Page 8 of Dark Destiny

Chapter Eight


  Time stopped. The world dropped away, simply disappeared. He tasted wild. She tasted exotic. The mix was a form of perfection, creating a powerful addiction. His mouth was firm and certain, her mouth was velvet soft and trembling with uncertainty. Nicolae was infinitely tender, murmuring to her as he gathered her even closer so that his body was imprinted on her softer one. Claiming her. And she melted right into him as if made for him.

  Her heart was beating with the rhythm of his. Electricity seemed to arc between them. Whips of lightning danced in her bloodstream. Destiny was vaguely aware of the steady roar that thundered in her ears as his mouth took possession of hers. His gentleness was her undoing, the exquisite care he took with her. It was his tenderness that enabled her to merge with him completely.

  Nicolae allowed the need to wash over him, through him. How did one survive when the body went up in flames and burned so cleanly? So completely? When the mind roared with need and every muscle was swollen and hard with a craving beyond bearing? Colors danced behind his eyes; fireworks burst through him, shooting sizzling sparks into his bloodstream. He deepened the kiss, feeding on her exotic taste. Possession and obsession were intertwining.

  It was her small wince of pain that brought him to his senses. Reluctantly he lifted his head, needing her, craving her, but mindful of her terrible wounds. He rested his brow gently against hers, struggling to regain control of his breathing.

  Destiny's long lashes fluttered and lifted. She regarded him with a dreamy, unfocused gaze. Her breath was coming in ragged little gasps. Nicolae deliberately slowed his breathing, coaxed her into following his rhythm. His white teeth flashed in a small, smug display of male arrogance. Of satisfaction.

  Her palm skimmed his jaw, framed his face. "You learned a few things in all those years hanging around on earth, didn't you?"

  His smile widened, his eyes glinting with humor. "I do not believe I ever experienced anything quite like this. Believe me, I would have remembered. It was rather like stepping off a cliff and free-falling through the heavens. "

  Destiny was pleased in spite of herself, but too exhausted to keep her hand up. It slipped away from him and she snuggled against him, shifting her hips to a more comfortable position in his lap. At once she came into contact with his fully aroused body. Her blue-green eyes went wide with shock.

  "Do not panic, little one," he soothed gently. "I am not asking for anything. " The pad of his thumb slid over her lower lip to trace the perfection of her mouth.

  Destiny's gaze drifted over his face for a long moment, lingered in the dark depths of his. "You don't ask for anything, yet you're asking for everything. "

  "In your time, Destiny," he answered gently. "It will happen; we have all the time in the world. "

  A faint smile curved her mouth. "Do we? You'd like me to believe that, wouldn't you? This isn't the first time the lifemate ritual has come up. You know, if what you say is true, it won't matter one way or the other if you say the words and bind us. You're already fixated. " There was faint humor in her voice.

  His eyebrows shot up. Nicolae found he wanted to kiss her again. He was fascinated with the way her mouth curved and tempted him when she smiled. "I wouldn't say fixated. "

  "Sticking to me like glue, then," Destiny insisted. A soft laugh escaped and immediately was choked off as pain slid over her fragile features. "Just do it. Get it over. Otherwise that idiot brother of yours will sit around glowering at me. "

  "Vikirnoff does not glower. "

  "Oh, yes, he does. He has those eyes and he gives me the 'get it together' look. It's annoying. "

  "What is annoying is that you are noticing his eyes. I do not think there is any need for you to be noticing his eyes. " He scowled at her.

  She stared up at his face, a slow grin spreading. "You are jealous. Oh, my gosh, you are totally jealous because I noticed your silly brother glowering. "

  "I am not jealous. And it is not that you noticed his glowering, it is that you noticed his eyes, which is an altogether different thing. "

  "You are so jealous. That's too funny. As if I'd look at the silent caveman. It's bad enough that I have to put up with you. Just say the stupid words so I can go to sleep. "

  "Destiny," Nicolae sighed in exasperation. "You are missing the point. This is supposed to be romantic. There seems to be something lost in the moment. "

  "Romance? We are definitely, absolutely not having a romance. " She looked panic-stricken.

