Page 2 of Ben Pepper



  "Oh, yes, the children can go as long as Ben and Polly are with them,"said Mother Fisher, with pride. "I'll trust them anywhere," her facesaid as plainly as if she had put it all into words.

  "I wish I could go with them." Mrs. Whitney took her gaze from the busyfingers sorting the pile of small stockings Jane had brought up from thelaundry, and went abruptly over to the window with a troubled face.

  "But you can't," said Mrs. Fisher, cheerfully, nowise dismayed at thenumber of holes staring up at her, "so don't let us think any more ofit. And Ben's big enough to take them anywhere, I'm sure. And Polly canlook after their manners," she thought, but didn't finish aloud.

  "You see father didn't know about this picture exhibit till Mr. Cabot'snote came a half hour ago, begging him not to miss it. And if I told himof the children's plans, he'd give the whole thing up and stay at homerather than have them disappointed. He mustn't do that."

  "Indeed he mustn't!" echoed Mrs. Fisher, in her most decided fashion,and putting the last stocking into place on top of the big pile on thetable. "Hush! Here comes Polly!"

  "Oh, Mamsie!" Polly rushed up to the work-table. "Just think whatsplendid fun!" She threw her arms around Mrs. Fisher's neck and gave hera big hug. "Isn't Aunty Whitney too lovely for anything to take us outto buy our Christmas presents? Dear me! What richness!"

  "Polly, see here, child," Mother Fisher brought her face around to lookinto the rosy one; "Mrs. Whitney cannot--"

  Polly tore herself away with a gasp, and stood quite still, her browneyes fixed on Mother Fisher's face, and the color dying out of hercheek. "Do you mean we are not to go, Mamsie?" she cried, her handsworking nervously; "we must!" she brought up passionately.

  "You see, Polly," Mrs. Whitney came quickly away from the window. Pollyat that turned and stared in dismay. O dear! To think Aunty Whitney wasthere, and now she would be so distressed. "It is just this way," Mrs.Whitney was hurrying on in quite as unhappy a state as Polly had feared:"Father has received word that there is a picture exhibit thisafternoon, and I must go with him. I'm sorry, dear, but it can't behelped." She bent to kiss Polly's cheek where the color had rushed thistime up to the brown hair.

  "I'm so sorry, too," Polly burst out, clinging to Mrs. Whitney's hand.Oh, why had she given way to her passion? The tears were running downher cheeks now, "I didn't mean--" she murmured.

  "Why, you are going, Polly," said Mrs. Whitney, comfortingly, andpatting the brown hair.

  "What?" exclaimed Polly, bringing up her head suddenly to stare into thekind face.

  "Yes," laughed Mrs. Whitney, "the Christmas shopping isn't to be givenup. Mrs. Fisher is going to let you and Ben take the children. Justthink, Polly, that's much better than to go with me," she finishedgayly.

  All this time Mother Fisher had sat quite still, her black eyes fastenedon Polly's face. "I don't know," she said slowly, "about their goingnow."

  "Oh, Mrs. Fisher," cried Mrs. Whitney, in dismay, "you can't think of--"but she didn't finish, on seeing Mrs. Fisher's face. Instead, she wentsoftly out and closed the door.

  "I didn't mean--" mumbled Polly again, and then she tumbled down on herknees and hid her face on Mamsie's lap, and sobbed as hard as she could.

  "Yes, that's the trouble, Polly," Mother Fisher's hands were busysmoothing the brown hair; "you didn't mean to, but you said it just thesame; and that's the mischief of it, not to mean to say a thing, and yetsay it."

  "O dear me!" wailed Polly, burrowing deeper within the folds of theblack alpaca apron. "Why did I? O dear!"


  Mother Fisher's hands kept on at their task, but she said nothing, andat last Polly's sobs grew quieter. "Mamsie," she said faintly.

  "Yes, dear."

  "I'm so sorry."

  "I know you are, child; but, Polly, there is no 'must' unless mothersays so. And to fly into a passion--why, then you ought not to go atall."

  "Oh, I don't want to go now, Mamsie," cried Polly, flying up to sitstraight on the floor, and brushing away the tears with a hasty hand, "Ireally don't, Mamsie."

