Page 7 of Tainted Love

  “That’s what I keep hearing.” I nod to Jessie, and he comes over with his harem following suit. Tracy and Rachel have been warring over him for as long as I can remember. Not that he’s let that stop him from taking on other girls. He’s an equal opportunity gigolo when it comes to the female population.

  Melissa nudges Jennifer as he comes into our circle, and judging by the deep red shade that Jennifer’s cheeks just took, I think she wouldn’t mind being added into the unholy mix.

  “This is the dominator, right here.” I pull Jessie in, and both Frankie and Joel start giving him a hard time.

  “Ohmigod! Here you are! Bitches!” Amanda hops over in a pair of hot pink heels, jeans so tight you can see if the quarter in her back pocket is heads or tails, and a sweater cut off just under her tits, showing off her firm flat belly. Crap. “And here you are.” She licks a line up the side of my face. A flash goes off in the distance, and I spot Heather taking a picture of Fatima Levit and a few of the cheerleaders still in uniform.

  “I’ll be right back.” Most likely I won’t. I’m a little pissed that Amanda is being so liberal with her mouth tonight.

  “Hey”—Amanda reels me back in, and I pull my elbow free from her grasp—“like get back here. We totally have a lot to talk about.” Her gaze sinks to my crotch.

  “And that would be?” I’m still struggling to look over her shoulder in an effort to keep up with Heather. She’s talking to Amy Brineman by the cooler, but I don’t see a drink in either of their hands. Hopefully, Heather plans on sticking around for a while.

  “Like the fact we have a serious date tomorrow at the country club.” Amanda curls her fingers around my collar and pulls me in.

  “I don’t go to the country club.” That’s what my mother does. You would think it were her day job the way she’s so diligent about it.

  “You will tomorrow and every Saturday after that from ten to twelve. I’ve already spoken with your coach, and he says it’s fine with him.”

  “What?” I break my gaze from Heather momentarily. “What are you talking about?” I glance around, not realizing we’ve drifted from Joel and Frankie and the rest of the crowd.

  “Hello?” She waves her hand over my face, suddenly pissed herself. “Like we have the fucking cotillion to be concerned about. We like have lessons and shit. Get with the program, Russell. This is going to be big. It’s going to be bitchin’. I’ve got good reason to believe our couple standing is already putting us at the top of the list for homecoming king and queen.”

  I blink back. She couldn’t have shocked me more if she threw a glass of water in my face.

  “Again, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Her features crumble. Instantly, her sadness perks right back to rage, and I can see the hint of the devil herself in Amanda Prescott’s eyes. Crap. As much as I hate to admit it, I need her—for far stranger reasons than she’ll ever believe.

  “Look”—I glance behind me, making sure there’s not a trace of Heather or her friends around—“okay, I’m in. Heck, I’m thrilled to be taking you to the dance.”

  “Cotillion,” she hisses in my face before softening a bit. “Like really?”

  “Like really.” There, I’ve even sunken so low as to sound like a Valley Girl for her. “I’ll be there tomorrow with bells on. Whatever that means.”

  A smile curls on her lips as she bites down seductively. Her finger does a quick sweep of my cheek, and I struggle not to flinch. I know my mother. If she gets wind that I pissed off Amanda —that I pissed off my destiny—she’ll swipe the incentive right off the table, and I’ll be right back where I started, left in the dark, left to my own useless devices. In the mother of all ironies, I may never get the answers I’ve been seeking my whole life without the unwitting aid of this girl right here. Perhaps, in that respect, Amanda Prescott is my twisted destiny.

  “Like you’re so not going to regret this.” She leans in, giggling her boozy breath right over my chest. “Together you and I are going to be bad to the bone. With the captain of the football team as my date, I’m sure we’ll score every crown this little cheesy school of yours is willing to gift us.” She sticks her finger into her mouth and pulls it out slowly, wetting down my lips with it, and my features harden with a slow brewing rage. I don’t like what I’m becoming, how Amanda is using me, how my mother is forcing me to use Amanda.