  This time he couldn't resist. He leaned down and kissed her very gently. His lips lingered over hers, teased, feather-light for just a moment or two. Not long enough to get him slapped, just long enough for her eyes to go dreamy again. "What are we having?" There was amusement in his voice.

  She looked confused, staring up at him with a kind of hunted look that made him gather her closer. "Just say the dumb words, Nicolae. Let's see if it works. "

  "Well then, if you insist, I can do no other. " He was very obliging. "But I must insist on a little romance. "

  Destiny narrowed her gaze. "I'm not always going to be lying here helpless," she warned.

  "I should hope not. Once was enough to give me heart trouble. " His hands stroked her face, caressed the jagged tears in her throat. His voice was so tender, it sent liquid heat coursing through her body and little butterflies winging in the pit of her stomach.

  His arms gathered her even closer, cradling her in his lap. She closed her eyes as his face came closer, as his breath warmed the cold of her skin. Destiny felt her body turn to liquid heat. That warm breath felt like something she'd never thought she would find, not even if she lived for centuries. His lips were velvet soft, feathering down her cheek to the corner of her mouth. She felt tears burning behind her eyes. He was stealing her heart, and he wasn't stopping there. Her soul was craving him. Truly craving him. She hadn't thought she would ever have anything worthwhile for herself.

  Destiny. Her name shimmered in her mind. The way he said it was musical. He always made her feel beautiful even though she knew she wasn't. But he made her believe, whenever he was with her, or when he was speaking to her, that she was beautiful and worthwhile. That she could dream and hope. That she could belong. That someone saw her as a woman and not a monster.

  Her hands were shaking as she placed her palms against his chest to push him away. She couldn't handle this. She couldn't be with people after being alone for so long. She couldn't do it. But her hands just lay there helplessly. Her fingers curled into the silk of his shirt.

  For a moment his breath caught in his throat. She was giving herself into his keeping without a thought for herself. Nicolae felt humbled by her generosity. "I am not people, little one, I am Nicolae, and I belong with you. You have been sharing your life with me for many years now. " The kisses trailed to her ear. "I claim you as my lifemate. " His teeth teased her ear-lobe, sent a shiver through her body, heated her bloodstream. Left her breathless. Without words to protest. "I belong to you. "

  Destiny's stomach somersaulted. Nicolae did belong to her. She knew he belonged to her. He was her sanity. Her savior. His mouth slid along her neck, gently, tenderly, to linger over the vicious wounds in her throat. "I offer my life for you. I give you my protection, my allegiance, my heart, my soul and my body. I take into my keeping the same that is yours. "

  She felt it, the difference inside her, the sudden wrenching deep within, turning, forming, completing something that had long been torn in two. Fear shook her, but she still didn't push at his chest or loosen her hold on his shirt. She clung to him instead, digging her fingers into his shirt, holding him close to her.

  "Your life, happiness and welfare will be cherished and placed above my own for all time. You are my lifemate, bound to me for all eternity and always in my care. "

  His lips settled on hers, robbed her of air, gave her his own breath. Took her heart and gave her his. His mind settled into her mind. His teet
h teased her bottom lip until she opened to him. Yearned for him. His tongue swept inside the sweet recesses of her mouth, teased hers into an erotic duel. He gave her no time to feel the ties strengthening between them, drawing them closer so that they became one soul. Two halves of the same whole. It would only panic her.

  Nicolae took his time, making a thorough job of kissing her. His body was hard and painfully full. The demon roared for release, roared to continue the ritual, to claim her fully, make her irrevocably his. His fangs threatened to lengthen, wanting to taste her blood, wanting a true exchange as it was meant to be. His heart and soul sang with complete joy.


  There was a faint ache in her voice, betraying her own deep needs and cravings. He felt her strength ebbing.

  "You need to go to ground. Once more, Destiny, take my blood. " He murmured the words against her lips.

  You are weak.

  It was a faint protest, but her mouth left his and traveled along his neck to his throat. His entire body clenched as her teeth teased the spot over his pulse.

  Will you have time to hunt before you go to ground? I will feed.

  The anticipation strained his muscles till they were rock hard, defined clearly beneath his thin shirt. His breath slammed out of his lungs as her fangs sank deep. White-hot erotic pleasure. He closed his eyes and let it happen. Fire spread through his blood straight to his heavy erection. The heat threatened to be his undoing. He shuddered with the effort to maintain control.

