Page 29 of Sinfully Spellbound

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  It was no exaggeration to say I was freaking out about the affinity test. I was also confused by Dylan’s reaction to the whole thing. Why would Dylan agree to this idiotic test? Dylan Hunt did not do relationships, and he hadn’t been swayed by his mom in the past, so why now? Okay, I was intentionally ignoring the fact that he’d been telling me he wanted more with me, but wanting to date me was a far cry from an affinity test.

  Witch marriage was a serious thing because it involved irrevocably linking your power to another. Even though witches who had been joined through ceremonies did separate, the separation left both weakened in many ways. My father had once told me that was the reason he’d stayed in an unhappy marriage for so long. If there was any bond people shouldn’t enter into lightly, it was a witch marriage.

  “Allie? What are you doing here?”

  When I turned, I found my cousin, Melina, walking in with her wrinkled black robe slung over her arm. Her dark brown hair was pulled back from her face, and she wore her usual irritated expression. Technically, Mel wasn’t my cousin. Her mom had been married to my uncle, Demetrius, who was as big a man-whore as my father, apparently. Mel was one of the few other half-witches who the Council considered a witch in good standing, so we were close. She was also the creator of the preternatural television series, Night High. The show was like a cross between Monster High and Beverly Hills 90210, and it was really popular among humans who didn’t realize that most of the actors really were members of the preternatural community.

  “I figured since the meeting was about me, I should come,” I said. “Why are you here? You hate being around the COWs as much as I do.”

  Mel shrugged. “I’m here for the same reason as you. I was worried when I heard someone was killing succubi, and my mom asked me to come in her place today since she was busy. Naturally, all hell broke loose on the set, so I’m late. Stupid vampires are such a pain in the ass,” she muttered.

  “Well, you got lucky and missed the entire meeting,” I said. “All they managed to do was set up a stupid committee to look into how concerned they should be about the murders. No one asked for opinions outside of the council members. It was painfully boring.”

  “Only the Council of Witches could make murder sound boring,” Mel muttered.

  “Seriously, the COWs seemed much more interested in the stupid affinity test than the killings,” I complained.

  Mel rolled her eyes. “Who’s taking the affinity test? I hope they aren’t one of those poor couples being forced into it.”

  “We are,” Dylan said as he came up behind me and slipped an arm around my waist.

  Stupid traitorous body wanted to lean into him and bask in his warmth. Then again, my body seemed to be so sex-drunk, it would let Dylan do anything he wanted.

  Mel laughed so hard she started snorting. “That would be hilarious!”

  “It’s not a joke,” I grumbled, crossing my arms in front of my chest and pulling away from Dylan, even though I really didn’t want to.

  “Why would you take an affinity test with Dylan Hunt?” she asked. “Everyone knows he only screws humans so he can avoid this sort of thing. Plus, we both know your father wouldn’t force you to accept any warlock. You aren’t the type to fall for warlocks like Dylan, anyway. The only people stupid enough to do that are those simpering little twits who think they need to marry the right warlock to move up in the world or maintain their status. No, you’re too smart to fall for someone like him.”

  “I am standing right here,” Dylan said dryly.

  “Yes, I’m aware of that fact.” Mel barely glanced at him as she spoke. “Now, be a good warlock and shut it.”

  I almost laughed at Dylan’s shocked expression. Mel had that effect on most people.

  “What the fuck was that about?” Trevor demanded as he joined us. The meeting was letting out, and several witches and warlocks were lingering to try to hear my conversation with Dylan. We’d certainly be the talk of the witch community after what had just happened. It had been my goal to go unnoticed among the witch community, and I’d managed to accomplish that very well for most of my life. One meeting had changed it all. Scratch that—Dylan Hunt had changed all of that. Okay, it wasn’t exactly fair to blame him, since my outburst would have made me a major topic of gossip anyway—nothing compared to being known as the witch Dylan Hunt was willingly taking an affinity test with. Many single witches would likely be cursing me tonight—only figuratively if I was lucky.

  “Get the hell out of here!” Mel snapped at the eavesdropping witches and warlocks. “Those people get on my last nerve. Fucking witches.”

  Most people found my cousin intimidating, which came in handy. Since Mel’s father was a higher ranking demon, she had some scary abilities that went way beyond what your average witch could do.

  When we were alone, Mel finally spoke again. “Let me guess, Isadora Hunt figures this is her chance to get her man-whore son to settle down.”

  “Still standing right here,” Dylan reminded her.

  “Still need you to be quiet,” Mel shot back with a sweet smile.

  “That’s exactly what happened!” I said, ignoring Mel’s exchange with Dylan. “Naturally, I said no and told them my father would never force the issue.”

