Page 4 of Kiss of the Night

  As he stepped into his decadent quarters and then into bathroom, he hugged her tight. “You’re different than I thought you’d be.”

  “Oh yeah?” She swayed a little as he set her down and he steadied her before dropping his pants. Moving into the shower, Alex turned on the water and she tried not to drool. “Is that good or bad?”

  “It’s great.”

  Turning around, Bree took in her surroundings. She’d traveled in a great many transports and one thing they all had in common was “the head”. Usually the room was a metal box with a sink, a toilet and a rectangular metal-lined shower. Alexei’s private bathroom was as far removed from those spaces as it was possible to get. Taupe-colored stone with golden veins covered the floors and walls, and when she finished her circle, she noted the shower was lined too. It also had no door.

  Alex, completely naked and dripping with water, held out his hand in invitation. Achingly aroused all over again, she gladly accepted.

  “You’re just so serious on the vid unit,” he said. “So formal and—”

  “Uptight?” Sighing at the feel of warm water coursing down her back, Briana closed her eyes and tilted her head back under the spray. Then she moaned as Alex caressed her breasts with soapy hands. “I have to be on my toes all the time. My opponents are always looking for any weakness to exploit.”

  “It’s got to be hard for you.” He tugged at her nipples with his fingertips and the sensation coursed down her body, making her cunt clench in response.

  “I hope so,” she breathed, opening her eyes to stare up at him as she took his cock in hand. He swelled instantly at her touch. “Great recovery time.”

  His mouth curved and he reached between her legs, his soap-slick fingers parting her and then rubbing her swollen clit. “I’ve waiting a long time for this. It’s inspiring to finally have you here and naked.”

  Widening her stance shamelessly, she clutched the top of his shoulders for support as her knees went weak. “W-what?” She shivered at a particularly skillful stroke. “We just met.”

  Alex reached around her, cupping a butt cheek to support her as he rinsed off the soap. Then he thrust two fingers into her, studying her response intently. “Ready for those orgasms you wanted?”

  “Oh hell…” She sagged into his embrace as he began to fuck her with his fingers, stroking as deep as he could.

  “You’re right about being tight,” he growled into her ear before biting the lobe. “And you feel like silk inside. Drenched silk.” His tone was harsh, almost brutal, and she remembered suddenly that he wasn’t human, not anymore.

  As his thumb found her clit and rubbed in time with his pumping fingers, she tried to hold off the orgasm, wanting this moment to last. The feel of his skin, slick with water, and the fog around them, created a scene better than any she’d ever read about. “What do you mean you waited for this?” she gasped.

  “I’ve watched you on the vid for a long time.”

  Lifting her head from his shoulder, she gazed up at him. His eyes were dark, the irises thin rings around enlarged pupils. “And you wanted to fuck me?” Bree couldn’t believe it.

  “Oh yeah.” His wicked smile revealed his fangs. “Hard. Bent over your desk, your tight ass in the air, your cunt creamy…” Alexei twisted his fingers inside her as her mind flooded with images of his fantasies. “And hot around my cock. Your voice hoarse from screaming my name.”

  She whimpered and moved her hips in rhythm with his thrusting.

  “Jack me off again,” he ordered, his voice so guttural she could barely understand him.

  The crude command coming from any other man would have ended the encounter immediately. But coming from Alex, it was so arousing she almost had an orgasm. She not only had the right to touch him, but he wanted her to. Desperately. None of her fantasies could come close to this.

  The dreams she’d had were of hot, sweaty, messy sex. She hadn’t imagined the darkly seductively scent of him or the rough satin feel of his golden skin. She certainly hadn’t imagined his touch, so gentle and reverent, like she was valuable to him for more than her money.

  Her touch, when she reached for him, was just as affectionate as his. She grasped the heated length of his cock and stroked him lovingly. Longingly.

  “You’re so beautiful,” she breathed, watching the way his abdomen muscles laced tight with tension.

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  Lifting her chin, she met his gaze again. She let him see the entirety of what she was feeling—the wonder of discovery, the pleasure in his touch, the lust inspired by the feel of his thick cock pulsing in her hands.