  Destiny was careful to take only enough to sustain her through recovery. Her tongue swirled over the tiny pinpricks, lingered for a moment before she lifted her head. She was all too aware of his discomfort, the terrible need gripping him. She gave him the only thing she had to give.

  Put me in the earth and set the safeguards, please, Nicolae. I am very tired.

  Nicolae went very still. He had been certain he would have to force her compliance, but she surprised him. He didn't make the mistake of allowing her to think too long about her request. He seized control immediately and sent her to sleep.

  Nicolae held her for a long time, staring down at her face. She looked young and vulnerable, an angel with features that were far too seductive for his peace of mind. Or for the peace of his body. He felt humbled by her trust. He had never supposed she would trust him enough to sleep in the same chamber with him, no matter how severely injured she was. He sighed softy and lowered her into the rich bed of soil. Destiny. His world. She lay so still, her breath stilled in her lungs. His hands lingered on her as he surveyed her injuries.

  The air in the chamber stirred gently and he whirled around swiftly, a dark, dangerous predator, menace in every line of his body. His eyes flashed a hot reprimand at his brother. "You did not warn me. "

  "It is good for you. You have spent so much time sharing her head, I think it best to test your skills now and then. "

  Nicolae relaxed slightly. "Very funny. Your sense of humor has warped over the centuries. "

  "I did not know I had a sense of humor. " Vikirnoff studied the lines of strain in his brother's face. "You are arrogant and you do not even realize it. You do not even seek to hide her resting place from me. "

  "I trust you. "

  "You do not trust me with her life, Nicolae. I am in your head just as you are in mine. You know how strong you are; you believe I am not a threat to you because you know you can protect her. "

  Nicolae raked a hand through the black silk of his hair, leaving it more disheveled than ever. "I believe in you, Vikirnoff. "

  Vikirnoff shook his head. "You believe in yourself. She has no idea how dangerous you are. How strong you are. After you connected with her you shouldered part of her physical pain, lessened her emotional pain, all the while going from continent to continent hunting for her. You battled the undead where you found them and avoided all contact with our people as Vladimer requested. You went on her hunts with her, helping orchestrate them, feeding her your own strength and power from great distances and shielding her from that knowledge. I know of no other Carpathian who has accomplished such a feat. Why do you hide your strength from her? And why do you allow this?" His hands gestured toward the bed of soil where Destiny lay, bruised and torn. "Why do you not forbid this behavior and simply put an end to your suffering? You are a Carpathian male. This is hell for you. "

  There was no reprimand in Vikirnoff's voice; there never was. He was mildly curious about behavior he couldn't fathom. Vikirnoff clearly found it incomprehensible that a Carpathian male would allow his lifemate to live in constant danger.

  Nicolae shrugged his broad shoulders. The simple movement sent a ripple through his powerful muscles, a subtle warning to those who might see only his unfailing elegance. "She is my lifemate. I will do what is necessary for her, no matter what the cost. Destiny needs to be in control of her life more than she needs my protection. "

  "That makes no sense. We have few women. She is needed, alive and capable of giving birth to a female child. Why would you allow such unnecessary danger to her? Take her to our homeland where she belongs. "

  "A vampire robbed her of her life, forced his domination on her. Should I do the same?" Nicolae shook his head. "You know she would never stand for such a thing. "

  "You can take control of her. Once she is healed - "

  "Vikirnoff, she will never be completely healed, you know that. What was done to her is there in her mind for all time. She must come to me of her own free will. "

  "The cost to you - "

  "Does not matter. Will never matter. The physical danger to her is nothing in comparison to the danger of losing her to her own demons. They are more real and more lethal than any vampire she chooses to fight. I know you cannot understand, but you and I have stood together for centuries. You know me. You know my strength. There is no danger of my failing her by turning vampire. If she chooses another world, another time and place, I will follow her. "

  "Do you remember all those years ago when our Prince called us to him? We were already aware our lifemates were not in the world with us. Most of us had already fought battles and had seen brothers and friends turn to a corrupt existence. We accepted that we would not have our lifemates, that something had happened to prevent their birth or that they had died before they had a chance to grow. " Vikirnoff casually tugged at his wrist with his teeth.

