Page 1 of The Calling


  For Julia



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  I DON'T KNOW WHO was more anxious--Daniel or Kenjii--but they weren't making this emergency helicopter evacuation any easier. I patted Kenjii and she shifted until her full hundred pounds of German shepherd rested squarely on my feet. When I tried to wriggle away, she moved closer and pinned my legs. I sighed and glanced at Daniel. He was staring out the window, fingers drumming.

  I twisted to look at the others. Daniel and I were in the first passenger row, behind the pilot and Mayor Tillson, who was in the copilot's seat. Behind us were the mayor's daughter, Nicole, and his niece, Sam Russo, gazing out their respective windows. Hayley Morris and Corey Carling sat in the last row. Hayley was talking; Corey wasn't listening.

  "We're going north." Daniel had to yell to Mayor Tillson to be heard over the helicopter noise. "We're supposed to be heading to Victoria, aren't we?"

  When the mayor didn't respond, the pilot said, "Change of plans, son. Victoria's backed up with evacuees. We're taking you to Vancouver."

  "Okay, so why are we heading north?"

  We live on Vancouver Island, near Nanaimo, which is almost directly west across the Strait of Georgia from the city of Vancouver, British Columbia.

  "Wind," the pilot said. "Same one that's driving that fire is forcing us to circle north. Don't worry. I'll have you there in an hour."

  I looked at Daniel. His face was drawn with worry. I couldn't blame him, under the circumstances. We'd outrun a forest fire and outwitted a mysterious fake rescue team only to be whisked from town before we had time to catch our breath.

  I was worried, too, about a lot of things, but right now, mostly about Rafe Martinez, unconscious on the floor behind my seat. How much smoke had he inhaled? What was he going to do when he found out that his sister, Annie, was still missing?

  I twisted the bracelet on my wrist. A cat's-eye stone on a worn leather band. Rafe's. He'd want it back when he found out that I'd told them not to wake him up because he wouldn't leave without Annie. That would be the end of anything between us. But I could live with that. Better than I could live with myself if I'd let him die in that inferno.

  "Are the other helicopters going to Vancouver, too?" Daniel asked. "The ones with our parents?"

  "I believe so," the pilot said. "Is that right, sir?"

  When Mayor Tillson didn't answer, the pilot glanced over. "Sir?"

  He bent to see the mayor's face and chuckled. "Seems someone doesn't mind the racket this bird makes. He's sound asleep. I'm sure he said the other helicopter was just a few minutes behind us."

  I leaned forward. The mayor was slumped in his seat, his face toward the window, at an angle that didn't look comfortable at all. When I undid my seat belt, the pilot glanced back.

  "Whoa, none of that. This isn't a 747. Belt on at all times. Maya, isn't it?"

  I scooted to the edge of my seat and touched the mayor's arm. "Mr. Tillson?"

  "Hey," the pilot said, voice sharp. "If you want me to check on your parents, just say so. Your mayor has had one hell of a day with this fire, and you kids running off didn't help. Let the man get some rest."

  Sure, the mayor must be exhausted, but with everything that happened, I doubted he could relax enough to fall asleep.

  "Mr. Tillson?" I said, shaking him harder.

  Daniel undid his belt. Sam did, too, getting up and walking forward, hunched, as she stepped over Rafe.

  "Okay, that's enough!" the pilot barked. "In your seats, belts on. Everyone!"

  "Or what?" Sam said. "You'll pull over and make us walk the rest of the way?" She shook the mayor's shoulder. "Uncle Phil?"

  Mayor Tillson's head lolled. Nicole shrieked and fumbled with her belt. I pressed my hand to the mayor's neck.

  "Is he all right?" the pilot said, sounding concerned now.

  "He's breathing," I said.

  "Could it be a heart attack?" Sam asked.

  Before I could answer, the pilot cursed and said, yes, that must be it, with the stress and all, and the mayor was, as he put it, "a big guy." He'd get a doctor on the helipad right away.

  "Wh-what?" Nicole said, scrambling over Rafe. "Did he say heart attack?"

