Page 9 of Wild Kitty



  Middleton School, which consisted of from six to seven hundred girls,was kept in a state of discipline not so much by punishments as by avery strict code of honor. There were certain things which no Middletongirl who respected herself would ever dream of doing. There were otherthings which she would do as a matter of course. For instance, she woulduphold her school through thick and thin, allowing no outsider to run itdown. To be a member of Middleton School insured her friendship with allthe other girls in the school. The _esprit de corps_ of this celebratedday school was exceptionally strong. Even in after-life its members metas friends, never forgetting that they were at one time schoolfellows inone of the best and most thorough colleges of learning in the whole ofEngland.

  As the fees for instruction were necessarily low, and as the school wastherefore open to all classes of girls, from the very rich to those whohad but limited means, a rule, and a very strong one, was that all moneyand class distinctions were to be absolutely abolished. The girls, solong as they belonged to the school, were absolutely on the samefooting, notwithstanding the fact that their home-lives might be veryfar removed the one from the other. Among the most emphatic rules ofthe school--a rule which, if it were disobeyed, would cause ostracism onthe part of the girls and the gravest reprimand, not to say a chance ofexpulsion, on the part of the teachers--was the borrowing of money.Money was supposed not to be mentioned between the girls; and as to apoor girl borrowing from a rich, it was considered about the blackestcrime which could take place in Middleton School. Now, Elma, knew thisfact perfectly well, and when she took the eight pounds from KittyMalone she was aware of the grave risk which she ran. More depended onher keeping up a good character in the school than her companions wereat all aware of. She was sent to Middleton School by an aunt who to acertain extent had adopted her--her mother could not possibly afford topay the fees, small as they were.

  Elma knew well as she lay down to sleep that night that if the littletransaction between herself and Kitty were known she would bepractically ruined for life. No other girl belonging to the school wouldlend money even if it were asked for, so strong was the feeling on thishead; but Kitty knew nothing about it; she had not been long atMiddleton, and the subject had not been mentioned to her. Elma sincerelytrusted to Kitty's never alluding to it. Kitty had promised not to tell;and Elma believed, wild and erratic as she was, that when her word wasonce given, she would respect it. When she had asked Kitty to lend hermoney she had intended only to take half a sovereign; she wanted this inorder to pay her subscription to the Tug-of-war Society; but when Kittygenerously opened her purse and told her to help herself, the temptationhad proved far too strong. Before she quite knew what she was doing shehad taken eight sovereigns; had put herself absolutely into Kitty'spower, and had run the chance of being ruined for life. Still, thatfirst night she slept soundly, and awoke in the morning with a sense ofbliss. She had still a little over seven sovereigns; not her own, andyet in one sense quite her own, for Kitty had said there was no hurryabout the replacing of the money. Oh, yes, she was quite certain that noone would find out. She opened her sleepy eyes, yawned, and saw Carriesitting at the window, busily employed cutting out her dress. Elmaremarked crossly at the blaze of light.

  "Oh, don't say you mind it, you old dear," cried Carrie. "I can't seeunless I have plenty of light, and it's most important how I cut thissleeve. I mean it to be puffy and yet not too puffy, and the elbows mustfit exactly in the right place. What a pity it is, Elma, that you and Iare not the same sort of figure. I am nearly double as big as you. Itwould be so convenient if you could be my model; then I might fit mythings like a glove. Ah, well, I suppose there's nothing perfect in theworld."

  Elma turned on her other side.

  "If you talk to me any more," she said, "I shall become so cross as tobe unbearable. Go on with your dress if you must, but don't speak."

