Page 17 of Family Man

  “Darren, I can’t tell you how relieved I am to hear you’re in the clear.”

  “You think you’re relieved? Believe me, it’s nothing compared to how I feel. When I’m not feeling like a total idiot, that is.”

  “You’re not an idiot, Darren. Anyone can get taken in by a good con artist.”

  “I’ll bet Luke wouldn’t get taken in by one. The man knows what he’s doing.”

  Katy raised her brows at the tone of respect in Darren’s voice. “Yes, he seems reasonably intelligent,” she admitted dryly.

  “Intelligent, hell. The Bastard’s a damn genius. I’ll tell you one thing, I sure learned something from this mess.” Darren’s mouth curved ruefully. “Of course, I could have done without lesson number one. But I guess I deserved that, too.”

  Katy looked at him curiously. “What was lesson number one?”

  “That was the one where Luke dragged me into an alley at Pike Place Market and beat the shit out of me.”

  Katy was dumbstruck “He did what?”

  “He was kind of pissed that I had approached you to help me get the money,” Darren explained cheerfully. Then his smile faded as he took in the expression on her face. “Hey, it’s okay, Katy. Luke had a point.”

  Katy shot to her feet. “I don’t believe this. Luke never told me that he attacked you.”

  “Take it easy,” Darren said soothingly. “He didn’t do any permanent damage.”

  “But he beat you up because of me. I’m the one who asked him to help you, and instead he assaulted you.”

  “Hell, I’m sorry I even mentioned it. I didn’t mean to get you upset. I figured he’d probably told you about it.” Darren broke off at the sound of footsteps in the hall. “That must be Luke. I’ll let him know I’m here.”

  Katy squared her shoulders and marched around the edge of the desk. “You will wait right here in my office. I want to talk to him first.”

  Darren’s eyes widened as he realized her intention. “Hold on a second. I don’t want you getting any more involved in this. What happened in that alley was between me and Luke.”

  “It was not just between you and Luke. I am also involved. I asked Luke to help you out of that mess.”

  “He did.” Darren scrambled to his feet and hurried after her. “Katy, wait...”

  But Katy was already out of her office. She sailed straight past a curious Liz and stepped into the hall. Luke’s office door stood open. He was standing at his desk, examining a fax that had just arrived on his machine.

  “I want to talk to you, Luke.”

  He looked up, taking in her militant expression in a single glance. “What’s with the flaming sword this time, angel?”

  “Don’t call me angel.” Katy started to slam his office door, but she was forestalled by Darren’s foot, which was firmly lodged in the opening.

  “Sorry about this, Luke,” Darren said over the top of Katy’s head. “She’s a little upset. I didn’t realize she didn’t know about our scene in the alley.”

  Comprehension dawned in Luke’s eyes. He tossed aside the fax, leaned back against the edge of the desk, and folded his arms. “It’s all right, Darren. I’ll handle this. Close the door, will you? I want to talk to Katy alone for a while. You can wait in her office.”

  Darren looked doubtful. “You’re sure?”

  Luke nodded. “I’m sure. Go on, get out of here.”

  “Right. I’ll be next door.” Darren grinned. “I’ve got a lot to tell you about Milo Nyle.”

  “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me. Take off.”

  “I’m out of here.” Darren closed the door firmly.

  “First,” Katy announced in ringing tones as she faced Luke with her hands on her hips, “I want some answers and an explanation, Luke Gilchrist. Is it true that you assaulted Darren?”

  “Is that what he said?”

  “His exact words were that you beat the you-know-what out of him.”


  “Yes,” Katy shot back. “Exactly. Luke, that is utterly appalling. How could you do such a thing?”

  “It wasn’t easy. Darren’s had some fairly decent karate training. He can handle himself, I’ll say that much for him.”

  “That’s not what I mean, and you know it,” Katy said through her teeth. “I asked you to help him.”

  “I did.”

  “After you beat him up?” she demanded incredulously.

  “We had to get that part out of the way first,” Luke explained gently.

  Katy threw up her hands in a gesture of complete frustration. “Luke, that is no way to handle things.” She started to pace back and forth across the small office. “What kind of an example does that set?”

  “One he’ll remember, with any luck.”

  “Violence is never a proper approach to problem solving.”

  “Think of it as aggressive intervention.” Luke watched her as she stalked past him. “Calm down, Katy. The matter has been resolved. Darren appears to be satisfied with the way things turned out, so there’s no call for you to be upset.”

  “Why did you beat him up?” Katy demanded.

  “Because he tried to use you.”

  Katy stopped short, taken off guard by the smoldering green flames in his eyes. “Are you saying you engaged in a brawl with him because he asked me to help him out of a jam?”

  “No.” Luke’s expression hardened briefly. “I did it because he put you in a completely untenable position. In effect he asked you to lie for him. He had no right to do that. And now he understands that. He won’t do it again.”

  Katy stared at him. “I don’t know what to say. You make me very nervous, Luke.”

  “I did what you asked me to do,” he reminded her softly.

  “Yes, but I didn’t realize how you would go about doing it.” She shot him a grim look. “This raises some serious issues. What am I going to do with you?”

