THE weeks that followed taught the Shaws, as many other families havebeen taught, how rapidly riches take to themselves wings and fly away,when they once begin to go. Mr. Shaw carried out his plans with anenergy and patience that worked wonders, and touched the hearts of hishardest creditors. The big house was given up as soon as possible andthe little house taken; being made comfortable with the furniture Madamleft there when she went to live with her son. The old-fashioned thingshad been let with the house, and now seemed almost like a gift fromGrandma, doubly precious in these troublous times. At the auction,several persons tried to show the family that, though they had losttheir fortune, friends still remained, for one bid in Fanny's piano,and sent it to her; another secured certain luxurious articles for Mrs.Shaw's comfort; and a third saved such of Mr. Shaw's books as he valuedmost, for he had kept his word and given up everything, with the mostpunctilious integrity. So the little house was not bare, but madepleasant to their eyes by these waifs from the wreck, brought them bythe tide of sympathy and good-will which soon set in. Everybody whoknew them hastened to call, many from a real regard, but more from merecuriosity to "see how they took it." This was one of the hardest thingsthey had to bear, and Tom used strong language more than once, when somefine lady came to condole, and went away to gossip. Polly's hopes ofMrs. Shaw were disappointed, for misfortune did not have a bracingeffect. She took to her bed at once, received her friends in tears and apoint-lace cap, and cheered her family by plaintively inquiring when shewas to be taken to the almshouse. This was hard for Fanny; but afteran interval of despair, she came to the conclusion that under thecircumstances it was the best thing her mother could have done, andwith something of her father's energy, Fanny shouldered the new burden,feeling that at last necessity had given her what she had long needed,something to do.

  The poor girl knew as much of household affairs as Snip; but pride andthe resolution "to stand by Father," kept up her courage, and she workedaway with feverish activity at whatever task came first till, just asstrength and heart were about to fail, order began to emerge from chaosand the vision of a home made happy and comfortable by her skill andcare came to repay and sustain her.

  Maud, being relieved from the fear of back-door beggary, soon becamereconciled to bankruptcy; thought it rather a good joke, on the whole,for children like novelty, and don't care much for Mrs. Grundy. Sheregarded the new abode as a baby house on a large scale, where shewas allowed to play her part in the most satisfactory manner. From themoment when, on taking possession of the coveted room, she opened thedoors of the three-cornered closet, and found a little kettle just likePolly's, standing there, she felt that a good time was coming for herand fell to dusting furniture, washing cups, and making toast, thehappiest, fussiest little housewife in the city. For Maud inherited thenotable gifts of her grandmother, and would have made a capital farmer'sdaughter, in spite of her city breeding.

  Polly came and went through all these changes, faithful, helpful, andas cheery as she could be when her friends were in trouble. The partsseemed reversed now, and it was Polly who gave, Fanny who received; forwhere everything seemed strange and new to Fan, Polly was quite at home,and every one of the unfashionable domestic accomplishments now cameinto play, to the comfort of the Shaws, and the great satisfaction ofPolly. She could not do enough to prove her gratitude for former favors,and went toiling and moiling about, feeling that the hardest, mostdisagreeable tasks were her especial duty. In the moving nothing suitedher better than to trot up and down, lugging heavy things, to pound herfingers black and blue nailing carpets and curtains, and the day shenearly broke her neck tumbling down the cellar stairs, in her eagernessto see that Mrs. Shaw's wine was rightly stored, she felt that she wasonly paying her debts, and told Tom she liked it, when he picked her uplooking as grimy as a chimney-sweep.

  "You can turn your hand to anything, you clever girl, so do come andgive me some advice, for I am in the depths of despair," said Fanny whenthe "maid-of-all-work" as Polly called herself, found a leisure hour.

  "What is it? Moths in the furs, a smoky chimney, or small-pox nextdoor?" asked Polly, as they entered Fan's room, where Maud was trying onold bonnets before the looking-glass.

  "Actually I have nothing to wear," began Fan impressively; "I've beentoo busy to think or care till now, but here it is nearly May and I havehardly a decent rag to my back. Usually, you know, I just go to Mrs.O'Grady and tell her what I want; she makes my spring wardrobe, Papapays the bill, and there I am. Now I've looked into the matter, and Ideclare to you, Polly, I'm frightened to see how much it costs to dressme."

  "Not so much as some girls I know," said Polly encouragingly.

  "Perhaps not, for I have a conscience, and taste is economy sometimes;but really, Polly, I have n't the heart to ask Papa for a cent justnow, and yet I must have clothes. You are such a genius for planning andworking wonders, that I throw myself upon you and ask, 'How shall I makea spring wardrobe out of nothing?'"