  Elma returned to the land of dreams, and Carrie cut and snipped, andbasted and pinned, until it was time for her to go downstairs tobreakfast. Elma got up at her usual hour, ate her breakfast withscarcely a remark, and started for school. When she got there thedifferent members of the Tug-of-war Society were hanging about thedoors. The school was not yet opened and the girls who belonged to thesociety nodded to one another and whispered and smiled. Among the partywaiting at the door were Alice Denvers, Kitty Malone, and BessieChalloner. Gwin Harley had not yet arrived. It was never Gwin's statelyway to be either too early or too late for school; she generallyappeared on the scene, driving up in her pretty little phaeton, just asthe clock struck nine. The other girls always made way for this daintylittle turnout, and Gwin would spring carelessly to the ground, give adirection to the smart tiger who sat behind, and who immediately tookthe reins, and then, turning with a gay nod to her companions, wouldenter the school with them.

  Gwin was certainly the pride of the school. The girls who were not herabsolute friends looked at her with awe, wonder, and admiration. Thegirls who were her friends bragged of the fact to their companions. Itwas a pleasure even to look at Gwin, for, although she never overdressedherself, she was always so wonderfully dainty--her neat little shoes,her lovely stockings, the fine quality of her cambric handkerchiefs, thedelicate scent which clung to them, the glossy braids of her everexquisitely arranged hair, and the very set of that perfectly plainsailor hat with its band of white ribbon, were all the acme ofperfection. Oh, they all betokened wealth and taste, taste and wealth.No wonder the girls worshiped Gwin. She never boasted of her wealth,she never brought it prominently forward; but for all that it pervadedher from the top of her head to the point of her pretty bronze shoes.

  Kitty now gave Gwin an earnest and longing look. There was a peculiarexpression about Kitty's face: a sort of new, thoughtful look, as thoughsomething was worrying her and causing her to cudgel her brains to quitea remarkable extent. Kitty Malone had never yet been affected withshyness, nor was she shy now. Just as Gwin's carriage appeared and theother girls made way for it as was their wont, and Elma approached quiteclose to Alice, meaning to make some remark to her, what she neverafterward remembered, Kitty ran straight up to Gwin and clasped her bythe hand.

  "I want to say something to you very badly," she began.

  "How do you do, Kitty?" answered Gwin in her pleasant high-bred voice."You want to say something to me? But the bell has just rung; we must gointo school."

  "I mean after school," continued Kitty. "Can I walk with you duringrecess?"

  "Oh, but please, Gwin," cried Elma at that point, "you promised to walkwith me to-day; don't you remember?"

  "Yes, and you promised to walk with me, Miss Harley," exclaimed a girlof the name of Marcia Tyndal.

  "But it is so important, Gwin," pleaded Kitty, bringing that peculiarIrish quality into her voice which it was difficult to resist.

  "Ah, now do, Gwin," she continued; "do let me walk with you just duringthis recess. The others may have you for every other recess untilChristmas; but do let me be with you just for to-day."

  "I think you must, Kitty," said Gwin. "Elma, you won't mind, will you?Marcia, you and I can have to-morrow instead of to-day; is it abargain?"

  "Oh, I don't mind," said Marcia Tyndal in a good natured voice,shrugging her fat shoulders as she spoke.

  Then the girls trooped into school, prayers began, and immediatelyafterward they all assembled at their different classes.

  Kitty was restless and nervous, she could not settle to her work. Shewas more _distrait_ and inattentive even than usual. The younger girls,who delighted in her, and quite prided themselves on having her in theirclass, nudged her in vain.

  "Kitty," whispered one little girl quite three years Kitty Malone'sjunior, "if you don't open your history book you won't have your lessonready when Miss Worrick comes."

  "Oh, I know all that stupid history," cried Kitty in a low voice. "Don'tbother me, Annie, asthore. I can't be teased. I have got something inthe back of my h

  "Something in the back of your head?" whispered Annie.

  "Yes, yes; but hush, alanna! I can't let it out; it's bothering meentirely. There, if I must look at the stupid history, I must. What partare we doing, Mary Davies?"

  "Oh, it's about Charles the First."

