Page 14 of Sinfully Spellbound

  Chapter Thirteen


  I could not fucking believe that irritating little succubus had casually asked me about the scene again. I’d paid far too much money to have this room with Allie for the next three hours. Yes, I felt like a prick for making it seem like I was buying Allie, especially after the way her boss had acted about the whole thing. I knew damn well her boss thought I was paying to fuck her, and from the looks of it, he had no problem selling her like she was his property.

  So, I was a dick, but I was also desperate to talk to her, and this was the only solution I could come up with. Despite what she wanted to say, we’d connected, and I’d foolishly expected her to be happy to see me. Yet, there she stood, acting like a brat.

  “Can I assume you’d prefer to wait for your partner to arrive to discuss your fantasy?” she asked, pissing me off even more.

  Shoving my hands in my back pockets to prevent myself from reaching out and grabbing her, I turned away and surveyed the room. “The only fantasy going through my mind right now is strapping you to that spanking bench and paddling your ass until it’s bright red as punishment for your bratty behavior.”

  “Bratty behavior?” Allie nearly gasped, and I’d be willing to bet her panties were wet. After only one night together, I already knew what Allie sounded like when she was turned on.

  Slowly turning to face her, I allowed one corner of my mouth to lift in a half-smile. “That’s right,” I said. “Pretending you didn’t have fun with me last night is bratty because we both know you’re lying. I don’t know why you chose to leave this morning, but it’s not because you don’t like me.”

  “I never tried to pretend I didn’t have fun with you,” she argued, moving around the room nervously. She started fluffing the pillows on the bed, and I was asshole enough to get off on making her nervous because it was better than the unaffected bullshit she’d tried pulling. “We had fun, but that doesn’t give you the right to come to my work and treat me like a whore. Why would I like a man who thinks of me that way?”

  “I don’t think you’re a whore, and I promise I’m not asking to fuck you, Allie,” I said softly. “You didn’t give me your number, and Trevor refused to tell me how to get in contact with you. I did this because I wanted to see you again, and this was the only way I knew how.”

  She let out a frustrated sigh and dropped down onto the bed. “I know you don’t think I’m a whore, and I’m being a bitch right now. That doesn’t mean I’m not annoyed at you for pulling this crap.”

  “I’m seriously screwing this up. You may find this hard to believe, but I don’t usually have to chase after women,” I said, moving across the room to stand closer to the bed because I needed to be close to her.

  She snorted. “Duh! You’ve never chased after any woman because they throw themselves at you. That’s what this is really about, isn’t it?” She studied me as if she’d just solved some great mystery. “If I give in to you, you’ll get bored with me and move on to the next woman begging to ride your cock.”

  Her crude comment caused me to let out a startled bark of laughter because I knew she was either trying to shock me or pick a fight. “Care to put that theory to the test?” I asked with a teasing grin. “You can beg to ride my cock until I get bored with you.”

  “You’re impossible,” she said with a laugh.

  I knew I was winning her over, but I couldn’t decide exactly how to proceed from here. Was it best to try to convince her to date me? Or, was it best to work on what we had physically? Just the idea of dating someone was a little scary, but that’s what I wanted with Allie. I wanted to take her out to movies and stupid shit like that.

  “Now that I’ve got you laughing, are you going to give me a chance to spend more time with you?” I asked.