Cooper laughed. “What, they booed you off the stage or something?”

  “No, I’m just having a bad day. Or maybe a bad week.”

  “Well, at least you look hot.”

  His teasing voice brought a smile to her lips. She glanced down at the knee-length black dress she wore, with its low-cut neckline and flouncy skirt. Newly purchased, of course, and she’d accessorized with a pair of black flats and a silver pendant that nestled in her cleavage. As much as she hated to admit it, she was actually enjoying her new look. She’d never bothered before because it took too much effort, but the makeover had succeeded in making her feel really good about herself. She liked looking pretty. Even if Owen Bishop didn’t appreciate it.

  At the thought of him, her heart twisted in her chest, and a rush of embarrassment filled her belly. She couldn’t stop wondering whether she’d blown her chance with Owen because she hadn’t been sex-capable enough.

  “Potential, remember?” Cooper went on, shoving his hands into the pockets of his faded blue jeans. “Told ya you had it in you. You look like a total temptress tonight.”

  Her shoulders sagged. “Well, apparently dressing like a temptress and being a temptress are two separate things.”

  He wrinkled his brow, and she took his moment of confusion as an opportunity to study his face. He really was an attractive man, with those chiseled features and long, muscular body, but it wasn’t his good looks she was thinking about when she studied him. It was his reputation. Ladies man. Sex god. Cooper would have no trouble in the sex department. He’d probably known from birth exactly what to do when in the company of the opposite sex.

  It was too bad he couldn’t teach her a few tricks.

  Maddie bit her lip suddenly.

  Well, why couldn’t he?

  “We’re friends, right, Coop?” she said slowly, searching his dark eyes.

  His forehead creased. “Yeah, of course.”

  “You’d help me out if I was in a jam?”

  The crease deepened, his expression growing even more bewildered. “You know I would.” He suddenly swore. “Are you in a jam? What the hell did you do?”

  She bristled. “I didn’t do anything. Actually—” she huffed out a breath, “—that’s the problem.”

  “Would you quit talking in riddles and tell me what’s going on?”

  “Nothing. I just wanted to make sure that if I needed help, you’d give it to me.”

  “You know I would,” he said gruffly.

  “Okay.” She drew in a courageous breath. “I need your help.”

  His eyes narrowed. “What do you need me to do?”

  She exhaled in a big rush. “Show me how to turn you on.”

  Chapter Six

  Coughing wildly, Cooper stared at her in shock. “What?”

  It wasn’t often that she was able to catch Cooper Grady off guard. Maddie glanced at him in amusement, wondering if she should point out that there was an honest-to-God blush on his cheeks. Probably not. Cooper was incredibly proud of his manliness.

  “I’m not even sure what that means,” he sputtered.

  “Exactly what it sounds like. I want to learn how to turn you on.”

  Now his cheeks were beet red, and from the harried way he was rubbing them, he probably realized he was blushing like a schoolgirl. “Why?” he croaked. “We’re…me…and you…are you saying you’re into me? Oh fuck. If I led you on in any way, I—”

  “I’m not into you,” she cut in, rolling her eyes.

  “Then why?”

  “Because…” She inhaled a deep breath. “Don’t breathe a word of this to anyone, okay?”

  “How could I? I have no idea what we’re even talking about.”

  She ignored him. “I almost slept with Owen last night.”

  Cooper blinked in surprise. “What?”

  “We…he…we fooled around, okay? And there were some awkward moments, I guess.” Her cheeks flamed. “And then he stopped it, and referred to what we did as nice and fine.”

  Cooper laughed. Evidently he’d gotten over his shock and was reverting back to his usual state of being: insensitive asshole.

  “Don’t you dare laugh,” she snapped. “It’s not funny. It’s embarrassing.”

  He had the decency to look penitent. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have laughed.” He sighed. “So what does this have to do with me?”

  “I… God, this is humiliating…” She took a breath. “I think he thinks I suck at sex, and that’s why he stopped it.”

  Cooper gave her a patronizing grin. “People don’t suck at sex, darlin’.”

  “What if I do? I’ve only done it with one guy, and that was four years ago.”