  “From what I can tell, he wouldn’t force the issue. I mean, he’s made no secret of the fact that he’d like to see you find a warlock, but he’s never really pushed you, right?” Mel asked.

  “I always believed that,” I said with a sigh. “Dylan’s mom brought up how being with Dylan would mean I could leave my job. My dad’s unhappy about me working at SpellBinders,” I reminded her, and she nodded her understanding. “Things are worse now that I was almost attacked, possibly killed, last night.”

  “Wait!” Mel said with a hand up to halt me. “You were almost killed last night?”

  I nodded. “Someone was following me when I was heading from SpellBinders to my car, and I barely got away,” I explained. “The police and Dylan think it was probably the killer, and my dad’s freaking out about the whole thing.”

  “I don’t blame him,” Mel said. “How did you get away?”

  “Dylan saved me,” I answered without elaborating.

  Mel looked at him. “Fine, you’re good for something,” she said.

  Dylan simply raised an eyebrow.

  “So, your father agreed because he’s worried about your safety,” Mel concluded.

  “First, this idiot asked when the affinity test would be,” I told her, pointing a thumb at Dylan. “Before that, he made it clear I was wearing his robe color because I was somehow under his protection.”

  “You are,” Dylan muttered.

  “Next, he’ll be trying to get ‘property of Dylan Hunt’ tattooed on my forehead,” I muttered.

  “After I pee on you, of course,” Dylan added, clearly amused by my rant.

  “Why were you wearing his color?” Mel asked.

  “I didn’t have my robe with me, so Trevor loaned me one of his sisters’ robes,” I explained. “At the time, I didn’t think about the robe color, probably because I don’t attend many meetings with the COWs.”

  Mel looked at Trevor, and he stepped forward. “I don’t believe we’ve met.” He stared lovingly at Mel.

  Mel actually blushed under his scrutiny, which was funny considering she didn’t go for warlocks any more than I did. “No, we haven’t, but Allie’s told me about you.”

  “All good, I hope,” Trevor said, leaning in closer to Mel.

  “I was honest with her,” I told Trevor, and Mel laughed when he looked distressed. “She won’t go out with you, anyway,” I told Trevor.

  “She’s right,” Mel agreed. “I don’t mess around with your kind.”

  “My kind?” Trevor asked.

  “Warlocks,” she clarified.

  Trevor looked like he was about to push the issue, but Mel turned her attention to Dylan. “Why would you
agree to any of this, Dylan? Actually, it sounds more like you’re encouraging it.”

  “Because it’s the right thing to do,” my dad said as he approached us. “Dylan is responsible for Alana’s care already. There’s no reason to avoid the test when it was obvious to everyone in that room what the outcome will be. I’ll admit that I was against Dylan becoming involved with Alana at first, but I’ve had a change of heart.”

  The thing that really made me angry about older warlocks, like my dad, was their tendency to believe all women needed a big strong man to take care of them. Of course, I knew arguing with my dad about this was a waste of time.

  “You make it sound like Allie’s a pet in need of care,” Dylan snapped. “She’s a responsible adult.”

  The anger I’d felt for Dylan drained some when he defended me to my father. Most wouldn’t do that. Giving him a smile, I mouthed a thank you, which seemed to surprise him. My dad’s lack of reaction surprised me and made me wonder what he was up to.

  “Taking the test really couldn’t hurt,” Mel said thoughtfully. “Other than the fact that you’d have to attend another boring council meeting, that is. Oh, and hundreds of single young witches probably hate you now.”

  My dad pulled me in for a hug. “I know you’re angry with me about this, but I’m doing this for your own good,” he insisted, and I was only able to forgive him because I knew he believed that. “This is because I love you.”

  “I love you too, Dad,” I said, hugging him back.

  “Try not to be too hard on Dylan,” he said as he walked away from us.

  After he was out of the room, I let out a frustrated sigh. “This whole thing is a waste of time,” I insisted. “We’re not a good match.”

  “Then you agree to do it,” Dylan said with an annoying smirk.

  “I never said that,” I argued. “Why would I agree to the test when I know we’re not a good match? It’s a stupid waste of time.”

  “How about if we make this more entertaining?” Dylan suggested.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “We take the test, and if we fail, I’ll agree to leave you alone,” Dylan said. “That is provided you want me to leave you alone, which I don’t think you do.”

  “Fine,” I agreed. “We take it and after we fail, you’ll leave when I tell you to. No more stalking me or buying information about me. Definitely no more ordering me around.”

  Dylan’s lips curled into a predatory smile. “And when we pass the test?”

  I gave him an indifferent shrug. “What do I care? We won’t pass, so you could ask me to dance naked in the middle of a shopping mall for all I care.”

  Trevor laughed.

