Page 22 of Immortal

Chp. 18

  There were only two guardsmen in the reception area, besides the guard on duty behind the desk. They both greeted Gill as we entered the room. Gill explained to them that he was going to warm me up for the tournament and they moved the two chairs aside giving us more room.

  “Your blade is still enchanted Jake, so don’t worry about hurting me,” Gill said drawing his blade.

  I drew Gwensorloth and saluted him. Sure, it wouldn’t cause lasting damage, but it obviously hurt like hell. There was no way I was going to do that to him. I felt bad about hurting Captain Marchon’s brother, and I hadn’t liked him. I determined not to let my blade touch him as we crossed blades and started dueling.

  It’s hard to describe the calm joy that comes over me when a competition finally starts. Any anxiety I have just fades away. My breathing relaxes and my thoughts become clearer somehow. It’s the only time I feel truly free in body and mind. All the preparation and practice gives purpose to my focused thoughts, and my body becomes a tool to that purpose. I hadn’t personally gone through any preparation or practice for sword fighting, and yet it was a part of me as Gill and I danced back and forth, our swords flashing before us. Thallium’s gift had seen to the knowledge and experience, and it was all a part of me now, even as the blade I held was an extension of my arm.

  I followed him through his different defenses and parried or countered his attacks. I knew from my sparring sessions in Aikido, that there was an intimacy involved in testing your physical skill against another person, but fighting with a deadly sword in your hand took that to a whole new level.

  I’d always enjoyed watching duels in movies, usually rooting for the good guy, though I have to admit, I was rooting for the horned Sith guy in Star Wars and wished he’d stayed around a bit longer. I knew as I danced back and forth with Gill, that the movies didn’t begin to show the subtleties and nuances of sword fighting. How could they? An actor had maybe a month to learn the choreography for a fight scene, and they had to do it in a safe way. You never heard of an actor being skewered or losing a limb on accident during filming.

  Gill backed off, breathing hard and smiled. I smiled back and saluted him again.

  “If I could spar with you for ten years, I still wouldn’t be remotely close to your ability Jake. How did you move from the Petri attack into Guldan’s defense so easily?”

  I shrugged. What could I say? It had all just become a part of me. It was effortless, natural like breathing.

  “ You don’t give yourself enough credit Gill. You are an amazing swordsman,” I said.

  He frowned and sheathed his blade. “I hope Captain Marchon agrees to my request, but I did put the horse before the cart a bit. I should have asked you first, forgive me.”

  “Forgive you what?” I asked, starting to get worried.

  He offered me his hand.

  “I’ve asked Captain Marchon for a leave of absence. It is obvious that you are more than a mercenary guarding a wagon for a merchant, and I would be a part of whatever it is you intend. Will you allow me to go with you on your mission, Jake? I cannot stand apart for this. I know Cenaria like the back of my hand, where it is clear, my friend, that you do not. Allow me join your quest.”

  I stood there in a shock for a moment not knowing what to do. As I looked down at his hand relief began to well up from within me, as if part of the purpose for my staying to fight in this tournament had been achieved. I knew immediately it was Thallium and reached out taking Gill’s hand.

  “If your captain releases you, I’d be honored,” I said smiling back at my new friend.

T Nisbet's Novels