Page 27 of Uncivilized

  Reaching over to the lube, Zach gives me a wide grin. "There's an instructional video online. Two porns stars did it. I'm not following it exactly, and their instruction involved these weird-looking things called anal beads, but I got the gist of it."

  "Oh, God," I mutter. Zach learned about anal sex off the Internet. There's a freakin' instructional video?

  Flipping the cap open, the snapping sound draws my attention to what he's doing. He squirts out a clear liquid onto his fingers and brings his hand down. I tense for an assault on my ass, but he merely rubs the slickness onto my pussy, sticking two fingers into me before pulling them out to rub against my clit. My entire body bucks because I'm so sensitive there, but then his hand is gone and he's squirting more lube onto his fingers.

  I watch in avid fascination and a little bit of fear as he smears the gel onto his cock, wrapping his enormous hand around it and stroking himself a few times. He then takes the lube and squirts some more onto the tender tissue at the base of my pussy, and I feel it trickle down over my tight opening.

  With this thumb, Zach flips the cap of the lube closed and tosses it down to the bed. He puts a hand on the back of one of my thighs, bringing his wet fingers down between my legs, catching the puddle of lube and sliding it down over my anus. With slow surety, he pushes three fingers back into my ass. I'm amazed there's not even a bite of pain. Clearly, the way he worked me earlier helped to stretch me, and my heart melts over his tender foresight.

  I don't even have a chance to enjoy his fingers because when he sees how easy he slides into me, he's pulling them back out and taking ahold of his cock. I swallow hard as I watch Zach's eyes glitter with excitement as he guides the tip to my ass. It's warm and pulsing when it touches my tight tissue, and a sizzle of fear and lust swells within me.

  Zach's eyes rise to mine, and he murmurs, "Do you trust me?"

  "Implicitly," I tell him with surety.

  A breathtaking smile spreads across Zach's face. "You really do, don't you?"

  "I know you'd never hurt me."

  Zach nods and says, "Deep breath in, baby girl. Then let it out slowly."

  I do as he asks, expanding my chest to nearly bursting with the precious oxygen I'm sure I'll be missing later, and then I start to let it out. Slowly... slowly... and when my lungs are nearly depleted, Zach pushes forward with his hips, sinking the tip of his cock into my ass.

  Oh, the burn. There's a slightly more biting sting because his cock is bigger than his three fingers put together, but he immediately pops past the tight ring of muscles surrounding the opening.

  I gasp out loud, and Zach gentles me with his words. "Easy, baby. You've got more to take."

  "I don't know if I can," I tell him, even as at the same time my body is begging him to push forward.

  "You can. You will," is all he says as his face tightens in concentration.

  With the mushroomed head of his shaft held firmly by my tight muscles, Zach places both of his hands on the backs of my thighs, right below mine, and starts to sink deeper into me.

  An animalistic groan starts rumbling deep within him... I can hear it purring and getting louder and louder the further he falls into me.

  Inch after amazing inch slides into my ass, and my gaze is pinned hard on his thick cock as it disappears into my darkest, most secret of places on my body. The initial sting lessens, then warms, and then sizzles nicely as the nerve endings in my passage are massaged by his movement.

  Finally... finally he's in to the hilt. I look up to see his face contorted in rapture and his jaw locked hard, as he stares down at our union.

  Slowly, he drags his gaze up to me, and our eyes slam into each other. We share a look such as we've never had before. It's filled with awe... respect... lust... and there, on Zach's face, something I've never seen before. He holds me in his heart. Yes, I can see it clearly, and it makes me physically melt around him.

  "This feels so fucking good, Moira," he says through gritted teeth.

  I want to tell him the same, because it does... it feels amazing, but I'm so overwhelmed with feeling and emotion right now that I can't even open my mouth.

  Zach pulls slowly out, sinking back down into me. "Are you okay?" he asks with an almost a pain-filled voice.

  I nod my head and then turn my gaze back down my body, as I watch his cock start to move slowly in and out of me. Zach groans and hisses from the contact, and I can't help the keening sound of pleasure that starts to slide from my lips. The pressure... the fullness... the tingling nerve endings and tremors that race through my ass as he plunders it.