  "Well, then you see you'll just keep the children at home," said Mrs.Fisher; "for I can't let Ben have all the care alone, and they'll be sodisappointed."

  Polly gave a groan and wriggled on the carpet in distress.

  "You see, Polly, that's the trouble when we give way to our passion; ithurts more than ourselves," said Mother Fisher, "so I can't see but thatyou have got to go."

  "Oh, I don't want to, Mamsie; don't make me," cried Polly, squeezing hermother's hands tightly in both of her own. "I can't go now!"

  "Tut, tut, Polly," said Mrs. Fisher, reprovingly; "'can't' isn't thething to say any more than 'must.'" And her black eyes had such a lookin them that Polly ducked her head, taking refuge in the lap again.

  "And now you must get up," said Mother Fisher, "and get ready, for I amgoing to let you and Ben take the children; that's decided."

  "Oh, Mamsie!" Polly found her feet somehow, and flung her arms againaround her mother's neck; "you won't trust me ever again. O dear me!"

  "Yes, I will," said Mrs. Fisher, quickly, and, seizing Polly's hands,she made the brown eyes look at her; "why, Polly child, did you supposeMother would let you go and help Ben take care of the children if shedidn't know you would do everything just right? Never say such a word asthat again, Polly!" and the black eyes shone with love and pride. "Andnow hurry, child, for here's Ben coming," as steps sounded in the hall,and then his voice asking, "Where's Mamsie?"

  Polly flew up to her feet and stumbled over to the washstand. "O dearme!" she gasped, catching sight of her face in the long mirror on theway, "I can't--oh, I mean my eyes are so red, and my nose, Mamsie! Justlook at it!"

  "That's the trouble of crying and giving way to fits of passion,"observed Mrs. Fisher, quietly; "it makes a good deal of trouble, firstand last," as Ben came hurrying in.

  Polly splashed the water all over her hot face with such a hasty handthat a little stream ran down the pretty brown waist, which only servedto increase her dismay.

  "Oh, Mamsie!" Ben was saying, "we're not to go, after all. What a pity!Polly'll be so sorry." His blue eyes looked very much troubled. To haveanything make Polly sorry hurt him dreadfully.

  "Oh, yes, you are going, Ben," Mrs. Fisher made haste to say.

  "Why, Aunty Whitney can't go," said Ben, in surprise. "Grandpapa justsaid she is going out with him."

  "You didn't say anything of the shopping plan, Ben?" ejaculated Mrs.Fisher, involuntarily, yet she knew she didn't need to ask the question.

  "Why, no," said Ben, in amazement; "of course not, Mamsie."

  "Of course not, too," said his mother, with a little laugh; "and why Iasked such a stupid question, I'm sure I don't know, Ben."

  All this gave Polly time to sop her face quite cool, and she had buriedher red cheeks in the towel to dry them off, when Mother Fisher, havingmade Ben acquainted with the joyful news, called, "Come, Polly, it'stime to get on your hat and coat."

  "Halloo, Polly, you there?" cried Ben, whirling round, as Polly hurriedinto the little room next to get her out-of-door things.

  "Yes," called back Polly, on her way, "I'll be ready in a minute, Ben."

  "Isn't it no end jolly that we're going, Polly?" he cried, deserting hismother to hurry over to the doorway where he could stand and see Pollyget ready. His blue eyes shone and his head was held very high. To thinkthat Polly and he were to be allowed to take the children out shoppingamid all the excitement of Christmas week! It was almost too good to betrue! "Say, Polly, did you ever know anything like it?" He came in andpressed close to the bureau where Polly was putting on her hat.

  "Yes, yes, I know. Ugh!" Polly, with all her eyes on the red-rimmed oneslooking out at her from the mirror, beside what she saw of the poorswollen nose, jammed on the hat over her face and jumped away from thebureau.

  "You ne
edn't hurry so," said Ben, "'tisn't any matter if we don't startright away. Besides, I don't suppose Jane has Phronsie ready yet. Butisn't it perfectly splendid that we can go alone, you and I, and, justthink, Polly Pepper, can take the children?" He was quite overcome againat the idea and leaned against the bureau to think it all out.