  "Let me see the'nothing' before I advise. Bring out every rag you'vegot, and we'll see what can be done," said Polly, looking as if sheenjoyed the prospect, for she had a great deal of that feminine facultywhich we call "knack," and much practice had increased it.

  Fanny brought out her "rags" and was astonished to see how many she had,for chair, sofa, bed, and bureau were covered, and still Maud, who wasburrowing in the closets, kept crying, "Here's another."

  "There's a discouraging heap of rubbish for you!" said Fan, as sheadded a faded muslin to the last pile.

  "Now, to me your'rubbish' looks very encouraging, because there is goodmaterial there, and not much worn-out finery, that's my detestation,for you can't do anything with it. Let me see, five bonnets. Put thewinter ones away till autumn, rip up the summer ones, and out of threeold ones we'll get a pretty new one, if my eyes don't deceive me."

  "I'll rip, and then do let me see you make a bonnet, it must be sointeresting," said Maud, whipping out her scissors and eagerly beginningto reduce a shabby little bonnet to its original elements. "Now thedresses," continued Polly, who had rapidly sorted out the piles.

  "Will you have the goodness to look at this?" said Fan, holding up agray street suit faded past cure.

  Polly whisked it wrong side out, and showing the clean, bright fabric,said, with a triumphant wave, "Behold your new suit; fresh trimming andless of it will finish you off as smart as ever."

  "I never wore a turned dress in my life; do you suppose people will knowit?" said Fan doubtfully.

  "What if they do? It won't hurt you. Not one in a hundred will everthink anything about your dress, except that it is pretty. I've wornturned and dyed gowns all my days, and it don't seem to have alienatedmy friends, or injured my constitution."

  "That it has n't; I'm a goose, Polly, and I'll get over the feelingthat it's sort of disgraceful to be poor and have to economize. We'llturn the gray, and I'll wear it bravely."

  "Then it will be more becoming than ever. Oh, here's the pretty violetsilk. That will make a lovely suit," cried Polly, going on with thereview.

  "Don't see how two draggled skirts and a stained waist can betransformed into a whole rig," said Fan, sitting on the bed, with hergarments strewn about her in various attitudes of limp despondency.

  "Well, ma'am, my plan is this," began Polly, imitating Mrs. O'Grady'simportant tone, and bad grammar: "Gores is out, and plaits is in;therefore, as the top of this skirt is quite fresh, we will take off theruffles, turn it upside down, and leave it plain. The upper skirtwill be made scanter, and finished with a frill; then the waist can berefreshed with the best parts of these wide flounces, and out of thosenew bits we will concoct a hat. The black lace Maud has just takenoff the green one will do to edge the violet, and with your nice silkmantilla you are complete, don't you see?"

  "I don't quite see it yet, but I have firm faith that I shall in time,and consider my calling costume finished," said Fanny, getting more andmore interested as she saw her condemned
wardrobe coming out fresh againunder Polly's magic knack.

  "There are two; then that piqu, is all right, if you cut the tail offthe jacket and change the trimming a bit. The muslins only need mendingand doing up to look as well as ever; you ought not to put them awaytorn and soiled, my child. The two black silks will be good stand-bysfor years. If I were you, I'd have a couple of neat, pretty prints forhome-wear, and then I don't see why you are n't fixed well enough forour short season."

  "Can't I do anything with this barege? It's one of my favorite dresses,and I hate to give it up."

  "You wore that thoroughly out, and it's only fit for the rag-bag. Yes,it was very pretty and becoming, I remember, but its day is over."

  Fanny let the dress lie in her lap a minute as she absently picked atthe fringe, smiling to herself over the happy time when she wore it lastand Sydney said she only needed cowslips in her lap to look like spring.Presently she folded it up and put it away with a sigh, but it neverwent into the rag-bag, and my sentimental readers can understand whatsaved it.

  "The ball dresses had better be put nicely away till next year," beganPolly, coming to a rainbow colored heap.

  "My day is over, I shall never use them again. Do what you like withthem," said Fan calmly.

  "Did you ever sell your cast-off finery, as many ladies do?" askedPolly.

  "Never; I don't like the fashion. I give it away, or let Maud have itfor tableaux."

  "I wonder if you would mind my telling you something Belle proposed?"

  "If it's an offer to buy my clothes, I should mind," answered Fanny,sharply.

  "Then I won't," and Polly retired behind a cloud of arsenic-green gauze,which made her look as if she had the cholera.