  "Poor martyr! Shame to England to cut off his head!" Kitty bent over herbook, but soon her erratic fancy had started off in another direction.She was sent to the bottom of the class when the history lesson came on,and was looked at with growing disfavor by Miss Worrick, a particularlypainstaking and earnest young teacher.

  "Really, Miss Malone, if this sort of thing goes on I must report you,"she said. "It is pure inattention. If you wish to take any position inthe school you must make up your mind that while in school you mustwork."

  "And while out of school I must play," retorted Kitty. "Ah, then, it'slittle of the play I get. If I had my share of the play I could do myshare of work."

  "Come, you must not answer me," said Miss Worrick. "Now, sit down andread up that chapter in your history. You will not be allowed to go outduring recess this morning."

  "Not go out during recess?" cried Kitty in horror; "but it's mostimportant. Ah, now, do let me out; just excuse me to-day, won't you?I'll be as good as gold to-morrow, and better; but excuse me to-day;please, please. Say you will; for I really must go. I was to meet GwinHarley, the darling; and it's put out she would be awfully if I wasn'twith her. You'll let me out to-day, won't you? Please say yes."

  "I do not understand you, Miss Malone. When I say a thing I mean it.You are not to go out during recess."

  Kitty's bright face fell; the cloud which had more or less hoveredround her during the entire morning deepened. She sank into her seatwith a heavy sigh.

  "Never mind, Kitty; we all of us have to stay in sometimes," whisperedlittle Mary Davies.

  "Take a chocolate out of my pocket, darlin', and don't talk to me anymore," was Kitty's answer. "I am sad past bearing. Not to see Gwin whenI had arranged it all; but I will, I must! There, take a secondchocolate if you want it; they are full of cream. But just leave me tomy own thoughts for a bit. I am so worried I don't know whether I am onmy head or my heels."

  "Silence, girls--no whispering!" called the mathematical teacher, whonow came on the scene.

  Poor Kitty's morning began badly, and it certainly was destined to go onbadly. None of her lessons were prepared with the slightest care; shewent down lower and lower in class, and each teacher gave her animposition or some other punishment. When recess came she alone in thewhole class was required to remain in the room.

  The rest of the girls looked at her with pity.

  "She's such an old dear, although quite the idlest and most ignorantperson I ever came across," said Mary Davies to her companions.

  "Yes," whispered another little girl with fat rosy cheeks and roundeyes; "but did you ever taste such chocolate creams? Why, they mustcost a halfpenny apiece. I do love to sit next to her; she says I maydive my hand into her pocket as often as I like."

  "Oh, she's an old love!" echoed all the girls: "but what a pity it isthat she won't learn."

  "She does not want to learn," said Mary Davies. "Learning would spoilher; she is a pet."

  Meanwhile in the playground Gwin Harley waited in vain for Kitty to joinher.

  "Does any one know where Kitty Malone is?" she said, addressing one ofthe girls in Kitty's class.

  "She is kept in for an imposition; she did not know her history, andMiss Worrick said she was to stay in," answered Mary Davies.

  "Oh, well, I suppose I can see her another time," said Gwin. At thatmoment she met Elma's anxious eyes.

  Elma was just about to dart to the side of her friend, when, to theamazement of all the girls, Kitty walked calmly across the playground.

  "Oh Gwin, I must speak to you; it is about Alice. You know, you andAlice are great friends. Things get worse and worse, and they are almostpast bearing. Last night I heard her sobbing in bed. She sobbed andsobbed, and at last I could stand no more of it, and sprang out of bed,and bent over her and said: 'Alice, is it about me you are crying?' andshe said: 'Oh, yes, Kitty, it is;' and I said, 'And why 'Oh, yes,Kitty?' What has poor Kitty done to you?"

  "'I am not happy,' answered Alice. 'Since you came everything haschanged; you have made my home miserable to me. I don't like your ways.'

  "'Have you made up your mind never to be friends with me?' I asked.