  She gives a little wink. “Like why don’t we blow this shit shack? I think it’s time you and I get to know one another a little better. Maybe I can do a little blowing myself.” A dark laugh rips through her as she pushes her body to mine. Her knee rides slowly up my leg until she hits pay dirt.

  Off in the distance, I spot Heather heading toward the exit, alone, and that sick feeling returns to the pit of my stomach.

  The speakers crackle before A-Ha’s “Take on Me” inspires a shrill cry of excitement from the crowd.

  “I freaking love this song!” Amanda hops and starts swinging her hips into mine.

  “There’s someone I got to talk to.” I glance back at the crowd and find Amanda’s buddies whooping it up on the dance floor. “Why don’t you get out there and show Tracy and Rachel how it’s done?”

  “You like better believe it.” She starts to take off and gives my cheek a quick scratch. “I just want you to know that like I’m totally excited to the max that we’re doing this. We’re going to be so fucking rad together. Just you wait and see.” She takes off, and I bolt in the direction I last spotted Heather, but she’s vanished like smoke.

  “Damn.” I turn and find her standing with Joel and Mel, and my heart kicks in again. I quickly pick up two red Solos filled to the brim with liquid gold, head over, and try to hand one to Heather as a peace offering.

  “I don’t drink and drive.” She turns a cold shoulder to me.

  Crap. I set both drinks onto the table behind us.

  “You didn’t drive.” Joel looks mystified. “Didn’t you show up with Jen?”

  Melissa jabs him hard in the ribs.

  I get it. Heather doesn’t want anything from me.

  “Hey”—Melissa paws at Heather as she tries to make her escape—“don’t you love this song? You want to dance? I’ll totally go out there with you.”

  “No.” She steps back into our circle as if reclaiming her rightful spot. “I don’t feel like dancing.” Her lips quiver for a moment, and I can’t help but think she looks upset. My stomach pinches with heat because I happen to think she looks damn cute when her lips engage in that vulnerable quiver. A part of me wants nothing more than to land my mouth over hers and assure her everything will be okay. It has to be. Heather deserves everything in life to go her way. She’s genuine and kind. I’ve spent enough time with her these last few weeks that I can attest to it myself.

  Heather scowls at me a moment. “I feel like pissing.” She takes off for the house.

  “I’d better go with her.” Melissa doesn’t waste any time scowling at me, too, before ducking into the house.

  “Shit. I didn’t mean to piss her off.” I fold my arms over my chest as I watch bodies streaming in and out of the living room. “Did she say anything about me while I was gone?”

  “Did who say anything about you? Mel?” Joel squints into the living room right along with me, trying to get a grip on what I might be talking about.

  “No, not Mel, Heather. I think I ticked her off with Amanda hanging all over me.”

  “What?” Joel barks out a laugh. “Why the hell would she care if anyone was hanging all over you?”

  Jessie and Frankie step up with fresh beers in their hands.

  “Whoa.” Joel ticks his head back a notch. “You are into her.”

  “Into who?” Jessie glances over his shoulder as if expecting to find a hot chick waiting for him, and knowing Jessie, he will.

  “Heather Knowles.” Joel is quick to declare. “Our boy here has taken a dive, and he doesn’t even know it.” He offers up a light sock to my gut.
  “Not true.” I’m quick to deny. “We’re just hanging out. We’re friends. We’re partners in yearbook, so we need to get stuff done together. I don’t want her pissed at me.”

  “Wow.” Frankie marvels. “That’s quite a laundry list of protests. I get it, man. That’s how it started with Audrey and me, and, now, I can’t stand being away from her. In fact, I’m headed back in the morning. That’s how you know it’s the real thing. You can’t stand a minute away from your girl—ain’t that right, Joel?”

  “That’s it.” They slap each other five just as Melissa and Heather emerge and head deeper into the crowd.

  Great, now she’s just avoiding me.

  “I’ll be right back.” I thread through a thicket of bodies and catch up with the two of them near the long line leading to the keg.

  Heather’s eyes snag onto mine, and I demand she stays with me by stepping in front of her.

  “You want a drink?” I point back to the line. “I can get you one right now. There are certain privileges they give the football team, and cutting in line at the keg is one of them.” That drink I offered her less than five minutes ago sails through my mind. “I mean, of course, you don’t want a drink. I mean—” Shit. I’ve never been so tongue-tied around anyone before.