  Nicolae would never leave Destiny unprotected while she lay helpless in the healing sleep he had commanded. Not even with Vikirnoff to guard her.

  Nicolae accepted the offering just as casually, nodding before bending his head to his brother's wrist.

  "I have given this situation much thought," Vikirnoff said. "We accepted our lives as guardians of the world. We asked for nothing in return, and we did our duty and upheld the honor of our people. " Vikirnoff glanced at the woman lying so still, her body battered and bruised, the tears in her skin still ragged. "This is not right. She should never have suffered like this. It is the very thing we gave our lives and our hopes to prevent. Of all people, it should not have happened to your lifemate. The undead should never have touched her. "

  "And yet he did," Nicolae said with resignation, closing the laceration in his brother's wrist. "Thank you for your help in this difficult situation. "

  "It is easier to continue when I see your lifemate and I know there is hope for our race. That there is hope my brother will live on and continue our line. "

  "Perhaps Prince Vladimer knew that some of us would find our lifemates in this century rather than in our own. He did have precognition. If there is hope for me, surely there is reason for you to continue your existence, Vikirnoff. "

  "Perhaps that is why he chose certain ones to stay and others to go. Our Prince was a great man and saw far into the future. I thought at first he was wrong not to tell his son of our existence, but Vlad was right. Mikhail drew our people together as no other could have. They were few, and they fought hard for the pres
ervation of our race. "

  Nicolae nodded his agreement. "Our people would have become divided had we not remained hidden. Vlad foresaw much, and that is why it is so important that all of our males continue to hold on. "

  "How is it that one who is so strong, so skilled a hunter and so intuitive, did not know the child he communicated with was his lifemate?" The question was casual, but Nicolae's gaze immediately sharpened, focused on his brother. There was a hidden significance to this question, but when Nicolae touched his brother's mind lightly, it was closed to him. He thought over his answer carefully, choosing his words.

  "I believe I could not know she was my lifemate," Nicolae replied candidly. "Had I had that knowledge, I would have lost my sanity knowing she was being tortured and raped and forced to witness his murders. I tried, once or twice, to use her sight, to kill the vampire, but there was no blood bond between us and it was not possible. I was too far away to help her. The knowledge that I could not protect my lifemate would have sent me over the edge. Because I did not know for certain, I could still function, protecting her as best I could. It has occurred to me that on some level she knew the truth. Oh, not as we know, but still, she protected me in the only way she could, by not speaking. I might have found her sooner, but maybe not. She was so frightened that she kept moving all the time. "

  "She is a strong woman and very courageous. But she is in constant danger fighting the undead. She does not value her life. "

  "But she values my life. She has always valued my life, and she knows our lives are intertwined. She will not willingly give up her life in a fight, and she is not careless. I will not, I cannot

  force my will on her. She will find her way to me in her own time. "

  "I am in your mind, Nicolae. The only emotion I can feel is yours. The battle for her weighs heavily on you. Take her to our homeland. You are far stronger than she is, far stronger than most ancients, most hunters. She would have no choice but to obey," Vikirnoff urged. "She might be upset for a while, but at least she will be safe. "

  Nicolae shook his head. "She would not be safe. She would not tolerate such behavior on my part. In her eyes I would be no better than the vampire, forcing my will on her. My comfort is not important to me, only her life and her sanity. "

  "You have bound her to you. You live or die together. "

  "We lived or died together before I said the words. She agreed to the ritual to protect me, anchoring me to the world of light. "

  Vikirnoff leaned his hip against a rock and studied his brother's face. "You insist, then, on remaining here in this place overrun with the undead?"

