Page 27 of The Templar Legacy

  "Now you truly speak like a Templar."

  "I speak like a man who cherishes justice."

  "Is that not a Templar?"

  "Should that not be all men?"

  Stephanie smiled. Geoffrey was quick.

  MALONE FOLLOWED MARK BACK INTO THE CHURCH OF MARY Magdalene. They hustled down the center aisle, past nine rows of pews and gawkers, toward the altar. There Mark veered right and entered a small anteroom through an open doorway. Three camera-toting visitors stood inside.

  "Could you excuse us?" Mark said to them in English. "I'm with the museum and we need this room for a few moments."

  None questioned his obvious authority and Mark gently closed the door behind them. Malone looked around. The space was naturally illuminated by the light from a stained-glass window. A row of empty cupboards dominated one wall. The other three were all of wood. No furniture was inside.

  "This was the sacristy," Mark said.

  De Roquefort was no more than a minute from being upon them, so he wanted to know, "I assume you have something in mind?"

  Mark stepped toward the cupboard and searched with his fingertips above the top shelf. "Like I told you, when Sauniere built the Calvary garden, he constructed the grotto. He and his mistress would go down into the valley and collect stones." Mark continued to search for something. "They'd come back with hods full of rocks. There."

  Mark withdrew his hand and grabbed hold of the cupboard, which swung open to reveal a windowless space beyond. "This was Sauniere's hiding place. Whatever else he brought back with those rocks was stored here. Few know of this addition. Sauniere created it during the church remodeling. Plans for this building, prior to 1891, show it as an open room."

  Mark withdrew an automatic pistol from beneath his jacket. "We'll wait in here and see what happens."

  "Does de Roquefort know of this room?"

  "We'll find out shortly."

  DE ROQUEFORT STOPPED OUTSIDE THE CHURCH. ODD THAT HIS targets had fled inside. But no matter. He was going to personally tend to Mark Nelle. His patience was at an end. He'd taken the precaution of consulting with his officers before leaving the abbey. He wasn't going to repeat the former master's mistakes. His tenure would at least carry the appearance of a democracy. Thankfully, yesterday's escape and the two shootings had galvanized the brotherhood onto a singular path. All agreed that the former seneschal and his ally must be returned for punishment.

  And he intended to deliver.

  He surveyed the street.

  The crowd was growing. A warm day had brought out the tours. He turned to the brother standing beside him. "Go inside and assess the situation."

  A nod and the man walked off.

  He knew the church's geography. Only one way in and out. The stained-glass windows were all fixed, so they would have to shatter one to escape. He saw no policemen, which was normal for Rennes. Little ever happened here except the spending of money. The commercialization sickened him. If it was his decision, all tours of the abbey would be stopped. He realized the bishop would question that move, but he'd already decided to limit access to only a few hours on Saturdays, citing the brothers' need for more solitude. That the bishop would understand. He fully intended on restoring many of the old ways, practices that had long been abandoned, rituals that once separated the Templars from all other religious orders. And for that he would need the abbey's gates locked far more than they were open.

  The brother he'd sent inside exited the church and walked his way.

  "They're not there," the man said as he drew close.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I searched the nave, the sacristy, the confessionals. They're not inside."

  He did not want to hear that. "There's no other exit."

  "Master, they're not there."

  His gaze locked on the church. His mind swirled with possibilities.

  Then the answer was clear.

  "Come," he said. "I know precisely where they are."

  STEPHANIE WAS LISTENING TO ROYCE CLARIDON, NOT AS A WIFE and mother on a mission important to her family, but as the head of a covert government agency that dealt routinely in espionage and counterespionage. Something was out of place. Claridon's sudden appearance was too convenient. She knew little about Raymond de Roquefort, but she knew enough to realize that either Claridon had been allowed to escape or, worse, the prickly little man sitting across from her was in league with the enemy. Either way she had to watch what she said. Geoffrey, too, had apparently sensed something since he was offering precious little to the Frenchman's many questions--too many inquiries for a man who'd just survived a life-and-death experience.