  "Oh, God," Zach moans as he sinks into me and holds still. "I'm not going to last long."

  "It's okay," I gasp out as I feel his cock inside of me jumping with excitement to unload. "Let loose."

  Zach shakes his head furiously. "Not until you come again. Make sure you hold your legs up."

  I tighten my grip, which had become lax due to Zach taking control and keeping my legs spread and my ass raised off the bed. Zach grabs the dildo and quickly squirts some lube on it, all while he remains lodged balls deep in my ass. Twisting the base, the humming noise fills the air and my pussy quivers in excitement.

  Zach strokes the dildo with his hand, getting it good and greased up... not that I need it. I can feel the wetness dripping out of me and the cooling of the air conditioner against my flesh. Eight inches... slightly smaller than Zach's own cock... gets pushed to my entrance where Zach rubs the head there for a moment, grazing it a few times over my clit, which causes me to cry out each time.

  With a sudden thrust, Zach shoves the dildo deep into my pussy, angling the butterflied appendage against my clit, and an agonizing shriek of pleasure tears out of me. My hips buck hard, and I almost dislodge Zach completely from my body.

  "Shh," Zach whispers to me. "Easy."

  Tremors race through my body, so filled I am in both holes from Zach's cock and the massive dildo. The butterfly buzzes against my sensitive skin, and I know I'm only a moment away from what I'm guessing is an orgasm that's going to send me into a coma. The feelings inside of me are so overwhelming that I don't know if I can handle them.

  "Are you ready?" Zach asks, and my eyes fly to his. "Ready to get fucked hard?"

  "Oh, God," I whisper. "Oh, God."

  Zach starts moving the dildo in and out of me, gently at first, and then with more force. When he has a nice thrusting motion, which is lodging it deep within me on every down stroke, he starts pumping his hips, the movement of his cock within my ass causing a massive, shuddering quake to roll through me.

  "More," pops out of my mouth when I realize that Zach is holding back on me.

  "Fuck," he hisses and then starts slamming his cock in and out, his balls slapping against my skin.

  The muscles across my lower back start to constrict and boiling pressure between my legs starts to build. Zach fucks me with the dildo just as hard, ramming at me from both sides, hitting my clit with the vibrating attachment.

  An explosion hits me dead center, deep within my core, and bursts outward, racing up my spine, seizing my brain and causing my fingers to dig painfully into the tender skin on my thighs.

  I scream louder than I've ever screamed in my life as my entire body seizes and contracts, then shudders violently from head to toe. My hands start to slide from the hold I have on my legs, and Zach suddenly releases the dildo, which is still lodged deep within me. His hands come up to grab the backs of my legs, pushing them back even further so he can lean over me. He pounds into my ass, downward now because of his angle, which pushes the dildo in deeper and lodges the vibrating butterfly right onto my clit again.

  I scream again as another orgasms bursts forth through my body, and tears start pouring out of my eyes from the overload of pleasure. I start sobbing in relief... release... lust... love, and Zach pounds into me hard while words pour out of his mouth.

  Oh, Moira... never felt this way before.

  Everything's changed.

So fucking good. How can it be this good?

  Finally, he pushes in all the way, to the base of his cock, and his fingers dig in painfully to the skin on my legs. He throws his head back, muscles in his neck corded tight and a vein in his temple throbbing violently. Zach opens his mouth, closes his eyes tight, and lets out an animal howl of pleasure as he starts to come, his entire body lurching... trying to get deeper with every spurt of seed he pours into me.

  He comes, and he comes, and he comes, and he is utterly magnificent... astonishingly beautiful... my uncivilized man.

  Zach's eyes finally open, and his head angles down to look at me with glazed eyes. When our gazes meet, another shudder rips through his body and he lets out a stuttering breath.

  Awareness seems to filter back in his eyes, and his look becomes worried. "Oh, God... are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

  I shake my head rapidly, and my voice is thick with emotion when I say, "No. It was amazing. You're amazing."

