Page 10 of Family Man

  “What?” She was breathless. Her pulse had kicked into high gear, and a deep heat was pooling in her lower body. She looked up into Luke’s face and was transfixed. Sorcerer’s eyes, she thought.

  “I think you’ve put sex a little too far down on your list.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Damn right. I think that if you have to choose between a man who can cook and one who can make love properly, you’d better pick the guy who can make love.”

  “Why? I can always buy my perfect chef a book on sex. Any man with enough brains to be a good cook is certainly smart enough to learn how to make love properly.”

  “That’s what you think. I’ve got news for you. Cooking is a skill any idiot can learn. Making love to a self-appointed guardian angel, on the other hand, takes real talent.”

  He was going to kiss her. Katy bit her lower lip. “I don’t think you should do this, Luke.”

  Just before Luke’s mouth came down on hers, he replied, “When I want advice, angel, I’ll ask for it.”


  Luke thought he was going to drown in the crystal-clear blue pools of Katy’s eyes. She was watching him with a cautious feminine curiosity that made him feel as if he were being weighed and measured on some invisible scale. The sensation bothered him. He wanted her, and he wanted her to want him. Badly.

  He leaned into her, savoring the anticipation that was flowing like lava through his veins. He realized he had been contemplating this moment from the instant he had decided to come to Dragon Bay. The only factor that had been in doubt was the timing.

  Seeing Katy out on the balcony with Darren earlier had settled the matter, Luke told himself. If she wanted to get involved with a Gilchrist, she could damn well get involved with him, not his cousin.

  The glaring fact that Katy was definitely not his type no longer seemed important.

  She was soft, he thought. Soft and sweet and vulnerable. He curved his hand around the nape of her neck, enjoying the silken feel of her skin. Her scent slowly filled him, sinking deeply into his awareness. He could feel the enticing thrust of her breasts against his chest and the curve of her hip pressed into his thigh. His body was already tight and hard with arousal. He took her mouth hungrily as he lowered himself along the length of her.

  For a moment nothing happened. Nothing at all.

  Luke was so consumed by the rising tide of his own desire that it took him several heartbeats to become aware that Katy was not responding to him. The knowledge stunned him when it finally worked its way into his brain. She was not fighting him, but she was not exactly melting, either.

  He was chagrined to realize that she was just lying against the cushions. Her body was stiff, her mouth primly closed. He wondered irritably if she was waiting for some grand revelation from on high before she deigned to surrender to the human emotion of passion.

  A terrible sense of impending disaster welled up in Luke. He could not believe he was this aroused by someone who did not want him as much as he wanted her. Surely this kind of powerful, driving need had to be mutual.

  Luke took Katy’s earlobe between his teeth. She tensed as if she actually expected him to bite her.

  Frustration washed through him. What the hell did she want from him? he wondered. It had occurred to him that she might challenge him in this arena, just as she challenged him in other areas of their relationship. He had been prepared to deal with a variety of reactions—but not a lack of reaction.

  He was certain she had been aware of him on this fundamental level right from the start. All his masculine instincts had assured him she was as conscious of the electrical charge that crackled in the atmosphere around them as he was.

  Luke lifted his head, dazed. He could not believe she was not caught up in the currents of sexual tension flowing between them. He did not want to believe it.

  Deliberately he crushed Katy into the cushions. He bent his knee, forcing his leg up alongside her hip. The movement pushed her turquoise skirts up above her knees. A new wave of excitement roared through him when he felt her nylon-clad thigh next to his leg. Katy’s lips moved against his for the first time.

  “Luke? I really don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “Damn it, is that all you can say?”

  “Well, it’s not as if you’re my type, and I’m certainly not yours. And given the fact that we have to work together for the next six months, I think it would be best if we avoided this sort of entanglement, don’t you?”

  With a husky groan Luke sealed her mouth shut with his own. He thereby effectively cut off her protest, but he accomplished little else. He slid his hand up over her hip, letting his fingers climb higher until they rested just beneath the enticing weight of her breast.

  Katy flinched, but she did not throw her arms around him and beg him to take her. To his shock, Luke could not even tell if the tiny tremor that went through her was desire or disgust.

  “I don’t believe this,” he muttered hoarsely.


  “I don’t believe you’re not even a little bit curious about what it would be like between us.

  Katy touched his rigid jaw with gentle fingertips. “I didn’t say I wasn’t curious, just that I don’t think it’s a very good idea to find out.”

  The gossamer feel of her fingers on his face sent sharp talons of desire through him. He sought for answers. “You’re afraid of me, aren’t you?”

  “No. Just cautious, the way I always am around Gilchrists.”

  “Christ, don’t lump me in with the rest of the coven. I’m not like them.”

  She smiled faintly. “You don’t think so?”

  “No, damn it. Katy, stop fighting this and kiss me.”


  He gazed down at her, astounded. “Why? Because you’re going to like it, that’s why.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’m going to like it, too. A lot. Kiss me, honey. Put your arms around me and let me show you how it’ll be between us.”