  “You could try thanking me,” he said, his expression suspiciously bland.

  “For what?”

  “For saving Darren’s ass.”

  Katy was torn. Luke was right. He had saved Darren from a very unpleasant situation. More to the point, he had taught his cousin how to avoid similar situations in the future. And Darren seemed content with the way things had turned out.

  Katy dropped into the nearest chair and glowered at Luke. “I suppose you meant well.”

  “I told you once before that do-gooding is not a major objective in my life. I did what you asked me to do. No more, no less.”

  “But you did it in your own way,” she said, disgruntled. “You know, having you around is like having a genie in a bottle. I get my wishes fulfilled, but nothing ever turns out quite as I had envisioned.”

  Luke laughed softly. “That’s the way it goes sometimes.” He unfolded his arms and moved away from the desk.

  Katy watched as he crossed the room and locked the door. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m in the mood to fulfill a few wishes of my own.” He walked toward her and came to a halt in front of her chair.

  Katy looked up at him through her lashes, not trusting the expression on his face. Her insides were turning to liquid under the impact of that molten emerald gaze. “Luke, what’s going on? What are you doing?”

  “I told you. A little wish fulfillment.” He leaned down without any warning and scooped her up out of the chair.

  Katy uttered a soft screech. “Luke, stop it.” She was acutely aware of the presence of Liz and Darren just next door. “Put me down. What on earth do you think you’re doing?”

  “Think of this as an exercise in management creativity.” He sat Katy down on the edge of the desk and slid his hands up under the hem of her skirt. His fingers clamped firmly around her knees.

  Katy gasped as Luke spread her thigh
s wide and stepped between them. She grabbed his shoulders to brace herself as she realized what he was going to do. “Luke, stop. You can’t do this. Not here. Not now. Good grief.”

  “Don’t worry, angel. I’ll handle everything.”

  “That’s what you said when you agreed to help Darren,” Katy hissed. “Luke, really, we can’t do it like this. This is an office, for heaven’s sake. There are two people right next door. Justine is downstairs. What about Mrs. Igorson? Or one of the day maids?”

  “I don’t plan to invite them to watch.” He bent his head and took her earlobe between his teeth. One of his hands moved up the inside of her thigh until he touched the crotch of her pantyhose: His finger started to move in a gentle rhythm.

  Katy sucked in her breath and instinctively tried to close her legs, but Luke’s strong thighs were in the way. Katy felt his teeth on her ear and thought she was going to melt. Part of her did.

  “Oh, no,” Katy wailed softly as she felt her panties dampen. “This is terrible. What am I going to do for the rest of the day? I don’t keep spare underwear here at the office. For goodness’ sake, Luke.”

  “One of these days, angel, you’re going to learn that I don’t do anything for goodness’ sake.” Luke’s fingers slipped inside the waistband of her pantyhose and panties. He wrapped one arm around Katy’s waist and lifted her slightly off the desk. Then he peeled the underwear down over her hips in a single swift movement.

  “Oh, my God,” Katy breathed. She nearly collapsed when she felt Luke’s hand on her softness. He was touching her the way he had the other night in the hotel room, the way she had been fantasizing about ever since. This was ridiculous. She was turning into a quivering mass of gelatin.

  “You know what I like best about making love to you, angel?” Luke stroked her slowly, parting her with his fingers, opening her. “You couldn’t hide your response to me if you tried.”

  “This is insane.”

  “Just the opposite. This is going to save my sanity. I’ve been going crazy for the past three days plotting how and when to make love to you.”

  Still bracing herself with her hands on Luke’s shoulders, Katy glanced down just as Luke unzipped his black jeans. His heavy, fully aroused manhood thrust outward from the nest of black hair. Impulsively she reached down to curl her fingers gently around him.

  “Yes,” Luke muttered thickly. “Like that. Damn, that feels good.”

  He pushed himself forward, deeper into her palm. Katy forgot about where she was and who was next door. Luke’s fingers continued to move on her, drawing forth the wet heat, stoking the flames until she was half mad with desire.

  “Luke,” she whispered urgently.

  “I know, angel, I know.” His voice was hoarse with his passion.

  But still he made her wait.

  And wait.

  Then, when she was digging her nails into him and biting her lip to keep from crying out, he made himself ready. He eased himself slowly and deeply into her snug passage.

  Katy’s hands trembled as she wrapped herself around him. She felt him retreat slightly and then plunge back into her with a long, sure movement.

  “Luke, I don’t...I can’t...oh, Luke.” She felt the delicious twisting sensation build swiftly inside her. She knew where it was going to lead this time, and the knowledge alone was almost enough to send her over the edge.

  “That’s it, angel. I’m going to do this a little harder now. Hold on tight.” He pushed into her with a controlled force that was unbelievably erotic.

  “Oh, God, Luke.”

  “Just a little deeper. I want to get a little farther inside. Come on, sweetheart. Open wider for me. Yes, that’s it. You’re so tight. So sweet and hot and tight.”

  “Luke, I can’t stand it any longer.”

  “Then go up in flames for me, angel.” He reached between her parted thighs, found the point where his body joined hers, and touched the magic place.