  “You haven’t had sex in four years?” he exclaimed.

  Annoyance prickled her skin. “I’ve been busy. I went on a few dates, a couple of guys my brothers set me up with. But nothing serious.”

  “And you want to sleep with Owen?”

  “Yes. But I don’t want to be all clumsy and amateur about it. I want to feel confident and bold and sexy.” She gave him an imploring look. “I want to practice first.”

  He sighed. “This has bad idea written all over it, Mad.”

  Her chin lifted in determination. “I think I need to do this. I need to prove this to myself.”

  “Prove what?” he asked warily.

  “That I’m not some inexperienced loser.” As she said the words, her chest suddenly felt lighter. “Sex appeal isn’t my strong suit, all right? I’m a tomboy—look how long it took me to start dressing like a girl, for Pete’s sake.” She swallowed. “But I don’t want to be a tomboy in the bedroom. I want to feel feminine and desirable.”

  “For Owen.”

  “For me,” she corrected.

  Cooper coughed again. “And I’m your guinea pig?”

  “Don’t act like it’s such a horrifying idea. You love sex. You’ll have it with anybody.”

  “Oh really?” he said with a mocking lift of his eyebrows. “Maybe I’m a virgin—ever think of that?”

  She faltered, and he laughed. “No, I’m not a virgin,” he admitted. “But we’re friends, Maddie. It would be weird.”

  “No, it wouldn’t. It would be perfect. We’re not in love with each other, and never will be. And I know you think I’m attractive, at least now that I’m looking all cute and sexy. And I think you’re attractive. So let’s just try it.”

  After a moment of silence, he let out a heavy breath. “You’re drunk.”

  “Not that drunk.”

  “Fine, then you’re crazy.”

  “Maybe, but can’t you just be a good friend and help me out? Let’s see what happens. If you’re attracted to me, we’ll know. And if you’re not, and can’t get it up, I won’t even be offended because at least you tried to help.”

  “I can always get it up.”

  The wounded look on his face made her laugh. She should have known that the way to gain his assistance was to suggest that he couldn’t spring a boner in her presence.

  “Prove it,” she answered with a grin. “Be a good friend and take me home tonight.”

  His sexy face scrunched up, both pensive and apprehensive. He was silent for so long she felt a burst of disappointment, knowing she’d lost, but then Cooper exhaled slowly and said, “One condition. Well, two.”

  “Name them.”

  “One, you don’t tell anyone about this, especially the boss.” He scowled. “If you two live happily ever after, I don’t want him firing me because I slept with his girl.”

  “Deal. What else?” she asked.

  “You help me with the renovations I’m doing on my place.”

  She gaped at him. “You’re trading sex for manual labor?”

  Cooper shrugged. “I don’t exactly have the cash to hire a crew to help me, and I know you know your way around a hammer and power tools, so…”

  She couldn’t fight back a laugh. Wasn’t a bad deal, though, she realized when she thought about it. She’d
always enjoyed working with her hands. Speaking of hands, she stuck one out in Cooper’s direction. “Fine, I’ll help. Shake on it?”

  After a moment of reluctance, he broke out in a grin and shook her hand. “Let’s go,” he said, rolling his eyes. “If we’re going to show you how to step up your game from nice to un-fucking-believable, we have a long night ahead of us.”

  Lexie knew something was wrong when she got off the stage and noticed Maddie at the table, bending down to pick up her purse from the chair. It hadn’t taken a rocket scientist to figure out that the younger woman was upset over Owen Bishop, and though Lexie had tried making Maddie feel better about it, she didn’t think she’d succeeded.

  Charlotte must have noticed Maddie getting her purse too, because she hurried over to the table at the same time Lexie reached it. Brushing a strand of red hair from her forehead, Charlotte fixed a concerned look on her bridesmaid. “Are you leaving already?”

  Maddie nodded in apology. “Yeah, I am. I think I drank too many martinis and I have a bit of a headache now.”

  Lexie didn’t buy the excuse. There was an odd flush to Maddie’s cheeks, a strange look in her brown eyes. She suddenly realized that Maddie didn’t look at all upset anymore. If anything, she seemed…satisfied?