  "If she wanted to buy that horrid new'gooseberry-colored gown,' asTom calls it, I'd let her have it cheap," put in Maud, who was of apractical turn.

  "Does she want it, Polly?" asked Fan, whose curiosity got the better ofher pride.

  "Well, she merely asked me if I thought you'd be mortally offended,if she offered to take it off your hands, as you'd never worn it. Youdon't like it, and in another season it will be all out of fashion,"said Polly from her verdant retreat.

  "What did you say?"

  "I saw she meant it kindly, so I said I'd ask. Now between ourselves,Fan, the price of that dress would give you all you'll want for yourspring fixings, that's one consideration; then here's another, whichmay have some weight with you," added Polly slyly. "Trix told Belle shewas going to ask you for the dress, as you would n't care to wear itnow. That made Belle fire up, and say it was a mean thing to do withoutoffering some return for a costly thing like that; and then Belle said,in her blunt way, 'I'll give Fan all she paid for it, and more, too, ifit will be any help to her. I don't care for the dress, but I'd like toslip a little money into her pocket, for I know she needs it and is toogood to ask dear Mr. Shaw for anything she can get on without.'"

  "Did she say that? I'll give her the dress, and not take a penny forit," cried Fan, flushing up with mingled anger toward Trix and gratitudeto Belle.

  "That won't suit her; you let me manage it, and don't feel any shame oranxiety about it. You did many a kind and generous thing for Belle whenyou had the power, and you liked to do it; now let her pay her debts,and have the same pleasure."

  "If she looks at it in that way, it makes a difference. Perhaps I'dbetter the money would be an immense help only I don't quite like totake it."

  "Kings and queens sell their jewels when times are hard or they getturned off their thrones, and no one thinks it anything amiss, sowhy need you? It's just a little transaction between two friends whoexchange things they don't want for things which they do, and I'd do itif I were you."

  "We'll see about it," said Fan, privately resolving to take Polly'sadvice.

  "If I had lots of things like Fan, I'd have an auction and get allI could for them. Why don't you?" asked Maud, beginning on her thirdbonnet.

  "We will," said Polly, and mounting a chair, she put up, bid in, andknocked down Fan's entire wardrobe to an imaginary group of friends,with such droll imitations of each one that the room rang with laughter.

  "That's enough nonsense; now we'll return to business," said Polly,descending breathless but satisfied with the effect of her fun.

  "These white muslins and pretty silks will keep for years, so I shouldlay them by till they are needed. It will save buying, and you can go toyour stock any time and make over what you want. That's the way Motherdoes; we've always had things sent us from richer friends, and whateverwas n't proper for us to wear at the time, Mother put away to be usedwhen we needed it. Such funny bundles as we used to have sometimes, oddshoes, bonnets without crowns, stockings without heels or toes, and oldfinery of all sorts. We used to rush when a bundle came, and sit roundwhile Mother opened it. The boys always made fun of the things, thoughthey were as grateful, really, as any of us. Will made a verse one daywhich we thought pretty well for a little chap: 'To poor country folksWho have n't any clothes, Rich folks, to relieve them, Send old lacegowns and satin bows.'"

  "I think that Will is going to be as nice a poet as Mr. Shakespeare,"remarked Maud in a tone of serious conviction.

  "He is already a Milton; but I don't believe he will ever be anythingbut a poet in name," said Polly, working away while she talked.

  "Did n't your mother ever let you wear the nice things that came?" askedMaud.

  "No, she thought it was n't the thing for a poor minister's girls to goflourishing about in second-hand finery, so she did what I'm doing now,put away what would be useful and proper for us by and by, and let usplay with the shabby, silk bonnets and dirty, flounced gowns. Such funas we used to have up in our big garret! I remember one day we'd beenplaying have a ball, and were all rigged up, even the boys. Some newneighbors came to call, and expressed a wish to see us, having been toldthat we were pattern children. Mother called us, but we had paraded outinto the garden, after our ball, and were having a concert, as we satabout on the cabbages for green satin seats, so we did n't hear thecall, and just as the company was going, a great noise arrested themon the doorstep, and round the corner of the house rattled Ned infull costume, wheeling Kitty in a barrow, while Jimmy, Will, and I ranscreaming after, looking like Bedlamites; for we were playing that LadyFitz Perkins had fainted, and was being borne home senseless in a cab.I thought mother would kill herself with laughing; and you can imaginewhat a fine impression the strangers received of the model children."

  Maud was so tickled with this youthful prank that she unguardedly satdown to laugh on the edge of an open trunk, immediately doubled up, fellin, and was with difficulty extricated.