  "'Yes,' said Alice. 'I wish you would go away.' She sat up in bed thenwith her tear-stained face, and looked at me ever so earnestly. 'Tellmother that you would rather go to some other house--that you won't stayhere. I never could stand vulgar girls, and you are one.'

  "Oh Gwin, I felt so mad. You don't think me a vulgar girl, do you?"

  "Tell me the whole," said Gwin in a low voice.

  "Oh, there is not much more. Alice was in a regular temper. She buriedher face in the clothes, and though I tried pinching her, and pullingher, and petting her even, not another word would she utter. Now, youmust see for yourself, Gwin, that if this sort of thing goes on I shallhave to return home, and then the old dad will be fretted, and he willthink that I don't want to learn manners nor to get learning into me. Ohdear, I don't want to fret him, although I hate England. I have justbeen wondering if you would speak to Alice."

  "Yes, certainly," answered Gwin. "I--" Her words were interrupted.

  "Miss Malone, do I see you in the playground?" said a stern voice. MissWorrick had appeared on the scene.

  "Why, then, yes, Miss Worrick, you do. It's a fine day, isn't it; andthe air is most refreshing," said Kitty in her most impertinent tones.

  "Do you know that you have distinctly disobeyed me? I forbade you toleave the schoolroom during recess. How dared you do so?"

  "There wasn't much daring about it. I walked to the door, opened it, andcame out. I had made a previous engagement, and it was not at allconvenient to break it. I told you so at the time, did I not?"

  For answer Miss Worrick took Kitty by the arm and led her across theplayground.

  "I must take you to Miss Sherrard," she said. "I cannot manage adisobedient girl like you."

  She opened a side door, and, still holding Kitty by the arm, led herdown a long passage and into a small room, where she desired her to waitwhile she fetched the head-mistress.

  Miss Sherrard was a little woman, but she had a native dignity which isbeyond and above all mere personal appearance. She had a keen andcommanding eye, a somewhat pale face, an upright little figure. She wasnot only short in stature, but slight; nevertheless, there was not amistress in the great school who did not hold her in awe as well asadmiration, and not a girl, with the exception, perhaps, of KittyMalone, who did not do her reverence.

  When the door was shut behind Kitty, she drummed impatiently on the baremahogany table near which she had been placed, then walked to the windowand looked out. From her position she could catch a glimpse of GwinHarley pacing up and down the playground with Elma Lewis. She saw Alicecome up and talk to Gwin; she noticed that Gwin and Elma paused, thenthat Alice slipped to the other side of Gwin, and the three walkedslowly up and down. As they walked they talked. Alice nodded her headonce or twice; Elma made emphatic grimaces; Gwin alone looked quiet,calm, and stately.

  "They are talking about me," thought the Irish girl, and an angryfeeling rose in her heart. "Is it for this I have left the dear old dad,and the beautiful home, and the animals, and Aunt Bridget, and AuntHonora? Oh, is it for this I have left dear Old Ireland, may her heartbe blessed! to come here to be slighted, to be made little of, to bejoked at! Am I Kitty Malone, or am I somebody else? Oh! my heart willbreak, my heart will break!"

  "Miss Malone, I am sorry to hear this of you," said a very calm, verydistinct, and withal very kind voice, just at Kitty's back. Kitty turnedabruptly, and said aloud:

  "Oh, and did you overhear me?" She then involuntarily dropped a courtesyto the head-mistress.

  Miss Sherrard shut the door behind her.

  "I am sorry," she began, "to learn from Miss Worrick that you areshowing insubordination and disobedience."

  "Why, then, now, and won't you let me tell my own story in my own way?"said Kitty.

  In spite of herself, Miss Sherrard gave an involuntary smile. It soonvanished, but Kitty had caught the glint in the eye and the trembleround the lips. "Why, then I see at a glance that you have the kindheart," she said; "you thought to keep it in, but I saw it breaking outjust then. You'll let me tell my own story, won't you?"