  "I know what is in your mind, although you are attempting to close it to me. You cannot sacrifice yourself by hunting the vampire here. We both know you are too close to turning to continue killing. Go to our homeland and we will follow as soon as we are able. "

  Vikirnoff shrugged, the gesture very close to his brother's mannerism, a casual display of sheer strength. "One of us must continue our line. "

  "I believe you have a lifemate somewhere, Vikirnoff. I think Vlad sent us into this century with the foreknowledge that we had a chance of finding our lifemates. Why it has taken so long, I do not know, but this is no time to choose the end. We had no hope, no belief that it was possible, yet we hung on. Now that there is hope, you cannot give up. "

  Vikirnoff regarded Nicolae for a long moment in silence. He shook his head slightly. "She will eventually find out that she only thinks she can read what is inside of you. That you hide what she cannot handle. What then, Nicolae? If she chooses the dawn for the two of you and I have waited too long, then I have nothing to anchor myself to the world of light. You sentence both of us if she is not able to overcome these terrible scars on her soul. "

  Nicolae reached out, laid a hand on his brother's shoulder. "She will survive. "

  Vikirnoff was silent again while water dripped continually from the walls of the cave. Finally he nodded once, then swept his hand over the earth to open it a short distance from where Destiny lay surrounded by rich soil. "The undead has gone to ground. I suspect he will flee the area or at least pull back to regroup. Her friends are safe for a time. " He floated across the chamber to lie in the earth.

  Nicolae watched the dirt pour over his brother, watched as the surface smoothed and settled as if undisturbed for eons. He set safeguards at the entrances to the cave and up along the steep, narrow chimney. Nicolae would take no chances with Destiny in his care. He set an intricate safeguard over his brother's resting place, one that for the first time would alert him should Vikirnoff rise first.

  Nicolae lay in the dark, rich soil beside Destiny's body. Still uneasy over the shadows in Destiny's blood, he decided another thorough inspection was warranted. Once more he shed his own body to become light and energy, entering hers to check the repairs he had made, to meticulously go over the cells where the vampire had injected his poison. He inspected her blood, wanting to see if his ancient blood was slowly fighting off the vampire's tainted sludge. Her blood was different. He felt it, sensed it, but no matter how carefully he searched, he could not find the poisonous bacteria. At times he had the sense that something was there with him, aware of him, but he found nothing to substantiate the feeling. He was gratified to see the blood flowing much more freely in her veins. Some of the long-term internal damage had been healed. It gave him hope that there would be a way to cure her completely. Finally he gathered her close to him and allowed the soil to pour over them, his lips brushing her cheek as the earth enfolded them into its care.

  Destiny woke fighting. She knew she wasn't alone the moment awareness came to her, still deep beneath the earth as the soil opened above her. Her heart began to beat, and air found space in her lungs. She felt the body next to hers - hard, muscular, male. Strong. Too strong to fight, but she tried anyway. She was on her side, and the instant she became aware she turned, the edge of her hand slamming down with the force of a hammer toward the throat she knew was close to hers. But it was no longer there.

  As her hand passed through empty air, Nicolae shackled her wrist, brought her hand gently to his throat to rest over his pulse. "You are safe, Destiny. Always safe with me. Each rising from this night until the end of our days, you will never wake alone or at risk. I will be here. "

  Destiny wrenched her arm free and launched her body out of the earth, her heart pounding so loudly it sounded like a drum in the confines of the cave. She landed some distance from him, fully clothed, her hair neatly braided and her gaze moving continually, restlessly in all directions.

  "Where's Vikirnoff? He has not risen?"

  Nicolae took his time rising, deliberately pausing before he clothed himself so she could get a good look at his sinewy body. He swept his hair back, using human means, securing the thick mass at the nape of his neck with a leather thong. "Are you nervous, Destiny? Surely not. You cannot be nervous with your lifemate. "

  Destiny tried not to stare at the perfection of his masculine body but she couldn't stop. He had incredibly broad shoulders, a narrow waist and hips, long, lean legs and well-defined muscles. He was fully aroused and quite casual about it as he dressed.

  She began pacing, quick agitated movements that betrayed her inner conflict. "I can't be with someone all the time. I need space. "

  "There is a world waiting outside this chamber, Destiny. " Nicolae gestured toward the entrance. "The night is waiting. "

  Her hand went to her throat. The ragged tears were healed. Her skin was without a single blemish. Her heart was beginning to settle down again, finding the exact rhythm of his. She forced a small smile, a brief curving of her mouth, yet her blue-green gaze continued to jump around the cave. "I think this might feel like my first one-night stand. "

  "One-night stand? I am offended. You planned to use me and throw me away after one night, did you? I am not that kind of man, Destiny. I am in for the long term. Eternity. You slept with me. It would be wrong of you to tos
s me out. "

  A reluctant smile touched her mouth, gleamed for an instant in her eyes. "I've watched a lot of movies - I don't think we slept together. "

  He grinned, a slow, teasing grin that swept away the lines etched into his darkly sensual features and managed to give him a boyish look. "We definitely slept together, Destiny. And as you can see, it was sleeping, not making love. " He brushed his palm over the thick fullness stretching his trousers.

