Page 9 of Turn Me On

  Amanda nodded, thinking about Jenna's words. Maybe Jenna was right and you really couldn't know. But who could ever really know anything? So she had to focus on what she did know. That Derek had been there for her since that very first day. That he loved her. He respected her. She wasn't just window dressing the way she'd sometimes felt with Leo.

  Derek saw her. He respected her and her boundaries. He supported her hopes and helped launch her dreams. He was present in the world with her.

  She frowned. Maybe that was love. Seeing and sticking.

  Amanda started to suggest that to Jenna, but Tiffany Russell, one of the waitresses, burst into the room. "Oh! Sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt, but I was looking for you," she said to Jenna. "Here are Taylor's keys. She said you wanted to borrow her car. I've been using it while mine's in the shop, but I don't need it today."

  "Thank you. Reece has the Volvo and I just need to make a quick run to Costco."

  "Need help?" Amanda asked.

  "I've got it. But thanks. You okay?"

  "Much better. You're amazing."

  "Love you," Jenna said.

  "Right back at you."

  * * *

  Parker took a sip of Scotch. "I think it boils down to the fact that women are weird."

  "Cheers to that," Derek said, lifting his glass to toast with Parker and Landon. On the other side of the bar, the bartender, Eric, looked across the room at a pretty waitress who was clearing glasses. "I'm guessing you agree?" Derek asked, but Eric just muttered something about side work and hurried down the bar.

  "So what do I do, gentlemen?" Derek asked.

  "Do you love her?" Landon tossed back the dregs of his bourbon.

  "Yeah. Not even a doubt."

  "Then you stick," Parker said. "What else can you do?"

  "Run for your life," Landon quipped.

  "My friend in law enforcement has a calloused heart," Derek explained to Parker. "And unfortunately, I think I have to stick. She's holding my heart. Run, and I'd rip the damn thing right out. Pretty sure I need one, too."

  "I'm cutting you off, Pretty Boy," Landon said. "You're getting way too poetic. Or pathetic." He frowned. "Or are those the same?"

  "If you're sticking, tell her. Maybe that's all she needs to hear," Parker said. "If she knows she can't get rid of you, maybe she figures she'll just put up with you."

  "Nice," Derek retorted.

  "Where is she, anyway?"

  Derek lifted a shoulder, then let it fall. "No idea." He blew out a loud breath. "All I want is for her to get her shit together and realize that the two of us together is a good thing. Is that too much to ask?"

  "Not in my book." Landon managed to slur all the words. "But women are weird. That's mostly why I'm done with them."

  "I should call her, right?" Derek looked at Parker, because Landon was less than useful. "Or should I not call her and give her space?"

  Parker shook his head. "I never read the rulebook on those. Not sure you--"


  The horrific sound of tires slamming and metal crunching filled the bar, followed almost immediately by the wail of multiple car sirens.

  There weren't many people in the bar at lunchtime, but those that were bolted for the door, with Landon leading the charge, stone-cold sober now. "Call 911," he yelled to Derek. "Tell them we need an ambulance, and fast."

  "Who's hurt?" Derek asked, waiting for the call to connect, but Landon was already out the door.

  Parker, however, was at the window. "I'll get Reece," he said. "It's Jenna."

  "What?" The cry from behind them came from Tiffany, who was now racing to the door. Amanda was pacing her, but as she passed Derek, she shot him such a pitiful look he almost hung up on 911 just so he could go comfort her.

  "Yes," he said in reply to the dispatcher. He ran through all the answers, gave all the necessary information, then hung up and pushed outside into the noise of the crowd.

  As soon as he was through the door, Amanda threw herself into his arms. He hugged her tight, but his mind was only half on her. He was looking at the car. At Jenna's slumped form. At the hole in the back window that didn't look like it could have come from an accident.

  Landon was at the driver's side beside her, and Tiffany was standing by pacing, holding her cellphone, and telling anyone nearby that she was on the phone with Taylor and there was supposed to be airbags. Why were there no airbags?

  Soon, the wail of sirens filled the street, and at the same time, Reece came running, so fast he looked to be flying. He pushed through the onlookers, his face a mask of terror, then knelt beside her just as the first paramedic arrived on the scene.

  Landon backed away then, consulted with the second paramedic, then finally came over to where Derek stood with his arm around Amanda.

  "They think she's going to be fine. They're taking her in just to be sure, but I think everything will be okay."

  "I think she's pregnant," Amanda said. "She hasn't said anything, but--"

  "She is," Landon said. "She told the paramedics. That's another reason they're taking her in. Just to be safe."

  Amanda nodded, not sure if she should be relieved or worried.

  "One other thing--someone threw a brick through the back window. That's what made her lose control."


  "Who would do that?" Derek asked.

  "No idea. But I'm going to ask around. Try to learn if anyone saw something." He looked between the two of them. "Maybe you two should go home."

  "Maybe we should," Derek said once Landon was out of earshot. "Do you want to come home with me?"

  "No," Amanda said, the word making his heart break a little more. "I mean yes. But I need to tell you something first."


