go to the office wearing this and my boss would have my ass.”

  Brass shrugged. “That would be fine. What would be appropriate for Wrath to wear?”

  Wrath sat a plate of warmed scrambled eggs, bacon and toast in front of her. She gave him a smile and picked up her fork. She glanced at Wrath, who took the seat next to her and noticed he had two large steaks on his plate. That was all he had. He didn’t reach for his silverware.

  “You may not want to watch him eat,” Shadow suggested softly. “We enjoy our meat barely seared on the outside and raw on the inside. We find it easier to eat with our fingers than with your utensils.”

  Lauren glanced at Shadow before purposely smiling at Wrath. “Eat up.”

  Wrath shrugged and dug into his food. He grabbed hold of one of the steaks with both hands and bit into it. His dark eyes met hers as he tore a section of the meat off. Lauren wasn’t horrified but she was more than a bit curious. Blood dripped onto the plate and the interior of the steak was raw, red meat. She wasn’t repulsed in the least. She glanced back at Shadow.

  “Have you ever seen kids eat? I am from a large family. At least you guys don’t shove peas up your nose and shoot them out.”

  Brass laughed. “No. We don’t.”

  Shadow laughed. “Did you do that as a child?”

  She shook her head. “No. But I used to gross my cousins out by telling them my spaghetti was worms and sucking them up. I was always kind of a tomboy.”

  Brass smi
led at her and asked, “What should Wrath wear to your job?”

  Nothing. That was her first thought but she didn’t say it aloud. She’d love for Wrath not to wear a single thing ever again since he looked so good naked. “Nice jeans and maybe a casual dress shirt. Good shoes. Realtors notice those things right off the bat to judge if a client can really afford to buy a home. It’s how we try to root out the looky-loos from the real buyers.”

  “What are good shoes?” Shadow questioned.

  “Real-leather, casual dress shoes would work nicely. Do you happen to have any around?”

  “No.” Shadow shrugged his broad shoulders. “We have military boots and running shoes.”

  “Military will work. I could tell my boss that Wrath is in the service. We sell homes to them all the time. They always have good credit and the ability to get financing. I don’t suppose you could get your hands on a military uniform of some sort, could you?”

  Brass stood. “That we can do.” He left the room.

  Shadow continued to watch Wrath. “Brass and I had some time this morning to make plans while we waited for you to come out here.”

  Wrath finally looked up from his food to meet his friend’s stare. “Good.”

  Shadow and Wrath seemed to be having a stare down as the silence in the room lengthened. Lauren darted her gaze between them, watching their facial expressions change just slightly.

  “You two are doing that silent mind communication thing again.”

  Wrath turned his head, winked, and gave his full attention on his remaining steak.

  “Eat quickly, Lauren,” Shadow ordered softly. “We want to leave here soon since you need to get clothing from your apartment.”

  Lauren dug into her food. It wasn’t good but she was starving. Reheated scrambled eggs tasted rubbery, the bacon was greasy and the toast a bit soggy. She ate it all anyway since she wasn’t sure where her next meal would come from. The thought of Brent actually being at work when they arrived wasn’t a good one. Wrath and his friend would grab her coworker and set her free. She wouldn’t have a reason to spend more time with Wrath and that concept left her depressed.