  She blushed. She felt the color rising steadily, and no matter how hard she tried to stop it, it swept up her neck and into her face. She had been looking. Speculating. Maybe even admiring. "I was naked. You were lying beside me and we were both naked. "

  "That is common practice, I believe, when one goes to ground, especially to heal wounds. " He looked totally unrepentant.

  "I told you there would be none of that. " She gestured with her chin toward his erection.

  He laughed softly, pure male amusement. "I do not think we have much chance of controlling certain portions of my anatomy. You will just have to be understanding and pretend not to notice. "

  Her eyes widened. "How am I supposed to not notice that?"

  "Well, fine, then. " He sighed heavily. "I guess you can notice, but there will be no touching. " His voice lowered an octave. "Or stroking. "

  For some insane reason her breasts ached and her body throbbed. It was his voice. The thought of his hands moving over her body, cupping her breasts. . . She could picture his thumbs teasing her nipples into hard peaks, could feel it. Her mouth was unexpectedly dry, and her incisors threatened to lengthen. Destiny backed a few steps farther from him. She wanted to feel the weight of his erection in her palm, the thick hardness of his desire for her. She wanted to kiss him, to see the desire flare in his eyes. She wanted to stroke him.

  "Stop it. " His voice was husky. "I mean it, Destiny. I am your lifemate, not a saint. You cannot have erotic images in your head and expect me not to react to them. "

  She did have images in her head - her hands moving over his body, her mouth trailing kisses. She closed her eyes, wanting to shut out the pictures, but they were still there and her body was still in need. Hot and heavy and burning for him.

  "What did you do to me?" She glared at him accusingly.

  "I healed your wounds; I did not take advantage. You know that. "

  "I've never felt this way before in my life!"

  "That is a relief. I doubt I would be happy if you had wanted many men, Destiny. " There was the merest trace of laughter in his voice.

  "I'm glad you're finding this amusing. "

  "Come here. " He held out his hand to her. "Let me feed you. You have been to ground for two risings and have not fed. "

  Her chin went up. "Neither have you, and you gave me blood before we went to ground. I can find my own prey. " She felt strange. Divided. Wanting to be close to him. Wanting to run from him. He made her feel out of control. And vulnerable. She hated feeling vulnerable.

  "Why would you prefer to feed from humans when you can have the blood of an ancient to sustain you? Can you not feel the effects of my blood? Your suffering is far less on this rising. "

  "Don't tell me my suffering is far less. " Her eyes flashed at him, glinted a red fire in the darkness of the chamber. "I can handle that kind of pain. I know what to do, how to cope with it. "

  I don't know how to cope with you.

  She didn't wait to hear what he had to say. She bolted from the cave, fleeing as if pursued by demons. She knew exactly where she was going. To the church. Where she always went before feeding. Where she could find some semblance of balance. Of peace. She had entered the church and it hadn't fallen down. A bolt of lightning hadn't come out of the sky to incinerate her. She had touched the priest. And she wanted to look into a mirror again.

  You look fine. I do not think you need to become vain. You have enough bad habits.

  Nicolae was laughing at her again, but she didn't care. There was something new and unexpected in her life. She found she was looking at the world differently. The stars were glittering like gems over her head and she couldn't help noticing and appreciating them. The wind blew gently over her body like the whisper of a lover's voice. It cooled her body, ruffled the silk of her hair. Lightened her heart.

  For the first time in years, her blood wasn't burning her from the inside out. For the first time in years, she hadn't awakened with the thought of killing. She was wide awake, and her mind was filled with Nicolae. As hard as she tried, she could not extinguish the tiny ray of hope growing deep within her.