  Zach reaches out and gently takes the dildo out of me, turning it off and tossing it on the floor. He slowly pulls his cock out of my ass, and I feel a rush of warm fluid pour out, causing a tiny tremor to run through me. I feel so empty when he's gone, but he replaces my need for fulfillment by immediately dropping down on top of me and wrapping his arms tight around my body. Rolling to his side, he takes me with him and murmurs into my hair, "Oh, Moira. Moira, Moira, Moira."

  He squeezes me tight, almost holding on to me in desperate fashion. My hands come up to stroke at his hair, while he pushes his face into the crook of my neck.

  Suddenly, I feel something wet against my skin, and Zach shivers in my arms. He takes in a deep breath and lets it out in a quiver.

  "I don't want to leave you," he says... almost desolately.

  My heart constricts... cramps... rolls over and almost dies at the pain in his voice. Because while he says he doesn't want to leave me, it doesn't mean that he's not going to.

  I decide to put my heart on the line, because if I don't, I could lose everything that has become dearest to me. Fisting his hair, I pull his head away from my neck and see the shimmer of wetness still in his eyes... swimming with such yearning and pain.

  I lean in and place my lips over one eye, feeling it flutter closed. I kiss him softly on the tender skin, feeling his lashes against me and tasting the salt of his tears.

  Pulling back, I wait until I can see those beautiful blue eyes, and I tell him with overwhelming feeling. "I love you, Zach. I don't want you to go."

  He sighs gently with a tender smile, and he presses his mouth to mine. "Let's just lay here like this for a while. I don't want this moment to end, because everything always seems to end for me."

  I can't deny his request, so I don't push further at him. I made my feelings known, and now he holds my heart. It's up to him to decide what to do with it.

  Chapter 27


  "Zach?" I hear Randall's voice and look up from the magazine I had been reading as I waited for him in his lobby. He didn't make me wait long, and I stand up from the couch I was sitting on.

  "Hey... I'm sorry to show up unannounced like this, but do you have a minute to talk?"

  Randall beams at me and beckons me forward. "For you, I have all the time in the world. Come on... let's go back to my office."

  I follow behind Randall, my heart beating with fear and excitement. When I woke up this morning, still wrapped up sweetly in Moira's arms, my decision was made. I was going to stay here... with her... and start a new life. A life maybe I was supposed to have all along. A life reclaimed.

  I also knew, deep in my heart, this is what Paraila was hoping for me.

  But I needed Randall's help... so the first order of business was to swallow my pride and ask for it.

  I had slipped out of bed gently, leaving Moira softly slumbering. I know I wore her out the night before, and after experiencing the most intense, most erotically overwhelming orgasm of my entire life, I was wrecked as well. I had never slept more deeply or more peacefully since the day I was born.

  When I woke up, I knew that had nothing to do with the fact that I claimed Moira's ass as my own last night. It had everything to do with the fact that she loved me, and I was pretty fucking sure that I would die without her. So I took a quick shower, got dressed, and made a call to Sam to ask him to drive me to Randall's office in downtown Atlanta.

  Randall leads me into his office, softly shutting the door behind us. He takes a seat on his leather couch, foregoing the formality of sitting behind his desk. I take a chair opposite, placing my hands on my knees... my body tight with anxiety.

  "What's wrong?" he asks with concern in his eyes. "You look about ready to explode."

  "I want to stay here... in the States. With Moira."

  Understanding laced with pure happiness seeps into Randall's eyes, and his teeth flash at me. He claps his hands together once and says, "My boy... that's fantastic news. I'm sure Moira is so happy. I knew there was something special between you two."

  "Actually... I haven't told her yet. I need to get some things figured out first."

  Randall leans forward, his face dead serious. Leaning his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together, he asks simply, "What can I do to help?"

  "I need a job... some way to..." But my words falter. How do I say this without sounding like a caveman? "I need some way I can take care of Moira. No... that's not right, because she can take care of herself. I just... I need some way to contribute. To be useful. I need a job, and I'd like to work for you. Maybe in one of the stores... stocking shelves or something like that."


