"Will the young lady on the extreme right please come forward?" said Mr.Southard pleasantly, indicating Marian Barber, who rather timidlyobeyed, taking the book he held out to her. At his request, she began toread from Orlando's entrance, in the first scene of the fourth act. Shefaltered a little on the first two lines, but shortly regained hercourage and read on in her best manner. When she had read about a dozenlines he motioned for her to cease reading, said something to MissTebbs, who made an entry on her pad, and beckoned to the girl next toMarian to come forward.

  Straight down the line he went, sometimes stopping a girl at her thirdor fourth line, rarely allowing them to read farther than the eleventhor twelfth.

  Nora was the second Phi Sigma Tau to undergo the ordeal. As she brisklydelivered the opening lines, the actor stopped her. Taking the book fromher, he turned to the part where Touchstone, quaintly humorous, holdsforth upon "the lie seven times removed."

  "Read this," he said briefly, holding out the book to Nora.

  Nora began and read glibly on, unconsciously emphasizing as she did so.Down one page she read and half way through the next before Mr. Southardseemed satisfied.

  Then he again held conversation with Miss Tebbs, who nodded and lookedsmilingly toward Nora, who stood scowling faintly, rather ill-pleased atattracting so much attention.

  "It looks as though Nora had made an impression, doesn't it!" whisperedJessica to Grace, who was about to reply when Mr. Southard motioned toher. Grace, who knew the scene by heart, went fearlessly forward, andread the lines with splendid emphasis. Marian and Eva Allen followedher, and acquitted themselves with credit. Then Eleanor's turn came.Handing her coat, which she had taken off and carried upon her arm, toEdna Wright, she walked proudly over, then, without a trace ofself-consciousness, began the reading of the designated lines. Her voicesounded unusually clear and sweet, yet lacked something of the power ofexpression displayed by Grace in her rendering of the same scene. Whenshe had finished she handed the book back with an air of studiedindifference she was far from feeling. She had decided in her own mindthat Rosalind was the part best suited to her, and felt that the honornow lay between herself and Grace. No other girls, with the exception ofNora, had been allowed to read as much of any scene as they two had beenrequested to read.

  But Eleanor had reckoned without her host, for there was one girl whohad not as yet come to the front. The girl was Anne Pierson, who in somemysterious manner had been all but overlooked, until Miss Tebbs spiedher standing between Grace and Nora.

  "Can you spare us a moment more, Mr. Southard?" said Miss Tebbs to theactor, who was preparing to leave. "You have almost missed hearing oneof my best girls. Come here, Anne, and prove the truth of my words."

  Grace drew a long breath of relief. She had eagerly awaited Anne's turnand was about to call Miss Tebbs's attention to Anne, just as thatteacher had observed her.

  As most of the girls present had heard Anne recite, there was a greatcraning of necks and a faint murmur of expectancy as she took her place.They expected her to live up to her reputation and she had scarcelydelivered the opening line before they realized that she would notdisappoint them.

  Her musical voice vibrated with expression and the mock-seriousbantering tones in which she delivered Rosalind's witty speeches causedMr. Southard to smile and nod approvingly as she gave full value to theimmortal lines. Her change of voice from Rosalind to Orlando was whollydelightful, and so charmingly did she depict both characters that whenshe ended with Orlando's exit she received a little ovation from thelistening girls, in which Mr. Southard and Miss Tebbs joined.

  "She's won! She's won! I'm so glad," Grace said softly to Nora andJessica. "I wanted her to play Rosalind, and I knew she could do it.Look, girls! Mr. Southard is shaking hands with her."

  True enough, Anne was shyly shaking hands with the great actor, who wascongratulating her warmly upon her recent effort.

  "I have never before heard an amateur read those lines as well as youhave to-day, Miss Pierson," he said. "I am sure Rosalind will be safewith you, for few professional women could have done better. If I amanywhere near here when your play is enacted, I shall make it a point tocome and see it."

  Shaking hands warmly with Miss Tebbs and bowing to the admiring girls,Mr. Southard hurriedly departed, leaving his audience devoured withcuriosity as to the chosen ones.

  Anne stood perfectly still, looking rather dazed. The unexpected hadhappened. She was to have not only a part, but the best part, at that.The girls gathered eagerly about her, congratulating her on her success,but she was too overcome to thank them, and smiled at them through amist of tears.