  “Oh, that sucks,” Charlotte said, sounding genuinely regretful. “Go home then, drink some water and take an Aspirin.”

  Relief crossed Maddie’s face. “You’re not angry that I’m leaving?”

  “Not at all,” Charlotte replied. She waved a hand to the stage, where Laura Easton was singing a duet with the reluctant bartender she’d dragged up there. “We’ll manage without you.” Charlotte leaned forward to squeeze Maddie’s arm. “I hope your head feels better.”

  As the singer wandered off, Lexie took a step forward and said, “I’ll walk you out.”

  “No, that’s okay,” Maddie said quickly. “I called a cab when I went outside for air, and it should be here already. Enjoy the rest of the night, Lex.”

  Without waiting for a reply, Maddie hurried off. Narrowing her eyes, Lexie watched her go, wondering what the girl was up to.

  Then an idea dawned on her.

  Had Owen finally come around? Maybe with three martinis in her system, Maddie had found the nerve to call him, and he was coming here to pick her up and whisk her away for a night of long-deserved passion.

  As the corners of her mouth lifted in a smile, Lexie headed for the door, needing to see for herself if her suspicions were correct. She really hoped so, for Maddie’s sake. The woman had undergone a drastic makeover to catch that jerk’s eye—it was about time he noticed her.

  In case Maddie was standing out there indeed waiting for a cab, Lexie opened one of the double doors an inch, not wanting to look like a nosy Nancy or anything. She peered out into the dark night. And gasped.

  Was that… Was Maddie getting into Cooper Grady’s pickup?

  Lexie squinted. No, that could be anyone’s truck, nearly every man in Paradise owned a black Dodge. She poked her head out for a better look and caught sight of the man leaning into the passenger seat to greet Maddie. Black hair, a flash of straight white teeth.


  Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. A rush of disbelief and anger filled her body, the taste of bitter betrayal burning her throat. Why was Maddie going off with Cooper? Lexie knew they worked together, but she hadn’t realized they were more than professional acquaintances.

  The taillights blinked red as the truck drove out of the parking lot. Lexie swallowed down the lump in the back of her throat, knowing she had no reason to feel this upset. She’d ended it with Cooper, and as for her new friend, hadn’t she just been urging her to forget about Owen Bishop and find someone else? Well, Maddie had taken the advice to heart, apparently.

  Letting the door swing closed, Lexie sagged against the heavy wood and tried to snuff out the irritating sparks of anger in her gut. Cooper was a grown man. He could spend time with whomever he pleased. And he had no reason to be faithful to her, not since she’d banished him from her life.

  So why did the sight of him with another woman hurt so much?

  Cooper had been right about his place needing renovations. The first thing she noticed when they stepped into his modestly sized living room was the scuffed-up hardwood floor, planks splintered and sagging in certain areas. The walls were wood paneled and could have used a coat of varnish, and the large windowpane needed to be replaced, thanks to a crack that was beginning to form a spider-web pattern in the glass.

  “A baseball did that,” Cooper spoke up, following her gaze. “Wyatt and I were playing catch in the yard and one of my fastballs had a mind of its own.”

  Maddie laughed. “You and Wyatt play catch? What are you, twelve?”

  Her jab didn’t seem to faze him. In fact, nothing fazed this man. She’d figured that out from the moment he’d showed up in Paradise three years ago, around the same time she’d come home from college. They’d both started working for Owen at the same time too, though as they stood there in his living room, she realized this was the first time they’d ever been truly alone.

  “How ’bout we quit the chitchat and just get on with it?” he suggested in that lazy drawl of his. “Take off your clothes.”

  Her cheeks flamed. “What? Now?”

  “Now’s as good a time as any.”

  Good point. She really hadn’t come here for small talk, had she? But now that she and Cooper were alone, in close quarters, she was wondering if maybe she’d made a mistake. Could she really sleep with him? This was bound to be crazy awkward and—awkward is the problem, a little voice reminded her.