  Melissa groans as if she’s come to an epiphany. “You know—why don’t I leave the two of you alone to figure out just what it is you need to figure out.” The music changes, and Melissa points skyward, presumably at the speakers. “‘Pretty in Pink,’ Psych Furs. I gotta find Joel. See ya!” She takes off before Heather can stop her.

  Heather takes in a breath, her features hardening, as she looks right at me. “I think I’ll take a cue from Mel. See ya!” Her eyes enlarge with amusement as she says it. There’s a hint of anger brewing in them, and I can’t help but find it endearing. That silky jacket she’s wearing falls off her shoulder, exposing a bright pink bra strap, and I try to hide the smile blooming on my lips. She is damn pretty in pink.

  “You want to blow this place?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m about to do.” She tries to sidestep around me, but I sidestep right along with her, blocking her path.

  “We can go up to Craig’s room. He said I could have it.”

  “Ha!” she barks the laugh right in my face. “Wow, wouldn’t you just love to land me horizontal again.”

  “Okay, no, that’s not what I meant. We can go somewhere else. Name the place. I’ll take us.”

  “I’m not getting in the car with you. I lost track of how many beers you’ve had, what with all the quarterback privileges you get at parties. Don’t forget to cash in on your blowjob. I hear there’s a cheerleader here who’s just dying to sharpen her skills.”

  A dull laugh pumps from me. It’s clear she’s heard of Amanda’s escapades from Milton.

  “No thanks. I’ll take a hard pass.” I glance back at the hillside that butts up to the property. “We can head to my place. My backyard is just over that ridge. It’ll be fun—a short little hike.”

  “Your backyard is over that ridge? I happen to know for a fact you live several blocks away. There’s no way I’m trekking through coyote territory so you can get me alone in the bushes. Nice try, James.”

  “Boy, you’re paranoid, aren’t you? I swear, I’m not trying to take advantage of you, and, yes, I happen to live right next door as the crow flies. Our properties are conjoined at the top of the hill. Come on, I’ll prove it.”

  We say goodnight to Melissa and Joel before Heather follows me, seemingly willingly, as we head up the trail, over the hill, and crest it, traversing carefully down a significant slope toward the bright baby blue waters of the swimming pool nestled in my backyard.

  “Give me your hand,” I offer. Her cool fingers grip mine as she willingly takes me up on the offer as we carefully slip and slide our way down the remainder of the hillside, laughing as we land on the hardscape of my overgrown yard. The music is dimmed a bit, but you can still hear it from here.

  “You don’t have any Dobermans ready to chew off my ankles, do you?” She ducks behind me in the event this nightmare scenario pans out.

  “Nope. There’s not a whole lot of security going on out here.”

  “Is your mother home?” She purses her lips toward the house, and my instincts kick in again, demanding that I give her a kiss.

  “No. She missed the game because she and my dad had to head out of town. My little sister is spending the night at Tracy’s—that’s Joel’s little sister.”

  “Oh.” She relaxes a moment as we edge our way to the water. “So like we’re alone then.”

  “I don’t know. Is your mother here?”

  We share a quiet laugh before I reach down and test the water with my hand.

  “She happens to be at her other job tonight, bussing tables. I guess it is weird knowing that my mother scrubs your toilets.” Her ruby red lips twist as she looks to the water. The light of the pool reflects in her eyes, and they shine like fallen stars. “She doesn’t do that at my house, by the way. She’s training me to take over her housekeeping empire one day, in the event you were wondering.”

  “Cool. I like my bed turned down at nine.”

  Her affect flattens instantly.

  “Shit, I was kidding.”

  “No, you weren’t.” She reaches down and touches the water herself. “Warm as tears. You going in?”

  I stay frozen on the word tears a moment. It’s pretty clear I’ve wasted no time in making an obnoxious ass out of myself.

  “Yeah, I’ll go. You know, just for the record, I don’t think I’m any different than you.” My voice breaks just thinking that maybe I’ve set it up to sound that way.