  She touched the tip of her tongue to the corner of her mouth. Her eyes searched his intently. “If I do, will you promise me that you won’t be angry when I tell you to stop?”

  Relief soared in him as he sensed victory. His mouth curved with newfound indulgence. Everything was going to be all right now. “Word of honor.”

  “All right.” Katy slipped her arms around his shoulders.

  A hot surge of pleasure ripped through him. Luke gathered her close, one arm under her head, the other around her waist.

  “That’s better,” he muttered. “Much better.”

  He took her mouth again, this time with every intention of gaining admittance to the inner sanctum.

  Her lips trembled uncertainly and then parted beneath his deliberately gentle assault. Euphoria raced through Luke. When Katy’s hands tightened around his shoulders and she whimpered softly, he felt as if he had been handed the keys to the citadel.

  He realized his hands were shaking. The strangeness of the experience nearly unnerved him.

  Luke plunged inside her mouth, tasting, teasing, drinking in the essence of her. He felt her shiver in his arms, but she did not pull away. He edged his knee more deeply upward, lodging it between her thighs. He sensed the sultry heat that emanated from between her legs.

  She wanted him. Thank God. He had not been wrong on that score after all. She was wary of him, that was the problem. He could overcome her fears easily enough. If she needed time, he would give her time. Hell, when it came to this kind of thing he had the patience of a saint.

  Luke stroked her slowly, letting his hand glide over her breast. He could feel the hard tip of her nipple and gloried in the knowledge that she was at last beginning to respond.

  He found the zipper of her turquoise dress and lowered it slowly. His fingers traced the curve of her spine
all the way down to the small of her back. She felt so good, he thought. So sleek and smooth and soft. He touched her lightly in the small hollow at the top of her buttocks. He felt deeply rewarded when another tremor of desire rippled through her.

  A hungry need was clawing at his insides now, but Luke clamped a steel chain around his own sense of urgency. It had been a long time since he had wanted anything or anyone as much as he wanted this woman, but he could wait a while longer. He wanted to be certain Katy was as caught up in the whirlwind as he was. He needed to know she was experiencing the same shattering excitement.

  There was no rush. They had all night.

  Katy made a small, exquisitely alluring little sound as her fingers tightened on him. Luke felt the tentative upward surge of her hips. She was melting at last. All hot honey and liquid fire. In another few minutes she would be his.

  Luke cradled Katy’s buttocks in the palm of his hand, remembering what Justine had said about her cloistered life-style. He promised himself he would move slowly and carefully from here on in, even if it drove him crazy. Seducing angels was new to him.


  He did not hear her at first. Luke was so involved in trying to decide if it was too soon to strip off the turquoise dress that he did not realize Katy had spoken.

  “I think that’s enough,” Katy said tremulously.

  “Huh?” He curved his hand around her thigh, squeezing gently. He loved the soft, resilient feel of her.

  “I said that’s enough. I have to go home, Luke.”

  He finally realized she had her hands splayed against his chest. She was pushing at him. Dazed with the white-hot need that was threatening to char his insides, Luke raised his head. He looked down at her through narrowed eyes. Her mouth was swollen from his kisses, and her cheeks were flushed.

  “You want to go home?” he asked in disbelief.

  “It’s very late. My brother will be wondering where I am.”

  “You can’t leave now.”

  She bit her lip. “You promised me you would stop when I asked you to stop.”

  “I know, but—”

  “But you didn’t think I’d ask, did you?” Katy’s mouth twisted ruefully. “Typical Gilchrist attitude.”

  “Katy, I’m warning you, if you don’t stop telling me I’m like every other Gilchrist you’ve ever met, I’m going to lose my temper.”

  “What will you do? Fire me?”

  He scowled at her. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  “It would certainly simplify things from my point of view.”

  “Don’t get your hopes up.”

  She sighed. “I won’t. Please, Luke, I really must be going.”

  He stifled an oath and released her. He took a deep breath as his body protested violently. “Go ahead, angel. Run while you can.”

  “There’s no call to get surly. You started this.” She sat up quickly, struggling with her zipper. “I told you it wasn’t a good idea.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with the idea.” He took charge of the zipper, yanking it up. Hell, he thought. She wasn’t playing a game, she really was going to walk out. “You’re just scared, that’s the problem.”

  “Can you blame me for being cautious?” She fumbled with her shoes. “I am not interested in having an affair with you, Luke.”

  “Why not? Because I can’t cook?”

  “Among other things.” Katy stood up quickly.

  Luke sprawled back against the cushions, one leg drawn up, his hands behind his head. He eyed her broodingly. She looked flushed and warm and aroused. And he wanted her. He decided to try a different tactic.

  “Katy,” he said in a soft, coaxing tone, “let’s talk about this.”

  “Stop looking at me like that.” She picked up her purse. “We both know you’re not really interested in me, Luke. You’re annoyed with me because I talked you into coming here to help your family. You’re feeling resentful and angry because I made you accept your responsibilities to the other Gilchrists. You decided to get even tonight by asserting yourself over me in a sexual way.”