  The church doors were unlocked, and she knew before she pulled them open that Father Mulligan was inside, hearing confession. With her acute hearing she could distinguish soft words and the strangled sob of a woman as she spoke with her priest. In the pew close to the confessional was a big bear of a man. John Paul. His head was bowed, and Destiny could see his big shoulders shaking. Tears slid down his face.

  Destiny entered the church suppressing a small shiver of trepidation as she crossed the threshold and slipped into the poorly lit interior. Candles flickered in the alcove and cast strange, shifting shadows on the stained-glass window above it. She studied the depiction of the Madonna and Child, the sweet face and the way one hand held the infant to her while the other was outstretched toward Destiny.

  John Paul didn't look up, didn't seem to notice her, so Destiny slipped closer, wanting to get a feel for the man. Had he been touched by a vampire? Was that the explanation for his bizarre behavior toward Helena? Destiny scanned his mind, looking for the blank spots that would reveal the presence of the undead.

  John Paul was filled with sorrow and confusion. He feared losing Helena and he believed he might be losing his mind. His thoughts were jumbled and mixed with wild plans of carrying his beloved off to a secluded place until he could convince her he loved her and would never harm her.

  Father Mulligan and Helena emerged from the confessional, and the priest put his arm around her shoulders. Even in the dim light, Destiny could see Helena's swollen eye and cut lip. The damage was fresh. She was still crying softly. The priest helped her to a pew and beckoned solemnly to John Paul. The huge man hunched his shoulders as if struck, but like an obedient child, he rose. His tremendous bulk made the slight priest look small and thin and very frail.

  Destiny waited until the two men disappeared into the privacy of the confessional before gliding silently to the aisle near Helena, scanning the woman's memories as she did so. Helena certainly had memories of John Paul attacking her. He was terrifying, a tremendously strong man with hamlike hands and a body like a solid oak tree. Helena believed John Paul was insane. She planned to leave him, fearing for her life, yet she loved him fiercely, protectively.

  Her heart unexpectedly twisting in sympathy, Destiny laid a tentative hand on Helena's shoulder. "Velda and Inez asked me to help you, Helena. I hope you don't mind. " She wished she were Mary Ann with her gift for saying what Helena needed to hear.

  Helena shook her head without looking up. "No one can help me. I've lost John Paul. I can't stay with a man who would do this to me. "

  Destiny gently took her chin and lifted her face on the pretense of examining it. She waited calmly until Helena was caught and held in the depths of her eyes. She saw the relationship clearly; Helena and John Paul were nearly inseparable. Two people wholly devoted to one another.

  I didn't know anyone could feel as strongly as they do about one another. You just did not want to know, Destiny.

  Destiny scowled, wishing Nicolae were standing in front of her. She sent him a visual just in case he didn't get the fact that he was annoying.

  Destiny sighed. She couldn't let Helena and John Paul lose something so rare and precious. Continuing to look deep into Helena's eyes, she planted the idea of working things out with John Paul. Helena needed to allow Mary Ann to put her in a safe place until Destiny could figure out what was going on. Destiny w
ould make certain John Paul understood and agreed with her plan.

  I don't detect a vampire, she told Nicolae.

  Are you certain? John Paul is a simple man. Perhaps he is so shaken, you are not receiving a reliable brain pattern.

  Destiny frowned.

  Does that happen? It is possible. If the vampire had a soft enough touch and made the suggestion from a distance, you might not encounter the blankness they leave behind.

  Destiny tapped her finger lightly on the back of the pew.

  Is there a possibility that there is no vampire? Is there an illness that would cause John Paul to become violent? I don't know much about illnesses. I was only a child when I was converted, and I haven't spent much time around humans.

  She could feel Nicolae weighing his answer carefully, thinking it over.

  Do you detect a tumor or a brain bleed, something physical that would affect his behavior? No. His brain patterns seem normal enough. He is very focused on Helena. I don't think he is capable of hurting her this way. Why?

  Nicolae prompted.

  Everyone is capable of violence.

  Destiny sank into the pew. Nicolae was right. John Paul was a huge bear of a man, quite willing to indulge in a brawl if the opportunity presented itself.

  But not violence toward her. Never to Helena. He loves her.

  A wave of warmth flooded her mind. Her heart. Her very bloodstream.

  I understand how he feels. I believe you, Destiny. We will figure it out.