  "If it is, we'll get help," I said as Corey pulled her back.

  The pilot was on the radio to his dispatcher, filling him in between bouts of yelling at us to sit down.

  I moved in front of the mayor to undo his jacket. When Sam tried to wedge up beside his chair, Daniel nudged her toward our seats. Anyone else, she'd have told him to go to hell, but she listened to Daniel.

  "Maya can help," Nicole said when the pilot tried sending me back to my seat. "She knows first aid. She runs a hospital."

  "For animals," Hayley said.

  Corey told her to shut up, but she had a point. My dad was the local park ranger, and I had a rehabilitation shed for nursing injured animals back to health. I did know first aid, though, and the basics of dealing with a heart attack victim. Step one: call a doctor. Kind of tough, under the circumstances. Step two: give the victim an aspirin. That wouldn't work while he was unconscious. But why was he unconscious? I remembered fainting as one of the signs, but not sustained lack of consciousness.

  We had to get him to a doctor and, until then, I could only presume it was heart failure and perform CPR if he stopped breathing.

  I unbuttoned the mayor's shirt. When Nicole inched forward, the pilot snapped at her, and Corey told him to go to hell, which really didn't help matters. I glanced at Daniel.

  "Nicole," Daniel said, "I know you're worried, but he's okay. He's breathing and we're looking after him." He turned to the others. "Sit down, guys. Everything's under control."

  It didn't matter that Daniel barely raised his voice and the pilot's shouting and the noise of the helicopter almost drowned him out. Everyone sat. Even Kenjii, who'd been anxiously nosing the mayor's hand.

  "We need to get him lying down," I said. "If it's cardiac arrest, his heart may stop. I can't perform CPR while he's sitting."

  "Then you aren't performing CPR," the pilot said. "There's no room. We'll be landing soon."

  I laid my palm against the mayor's bare chest. I could feel his heart. Beating, but fluttery. Was that a sign of a heart attack? As I moved back, I saw a spot of blood on the shoulder of his shirt, where we'd peeled his jacket away. I remembered the mayor putting on his Windbreaker before climbing into the helicopter.

  "We need to get his jacket off," I said.

  As Daniel helped me get the mayor out of it, the pilot yelled, "Whoa! Hold on! Back in your seats. We'll be landing in a few minutes."

  Fortunately, as long as he was flying the helicopte
r, all the pilot could do was yell. And if there are teenagers who actually respond to adults shouting at them, I've never met one.

  When we got the mayor's jacket off, I checked his upper arm. There was a puncture wound. A dot, slightly swollen, crusted in dried blood.

  "Injection?" I mouthed to Daniel.

  He frowned and leaned to my ear. "Could be an insect... No, wait. Before we got on, the pilot clapped Mr. Tillson on the arm. I remember the mayor rubbing the spot, like it hurt." He paused. "Like he'd been injected."

  Daniel slowly turned on the pilot. I could feel the rage pulsing off him. I grabbed his arm and squeezed so tight it had to hurt. Only then did he drop his gaze.

  "His heart's beating fine," I said to the pilot. "Just have someone waiting at the pad."

  I refastened the mayor's seat belt, then started moving back toward my seat. I don't know exactly what happened next. My gaze was on Nicole, who looked terrified. I think the pilot grabbed for me. Or maybe he just reached out to get my attention.

  Daniel yelled "No!"

  That's all he did. I'm sure of it. Daniel shouted and the pilot snapped forward. His head cracked against the instrument panel, and he crumpled in his seat.

  "Wake him up!" Hayley shouted. "Someone wake him up!"

  Daniel and I shook the pilot. The helicopter dropped a couple of feet and we stumbled. Corey ran over.

  "Help me get him out!" he shouted to Daniel as he grabbed the front of the pilot's jacket. "I can fly it."

  "Based on what?" Sam appeared at his side. "Video games?"

  Corey scowled. "You got a better idea?"


  The boys pulled the pilot out of the way and dumped him in the narrow gap behind the front seats.