  But he didn't get to finish because she silenced him with a kiss, long and deep and overflowing with passion. "I love you," she said when she pulled away. "More important, I know you love me, too. And I've figured out what that means. It means you're here. With me. Beside me, like for always. Right?"

  He nodded, her words making his legs a little weak. "Nowhere else, baby."

  "That's what I want." She nodded toward the ambulance. "Not the wreck. But what the two of them have. Reece and Jenna. And My parents. And my brother now that he's found Shelby. And I think that's you, Derek." She licked her lips. "The man who'll always be beside me. I think it is. Honestly, I'm sure it is."

  "Baby..." He took her hand, wanting to kiss her, but she was still talking.

  "I'm sorry I was scared. Or stupid. Or both. But I love you." She sniffled. "I think I thought by being an ostrich I could keep myself safe." She nodded at the wreckage. "But you can't do it."

  "No, you can't."

  "Yeah, well, if I'm going to navigate all these long dark scary roads you keep talking about, then I want someone strong by my side. I pick you," she said.

  "Well, that works out great. Because I picked you a long time ago."

  * * *

  "Say it again," Amanda begged as Derek thrust deep inside her. It was still early, but they'd spent the rest of the afternoon in bed making love. Fast and hard. Slow and lazy. Didn't matter. They just wanted each other.

  "Say it," she begged.

  "I love you," Derek murmured as he buried himself inside her. "I love you, Amanda. And I always will."

  "I love you, too," she said, but that was all she could manage, because he was close, and he'd quickened his pace, thrusting deeper each time until he'd completely filled her, and she didn't know where he ended and she began.

  "Touch yourself," he demanded. "Come with me."

  With a moan, she slid her hand between their bodies, then stroked her clit, her passion rising as she felt his muscles tense. And then--faster than she'd anticipated--her body went over. Her sex clenched with the force of the orgasm, milking him. Taking him to the final, utter edge until they both fell, shattered and satisfied, against each other as the world slowly put itself back together.

; "That was spectacular," Amanda murmured.

  "You're spectacular."

  She smiled, but didn't roll over. She was too wiped to even move.

  Or so she thought until the phone rang. Then she leaped for it, saying a silent prayer when she saw it was Reece. "How is she?"

  "Perfect," he said. "And so is the baby."

  "Thank goodness." She nodded to Derek, and gave him a thumbs-up.

  "Jenna said she has a favor to ask Derek, and that surely he won't turn down an injured pregnant woman."

  "What's that?"

  "One of the contestants dropped out of the next Man of the Month contest. She wants him to take the slot."

  Amanda let her eyes drift over the naked man beside her, then decided that she was generous enough to share his bare chest with the world. So long as there was no touching. "He's in," she said, flashing him an evil grin.

  "Shouldn't you ask him?"

  "Nope," she said, scampering backward as Derek tried to grab the phone. "He told me he loved me and that he'd do anything for me. I'm calling in my marker. Wait!" she cried as Derek stole the phone, and the last thing she heard was the echo of Reece's laughter.

  * * *

  Just shy of two weeks later, she stood in the crowd at The Fix on Sixth and watched the crowd ooh and ahhh over her shirtless, gorgeous boyfriend.

  "They do know he's mine," she asked Jenna, who was still using a crutch, but otherwise fine.

  "They know."

  Amanda nodded with satisfaction. "I knew he was going to win, you know."

  "Oh? How?"

  Amanda shrugged. "Simple. He's been my man of the month for the last year. About time he got the title to go with it."

  Then she blew a kiss to the man she loved, and sighed with pleasure when he caught it and sent it right back, his eyes on no woman but her.


  "You either let me check out the apartment, or you come sleep at my house. Your choice." Landon stared down the girl. And considering their ten year age difference, he needed to continue thinking of her as the girl. "I'm not taking risks with you. Brent would have my ass if something happened to you."

  "Brent's not the boss of me." Taylor pushed back her hair as she shrugged, and Landon knew damn well she was trying to act disaffected. But she was spooked.

  Hell, considering everything that had gone on in the last week, she'd be an idiot not to be spooked. First her car with Jenna driving. Now the disturbing notes. And then to come home to find the apartment unlocked. Maybe she'd left it that way ... but he wasn't going to let it slide without checking every inch.

  He put a hand on her shoulder, and felt her stiffen beneath his palm. Immediately, he regretted the action. He'd felt the chemistry between them the first moment they'd met when she'd barreled into him on Sixth Street, almost knocking him over.

  It was that chemistry that had almost kept him from taking this assignment.

  And it was that chemistry that had convinced him to go for it.

  Bottom line, he didn't trust anyone else to keep her safe. So he was on her. Twenty-four hours a day. Just not on her.

  "Wait here," he said, then moved slowly through the place, his weapon at the ready just in case. He checked each room, each closet, each nook and cranny. Nothing.


  "I'm here. I'm good. But can you--ah!"

  He was back by her side in an instant. "What?"

  He'd left her by the closed front door, and he arced the gun, covering the full interior. Nothing.

  "Maybe you imagined it?"