  The small convulsions shattered Katy into a million glittering pieces. She clung to Luke. He was the only solid thing in her universe. She parted her lips to cry out her pleasure. Luke instantly clamped his mouth tightly down over hers, swallowing the soft sounds of her passion.

  Katy felt him shudder and surge forward into her one last time. His barely stifled groan of satisfaction reverberated deep in his chest.

  For a few minutes there was complete silence in the room. Katy finally took several deep breaths in an effort to regain her composure. She was vaguely aware of Luke moving slightly away from her. She heard him zip his jeans.

  She felt him reach around her for something on the desk, but she couldn’t bring herself to open her eyes.

  Then she felt him tuck a tissue between her thighs. She flinched, embarrassed. Blushing, she made a hasty grab for the tissue. “I’ll do that.”

  Luke’s smile held a wealth of masculine satisfaction. “It’s all right, angel. I don’t mind taking care of you.”

  Katy groaned. “This has got to be the most outrageous thing that has ever happened to me.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “You’re impossible, Luke Gilchrist.” Katy fumbled with her clothing. “I cannot believe we just did this. What if Liz and Darren overheard us?”

  “If either of them did, I trust they’ll have enough sense not to mention it to you.”

  “That’s not the point.” Katy jumped down off the desk, staggered, and nearly collapsed. Luke caught her arm to steady her. He was still smiling that very masculine smile.

  “Take it easy, honey.”

  She frowned at him, then reached down to pick up her pantyhose and panties. She realized at once the underwear was still damp. She was still damp, too, in spite of the tissue. “Oh, dear. I can’t put these back on.”

  “It’s your decision, but Liz is bound to notice if you’re not wearing your pantyhose when you go back to your office.”

  “Oh, dear.”

  “Don’t worry, angel, they’ll dry. Eventually.”

  She frowned at him. “Easy for you to say. You’re not the one who has to sit around in damp underwear for the rest of the day.”

  Luke grinned. “Tell you what. I’ll empty out one of my desk drawers. You can use it to store a spare set for this sort of occasion.”

  Katy decided that if she hadn’t been feeling so soft and warm and happy, she would have strangled him. The man clearly had no shame.

  “We are not going to make a habit of this, Luke Gilchrist,” Katy announced as she stepped into her panties and tugged on her pantyhose.

  “All right,” he said equably. His eyes followed her every movement with lazy possessiveness. “Next time I’ll think of something to use besides the desk. Although I thought it worked just fine myself.”

  Katy felt herself responding to the expression in his sorcerer’s eyes. “I think I had better get out of here.”

  “Don’t forget that I’ll be over for dinner tonight.”

  “Believe me, I’m not likely to forget.” Katy straightened her skirt and fled toward the door.

  “Right.” Luke walked around behind his desk and sat down. He picked up a gold pen and smiled. “Tell Darren I’ll talk to him now.”

  Katy paused in the act of unlocking the door. She glanced anxiously around the office. “Do you think he’ll know that we, uh, did something in here?”

  Luke shrugged. “Like I said, as long as he refrains from commenting on the subject, I don’t really care.”

  “Well, I do,” Katy muttered. “You Gilchrists are entirely too blasé about this sort of thing. You thrive on passion and drama. No sense of decorum whatsoever.”

  “Relax, Katy. If cousin Darren dares to make any tasteless remarks, I’ll tear off one of his arms and beat him over the head with it.”

  Katy gave up. There was no reasoning with Luke. S
he went out the door and down the corridor to the nearest bathroom. When she emerged she felt much better. In control. Her hair was neatly brushed and her clothes looked presentable.

  She had been right about one thing, however. Her damp panties took forever to dry.


  The following morning Katy sat with Justine in her suite drinking tea in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. The good news as far as Katy was concerned was that the older woman no longer seemed withdrawn and depressed the way she had before Luke’s arrival. She looked much more like herself this morning. She was wearing a crisp black shirtwaist dress that gave her a jaunty air, and her expression was resolute.

  The bad news was that Justine was annoyed.

  The problem in dealing with Gilchrists was that one did not always like what one got when their moods altered any better than what one had before. On the other hand, Katy told herself philosophically, she was accustomed to dealing with Justine’s anger. It did not alarm her the way the older woman’s depressed spirits had.

  “Yesterday I asked Luke for a simple, straightforward report on the status of my company. That was all.” Justine’s teacup clinked loudly when she set it down in its saucer. “What I got was some nonsense about collecting data. It sounds to me as though he’s accomplished absolutely nothing since his arrival.”

  Katy winced. She was the one who had asked Luke not to tell his grandmother any of the real news about Gilchrist, Inc. She searched for something bright and reassuring to say. “He seems to be having a very positive impact on management.”

  “I do not care what sort of impact he’s having on management. That report he delivered to me was an insult. Who does he think I am? I won’t be treated as if I’m feebleminded. I want results.”

  “I’m sure he’ll get them, Justine.”

  “I wish I could be as certain as you are.” Justine sat brooding silently on that for a moment. “Katy, I must ask you something. I want your honest opinion.”