  He blinked in amazement at her idiotic logic. “Bullshit.”

  “It’s true, and you know it.” She smiled wearily. “I can understand your reaction. Seducing me probably seems like a way of paying me back for interfering in your life. But I don’t want to be seduced for that reason, Luke. You’ll have to get your vengeance by bullying me in the office, just like all the other Gilchrists do. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to be on my way.”

  She turned and headed for the door. Luke experienced a few seconds of some indefinable panic. He came up off the sofa in a swift rush. He was right behind her when her hand closed around the doorknob.

  He put his palm flat against the door and held it shut as she started to open it. “I’ll take you home.”

  “I can walk that far by myself.”

  “I said I’ll take you home, goddammit. I told your brother I’d take care of you tonight, and I intend to do just that.” Luke turned and grabbed a black windbreaker out of the closet. Then he pulled her coat off the hanger.

  “Thank you,” Katy said quietly as he helped her into the coat with short, brusque movements.

  He swung her around and caught her face between his palms. She stared up at him with troubled eyes. “You’re going to regret this, Katy Wade.”

  “Why? Because you’re going to make life hell for me at work? I can handle Gilchrists. I’ve been doing it for years.”

  “What happens between us at work has nothing to do with this,” he ground out. “The reason you’re going to regret walking out of here tonight is because you’re going to spend the rest of your life wondering what it would have been like between us.”

  She blinked, and then, to Luke’s amazement, she seemed to relax. “Good heavens, Luke, where on earth did you get that idea?” Her mouth curved softly. She reached up to pat his cheek gently. “I already know what it would have been like to go to bed with you.”

  “You think so?” he demanded, goaded.

  “Of course. I’ve got a very good imagination, and I’m sure it would have been quite exciting. Hot, seething, and tempestuous. I would expect nothing less of a Gilchrist.”

  He set his teeth but decided to ignore the fact that she was still generalizing about Gilchrists. “So what the hell is wrong with hot, seething, and tempestuous?”

  “Nothing, if you’re the type. I’m not, and we both know it.”

  “Hell, maybe you could learn to be the type,” he growled. “Maybe I could teach you.” The image that came into his head at that thought made his whole body clench with desire.

  “No.” Her eyes were clear and solemn. “I’m not going to learn it from you.”

  “Why not?”

  “The last thing I want to do is get involved with you, Luke. She opened the door.

  Luke did not try to stop her this time. He glanced back at Zeke. “Come on, boy. You might as well come with us.”

  Zeke picked up his bowl and followed Luke and Katy out into the night.

  The chilled night air hit Luke like a dash of cold water. He began to think more clearly. His body calmed somewhat. It was all right, he told himself. He had six months ahead of him. Six months in which to convince Katy that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  He did not bother to break the silence that hung between Katy and himself during the short walk to her cottage. When they reached her front door he stood waiting patiently until she had it unlocked. The lights were on in the living room, but the rest of the house was in darkness. Matt had apparently gone to bed.

  Katy smiled apologetically as she stepped over the threshold and started to close the door in Luke’s face. “I’m sorry if I misled you in any way. I realize I shouldn’t have let you kiss me. If you feel that what happened back at your cot
tage was my fault, then I can only say I regret it very much. I realize Gilchrists tend to get very intense about everything.”

  Luke planted a hand against the door frame and leaned close. He wanted to be certain she could see the anger in his eyes. “Let’s get something clear here, Katy Wade. What happened back at my cottage was my fault. I take full responsibility for it. I started it, and one of these days I will damn well finish it. Now go to bed and think about that before you fall asleep.”

  “But Luke—”

  “And stop assuming that I’m just like every other Gilchrist you’ve ever known.” He reached out, caught hold of the doorknob, and yanked the door shut before she could react.

  Zeke looked up at him inquiringly.

  Luke raked his fingers through his hair. He glanced up at the starry sky. The moon was full tonight. It cast a broad swath of silver on the sea.

  “Come on, boy. Let’s go down to the beach. I need a long walk.”

  Zeke bounded forward, heading toward the path that led from the top of the bluff to the rocky beach below. The chilly breeze whipped at Luke’s windbreaker as he followed the dog down to the water’s edge.

  Luke strode swiftly along the coarse, moonlit sand for a long while. He focused on letting the brisk, tangy air drive the remnants of passion out of his system.

  When he finally came to a halt at the far end of the beach he had himself firmly back under control. His mind had calmed to the point where he could think clearly and coldly again.

  He had been asking himself why he had come here to Dragon Bay ever since he had made the decision. He had tried telling himself he was after the Pacific Rim restaurant. He had played with the idea of vengeance against the rest of the clan. He had wondered if perhaps it was sheer boredom that had driven him to accept the challenge of saving Gilchrist, Inc.

  Now Luke realized with grim self-awareness that he finally had the real answer to his question.

  He was here because of Katy.

  The following morning Katy walked into the office and put a small plastic container down on Liz’s desk. Liz leaned forward expectantly as Katy opened the container and reached for a knife. She dipped the knife into the pesto and spread the green paste onto a cracker.