  Sam slid into his spot, grabbed the throttle and the control stick, then planted her feet on both pedals. The helicopter stabilized and began to rise, but listed to one side.

  "You have to get her level," Corey said.

  "No, really?"

  He reached for the control stick. Sam swatted him aside.

  "Do you know helicopters? Or just planes? Because they're not the same."

  The helicopter leveled for a second, then started to spin.

  "Sam doesn't know what she's doing," Hayley said. "Stop her."

  "She's keeping us in the air," I said.

  "Everyone else?" Daniel said. "Sit down and put on your belts. Now."

  Hayley and Nicole obeyed, but Corey hovered at the front, wedged between Sam and me.

  I reached for the radio and put on the headset. It took some fiddling to get the radio going, but we had a shortwave at the park, so I had some idea how to operate it.

  "SOS!" I said. "Helicopter out of Salmon Creek. Pilot unconscious. Repeat, helicopter pilot unconscious."

  I stopped transmitting and listened. Static.

  "SOS!" I said. "Emergency situation. Helicopter over Vancouver Island. Pilot unconscious. Repeat, pilot unconscious!"

  The helicopter dropped again.

  Corey bent to look at the control panel. "You need to--"

  "I'm working on it!" Sam snarled.

  "Here, let me--"

  I didn't see what Corey did, but the helicopter pitched to the side, hard and sharp. Corey fell onto the mayor. Kenjii barked, claws scraping the floor as she slid onto the unconscious pilot.

  Sam swore, her hands shaking as she reached for a lever. "Everyone sit down. Just sit down!"

  The helicopter lurched again and Sam's hand hit something. A crack and a rush of air. Nicole shrieked. This time, Hayley joined her.

  "The door!" Corey said. "Holy hell. The door's open!"

  "Everyone hang on!" Daniel yelled. "Maya, grab Kenjii!"

  I lunged for the dog's collar and, just then, I heard a gasp. Everyone was yelling and wind rushed through the half-open door and I shouldn't have heard anything. But I heard that gasp.

  "Rafe!" I screamed.

  As I turned, I saw a blur of motion. Rafe, his eyes opening as he sailed across the floor of the helicopter. Out the open door.


  I DIDN'T THINK. I shoved Kenjii into the safe nook between the front seats and scrambled toward the door as the helicopter jolted again, righting itself.

  Daniel lunged for me and missed. Wind rushed in through the open door. I could barely breathe, barely see. Then I saw Rafe's hands gripping the bottom frame.

  Rafe's hands slipping from the bottom of the door.

  I dropped and grabbed his wrists just as he lost his grip. As he fell, I shot forward. I kicked wildly, trying to hook something with my legs. Then someone caught my foot and I stopped with a jolt.

  I didn't need to look back to see who had me. The same person who'd had my back since we were five. Daniel.

  "Corey, get over here!" he shouted.

  The helicopter lurched, and I slid again, Daniel still holding my ankle. My hands were locked around Rafe's wrists, his around mine. Then Corey caught my other foot, and the helicopter leveled off.

  I could hear them shouting inside. Their words came in fits and starts, sucked away by the wind roaring past my ears. And in those first few seconds of confusion, I didn't really even understand what had happened. I could hear the wind. Feel the wind. Taste it even. But it took a moment for me to crack my eyes open and realize I was hanging outside the helicopter.

  Hanging outside the helicopter.

  The earth bobbed and whirled below us, trees and rock and water spinning into a blur.

  "Don't look down!" I thought it was Daniel, but then realized Rafe was staring up at me.

  "I've got you!" I shouted.

  He smiled, this weirdly calm smile. "I know."

  "Just hold on!"

  "I am."

  "We'll get you down."

  "It's okay, Maya."

  His voice was as strangely calm as his smile. My heart was thudding so hard I could barely breathe, and he just kept smiling up at me, his gaze locked on mine. Calm washed through me, slowing my heart, as if I was feeling what he did, an oddly disconnected peacefulness.

  "It's okay," Rafe said again. "They've got you."