  "Was the woman last night in the palace Cassiopeia Vitt, the Ingenieur mentioned in the letter to Ernst Scoville?" she asked.

  "I would assume. A she-devil."

  "She may have saved us all."

  "How? She interfered, as she did with Lars."

  "You're alive right now thanks to her interference."

  "No, madame. I am alive because they want information."

  "What I wonder is why you're even here," Geoffrey said from his position by the window. "Escaping from de Roquefort is not easy."

  "You did."

  "And how would you know that?"

  "They spoke of you and Mark. Apparently there was shooting. Brothers were hurt. They're angry."

  "Did they mention attempting to kill us?"

  A moment of uneasy silence passed.

  "Royce," Stephanie said. "What else might they be after?"

  "I only know that two books are missing from their archive. There was a mention of that."

  "You just said a moment ago that you possessed no clue as to why they wanted Madame Nelle's son." Suspicion laced Geoffrey's declaration.

  "And I don't. But I know they want the two missing books."

  Stephanie glanced at Geoffrey and saw not a hint of acquiescence in the younger man's expression. If indeed he and Mark possessed the books de Roquefort sought, no admission came from his eyes.

  "Yesterday," Claridon said, "you showed me Lars's journal and the book--"

  "Which de Roquefort has."

  "No. Cassiopeia Vitt stole both from him last night."

  Another new piece of information. Claridon knew an awful lot for a man whom his captors supposedly ignored.

  "So de Roquefort needs to find her," she made clear. "As we do."

  "It seems, madame, that one of the books Mark took from their archive also contains a cryptogram. De Roquefort wants that book back."

  "Is this more of what you overheard?"

  Claridon nodded. "Oui. They believed me asleep, but I was listening. One of their marshals, from Sauniere's time, discovered the cryptogram and recorded it in the book."

  "We have no books," Geoffrey said.

  "What do you mean?" Astonishment filled the man's face.

  "We have no books. We left the abbey in a great rush and took nothing with us."

  Claridon came to his feet. "You're a liar."

  "Bold words. Can you prove the allegation?"

  "You're a man of the Order. A warrior of Christ. A Templar. Your oath should be enough to prevent you from lying."

  "And what prevents you?" Geoffrey asked.

  "I don't lie. I've been through a difficult ordeal. I hid in an asylum for five years to avoid being a prisoner of the Templars. Do you know what they planned to do to me? Grease my feet and hold them before a hot brazier. Cook my skin from the bone."

  "We have no books. De Roquefort is chasing a shadow."

  "But that's not so. Two men were shot during your escape, and both said Mark carried a rucksack."

  She perked at the information.

  "And how would you know that?" Geoffrey asked.

  DE ROQUEFORT ENTERED THE CHURCH, FOLLOWED BY THE brother who'd just been inside. He walked down the center aisle and entered the sacristy. He had to give Mark Nelle credit. Few knew about the church's secret room. It was not part of any tour, and only Rennes pur
ists would have any inkling the concealed space existed. He'd often thought it curious that the domain's operators did not exploit Sauniere's addition to the church's architecture--secret rooms always added to any mystery--but there were a lot of things about the church, the town, and the story that defied explanation.

  "When you came in before, was the entrance to this room open?"

  The brother shook his head and whispered, "Closed, Master."

  He gently shut the door. "Allow no one to enter."

  He approached the cupboard and withdrew his gun. He'd never actually seen the secret chamber that lay beyond, but he'd read enough accounts from previous marshals who'd investigated Rennes to know that a concealed room existed. If he recalled correctly, the release mechanism was in the top right corner of the cupboard.

  He reached up and located a metal lever.

  He knew that once he yanked down, the two men on the other side would be alerted and he had to assume they were armed. Malone certainly could handle himself and Mark Nelle had proven he was not a man to underestimate.

  "Prepare yourself," he said.