  But even as he asked it, a small tabby cat leaped from the top of the refrigerator, making Landon step forward to get out of its way--and Taylor to jump toward him, obviously not realizing the threat was only a cat.

  She ended up in his arms, her soft body pressed against his. Her curves welcome after so long a dry spell. He told himself no. He told himself all the reasons it would be a bad idea. He told himself he was a fool and an idiot and that he'd regret it in the morning.

  All of the words pounded through him. But so did the heat of her body. So did the rise and fall of her chest.

  "Landon." His name on her lips sounded like sin.

  That was it. That was all it took for him to push every scruple aside. To break every rule he'd set for himself. And with one violent action, he pulled her tight against him, bent his head, and captured her mouth with his.

  * * *

  A note from JK:

  I hope you enjoyed Turn Me On!

  Be sure to grab Landon and Taylor's story, Shake It Up, book 8 in the Man of the Month series!

  * * *

  If you want your very own Man of the Month calendar, you can grab it now! (While supplies last!)

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  Guess what? I have even more exciting things coming in 2018, including more Nikki & Damien Stark! Keep reading for details!

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  Shake It Up

  Be sure not to miss Landon and Taylor in Shake It Up

  * * *

  Romance is the last thing on Detective Landon Ware's mind when agrees to help a friend and keep an eye on one of the women who who works at The Fix. The girl's a looker, but she's too damn young and he's not into anything that even reeks of complicated.

  * * *

  Taylor D'Angelo just wants a break. Hollywood or Broadway, either one will do. And to make matters worse, someone is stalking her, leaving notes in her locker and vandalizing her car.

  * * *

  The connection between Taylor and Landon is instant and incendiary. But as the threats intensify and their desire for each other deepens, Taylor and Landon find themselves drawn into a sensual seduction that could damage his career and put her in danger. Can they find each other and outsmart a determined stalker?

  Grab your copy now: Shake It Up

  * * *

  Who's Your Man of the Month?

  When a group of fiercely determined friends realize their beloved hang-out is in danger of closing, they take matters into their own hands to bring back customers lost to a competing bar. Fighting fire with a heat of their own, they double down with the broad shoulders, six-pack abs, and bare chests of dozens of hot, local guys who they cajole, prod, and coerce into auditioning for a Man of the Month calendar.

  But it's not just the fate of the bar that's at stake. Because as things heat up, each of the men meets his match in this sexy, flirty, and compelling binge-read romance series of twelve novels releasing every other week from New York Times bestselling author J. Kenner.

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  "With each novel featuring a favorite romance trope--beauty and the beast, billionaire bad boys, friends to lovers, second chance romance, secret baby, and more--[the Man of the Month] series hits the heart and soul of romance." New York Times bestselling author Carly Phillips

  * * *

  Down On Me

  Hold On Tight

  Need You Now

  Start Me Up

  Get It On

  In Your Eyes

  Turn Me On

  Shake It Up

  All Night Long

  In Too Deep

  Light My Fire

  Walk The Line

  * * *

  and don't miss Bar Bites: A Man of the Month Cookbook!

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  Want your own Man of the Month calendar? Grab it now! (While supplies last!)

  The Men of Man of the Month!

  Are you eager to learn which Man of the Month book features which sexy hero?

  Here's a handy list!

  Down On Me - meet Reece Hold On Tight - meet Spencer Need You Now - meet Cameron Start Me Up - meet Nolan Get It On - meet Tyree

  In Your Eyes - meet Parker Turn Me On - meet Derek Shake It Up - meet Landon All Night Lo
ng - meet Easton In Too Deep - meet Matthew Light My Fire - meet Griffin Walk The Line - meet Brent

  * * *

  and don't miss Bar Bites: A Man of the Month Cookbook that includes a short story featuring Eric, slices of life, and bonus scenes for all the men!

  Want your own Man of the Month calendar? Grab it now! (While supplies last!)

  Meet Damien Stark

  Only his passion could set her free...

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  The Original Trilogy

  Release Me

  Claim Me

  Complete Me

  And Beyond...

  Anchor Me

  Lost With Me

  Meet Damien Stark in the award-winning and internationally bestselling series that started it all...

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  The Stark Saga by J. Kenner

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  Meet Damien Stark in Release Me, book 1 of the wildly sensual series that's left millions of readers breathless ...

  Chapter One

  A cool ocean breeze caresses my bare shoulders, and I shiver, wishing I'd taken my roommate's advice and brought a shawl with me tonight. I arrived in Los Angeles only four days ago, and I haven't yet adjusted to the concept of summer temperatures changing with the setting of the sun. In Dallas, June is hot, July is hotter, and August is hell.

  Not so in California, at least not by the beach. LA Lesson Number One: Always carry a sweater if you'll be out after dark.

  Of course, I could leave the balcony and go back inside to the party. Mingle with the millionaires. Chat up the celebrities. Gaze dutifully at the paintings. It is a gala art opening, after all, and my boss brought me here to meet and greet and charm and chat. Not to lust over the panorama that is coming alive in front of me. Bloodred clouds bursting against the pale orange sky. Blue-gray waves shimmering with dappled gold.