  "People in the country have great deal nicer times than we do. I neverrode in a wheelbarrow, I never sat on cabbages, and I don't think it'sfair," she said with an injured expression. "You need n't save any oldsilk gowns for me; I don't mean to be a fine lady when I grow up, I'mgoing to be a farmer's wife, and make butter and cheese, and have tenchildren, and raise pigs," she added in one enthusiastic burst.

  "I do believe she will if she can find a farmer anywhere," said Fanny.

  "Oh, I'm going to have Will; I asked him and he said, 'All right.' He's going to preach Sundays, and work on the farm the rest of the time.Well, he is, so you need n't laugh, for we've made all our plans,"said Maud with comical dignity as she tried the effect of an old whitebonnet, wondering if farmers' wives could wear ostrich feathers whenthey went to meeting.

  "Blessed innocence! Don't you wish you were a child, and dared tell whatyou want?" murmured Fanny.

  "I wish I had seen Will's face when Maud proposed," answered Polly, witha nod which answered her friend's speech better than her words.

  "Any news of anybody?" whispered Fan, affecting to examine a sleeve withcare.

  "Still at the South; don't think late events have been reported yet;that accounts for absence," answered Polly.

  "I think Sir Philip was hit harder than was supposed," said Fan.

  "I doubt it, but
time cures wounds of that sort amazing quick."

  "Wish it did!"

  "Who is Sir Philip?" demanded Maud, pricking up her ears.

  "A famous man who lived in the time of Queen Elizabeth," answered Fan,with a look at Polly.

  "Oh!" And Maud seemed satisfied, but the sharp child had her suspicionsnevertheless.

  "There will be an immense deal of work in all this fixing over and Ihate to sew," said Fanny, to divert a certain person's thoughts.

  "Jenny and I are going to help. We are your debtors, as well as Belle,and demand the privilege of paying up. Blessings, like curses, come hometo roost, Fan."

  "Mine come home a good deal bigger than they went," answered Fanny,looking pleased that little favors should be so faithfully remembered.

  "The interest on that sort of investment rolls up beautifully, you know.Now rip that dress for Jenny to put in order, and I'll toss you up abonnet in less than no time," said Polly, determined to have things gosmoothly, for she knew Fan's feelings had been a good deal tried lately,in many ways.

  "I must have something to match my dress, and blue inside," said Fanny,bringing out her ribbon boxes.

  "Anything you like, my dear; when it comes to bonnets, I am usuallyinspired. I have it! There we are! And nothing could be nicer," criedPolly, making a dive among the silks Fan was turning over with a lostexpression. "This bit of silver-gray is all I ask, here's enough fora killing bonnet, and those forget-me-nots are both pretty andappropriate."

  "You wretch, be still!" cried Fanny, as Polly looked up at her with awicked laugh in her eyes.

  "It will be done in time, and the dress likewise, so look yourprettiest, and accept my blessing," continued Polly, seeing that Fanliked her raillery.

  "Time for what?" asked Paulina Pry.

  "Your wedding, dear," sweetly answered Fan, for Polly's pleasant hintsand predictions put her in a charming humor, and even made old clothesof little consequence.

  Maud gave an incredulous sniff, and wondered why "big girls need to beso dreadful mysterious about their old secrets."

  "This silk reminds me of Kitty's performance last summer. A littlechecked silk was sent in our spring bundle from Mrs. Davenport, andMother said Kit might have it if she could make it do. So I washed itnicely, and we fussed and planned, but it came short by half of onesleeve. I gave it up, but Kit went to work and matched every scrap thatwas left so neatly that she got out the half sleeve, put it on the underside, and no one was the wiser. How many pieces do you think she put in,Maud?"

  "Fifty," was the wise reply.

  "No, only ten, but that was pretty well for a fourteen-year-olddressmaker. You ought to have seen the little witch laugh in her sleevewhen any one admired the dress, for she wore it all summer and looked aspretty as a pink in it. Such things are great fun when you get used tothem; besides, contriving sharpens your wits, and makes you feel as ifyou had more hands than most people."

  "I think we'll get a farm near your house; I should like to knowKitty," said Maud, feeling a curious interest in a girl who made suchpeculiar patchwork.

  "The dress-parade is over, and I'm ever so much obliged to you, Polly,for helping me through, and showing me how to make the best of things.I hope in time to have as many hands as you," said Fan gratefully,when the simple bonnet was done and everything planned out ready to befinished.

  "I hope you will soon have two good, strong ones beside your own, mydear," answered Polly, as she vanished, with a parting twinkle that keptFan's face bright all day.