  The brother withdrew a short-barreled automatic and aimed at the cupboard. He popped the latch and quickly stepped back, gun pointed, waiting for what would happen next.

  The cupboard inched open, then stopped.

  He stayed at the far right edge and, with his foot, pivoted the door wide open.

  The secret room was empty.

  MALONE STOOD CLOSE TO MARK INSIDE THE CONFESSIONAL. They'd waited inside the hidden room for a couple minutes, able to observe the sacristy through a tiny Judas hole strategically placed in the cupboard. Mark had watched as one of the brothers entered the sacristy, saw the room empty, and left. They'd waited a few more seconds, then exited, watching from the doorway as the brother left the church. Seeing no other brothers inside, they'd quickly hustled to the confessional and stepped inside just as de Roquefort and the brother returned.

  Mark had correctly surmised that de Roquefort would know of the secret room, but that he wouldn't share that knowledge with anyone unless absolutely necessary. When they'd spotted de Roquefort waiting outside, sending another brother inside to investigate, they'd lingered only long enough to buy a couple of minutes to change locations, since once the scout returned and reported they were missing de Roquefort would immediately surmise where they were hiding. After all, there was only one way in and out of the church.

  "Know your enemy and know yourself," Mark whispered as de Roquefort and his minion entered the sacristy.

  Malone smiled. "Sun Tzu was a wise man."

  The door to the sacristy closed.

  "We'll give it a few seconds, then we're out of here," Mark said.

  "Could be more men outside."

  "I'm sure there are. We'll take our chances. I've got nine shots."

  "Let's don't start a shootout, unless there's no other choice."

  The sacristy door stayed closed.

  "We need to go," Malone said.

  They exited the confessional, turned right, and headed for the door.

  STEPHANIE SLOWLY CAME TO HER FEET, STEPPED CLOSE TO GEOFFREY, and calmly took the gun from his grip. She then whirled, cocked the hammer, and rushed forward, pressing the barrel to Claridon's skull. "You slimy little scum. You're with them."

  Claridon's eyes went wide. "No, madame. I swear I am not."

  "Open his shirt," she said.

  Geoffrey ripped away the buttons, exposing a microphone taped to the thin chest.

  "Come. Quick. I need help," Claridon screamed.

  Geoffrey slammed his fist into Claridon's jaw and sent the impish man to the floor. Stephanie turned, gun in hand, and spotted through the window a short-hair running toward the front door.

  A kick and the door swung open.

  Geoffrey was ready.

  He'd positioned himself to the left of the entrance and, as the man burst inside, Geoffrey spun the attacker around. Stephanie saw a gun in the short-hair's hand, but Geoffrey deftly kept the barrel pointed down, pivoted on his heel, and kicked the man into the wall. Allowing no time to react, he delivered another kick to the abdomen that brought a yelp. When the man keeled forward, the breath gone from him, Geoffrey propelled him to the floor with a blow to the spine.

  "They teach you that at the abbey?" she asked, impressed.

  "That and more."

  "Let's get out of here."

  "Hold one second."

  Geoffrey darted from the kitchen back toward the bedroom and returned with Mark's knapsack. "Claridon was right. We have books and I can't leave without them."

  She noticed an earpiece on the man Geoffrey had subdued. "He was listening to Claridon, and is surely in communication with others."

  "De Roquefort is here," Geoffrey said with conviction.

  She grabbed her world phone from the kitchen counter. "We need to find Mark and Cotton."

  Geoffrey approached the open front door and carefully peered in both directions. "You'd think more brothers would be here by now."

  She stepped up behind him. "Could be they're occupied at the church. We'll head there following the outer wall, through the car park, staying off the main rue." She handed the gun back to him. "You watch my back."

  He smiled. "With pleasure, madame."

  DE ROQUEFORT STARED INTO THE EMPTY SECRET ROOM. WHERE were they? There was simply no other place to hide within the church.

  He slammed the cupboard back into place.

  The other brother surely saw the moment of confusion that had passed across his face when they'd discovered the hiding place bare. He washed any doubt from his eyes.