  “A bit of advice, cousin,” Mel interrupted as she looked between Dylan and me. “Don’t bet anything you aren’t willing to lose.”

  “Smart and beautiful,” Trevor said as he sidled closer to Mel despite her glare. “Allie has a history of losing bets with Dylan.”

  Mel snorted and gave Trevor a look that usually made other witches back down. That look wasn’t working on Trevor. “Don’t try that flattery crap with me.”

  Trevor blinked innocently at her, and I felt a little bad for him.

  “One lost bet does not mean I have a history of losing bets to Dylan,” I argued.

  “How many have you won?” Mel asked.

  “None,” Dylan answered for me. “Soon, she’ll have lost two bets to me. I think this is becoming a trend in our relationship.”

  “We don’t have a relationship,” I insisted. “You don’t sleep with witches because you don’t do relationships.”

  “As I recall, you’re a witch in good standing,” Dylan remarked.

  “Fine, you screwed me,” I snapped. “But you didn’t know I was a witch when it happened.”

  Something inside Dylan snapped, and he took the two steps to bring us toe to toe before gripping my shoulders and glaring at me. “I did not screw you,” he clarified through his teeth.

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but stop being a bitch, Allie,” Mel said.

  “You’re taking his side?” I asked in disbelief. I would have spun to face her, but Dylan didn’t seem in any hurry to release his grip on my shoulders.

  “You’re just fighting with Dylan to be difficult,” Mel said. “Believe me. I know how that goes. I’m the queen of all bitches most days.”

  “You’re just feisty,” Trevor argued.

  “I’m getting ready to castrate you, pretty boy,” Mel threatened.

  “You think I’m attractive?” Trevor asked, clearly pleased and missing the point of the threat.

  Mel rolled her eyes and returned her attention to us. “Enough games. What do you want if you win the bet, Dylan?”

  “I want Allie,” Dylan said. “If the test proves we’re a good match, which it will, I want her to agree to stay with me, even after the police catch the killer.”

  Trevor looked like he was about to swallow his tongue, and I totally knew how he felt. Even Dylan looked shocked by his own words.

  “I’m not going to bet my freedom!” I practically gasped. What Dylan was suggesting was insane. “You aren’t even interested in that kind of relationship.”

  “Why the hesitation, Allie?” Dylan asked. “I thought you were sure I couldn’t win this bet.”

  “I am sure you can’t win this bet,” I insisted, but that was a lie. The scariest part of this was that I wasn’t sure I wanted him to lose the bet. I wanted to trust Dylan despite the many reasons I had not to trust any warlock’s ability to remain faithful.

  “What’s it going to be, Allie?” Dylan pushed.

  “I won’t bet that,” I finally said. “No matter what happens with the affinity test, I won’t give up my freedom to decide if I want to leave you.”

  Dylan stared at me for a long moment before releasing me and taking a step back. “And I won’t give you up. How about if we just stick to the same terms as our original bet?”

  I nodded. “Deal.”

  “I guess I’d better get back to the studio before my lead actors tear each other’s throats out,” Mel said, and I knew she didn’t mean that figuratively. “If you run into my mom, tell her I was at the meeting. She’ll have a fit if she finds out I missed the whole thing.”

  “I can drive you to the studio,” Trevor offered.

  Mel raised an eyebrow. “You think I need a ride?”

  Trevor shrugged. “I thought you might.”

  “How do you think I got here?” she asked. “Do you think I rode my broom?”

  “Speaking of acting like a bitch,” I said quietly, and Mel laughed.

  “You know I’m a bitch,” Mel said. “Everyone knows that. Well, everyone expect the pretty warlock, but he’ll figure it out.”

  “It seems her broom is shoved up her sexy ass,” Trevor muttered, and Mel laughed.

  “We’re going home,” Dylan said to Trevor. “I’ll call you later.”

  “I need to go to work,” I insisted.

  “Marcos will give you the night off,” Dylan snapped.

  “Unlike you, I have bills to pay,” I argued.

  “Are you honestly trying to tell me your father doesn’t pay any of your bills?” Trevor interrupted. “The Talbots are very well off.”

  “I don’t want his money,” I insisted. “Besides, it’s more than the money.”

  Dylan obviously wanted to argue with me, and I had to give him credit for reining it in. “I’m just worried about you being there after last night,” he admitted. “If something happened to you, I’d never forgive myself.”

  Okay, now I really felt like a bitch. “Maybe we can come up with a solution to make us both happy.”

  Dylan visibly relaxed and reached out to stroke my cheek. “What the hell are you doing to me, Allie?” Before I could answer, he pulled away. “I’ll take you home to change, and I’ll hang out at SpellBinders for the night.”

  He braced himself for my argument, but his suggestio
n seemed reasonable. “Okay, but we’d better hurry or I’ll be late.