  "That seems fair enough," said Miss Sherrard. She seated herself as shespoke on one of the bare, comfortless chairs, and looked full up atKitty.

  Kitty was dressed according to Rule IV. of the Tug-of-war Society. Shewore a decidedly fashionable dress, the sleeves well puffed out at theshoulders, fitting nicely at the elbows, and with ruffles of lace, reallace, round the wrists. Round Kitty's throat also there were ruffles oflace; the neck of her dress was cut a little low, showing the soft, fullcontour of her exquisitely-curved throat. Her waist was clasped with abelt of solid silver, and in front she wore a great bunch ofcabbage-roses. The cabbage-rose has a scent which, when once it assailsthe nostrils, can never afterward be forgotten. Miss Sherrard, in spiteof herself, gave a little sniff.

  Quick as lightning Kitty saw it, and detached the bunch of roses fromher belt.

  "Now, will you have them?" she said. "Ah, do now, just to please me,Kitty Malone; they came all the way from Old Ireland this morning. Stay,I'll pin them into the front of your dress. Hold easy a moment dearwoman, and you'll have as neat a little bunch as ever you clapped yourtwo eyes on."

  Miss Sherrard could not help once again letting that ghost of a smileplay round her lips, and then vanish.

  "But really," she said--"oh, thank you for the roses; yes, they are verysweet; yes, delicious! She bent her head and sniffed quite audibly.

  "Ah, then, aren't they refreshing, and aren't they melting the angerdown in your heart? Say they are now--say they are. You see you neverhad an out-and-out wild Irish girl to manage before. Well, and what isit you want with me? I'll be as civil as you please, and as willing tolisten to the words of wisdom, if only you'll let me first tell my ownstory."

  "It is only fair that you should be allowed to tell your own tale,"said Miss Sherrard; "but please understand that I am very angry. MissWorrick's story has amazed me. Do you know. Kitty Malone, of what youare accused?"

  "Well, I do, and I don't; but I should like to hear the crime spoken ofby your pretty lips. What is it? Something black of course; black thingsare always laid to the door of Kitty Malone."

  "The crime, Miss Malone, is the very grave sin of disobedience. You mustknow that in a great school of this kind, if there were not perfectobedience there would be no order at all."

  "True for you, it looks like it; but then, as far as I can see--and Ihave watched all the girls pretty closely of late--I am the only blacksheep. Now, I should think that one black sheep in a great big orderlyplace of this kind would make a sort of diversion. You would all beafter her, and joking at her, and thinking which of you could get herunder control. Well, I am the black sheep, and I suppose I am sorry."

  "Don't talk any more, Kitty; listen to me."

  "Yes; what is it?"

  "You have been disobedient; you were very inattentive over your historylesson, not knowing it at all. Miss Worrick says, as a matter of fact,you did not even trouble to open your book, and when the time came foryou to go through your lesson you were not able to answer a singlequestion. For this extreme carelessness she desired you to stay in theschoolroom during morning recess. She said you pleaded hard that shewould excuse you, not liking to take the punishment which you richlydeserved; but Miss Worrick, very justly insisted on her word beingobeyed. What then, was her astonishment to see you in the playgroundwalking calmly up and down with Gwin Harley."

  "Yes, dear; and what else could you expect?" answered Kitty.

  "What else could I expect? I don't understand."

  "Well, was it likely now that I would stay in that close, stiflingschoolroom when the sun was shining and there was a bird on a treeoutside singing to me as loud as ever it could? And I had made anarrangement with Gwin Harley to walk up and down with her during recess,and the darling girl had put off two others for me, and was waiting forme. Don't you think it was about natural that I should disobey MissWorrick, whom I never cared twopence for, and go out to Gwin Harley,whom I love? Of course I knew I was disobedient, and I supposed shewould punish me; but I didn't think she would have me up for you tolecture me."