  “Yeah, yeah.” She strips off her jacket, then her sweater, until she’s standing there in her bright pink bra, and I’m totally caught off guard. “I guess you bought all that bullshit Joel was slinging last year.” She pulls off her skirt and tights until she’s in her underwear, and I’m drooling with my jaw on the ground. “But you really didn’t, did you?” She jumps into the deep end and corks right back up with a slight scream, her hair slicked back in platinum perfection, water dripping from her lashes. “You coming in or not, James?”

  “Just a sec.” I take a cue from her and strip down to my boxers before hauling off and cannonballing right next to her. When I come up, the water is sloshing over the sides of the pool, hitting the concrete with its deafening slaps.

  Heather melts into a genuine smile, no sarcastic pretense, just she and I, no walls holding back the distance, if but for a moment.

  “Oh God, I love this song.” Heather sways her body, and I strain to hear what has her so amped up. The sound of a guitar comes through, but the rhythm isn’t familiar.

  “What is it?”

  “What is it?” She stops moving and doesn’t hide the fact she’s perturbed with my lack of musical proficiency. At the moment I am, too. I like to consider myself pretty well-rounded in that respect. “It’s the Sex Pistols’ ‘God Save the Queen.’” She splashes a handful of water in my face, and I get it right in the eyes. “How can you not know that? Wait, don’t answer.” She sinks back under and pops back up with her hair perfectly slicked back. A well of water pools in her cleavage, and I try not to stare. “You’re such a preppy.” She splashes me again, and this time I dive out of the way. “Does it hurt? You know, morphing into a full-fledged yuppie? I bet you fall down in worship every time our fearless leader addresses the nation.”

  I splash a touch of water in her direction for once, and she flinches. I don’t have the heart to actually pelt her. I’ve pumped my sister with a wall of water a time or two. I’ve even made Joel cry uncle, but that’s not happening tonight with Heather. There is nothing in me that wants to hurt her, not even in jest.

  “I only bow down when we meet in person.”

  “You’ve met the president?” Her eyes round out with amazement.

  “Nope.” I swoop in close, and we share a l
augh. “But I probably will—you know, what with all my Glen Heights football privileges.”

  “Ha-ha.” Heather makes a face as she gives a gentle push to my chest. Her hand stays there a moment too long, and both our eyes gravitate to it. My skin burns beneath her palm. Getting to hold her hand on the way down that hillside earlier, this, right here, with her fingers grazing over my skin—there is something about Heather Knowles’s touch that makes me feel more alive than I thought possible.

  “You know I’m kidding, right?” I land my hand over hers, and the water, the music, all seem to still a moment as her soft skin glides under mine.

  “Whatever.” She manages to free herself in one quick move. “I’m still appalled at your lack of musical knowledge.” She sucks in her bottom lip. Her eyes move slowly over my features as if considering something. “You should come down to Dancing Waters with me some time and get a real education.”

  “You’re on. I’ll bring my camera and take a few shots of you in your natural habitat.” I bob my way closer to her and accidently pin her to the edge.

  “And where, pray tell, can I catch you in your natural habitat so I can return the favor? You have any preppy balls on the fiscal horizon?”

  That ridiculous cotillion runs through my mind. The thought of her seeing me with Amanda makes my stomach turn.

  “Nope. No preppy balls. Try the practice field. Now those are my people—that is my natural habitat.” I have never fit in with my mother’s fiscally sound society friends, nor do I plan on starting now.

  “Whatever you say.”

  “Cool. So say the word, and I’ll head down to Dancing Waters with you.”

  Heather pants slowly over my chest, her eyes still hooked to mine. This is normally where I might lean in and plant a kiss on the girl, but God knows Heather is no ordinary girl—she might just rip off my balls for thinking of it.

  I hold my ring up in an effort stave off an awkward situation. “Wonder Twin powers activate?”

  She hesitates a moment before holding up that same ring she wore the first day as the tiny green heart winks in the moonlight. “Wonder Twin powers activate—shape of an eagle—so I can keep an eye on all of your cheesy moves.” She squints at me with suspicion. “You’re not getting lucky tonight, if that’s what you’re thinking.”