  Alex shuddered. “When you look at me like that…” His cock jerked.

  “What? What happens?”

  He shook his head, but she knew. There was too much…emotion…between them. Her throat ached, her eyes burned. Bree was grateful for the shower mist that hid her sudden tears. She wanted to keep him, damn it. Not just to have a gorgeous man in her bed, but because he’d cooked for her. Because he’d been protective in the bar and jealous over James. Because he cared enough about her to want her memories of him to be good ones.

  And that was all she could have of him. Memories. Would he remember her a century from now? Two? Several?

  They were strangers. Why did she care?

  Spread your legs.

  As he finger-fucked her with greater urgency, Bree hooked one leg over his lean hip and rode his hand. “Oh God…” She was so close to coming, but she didn’t want to go alone. They were in this together, whatever this was.


  That dark whisper was raspy, and grew even hoarser as she pleasured him ruthlessly, both of her hands pumping his cock in just the way she’d learned earlier.

  “Fuck yeah…” he groaned, stroking her cunt in the same rhythm she used on him. Their hips rocked softly, their bodies straining. She offered him her mouth, desperate for a kiss. Instead he pressed his cheek to hers so that his labored breaths gusted across her ear.

  “I want you,” she gasped, wanting his kiss and his cock and a bed to roll around in. She wanted comfort and an end to this feeling of being rushed. She wanted to silence the driving voice in her mind that said this bliss was only temporary, but it increased in volume, crashing against her in hot waves of need.

  It took her a moment to realize it was Alexei she was hearing.

  From then on soft and sweet wasn’t possible. Their mutual drive to come was raw and hungry, both of them running away into the forgetful arms of climax. But as they reached orgasm together, their bodies shuddering against each other, her cunt drenching his hand, his cock spewing its seed, the tenderness with which they held each other was undeniable.

  It wasn’t making love.

  But it was awfully close.

  Chapter Three

  What the fuck just happened?

  Alex ran a hand through his wet hair and felt like he’d just been run over by a transport. He’d really like to sit down for a moment and consider the mess he was in, but the insistent beeping from the comm link wouldn’t allow him to do so.

  Falling wearily into his chair on the bridge, he activated the comm and watched as the President of the Interstellar Security Council came into view.

  “What the hell took you so long, Night?” Derek Atkinson barked. “You were supposed to check in hours ago. Did you make contact with Representative Michaels?”

  “Yeah, she’s on board. We’re on our way.”

  Derek’s steely gaze narrowed. “Your hair is wet.” His lips twisted with wry amusement. “Damn, you move fast. I thought she’d resist you for a day or two at least.”

  Scowling, Alex said, “I took a shower.”

  “Sure. Whatever you say. What you do with Michaels on your own time is your own business. Just don’t let it interfere with the mission.”

  “You’re not worried I’ll lose my edge?” Alex asked with raised brows.

  The president laughed. “You, Night? Hell no. And cer
tainly not with a human.”

  Leaning back in his chair, Alex wished he could say the same with as much conviction. Unfortunately for everyone involved, his objectivity was shot to hell. What was supposed to have been two weeks of pleasure with a woman he admired had turned into something he didn’t quite understand.

  “Besides,” Derek continued. “Intimacy with her will make it more likely she’ll trust you. We need to know what she’s expected to give in return for the safety of her family.”

  Alex’s jaw tensed. He’d been distracted by lust earlier, but Briana’s love for her family had shone through. She was terrified for them. “Are they safe?”

  “To the best of my knowledge, yes. Her father hasn’t been seen at his residence lately, but I’m still not certain if that’s a bad thing or not. He may have just gone away, I’m looking into it. Representative Michaels sent her sister and brother-in-law on a trip. She may have done the same for her father. Apparently she hasn’t disclosed anything to them, so they don’t know they’re in danger. If things heat up though, I’ll have to place them all in protective custody.”

  “That’s where they should be now.”