  Ah well. She’d already gone this far, propositioning the guy. Might as well see it through. The impulse to plow ahead was a familiar one—she never backed down from a challenge, ever. It drove her older brothers mad how easily she was willing to take chances. Skydiving when she was nineteen, bungee jumping on that family trip to the Grand Canyon when she was twenty. She’d always been a daredevil, even as a kid, though it was kind of funny that the only time she didn’t have buckets of courage was when she was in the company of men. Sure, she could hold her own as one of the guys, but not when it came to flirting or seduction. She was always Maddie the buddy, never Maddie the temptress.

  Taking a deep breath, she reached for the little zipper at the side of her dress and tugged it down. She dropped the spaghetti straps off her shoulders then began to wiggle out of her dress.

  Rolling his eyes, Cooper held up a hand. “Slower. You’ve got to create some anticipation.”

  She tightened her lips. “Seriously? You want me to do a striptease? That’s so sleazy!”

  A low laugh rumbled out of his chest. “It’s sexy,” he corrected. “You want to know how to turn a man on? Well, I’m telling you. And if you’re going to complain about it, then the lesson’s over, darlin’.”

  He had a point. Relaxing her mouth, she touched the straps of her dress again, but this time she toyed with them, sliding them down a fraction of an inch.

  “There you go.” Cooper’s gruff voice held a note of encouragement.

  Moistening her dry lips, she pushed her bodice lower, the straps hanging down, the top of the dress revealing only a hint of her black lace bra. She met Cooper’s eyes, floored by the sudden glimmer of lust she saw in them. Oh. Maybe the slow and sexy thing did work. Feeling emboldened by his reaction, she let the dress fall lower, so that her bra cups were exposed.

  He hitched a breath. “Lord, those are big.”

  For once in her life, she found herself grateful for the size of her chest. The appreciation on Cooper’s face spurred her confidence. Locking her gaze with his, she slowly peeled the dress off, hesitating as it snagged on her hips, then letting the material drop. It pooled in a silky puddle at her feet and she kicked it away with the toe of one black flat. She suddenly wished she’d worn heels. From the cinematic stripteases she remembered, women always wore heels with their lin
gerie, right?

  Well, too late for heels, but the lacy lingerie seemed to be doing the trick. When Maddie glanced at Cooper’s groin, she saw the definite bulge beneath his faded blue jeans. “It’s up,” she murmured.

  “Sure is.” His black eyes focused on her chest. “Take the bra off, darlin’.”

  She obliged him. The cool air met her bare breasts, instantly making her nipples go rigid. On a whim, she cupped her breasts, pushing them together as her thumbs toyed with her puckered nipples. “You like?” she asked, feeling somewhat awkward.

  His gaze heated. “Fuck yes. Now get rid of the panties.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  A moment later, she stood before him fully naked, and as he stared with unabashed lust at her body, she felt a jolt of discomfort. This was Cooper! Why was she letting him see her naked? And yet, along with the apprehension came a rush of liquid desire between her legs. God, she was turned on.

  “Now come here and take my clothes off,” he ordered, his tone low and almost lethal.

  As her heart pounded, she moved toward him and gripped the hem of his black T-shirt. Her fingers trembled as she bunched up the material.

  “Touch my chest when you’re lifting the shirt up,” he said in a husky voice. “Scrape your nails over my skin.”

  She did as he asked, and was rewarded by another sharp intake of breath. Without his shirt, Cooper looked even sexier and more feral than usual. His chest was perfectly sculpted, his skin tanned and smooth, and there was a nasty-looking scar right above one hip. She traced it with her finger, meeting his eyes. “Where’d you get that?”

  “Stupid bar brawl,” he murmured. “Five or six years ago.”

  She touched the scar once more, then moved her hands to his waistband, where she popped open the button of his jeans before undoing his zipper. Cooper helped her out this time, kicking out of his boots and shoving the denim off his thighs, right along with the dark blue briefs he wore.

  “Oh,” she breathed at the sight of his nude body. “You’re pretty damn hot, you know that, Coop?”

  He offered a faint grin. “Why, shucks, Maddie, you’re gonna make me blush.”