  "You behaved very badly indeed," said Miss Sherrard; "and you are nowtalking in an extremely silly way."

  Kitty bowed her head; the light went out of her eyes, her face turnedpale.

  "What punishment will you invent to torture me with?" she said at lastin a low voice. "I suppose I have done wrong, and I am willing to takethe punishment. What is it?"

  "Of course you must be punished," said the head-mistress; "it wouldnever do to allow disobedience is the school. You see, Kitty--"

  "Oh, bless you, bless you, for calling me by my Christian name,"muttered Kitty Malone.

  "Kitty, I am inclined to take you into my confidence."

  "Are you, indeed? I declare you're an old dear!"

  "You have come to school to learn, have you not?"

  "Not a bit of it," answered Kitty; "I came to school to please the olddad."

  "Your father?"

  "Yes, the dear old dad, the dearest, the best in the world."

  "But what did he send you here for?"

  "Well, I suppose to get knowledge and manners. Ah, bad luck to them! andI suppose also to tame me down a bit. He said he never could manage thatat Castle Malone."

  Miss Sherrard once more gave that faint involuntary smile.

  "Your father sent you here," she said, "to put you under discipline.While you are in this school, my dear girl, you must obey me, and alsothe other teachers. If you are disobedient the other girls will bedisobedient, and then where should we all be?"

  "It would be a lark!" muttered Kitty, with sparkling eyes.

  "Don't interrupt, and please listen. I should be very sorry to send youback to Castle Malone in disgrace. I should be sorry to have to write toyour father in order to tell him that his Kitty, whom he loves--hisbright, pretty, lovable daughter--can never learn manners noraccomplishments, nor be tamed in the very least. There are from six toseven hundred girls in this school, who all now know about your verydaring act of disobedience. Were I not to punish you they would beastonished, and some of them might even go to the length of copying yourbehavior. You see this for yourself, don't you?"

  "Oh, I see it plain enough," answered Kitty; "plain as a pikestaff.What's the punishment to be?"

  Miss Sherrard hesitated. Once more she looked at Kitty; Kitty's eyeswere as bright as stars.

  "You need not be afraid," said the pupil in an encouraging voice. "I amnothing of a coward; I'll take anything in reason. Is it a flogging youare thinking of ordering for me?"

  "Oh, no; we never flog in this school," said Miss Sherrard in a shockedvoice.

  "Why, then, if it is something in the shape of learning a lesson it willgo cruel with me. I don't care for learning, and----"

  "I am afraid, Kitty, that I must give you the kind of punishment whichall the school may know about. All the school now knows of yourdisobedience, and it must also be well aware of your punishment."

  "Good gracious! this sounds exciting," answered Kitty. "I am to have apunishment that all the school will know about."

  "Yes, it is this. To-morrow morning, just before recess, you are to goup to Miss Worrick, and tell her before the entire school that you aresorry you disobeyed her; you are then to offer to stay in during theplay hour."

  "If that's all," said Kitty, "it is not much of a bother. I am to say Iam sorry, and I am to stay in to-morrow. You won't object to mybringing--"

  "I'll hear of no conditions," answered Miss Sherrard, s
tarting to herfeet. "Go away now, my dear girl, and please remember that your fathersent you here to learn, that I trust you will learn, and that you willalso endeavor to be good to--to please me, Kitty."

  Kitty's eyes filled with sudden tears.

  "You are very kind," she murmured. "I know I should soon learn to loveyou. You wouldn't mind letting me give you a hug, would you?"

  "I will certainly kiss you, dear, but no demonstration, please. Kitty, Iknow you have a warm heart; but don't let it lead you into mischief.There is much for you to learn in England, as I doubt not there would bemuch for an English girl to learn in your country."

  "Ah, but it is the dearest land in all the world," said Kitty.

  "I am sure it is to you; but say no more now. I will speak to MissWorrick; she will expect you to do what I have desired to-morrow."