  Derek arched a brow. “If we move them, we’ll risk discovery, you know that. If I simply wanted to keep them safe, I wouldn’t have you sent you in undercover.”

  “Then Briana’s safety isn’t your primary objective?” he asked grimly.

  “Briana, is it? Yes, Rep. Michaels’ safety is of paramount importance.”

  “But her family’s isn’t.”

  “No,” Derek agreed. “Her family’s isn’t.”

  Alex didn’t know why he was surprised. He knew the ins and outs of his job. That didn’t mean he had to like them. In this case, he definitely didn’t, but he owed Derek Atkinson his life, so he kept his thoughts to himself. He’d puzzle out a way to keep Bree’s family safe when he had some time to think.

  “Find out what she knows, Night. And check in with me daily. Things may be happening here that you don’t know about.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I’m relieved she’s safe with you.”

  “She almost wasn’t.” Alex drummed his fingers on the console. “Someone attempted to assassinate her at the meeting point. A blaster shot missed her by a hair.” His stomach clenched at the memory. He’d nearly lost her.

  The momentary silence that greeted his disclosure was deafening. “That location was a carefully guarded secret,” Derek said tightly.

  “She brought in Chiles and Sandoval as bargaining chips to negotiate my fee. I’m sure they bragged. Just being asked by her was a huge coup.”

  “Damn. She’s got balls.”

  “Yeah and a new PA droid, which explains why we weren’t aware of the appointments with the other two smugglers.”

  “I’ll look into it. We’ll need to tap into the new droid and see what events we might have missed since she replaced the old one. I’ll send you the schematics once I have them.” Derek glanced away from the screen. “It must have been a very recent purchase. I have no mention of it here, which worries me. If my sources are faulty, there might be a lot more we don’t know, which leaves us vulnerable. Any idea who the assassin was? Did you see them?”

  Alex shook his head. “Not a clue. But I’ve got a feeling it was either a droid or a Shinite-trained professional.”

  Derek whistled.

  The Shinites were an ancient race known for their deadly fighting abilities. They became so focused on their missions they mentally disconnected, making it impossible for a vamp to detect them.

  “You didn’t sense anything at all?”


  “Damn. Shinites cost a fortune, so do droid assassins. If you’re right, this isn’t one person we’re talking about, but a group. I’ll assign more agents to back you up in Tolan. In the meantime, watch your back, Night. And keep me posted.”

  “Yes, sir. Will do. Night out.”

  The screen went black as Alex signed off. For a moment, he looked over his semicircular console at the view of space outside the bridge window.

  What the hell was he going to do? He had no fucking clue.

  Standing with a weary sigh, he moved back down the hall and entered Bree’s room. He stood over her sleeping form, taking in her damp curls and barely parted lips. Deep inside him a wealth of compassion swelled, threatening to overflow. She looked so soft and innocent in slumber, nothing like the vixen who’d very nearly brought him to his knees in the shower, although he liked that side of her too. A lot.

  He’d been forced to put her to sleep, something all vamps had the mental ability to do, when she’d tried to coax him into bed with her. He’d been so close to losing what little control he had and fucking them both out of their misery. A tantalizing prospect, but he had to earn her trust first. Once he got her into his bed, he intended her to stay there for the duration of their journey and he didn’t want her feeling remorse about anything that happened between them.

  Derek wanted him to earn her trust for the mission’s sake. Alex wanted to earn her trust for himself. He hoped like hell she realized what it had cost him to deny them both tonight. His hunger for her was a driving force, making his jaw ache and his entire body tense. Lust, he knew well. This kind of need was completely unfamiliar, goaded as it was by respect for her strength and tenderness for her vulnerabilities.

  Blood and sex. That was all he could have of her.

  He prayed that would be enough to sate him.

  * * * * *

  Wielding her flashlight carefully, Briana made her way through the pitch-black cargo bay until she found James. She wrinkled her nose at the sight of him frozen in his kneeling position between two crates, his eyes open and sightless. The poor thing looked so sad and kind of creepy. She searched along his nape until she found the tiny reset button. James blinked and then scowled before rising.