  "Look at Eleanor," whispered Nora to Grace. "She's so angry she can'tsee straight. She must have wanted to play Rosalind herself. I told youshe'd sulk if she couldn't be the leading lady."

  Grace glanced over toward Eleanor, who stood biting her lip, her handsclenched and her face set in angry lines.

  "She looks like the 'Vendetta' or the 'Camorra' or some other Italianvengeance agency, doesn't she?" said Nora with a giggle.

  Grace laughed in spite of herself at Nora's remark, but regretted it thenext moment, for Eleanor saw the glances directed toward her and heardNora's giggle. She turned white and half started toward Grace, thenstopped, and, turning her back upon the Phi Sigma Tau, began talking toEdna Wright.

  Just then Miss Tebbs, who had been busy with her list, announced thatshe would now name the cast, and all conversation ceased as by magic.

  Miriam Nesbit was intrusted with the "Duke," while Marian Barber was toplay "Frederick," his brother. Jessica was in raptures over "Phebe,"while Nora had captured "Touchstone," Eva Allen, "Audrey," and, to hergreat delight, Grace was told that she was to play "Orlando," withEleanor as "Celia." The other parts were assigned among the sophomoresand freshmen who had made the best showing, Mabel Allison getting thepart of Jaques.

  "You will report for rehearsal next Tuesday afternoon after school, whentypewritten copies of your parts will be handed you," said Miss Tebbs,as she was about to leave the room.

  The moment Miss Tebbs ceased talking the girls began, as they gatheredin little groups around the lucky ones and gave vent to their feelingswith many exclamations of approval and congratulation. Several girlsapproached Eleanor, but she fairly ran from them and hurried out of thegymnasium after Miss Tebbs with Edna Wright and Daisy Culver at herheels.

  "There goes Eleanor after Miss Tebbs," observed Marian Barber. "What doyou suppose she's up to now?"

  "Oh, never mind her," said Nora impatiently. "You'll see enough of herduring rehearsal. It will be so pleasant to rehearse with her,considering that she isn't on speaking terms with any of us."

  Had the girl chums known then what Eleanor "was up to," it would havebeen a matter of surprise and indignation to all of them. Afterimperiously commanding her satellites to wait for her in the corridor,Eleanor overtook Miss Tebbs just outside Miss Thompson's office.

  "I want to speak to you, Miss Tebbs," said Eleanor as the teacherpaused, her hand on the doorknob.

  "Well, what can I do for you, Miss Savell?"

  "I want to speak to you about the play. I wish to play Rosalind," saidEleanor with calm assurance.

  "But, my dear child, Anne Pierson is to play Rosalind," replied MissTebbs. "Mr. Southard particularly commended her work. Did you not hearwhat he said?"

  "Oh, yes; I heard him complimenting her," replied Eleanor complacently,"but I feel sure that I can do more with it than she can. I did not domy best work to-day. Besides, Miss Pierson is too short. I am certain ofmaking a better appearance."

  "What you say about appearance is quite true, Miss Savell," replied MissTebbs frankly. "Beyond a doubt you would make a beautiful Rosalind; butI am convinced that no other girl can enact the part with the spirit anddash that Miss Pierson can. Your part of Celia is very well suited toyou, and you can win plenty of applause playing it. You must understand,however, that once having giv
en out a part, I should not attempt to takeit from the girl I had given it to simply because some other girldesired it. That would be both unfair and unjust. The only thing I couldpromise you would be to allow you to understudy Rosalind in caseanything happened to Miss Pierson. Would you care to understudy thepart?"

  Eleanor was silent for a moment. Miss Tebbs, looking a trifle impatient,stood awaiting her reply.

  "I should like to do that," Eleanor said slowly, a curious light in hereyes. "Thank you very much, Miss Tebbs."

  "You are welcome," replied the teacher. "Be sure and be prompt atrehearsal next Tuesday."

  As Miss Tebbs entered the office, Eleanor turned and walked slowly downthe corridor.

  "So Miss Tebbs thinks I ought to be satisfied with 'Celia,'" shemuttered. "Very well, I'll rehearse Celia, but I'll understudy Rosalind,and it will be very strange if something doesn't happen to MissPierson."