Page 60 of Sinfully Spellbound

  Chapter Fifty-Nine


  Entering the playroom, I found a diminutive balding man with glasses waiting nervously for me, and I couldn’t help but smile.

  “How are you this evening, Ned?” I asked my client. Ned might look like nothing dangerous, but he was a dark Fae and rumored to be a lethal killer.

  “I need you to get me the dirtiest whore you have,” he said in a nasally voice.

  “Absolutely!” I assured him, and headed out to the club, wondering what Matilda, Ned’s wife, would be wearing this time.

  As always, Matilda did not disappoint. Dressed in a lacey bodysuit that barely covered her nipples and vagina, Matilda sat at the bar. Overly curvy and incredibly tall, Matilda took up two barstools, and the men around her looked like they weren’t sure if they were attracted or repulsed by her. That was the thing about Matilda’s beauty. With black hair flowing down her back, eyes like the deepest rubies, and porcelain skin that looked unreal, Matilda never looked human. She could also kill you with a thought. When she caught sight of me, she jumped up, and I soon found myself buried in Matilda’s enormous bosom.

  “Allie!” she squealed. “It’s so good to see you. Oops! Sorry, I’m supposed to be in character.”

  “Don’t worry,” I assured her. “I won’t tell Ned you didn’t play along.”

  “Thank you,” she said, finally releasing me. “His feelings get hurt if I get distracted. Silly man thinks it’s because I’m bored.”

  These were the types of customers I was going to miss. “I should probably tell you that I’m leaving SpellBinders.”

  Matilda gave a little pout. “I can’t say I blame you, but we sure will miss you. None of the others take care of us like you.”

  “I’ll miss you, too,” I said honestly. “How about if we get you back to the room before Ned starts to worry?”

  Matilda grinned. “Lead the way.”

  It only took me a few minutes to get Ned and Matilda settled and on their way to making Ned’s current fantasy come to life.

  I’d been trying to talk to Marcos all night, but it was almost like he was avoiding me. I finally caught up with him about an hour before the end of my shift. “Marcos!” I called out to get his attention.

  “What’s up, Al?” He sounded distracted and annoyed.

  “Can I have a word with you, please?” I asked.

  “Sure thing, babe. Where’s your bodyguard?” he asked, looking around. “You were supposed to let me know on the nights your warlock couldn’t be here so I could assign someone to watch you.”

  “They caught the killer, so I’m on my own tonight,” I explained.

  “Now, that’s good news,” Marcos muttered almost too quietly for me to hear.

  “Dylan is still picking me up after work,” I told him. “In fact, he should be here in about half an hour or so. There was something I needed to discuss with you before I leave tonight.”

  “Let’s head to my office, and you can tell me what you need,” Marcos said, motioning for me to walk in front of him.

  When we got to his office, Marcos poured us each a drink, even though he knew I never drank at work. It wasn’t against the rules, but I never felt right about it.

  “This is my last night,” I said. “I already checked the schedule, and you have more than enough people to cover for my last few days. The two new succubi are doing great here, so I really don’t think you need me.” Waiting for Marcos’ reaction, I wasn’t sure what it would be. While I was right about him not needing me, Marcos was a control freak, and he might argue about me not working the rest of my scheduled shifts just because it hadn’t been his idea.

  “I see.” Marcos looked thoughtful. “What brought about this decision? Not a lot of jobs out there for sex demons, so I’m guessing you don’t have anything lined up yet.”

  “I don’t have another job yet,” I explained. “As crazy as this may sound, I’m trying to make things work with Dylan, and this job is a constant source of tension between us. It’s best if I don’t come back after tonight.”

  Marcos stood and walked around me toward his filing cabinet. Despite the invention of computers, Marcos still kept most information on paper. That was pretty common with older demons. “I’m disappointed that you’d let a warlock interfere with your obligations,” he said, and I heard him riffling through the file cabinet behind me, probably looking for discharge paperwork.

  “I understand,” I uttered, turning to him with a forced smile. That smile died when I saw the hate in Marcos’ eyes as he approached me holding something in his fisted left hand. Standing, I tried to back away.

  “Let’s go for a ride, Al,” he said.

  “I’d rather not,” I argued, just as he tossed a blue coin at me. There was a bright flash of light, right before I lost consciousness.