  "Yes," said Polly, in a muffled voice. But she was in the closet now,getting into her coat, because if she stayed out in the room Ben wouldhelp her into it, and then he would be sure to see her face! So Ben,although he thought it funny that Polly, who was generally bubbling overwith joy at the prospect of any pleasant expedition, should be veryquiet and dull in the light of such an extraordinary one, set it down tothe hurry she was in getting ready.

  "Oh, Polly, don't hurry so!" he cried, going over to the closet. "Here,come out here, and let me help you with that."

  "Ugh, no, go right away, Ben," cried Polly, wriggling off frantically,and only succeeding in flopping up one sleeve to knock her hat fartherdown over her nose. "O dear me! where _is_ the other armhole?"

  "Do come out," cried Ben; "whoever heard of trying to put on a coat in acloset? Whatever makes you, Polly?"

  "And I do wish you'd go away," cried Polly, quite exasperated, andsetting her hat straight, forgetting all about her face.

  But instead, Ben, after a good look, took hold of her two shoulders andmarched her out into the room. And before Polly knew it, her other armwas in its sleeve, and he was trying to button up her coat.

  "Oh, Bensie," she mumbled; "I'm so sorry I was cross."

  "Never mind," said Ben, giving her a comforting pat. "Well, come on, nowyou're ready, Polly."

  And Joel and David plunging in tumultuously into Mamsie's room, followedby Jane ushering in Phronsie all attired for the trip, the whole bunchgathered around Mother Fisher's chair for final instructions.

  "See, Mamsie," piped Phronsie, crowding up closely, to hold up thelittle money-bag dangling by its chain from her arm; "my own purse, andI'm going to buy things."

  "Don't, Phron," said Joel, "push so," and he tried to get past her tostand nearest to Mother Fisher.

  "What are you doing yourself," said Ben, "I sh'd like to know, JoelPepper?"

  "Well, that was my place," said Joel, loudly, and not yielding an inch.

  "Joel!" said Mrs. Fisher.

  "It was my place," he grumbled. But he hung his head and wouldn't lookup into Mamsie's face.

  "It's my very own purse," cried Phronsie, in a joyful little key, "andI'm going to buy things, I am. See, Mamsie!" She held it up before Mrs.Fisher, and patted it lovingly, while she crowded in worse than ever.

  "Yes, I see," said Mrs. Fisher, smiling down into her face, but therewas no smile for Joel, and looking up he caught her black eyes restingon him in a way he didn't like.

  "You may have it, Phron!" he exclaimed, tumbling back against Davidsuddenly, who was nearly knocked over by his sudden rebound. "I'd justas lief you would. Here, get in next to Mamsie."

  "And I'm going to buy you something, Mamsie," said Phronsie, standing onher tiptoes to whisper confidentially into Mother Fisher's ear.

  "You are, dear?" Mrs. Fisher leaned over to catch the whisper, but notbefore she sent a smile over to Joel that seemed to drop right down intothe farthest corner of his heart. "Now Mother'll like that very muchindeed."

  "And you must be s'prised," said Phronsie, bobbing her head in its big,fur-trimmed bonnet, and fastening a grave look of great importance onMrs. Fisher's face.

  "Hoh--hoh!" began Joel, who had recovered his composure. Then hethought, and stopped. And again Mother Fisher smiled at him.

  "Now, children, you understand this is the first time you have ever beenout shopping without Mr. King or Mrs. Whitney or me," began Mrs. Fisher,looking around on them all. "Well, it's quite time that you should makethe trial, for I can trust you all." She lifted her head proudly and herblack eyes shone. "I'm sure you'll all be good."

  "Oh, we will, we will, Mamsie," declared all the little Pepperstogether. And their heads went up, too, in pride.

  "So I am going to let Ben and Polly take you about in the shops. Andwhatever they tell you, you are to do. And remember one thing, you arenot to crowd and push."

  "We can't see if the big people all get in front," said Joel,grumblingly.

  "Then you must go without seeing," said Mrs. Fisher, decidedly. "At anyrate, you are not to crowd and push. Remember, Joel, and all of you."

  "I won't," said Joel, "crowd and push. Now may we go, Mamsie?" and hebegan to prance to the door impatiently.

  "One thing more. Come back, Joel." Mrs. Fisher waited until the groupwas once more quiet around her chair. "And you are none of you to handlethings."

