Page 37 of The Castaways



  The captain's daughter, with the natural vigour of youth, soon recoveredfrom the slight injuries she had sustained in her singular journeythrough the maze of boughs. The previous perils of shipwreck, and thevarious hairbreadth escapes through which she had more recently passed,made her last danger all the lighter to bear; for by these her child'sspirit had become steeled to endurance, and her courage was equal tothat of a full-grown woman. Otherwise the fearful situation in whichshe had been placed, if leaving life, might have deprived her of reason.

  As it happened, no serious misfortune had befallen, and with Helen'sstrength and spirits both fully restored, her companions were able onthe third day to resume their overland journey.

  And, still more, they started with a fresh supply of provisions--enoughto last them for many long days. Captain Redwood and Saloo in theirhunting excursion had been very successful. The captain had not beencalled upon to fire a single shot from his rifle, so that his slenderstore of ammunition was still good for future eventualities. Saloo'ssilent sumpits had done all the work of the chase, which resulted in thedeath of a deer, another wild pig, and several large birds, suitable forthe pot or spit. The hunters had been returning from their lastexpedition heavily loaded with game, when the cries of Helen, Henry, andMurtagh, had caused them to drop their booty and hasten to the rescue.

  Now that all was over, and they were once more reminded of it, Saloo andMurtagh went in search of the abandoned game, soon found it, gathered itagain, and transported it to their camping-place by the side of thelake.

  Here, during the time they stayed to await the recovery of Helen'shealth, the pork and venison were cut up and cured in such a manner asto ensure its keeping for a long time--long enough indeed to sufficethem throughout the whole duration of their contemplated journey; thatis, should no unexpected obstacle arise to obstruct or detain them.

  The fowls that had fallen to Saloo's arrows were sufficient to servethem for a few days, and with the fine supply of lard obtained from thecarcass of the pig, they could be cooked in the most sumptuous manner.

  In the best of spirits they again set forth; and it seemed now as iffate had at last grown weary of torturing them, and daily, almosthourly, involving one or other of them in danger of death.

  From the edge of the lake, where their journey had been so strangelyinterrupted, they found an easy path across the remaining portion of thegreat plain.

  Several times they came upon the traces of red gorillas, and once theycaught sight of a member of the horrid tribe speeding along the branchesabove their heads.

  But they were not so much afraid of them after all; for Saloo admittedthat he did not deem the _mias pappan_ so dangerous; and he hadascertained that it was this species of ourang-outang they hadencountered.

  He confessed himself puzzled at the behaviour of the one that had causedthem so much fear and trouble. It was another species, the _miasrombi_, of which he stood in dread; and he could only account for the_mias pappan_ having acted as it had done, by supposing the animal tohave taken some eccentric notion into its head--perhaps caused, as wehave already hinted, by its conflict with the crocodile.

  Dangerous these gigantic _quadrumana_ are, nevertheless;--theirsuperhuman strength enabling them to make terrible havoc wherever andwhenever their fury becomes aroused. But without provocation thisrarely occurs, and a man or woman who passes by them without making anoise, is not likely to be molested.

  Besides the large species, to which belonged the ape that had attackedthem, the travellers saw another kind while passing across the plain.This was the _mias kassio_, much smaller in size, and more gentle in itsnature.

  But they saw nothing of those, tallest of all, and the most dreaded bySaloo--the _mias rombis_--although the old bee-hunter still maintainedhis belief that they exist in the forests of Borneo as well as in thewilds of Sumatra.

  The plain over which they were making their way, here and thereintersected with lagoons and tracts of tree-covered swamp, was the verylocality in which these great apes delight to dwell; their habit beingto make their huge platforms, or sleeping-places, upon bushes that growout of boggy marsh or water--thus rendering them difficult of access toman, the only enemy they have need to dread.



  The travellers had taken their departure from the lake-shore at an earlyhour of the morning; and before sunset they had traversed the remainingportion of the plain, and ascended a considerable distance up thesloping side of the mountains beyond.

  Another day's journey, during which they accomplished a very long andtiresome march, brought them to the summit of the ridge, the greatdividing chain which strikes longitudinally across the whole island ofBorneo, so far as the geographers yet know it.

  They could see far to the northward, dimly outlined against the sky, theimmense mountain of Kini-Balu--which rises to a height of nearly 12,000feet; but they derived their principal gratification from the fact that,in the country stretching westward, appeared nothing likely to preventthem from reaching the destined goal of their journey, the old Malaycapital town of Bruni--or rather the isle of Labuan, which lies alongthe coast a little to the north of it, where Captain Redwood knew that aflag floated, which, if not that of his own country, would be equally ascertain to give him protection.

  From the position of Kini-Balu, whose square summit they coulddistinguish from all others, he could see the point to steer for aswell, or even better, than if he had brought his ship's compass withhim, and they would no longer be travelling in any uncertainty as totheir course. From where they were it could be distinguished to apointy without any variation; and after a good night's rest upon themountain-ridge, they commenced descending its western slope.

  For a time they lost sight of the sun's orb, that, rising behind theirbacks, was hidden by the mountain mass, and casting a purple shadow overthe forest-clad country before them. Soon, however, the bright orb,soaring into the sky, sent its beams before them, and they continuedtheir journey under the cheering light.

  Had it not been for fear of their fellow-beings, they would haveadvanced on without much further apprehension; for one and all were nowrejoicing in a plentitude of restored health, and their spirits wereconsequently fresh and cheerful.

  But they still had some dread of danger from man--from those terribleenemies, the Dyaks, of whom Bornean travellers have told such ghastlytales.

  It seemed, however, as if our adventurers were not destined to discoverwhether these tales were true or false, or in any way to realise them.The evil star that had hung over their heads while on the eastern sideof the island, must have stayed there; and now on the west nothing ofill appeared likely to befall them.

  For all this they did not trust to destiny, but took every precaution toshun an encounter with the savages, travelling only at such times asthey were certain the "coast was clear;" and lying in concealmentwhenever they saw a sign of danger. Saloo, who could glide through thetrees with the stealth and silence of a snake, always led the advance;and thus they progressed from hill to hill, and across the interveningvalleys, still taking care that their faces should be turned westward.

  At length, after many days of this cautious progress, they ascended asteep ridge, which, rising directly across their route, made itnecessary for them to climb it.

  It caused them several hours of toil; but they were well rewarded forthe effort. On reaching its summit, and casting their glances beyond,they saw below, and at a little to the left, the strange oldwooden-walled town of Bruni; while to the right, across a narrow arm ofthe sea, lay the island of Labuan, and on its conspicuous buildingswaved the glorious old banner of Britannia.

  Captain Redwood hailed it with almost as much joy as if it had been theflag of his native land.

  He was not then in the mood to dwell on any distinction between them;but, flinging himself on his knees, with Henry on one side, and Helenup
on the other--Murtagh and the Malay a few paces in the rear--heoffered up a prayer of devout and earnest gratitude for their greatdeliverance to Him who is ever powerful to save, their Father and theirGod.

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