Page 28 of The Castaways



  The reader may suppose the strange conflict we have described to be athing of the author's imagination. Some will, no doubt, pronounce it astory of the sensational and fabulous kind--in short, a "sailor's yarn."So may it seem to those who give but little attention to the study ofnature. To the naturalist, however, this chapter of animal life andhabits will cause no astonishment; for he will know it to be a true one;and that the spectacle described, although perhaps not one coming everyday under the eye of man, and especially civilised man, has neverthelessbeen witnessed by the inhabitants of the recesses of the Bornean forest.

  Ask any old Bornean bee-hunter, and he will tell you just such a tale asthe above; adding that the ourang-outang, or red gorilla, which he calls_mias_, is a match, and more than a match, for any animal it mayencounter in forest or jungle; and that the only two creatures whichdare attack it are the crocodile and the great _ular_ or _python_, thelatter a serpent of the boa-constructor kind, with one of which ourcastaways had already formed acquaintance. But the Bornean bee-hunter,usually a Dyak, will also tell you that in these conflicts the redgorilla is the victor, though each of the two great reptile antagoniststhat attack it is often thirty feet in length, with a girth almostequalling its own. Only fancy a snake ten yards long, and a lizard thesame; either of which would reach from end to end of the largest room inwhich you may be seated, or across the street in which you may bewalking! You will seldom find such specimens in our museums; for theyare not often encountered by our naturalists or secured by ourtravellers. But take my word for it, there are such serpents and suchlizards in existence, ay, and much larger ones. They may be found notonly in the tropical isles of the Orient, but in the Western world, inthe lagoons and forests of Equatorial America. Many of the "sailors'yarns" of past times, which we have been accustomed so flippantly todiscredit, on account of their appearing rather tough, have under thelight of recent scientific exploration been proved true.

  And although some of them may seem to be incorporated in this narrative,under the guise of mere romance, the reader need not on this accountthink himself misled, or treat them with sublime contempt. If it shouldever be his fate or fortune to make a tour through the East IndianArchipelago, he will cease to be incredulous.

  Henry Redwood and his sister Helen had no such tranquil reflections, asthey stood under the shadow of the great tree, concealing themselvesbehind its trunk, and watching the terrible conflict between the twohuge creatures, both in their eyes equally hideous.

  Giving way to an instinct of justice, they would have taken sides withthe party assailed and against the assailant. But, under thecircumstances, their leanings were the very reverse; for in thetriumphant conqueror they saw a continuance of their own danger;whereas, had the amphibious animal been victorious, this would have beenat an end. The strife now terminated, they stood trembling anduncertain as ever.

  The crocodile, although crushed, and no longer dangerous for anyoffensive manoeuvre, was not killed. Its body still writhed andwriggled upon the ground; though its movements were but the agonisedefforts of mortal pain, excited convulsively and each moment becomingfeebler.

  And the red gorilla stood near, squatted on its haunches; at intervalstossing its long hairy arms around its head, and giving utterance tothat strange coughing laughter, as if it would never leave off exultingover the victory it had achieved. How long was this spectacle to last?It was sufficiently horrid for the spectators to desire its speedytermination.

  And yet they did not; they were in hopes it might continue till a voicecoming from the forest, or the tread of a foot, would tell them thathelp was near.

  Tremblingly but attentively they listened. They heard neither one northe other--neither voice nor footstep. Now and then came the note of abird or the cry of some four-footed creature prowling through theglades; but not uttered in accents of alarm. The hunters must havewandered far in their search for game. They might not return in time.

  Again Henry bethought him of firing the musket to give them a signal.But even if heard, it might not have this effect. They knew that he wasable to hold and handle the great gun, and might think some bird oranimal had come near and tempted him to take a shot at it.

  On the other hand, the report would strike upon the ears of the mias,might distract it from the triumph in which it was indulging, and bringit to the spot where they were standing. Then, with an empty gun in hishand, what defence could the youth make, either for himself or for hissister?

  To fire the gun would never do. Better leave the trigger unpulled, andtrust to Providence for protection.

  And then, as the brave boy reflected on the many dangers through whichthey had passed, and how they had always been delivered by somefortunate interposition, he knew it must be the hand of Providence, andwas content to rely upon it again.

  He said so to his little sister, whispering consolation, as with onehand he drew her close to him, the other resting upon the musket. AndHelen whispered back a pious response, as she nestled upon the breast ofher brother.

  A moment more, and the faith of both was submitted to a severe trial.

  The red gorilla, after gloating for a long time over the agonisedcontortions of its disabled enemy, seemed at length satisfied that itwas disabled to death, and facing toward the forest, showed signs of anintention to take its departure from the spot.

  Now came the crisis for Henry and Helen. Which way would the animaltake?

  They had not time to exchange question and answer--scarce time even toshape them in their thoughts--when they saw the red satyr turn to thetree behind which they were standing, and come directly toward them.