  "Where are they, Master?" the brother asked.

  Considering the answer, he stepped to the stained-glass window and gazed out through one of the clear segments. The Calvary garden below was still busy with visitors. Then he saw Mark Nelle and Cotton Malone rush into the garden and turn toward the cemetery.

  "Outside," he calmly said, stepping toward the sacristy door.

  MARK THOUGHT THE TRICK WITH THE SECRET ROOM MIGHT BUY them enough time to make an escape. He was hoping de Roquefort had brought only a small contingent. But three more brothers had been waiting outside--one on the main rue, another blocking the alley to the car park, and a final one positioned outside the Villa Bethanie, preventing the tree garden from becoming an escape route. De Roquefort had apparently not thought the cemetery a threat since it was walled with a fifteen-hundred-foot drop on the other side.

  But that was precisely where Mark was headed.

  He now thanked heaven for the many late-night explorations he and his father had once performed. The locals frowned on people visiting the cemetery after dark, but that was the best time, his father would say. So they'd many times scoured around, looking for clues, trying to make sense of Sauniere and his seemingly inexplicable behavior. On a few forays they'd been interrupted, so they'd improvised another way out than through the skull-and-crossbones gate.

  Time to put that discovery to good use.

  "I'm afraid to ask how we're going to get out of here," Malone said.

  "It's scary, but at least the sun's shining. Every other time I've done it has been at night."

  Mark turned right and scampered down the stone stairs to the lower part of the cemetery. Fifty or so people were scattered around, admiring the memorials. Beyond the wall the cloudless sky was a brilliant blue and the wind moaned like a stricken soul. Clear days were always breezy in Rennes, but the cemetery air was motionless, the church and presbytery blocking the strongest gusts, which came from the south and west.

  He hustled straight for a monument that lay adjacent to the east wall, beneath a canopy of elms that draped the earth in long shadows. He noticed that the crowd loomed mainly on the upper level, where the grave of Sauniere's mistress sat. He hopped onto a thick tombstone and clambered up onto the wall.

  "Follow me," he said as he jumped down on the other side, rolled once, then came to his feet, brushing off grit.
  He looked back as Malone leaped the eight feet down to the narrow track.

  They were standing at the base of the wall, on a rocky footpath that measured about four feet wide. Anomalous beech and pines sustained the downward slope beyond, beaten back by the wind, their branches twisted and interlaced, their roots stuck between clefts in the rock.

  Mark pointed left. "This path ends just ahead, beyond the chateau, with nowhere to go." He turned. "So we have to go this way. It takes us around to the car park. There's an easy way up there."

  "No wind here, but when we round that corner--" Malone pointed ahead. "--I imagine it'll get breezy."

  "Like a hurricane. But we have no choice."

  DE ROQUEFORT BROUGHT ONE BROTHER WITH HIM AS HE ENTERED the cemetery, the remaining three waited outside. Clever what Mark Nelle had done, using the secret room as a diversion. They'd most likely stayed inside only long enough for his scout to leave the church. Then they hid in the confessional until he'd ensconced himself in the sacristy.

  Inside the parish close he stopped and calmly surveyed the graves, but did not see his quarry. He told the brother standing next to him to search left and he went right, where he came across Ernst Scoville's grave.

  Four months ago, when he'd first learned of the former master's interest in Scoville, he'd sent a brother to monitor the Belgian's activities. Through a listening device installed on Scoville's telephone his spy had learned about Stephanie Nelle, her plans to visit Denmark then France, and her intent to obtain the book. But when it became clear that Scoville did not like Lars Nelle's widow and was merely leading her on, intent on thwarting her efforts, a speeding car on the Rennes incline solved the problem of his potential interference. Scoville was not a player in the unfolding game. Stephanie Nelle was and, at the time, nothing could be allowed to impede her movement. De Roquefort had personally handled Scoville's killing, involving no one at the abbey since he could ill afford to explain why outright murder was necessary.