  The helicopter spun, whipping us around. Pain shot through me as Rafe's weight almost wrenched my shoulders out of their sockets, and my hold on his wrists broke. Corey lost his grip on my leg. I heard him shout and Daniel shout and the girls join in, and I kicked, trying to get my leg back up where someone could grab it.

  The helicopter tilted again. I started to slide, Daniel sliding with me. And I knew we were going to fall. Rafe, me, Daniel, we were all going to fall.

  "Hold on!" I shouted to Rafe.

  "It's okay," he said, and I wasn't even sure he spoke aloud, didn't see his lips moving. "It's okay."

  He let go.

  I clawed the air, screaming.

  I didn't even see him drop. The helicopter banked and I caught only a blur of treetops spinning past and when I looked around, there was no Rafe. No sign of him at all.

  Corey and Daniel dragged me back into the helicopter. Someone got the door closed. I don't know who. I was crying and shaking so hard I couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't think.

  As I huddled on the floor, I felt Daniel behind me, his arms around me. Kenjii pushed onto my lap, and I buried my face in her fur, gripping handfuls and sobbing against her.

  It took a moment before anything else penetrated, but when it did, I heard Sam and Corey arguing, Nicole crying, and I felt the helicopter jerk and shudder, and I remembered where I was and what was happening. I couldn't break down now. No matter what had happened, I couldn't break down now.

  I pushed my dog away, patting her head, and staggered to my feet. Daniel rose with me, his hand still on my arm.


  "I'm..." I'm what? Fine? Good? Okay? No. I'm not. I'm absolutely not. I took a deep breath. "We need to land."

  My voice shook. My whole body shook. I could hardly breathe, it hurt so much. But I squeezed up to the front of the helicopter. Sam glanced over. She opened her mo
uth. Nothing came out.

  "He might be okay," Nicole said. "He might--"

  "He's not," I said. "We all know he's not."

  I couldn't even hope Rafe had survived because that would mean I'd have to think about it--about him and what just happened and if I did, I'd curl up in a ball on the floor again.

  I started toward Sam. I had to talk to her. Get her to land the helicopter. But I froze. Just ... froze.

  Daniel nudged past me. "We need to land this," he said to Sam.

  "That's what--"

  "That's what you've been trying to do, I know." His voice was calm, reassuring. "But we need to get her down, any way we can. Before anyone else gets hurt."

  She swallowed hard. Her hands trembled on the controls. Daniel crouched beside her, his hand on her shoulder.

  "How much do you know about flying?"

  "M-my dad had a friend who was a helicopter pilot. He showed me how. That was a couple of years ago. It's not the same as his helicopter either. I'm really trying but--"

  "I know you are. How do we get her down? We're over the strait now. Does that help? Water?"

  "I don't think so. I need open ground. Just a small piece, but I can't find any. It's all trees and--"

  "What about that island?"

  Daniel pointed to one of the many small islands dotting the strait below us. It was partially bare, as if the owner had cleared it for building.

  "I--I can try," Sam said.

  From most people, the hesitation would be expected. From Sam--the girl who was afraid of nothing--it meant our chances were slim. But what choice did we have? Nicole was trying to rouse her dad. Hayley was doing the same with the pilot. I took the headset and got on the radio again. No one was responding. So either we tried to land or we kept flying until Sam lost control and we plunged into the strait.

  "You can do this, Sam," Daniel said. "You know you can."

  He kept reassuring her as I worked on the radio. Why wasn't anyone answering? The pilot had been talking to someone just before he collapsed.

  Or had he? Even if he had, I realized it was probably whoever he worked for. Whoever told him to drug the mayor and fly us off course.

  And who was that? Who would do that? The same people who'd chased us through the blazing woods?

  "You're doing great," Daniel said to Sam as treetops came into view. "Hell, I could jump out from here."

  "You might want to do that," she said shakily.

  "Tell you what," Daniel said. "Take her lower, and if you don't think you can set her down, everyone will jump. Everyone except you and me. Okay?"

  She nodded.

  "And it's not like landing a plane, right?" he continued. "You just set her down, nice and--"