  "Not when we are going to buy them?" cried Joel, in an injured tone."Oh, Mamsie, I sh'd think we might when we are out shopping. And I'vegot such lots of money in my pocket-book." He swung it high, clenched inhis hot little fist.

  "Take care or you'll lose it if you show it like that, Joe," said Ben.

  "How am I going to lose it?" demanded Joel, squaring around at Ben.

  "Somebody'll pick it out of your hand if you don't look out," warnedBen.

  "I guess there won't anybody pick my pocket-book. I'm going to get apin," and he raced off to the big mahogany bureau in the corner.

  "What for?" asked David, who always followed Joel's movements withattention; "what are you going to do with a pin, Joel?"

  "I'm going to pin up my pocket so no old picker can get my purse,"declared Joel, with energy, and running back with the biggest pin hecould find on the cushion, the one Mrs. Fisher fastened her shawl with.

  "Yes, and likely enough you'll forget all about it and stick your ownhand in," said Ben, "then, says I, what'll you do, Joel?"

  "Humph--I won't forget," snorted Joel, puckering up the pocket edge andjamming the pin through the folds; "there, I guess the pickers will letmy pocket alone. Yes-sir-ee," he cried triumphantly.

  "Now you remember you are not to touch things on the counters," Mrs.Fisher was saying. "I don't want my children to be picking and handlingat such a time. You can look all you want to; but when you see what youwould really like to buy, why, Polly and Ben must ask the saleswoman toshow it to you."

  "I've got my money-purse," said Phronsie, exactly as if the fact had notbeen announced before; "see, Mamsie," and she held it up with animportant air.

  "I see," said Mother Fisher, "it's the one Grandpapa gave you lastbirthday, isn't it, Phronsie?"

  "Yes," she said, patting it lovingly. "My dear Grandpapa gave it to me,and it's my very own, and I'm going to buy things, I am."

  "So you shall," said Mrs. Fisher, approvingly. All the while Joel wasscreaming, "Come on, Phron, we'll be late," as he pranced out into thehall and down the stairs.

  "Oh, Mamsie," Polly flung her arms around Mrs. Fisher's neck, "I wishyou were going too."

  "Well, Mother can't go," said Mrs. Fisher, patting Polly's shoulder;"and take care, Phronsie will hear you."

  "And I want to kiss my Mamsie good-by, too," said Phronsie, clamberingup into Mrs. Fisher's lap, as well as she could for the fur-trimmedcoat. So Mother Fisher took her up, and Phronsie cooed and hummed hersatisfaction, and was kissed and set down again. And then David had tosay good-by too, and Ben as well; and then Polly made up her mind shewould have the last kiss, so it was some minutes before the fourchildren got out of Mamsie's room and ran down the stairs. And therethey found Joel hanging on to the newel post and howling: "You've beenan awful long time. Come on!"

  "We wanted to bid Mamsie good-by," said Polly, twitching Phronsie's coatstraight. "Well, we're all ready now; come on, children."

  Joel had thrown the big front door open with a flourish and was rushingout. When Polly said that about Mamsie, he stopped suddenly, thenplunged back, nearly upsetting Phronsie, and ran over the steps as fastas he could. "Oh, Mamsie," he cried, flying up to her. Mrs. Fisher hadgotten out of her chair, and was now over by the window to see herlittle brood go off so happy and important. "Why, J
oel!" she exclaimed,"what's the matter?" as he precipitated himself into her arms.

  "I want to kiss you good-by, too," howled Joel, burrowing within them;"good-by, Mamsie!"

  "So you shall, Mother's boy," said Mrs. Fisher, cuddling him. "Well now,Joel, you remember all I said."

  "I'll remember," said Joel, lifting a radiant face; "I'll be good allthe time."

  "Yes, you must, else Mother'll feel badly. Well, good-by."

  Joel's good-by floated back as he raced down the stairs and overtook thegroup waiting for him out on the big stone steps.

  "Who's keeping us waiting now, I wonder?" said Ben, as he came uppanting.

  "Well, I guess I'm going to bid my Mamsie good-by, too," said Joel,importantly. "Come on, Dave, let's race to the big gate!"