
  “Yes Adam?” she said, awaiting his next few words in suspense.

  “As far as I’m concerned, my job today is done.”

  “What do you mean?” Nancy said, confused by his statement.

  Adam emitted his cheeky laugh which Nancy had grown to appreciate in the few minutes she had known him, and which only meant positive things for her when he did this.

  “I have to go now - I’m sufficiently confident you’re strong enough to stand on your own feet, and that you don’t need me anymore,” Adam said. The waves had calmed somewhat from beforehand, and were luxuriously sweeping along the beach.

  Nancy looked at Adam in desperation, her eyes wild with confusion.

  “But I need you like I’ve never needed anyone before - please stay, don’t go. You’ve given me hope to continue, and not end my life…I owe my life to you,” she said, tears beginning to develop in her eyes.

  Adam looked at her with his shiny blue eyes, and smiled warmly.

  “I wish I could stay longer, but I can’t.”

  Nancy threw her head back, hair flying everywhere.

  “No, no, you can’t go - you’re the best thing that ever happened to me!” she wailed, starting to cry. “What will I do without you?” she wailed.

  Adam again moved towards Nancy and cupped her face in his hands, and smiled keenly at her.

  “But I must go now Nancy. I farewell you, and know that all will be fine,” Adam said. Adam released her, and began to walk into the water from which he had originally emerged.

  “Adam, Adam!” Nancy screamed, but he failed to stop, or react to her protests, and continued walking into the water. She watched him disappear into the water, and, within seconds, he was gone. The ray of sunshine that appeared when Adam first entered her life again made its presence felt, and she rubbed her eyes from the impact. Nancy covered her eyes, and peeked threw her fingers every so often until the sunshine had dissipated. When it had returned to normal, Nancy stood motionless at the edge of the water; the squeal of the seagulls again could be heard. Nancy raised her hands to the sun, and looked ahead with purpose.

  “Thank you Adam, my guardian angel,” Nancy said, looking over at the water where Adam had come into her life. She stayed there for a few minutes, hoping that Adam would again enter her life, but he was nowhere to be seen. When she realized that he was not going to come back, Nancy turned around, and returned to the rock where Adam had comforted her, and sat in silence.

  She was feeling lighter and fresher since her encounter with Adam, and, it was as if a grand weight from her shoulders had been lifted all of a sudden. Adam’s entrance, and disappearance from her life, though, threw this into temporary doubt for her. Was this how things would be from now on; having something beautiful come into her life, only to have it taken away? Was this to be a sign of things to come? No, Nancy considered, today nothing was taken away from her; instead, she received a gift, the gift of her life being given back to her. She also realized that she was special, her life was worth it, and, that taking her life was not a solution to anything.

  Nancy looked out at the ocean where Adam had surfaced, and then at the sun, taking in its warm autumn vivacity. This was one of the things she would have missed if she succeeded in taking her life, being these beautiful autumn days, and the sensation of cool after long summers. Nancy smiled, and knew what she had to do from now on. She would face her problems head on, and, would never be ashamed to ask for help. While the road ahead was not a simple one, Adam showed her that she would be able to conquer this, and, there would be gifts aplenty for her after this phase in her life had ended.

  Nancy slowly arose, and studied the rock where Adam had assisted her. She touched the rock, and stroked it for a few moments. Nancy smiled, remembering Adam, and walked to where she had left her sandals, and slowly put these on. After doing this, Nancy arose from her spot, and climbed the wooden stairs up to the car park. She turned around, and took one final look at the ocean, before making her way back to the car, rejuvenated, and ready to start her new life.

  * * * *

  Nancy’s experience with Adam bode well for her, and she was able to conquer all of her inner demons, and improve her life considerably. She stood up for herself with the problem at work, and brought Carter to justice. She was able to tape record a confession from him affirming that he committed the deed which Nancy was accused of, and the police quickly closed in on him. He was disgraced forever by his actions, and no one wanted to employ him ever again.

  Nancy also took her former employers to court, and won a large settlement in the process. She became even closer to her family, as she admitted what she was about to do, and the sheer shock of this strengthened their family ties. It was also a wakeup call to Emily to not go the same path as her sister if anything ever went awry in her life, and their relationship also enjoyed a renaissance. Other positive effects could be discerned by Nancy’s return to life which she never previously would have imagined possible.

  Her former fiancé Randall begged her to take him back after his new flame left him, but Nancy held firm, and told him that she had moved on forever. Randall left with his tail between his legs, unlike his previous womanizing persona. Nancy eventually fell in love with a man who was a professor at the university where sister Emily worked, and they subsequently married, and had a large family. They built a beautiful Greek Revival home which brought Nancy endless joy and happy family moments. Nancy also opened her own florist business, as she loved to arrange floral bouquets, and this also took off. She built up a substantial clientele who adored her creative arrangements, and word of mouth quickly spread about these. She especially found favor as a provider of elaborate floral wedding arrangements, and also, for other special occasions.

  While difficult situations did surface from time to time in life, Nancy had the foresight, and knowledge to handle these, and emerged a winner. She owed all of this to Adam, because without his intervention that fateful day at the beach, Nancy would never have been able to experience these beautiful life events. While Nancy never again had the opportunity to meet Adam, he was in her heart, and would be there forever after.


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