  It's out.

  I've asked for his help, and all I can do is wait to see what he'll do for me.

  "Zach... you have a place at Cannon's. And I will have you start at the bottom and work your way up, so you can learn every facet of this business. Because if you stay here... and you work for me, I expect you will go places and be right at the helm with me one day. But for now... I don't want you here."

  I blink in surprise at him, so sure he was going to immediately put me in the store that's located in the mall not three miles from my house. "But... I need something now... a way to make money."

  "What you need is your education," he says with a serious look. "I propose letting me help you get that. You'd need to get your GED first, and then you need to go on to college. You're bright, and there's no reason why you shouldn't flourish in an academic setting. You'll be a little behind, but I'll get a tutor to help you get caught up."

  "School? College?" I ask, dumbfounded. It had never occurred to me.

  "Yes, and once you complete your undergrad, I'll put you to work here. I'll want you to go on and get your MBA, but you can do that and work part time."

  I appreciate the strong confidence in his words, but this just won't do. I don't have time for that. "I need to earn a living now. I need to be able to contribute," I tell Randall with sincerity. "I cannot accept charity."

  Randall leans back in the couch and taps a finger against his lips while he appraises me. "How about this... you can work part time at Cannon's while you get your education. It won't be enough to cover tuition and books, but if you let me pay for that, the part time work can help you contribute to yours and Moira's household expenses. I assume you will stay with her?"

  "That was my plan. Which means I'll have to go to school somewhere near her home if I can swing it. Or at least within traveling distance."

  "Trust me... I donated enough money to Northwestern when I hired Moira that I guarantee you'll get a spot there as long as your grades are good."

  Good grades? Oh, fuck. Can I really do this? Can I really buckle down and actually go to college?

  Fuck yeah, I can, roars within my head, because I'd do anything to make this work with Moira.

  "I accept," I tell Randall with a smile of thanks. "And I'll pay you back every dime you invest in to me."

  Randall chuckles and stands from the
couch. "Not necessary. I consider it investing in Cannon's future. But I will accept a hearty handshake to seal the deal."

  I stand from my chair and reach out to Randall's outstretched hand. On impulse, I step forward and wrap my arms around his shoulders, pulling him in for a quick hug. "Thank you, Randall. This means a lot to me."

  When I pull back, his eyes are wet with emotion, and he gives a cough. "Yes, well... it's my pleasure. Truly, and can I finally say, Zach... welcome home, my boy."

  Sam drops me off at my house, and I practically leap past the four short steps that lead up to the porch. I shove the door open, calling out Moira's name.

  I see her immediately sitting at the kitchen table, her laptop open and her cell phone lying beside it. She turns to me, and her face is deathly white. Standing from the chair, she walks toward me, reaching out her hands. I link mine with hers and ask with a sickening feeling in my stomach. "What's wrong?"

  "I'm so sorry, Zach," she says, her eyes filling with tears. "But Father Gaul called a little bit ago. The Matica raided Caraica two days ago. Father Gaul immediately hiked out to a river town that had satellite phone service to call me."

  "Paraila?" I ask, my throat feeling as if it were filled with sand and my heart galloping away from me.

  "Injured. He was shot with an arrow, but Father Gaul thinks he'll be okay. It went into his shoulder and the wound looks fine."

  "And the others?" I ask in a hoarse whisper.

  Moira's eyes drop to the ground, and she doesn't answer me right away.

  "Moira," I yell at her. "What about the others?"

  "Several are dead... I'm not sure who. Some of the children were taken. The village was burned to the ground."

  My head tilts back, my neck seemingly unable to hold it up. My mouth opens, and I roar in pain, "FUCK!"

  Moira's arms are around me, squeezing me tight... plastering her body as close to mine as she can get. "I'm so sorry, Zach. So, so sorry."

  My arms hang limply at her side, unable to accept her comfort. Fury blazes through me... fury at Paraila for making me leave, rage at Randall for insisting I come, and bitterness toward Moira for enticing me to stay away from my home and those that needed me.