  “I do not like Captain Night, Mistress,” he grumbled.

  “I’m sorry, James. The captain turned out to have a bit of a possessive streak.”

  “He has no reason to feel any ownership of you.” He paused a moment with his head cocked to the side. “All systems are working correctly and the link between us was not broken, but if something had happened to you, I would have been unable to respond.”

  “Nothing happened,” she soothed, running a hand along his arm. “Let’s get out of here. This place gives me the willies.” With its three-story-tall ceiling and massive cranes, the vast space made her shiver.

  James followed. “Quite a bit happened. You and the captain are now involved.”

  Blushing, Bree shut the cargo door behind them. “I wouldn’t say that. We—”

  “Became intimate,” he said flatly. “I knew you had considered that scenario a possibility, but I had hoped your better sense would assert itself.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Droids were programmed to never aggressively contradict their owners. Because of her passionate nature, she’d had James’ programming altered a little to facilitate discussion, knowing that listening to a purely logical viewpoint would help her considerably. However, discussing her sex life was not one of the things she’d wanted to debate. And discussing the intimacy she’d shared with Alex seemed…wrong. It was too private to share.

  “I apologize,” he said quickly, reading her irritation. “How you handle your personal affairs is for you to decide. It is simply beyond my reasoning to understand why you would invest so much of your life and risk your very existence for a cause, then jeopardize it so easily by aligning yourself with a known criminal.”

  “I’m not aligning myself with him!” she argued and then her face heated again. They’d aligned all right. Perfectly. She shivered in remembrance. She’d known Alex would be an expert lover, but to make her come repeatedly without using his cock? Hell, she’d had the best orgasms of her life last night. What would it be like when he actually did fuck her?

  “I am equipped with all the tools needed to please you
just as well as Night can,” James said, his hand coming to rest on the small of her back. But unlike when Alexei touched her, Briana felt no thrill of awareness or spark of heat. Some owners had been known to fall in love with their droid companions, but Bree had never been able to look past the fact that James’ emotions were not real and with a simple code change or two, he could care for another owner just as well as he cared for her.

  “I know your thoughts, Mistress, and because of that I can touch you in just the way you desire at just the moment you desire it. No one else can do that for you.”

  “Thank you for the offer, James, but you know how I feel about that.”

  “Sex with a living being who doesn’t love you is better than sex with a droid whose sole purpose for existence is to serve you?”

  Disgruntled by his strange mood, she asked, “What is up with you today?”

  James shrugged. “You seem determined to ignore your own doubts. I am simply repeating your thoughts aloud.”

  “I’m not thinking that at all,” she denied. She remembered clearly the sight of Alex’s fangs descending when he’d seen her naked and the way he’d fought back the primal instinct by retracting them again. Bree knew enough about vamps to know that must have been painful and yet he’d done it. For her.

  He’d also performed some mind trick to put her to sleep. They’d be exchanging some words about trying that again, but she knew it was another sacrifice he’d made for her, a way to give her the self-control she hadn’t been capable of last night. Alex didn’t love her, but he did respect her, which was more than a droid was capable of.

  “Alexei Night is a criminal, Mistress. I hope you keep that in mind. He is very wealthy and a very talented pilot. There is no reason for him to live his existence outside the law, but that is what he chooses to do.”

  Bree bit her lower lip. She’d already planned to ask Alex about his choice in occupation. There were alternatives she could offer him, if he was interested. She hoped he was. The council could use his skill and he would be a valuable asset to them.

  Pausing in the corridor by her room, Briana heard Alexei singing from his seat on the bridge. They’d entered the Ligerian Ice Field early that morning. Traversing through the monstrous, free-floating glaciers was beyond treacherous. A great many pilots had met their end here and yet Alex’s skill was such that she’d scarcely felt a bump since they entered. The fact that he was singing told her how relaxed he was under pressure. She paused a moment on the threshold of her cabin, listening to the beautiful sound of a foreign tune sung in his baritone. He was a man of many layers and she knew she’d barely scratched the surface. She was eager to scratch some more.