Stunned, not alone by the realization of the awfulness of the fate oftheir rivals, but also by the terrific storm and the effect of theearthquake and the landslide, Tom and his friends remained for a momentgazing toward the mouth of the cavern, now completely out of sight,buried by a mass of broken trees, tangled bushes, rocks and earth.Somewhere, far beyond that mass, was the Beecher party, held prisonersin the cave that formed the entrance to the buried city.

  Tom was the first to come to a realization of what was needed to bedone.

  "We must help them!" he exclaimed, and it was characteristic of himthat he harbored no enmity.

  "How?" asked Ned.

  "We must get a force of Indians and dig them out," was the promptanswer.

  At Tom's vigorous words Professor Bumper's forces were energized intoaction, and he stated: "Fortunately we have plenty of excavating tools.We may be in time to save them. Come on! the storm seems to havepassed as suddenly as it came up, and the earthquake, which, after alldid not cover a wide area, seems to be over. We must start the work ofrescue at once. We must go back to camp and get all the help we canmuster."

  The storm, indeed, seemed to be over, but it was no easy matter to getback over the soggy, rain-soaked ground to the trail they had left totake shelter in the forest. Fortunately the earthquake had notinvolved that portion where they had left their mules, but most of thefrightened animals had broken loose, and it was some little time beforethey could all be caught.

  "It is no use to try to get back to camp tonight," said Tom, when thelast of the pack and saddle animals had been corralled. "It is gettinglate and there is no telling the condition of the trail. We must stayhere until morning."

  "But what about them?" and Mr. Damon nodded in the direction of theentombed ones.

  "We can help them best by waiting until the beginning of a new day,"said the professor. "We shall need a large force, and we could notbring it up to-night. Besides, Tom is right, and if we tried to goalong the trail after dark, torn and disturbed as it is bound to be bythe rain, we might get into difficulties ourselves. No, we must camphere until morning and then go for help."

  They all decided finally this was best. The professor, too, pointedout that their rivals were in a large and roomy cave, not likely tosuffer from lack of air nor food or water, since they must havesupplies with them.

  "The only danger is that the cave has been crushed in," added Tom; "butin that event we would be of no service to them anyhow."

  The night seemed very long, and it was a most uncomfortable one,because of the shock and exertions through which the party had passed.Added to this was the physical discomfort caused by the storm.

  But in time there was the light in the east that meant morning was athand, and with it came action. A hasty breakfast, cups of steamingcoffee forming a most welcome part, put them all in better condition,and once more they were on their way, heading back to the main campwhere they had left their force of Indians.

  "My!" exclaimed Tom, as they made their way slowly along, "it surelywas some storm! Look at those big trees uprooted over there. They'realmost as big as the giant redwoods of California, and yet they werebowled over as if they were tenpins."

  "I wonder if the wind did it or the earthquake," ventured Mr. Damon.

  "No wind could do that," declared Ned. "It must have been thelandslide caused by the earthquake."

  "The wind could do it if the ground was made soft by the rain; and thatwas probably what did it," suggested Tom.

  "There is no harm in settling the point," commented Professor Bumper."It is not far off our trail, and will take only a few minutes to goover to the trees. I should like to get some photographs to accompanyan article that perhaps I shall write on the effects of sudden andsevere tropical storms. We will go to look at the overturned trees andthen we'll hurry on to camp to get the rescue party."

  The uprooted trees lay on one side of the mountain trail, perhaps amile from the mouth of the cave which had been covered over, entombingthe Beecher party. Leaving the mules in charge of one of the Indians,Professor Bumper and his friends, accompanied by Goosal, approached thefallen trees. As they neared them they saw that in falling the treeshad lifted with their roots a large mass of earth and imbedded rocksthat had clung to the twisted and gnarled fibers. This mass was aslarge as a house.

  "Look at the hole left when the roots pulled out!" cried Ned. "Why,it's like the crater of a small volcano!" he added. And, as they stoodon the edge of it looking curiously at the hole made, the others agreedwith Tom's chum.

  Professor Bumper was looking about, trying to ascertain if there wereany evidences of the earthquake in the vicinity, when Tom, who hadcautiously gone a little way down into the excavation caused by thefallen trees, uttered a cry of surprise.

  "Look!" he shouted. "Isn't that some sort of tunnel or undergroundpassage?" and he pointed to a square opening, perhaps seven feet highand nearly as broad, which extended, no one knew where, downward andonward from the side of the hole made by the uprooting of the trees.

  "It's an underground passage all right," said Professor Bumper eagerly;"and not a natural one, either. That was fashioned by the hand of man,if I am any judge. It seems to go right under the mountain, too.Friends, we must explore this! It may be of the utmost importance!Come, we have our electric torches, and we shall need them, for it'svery dark in there," and he peered into the passage in front of whichthey all stood now. It seemed to have been tunneled through the earth,the sides being lined by either slabs of stone, or walls made by a sortof concrete.

  "But what about the rescue work?" asked Mr. Damon.

  "I am not forgetting Professor Beecher and his friends," answered thescientist.

  "Perhaps this may be a better means of rescuing them than by diggingthem out, which will take a week at least," observed Tom.

  "This a better way?" asked Ned, pointing to the tunnel.

  "That's it," confirmed the savant. "If you will notice it extends backin the direction of the cave from which we were driven. Now if thereis a buried city beneath all this jungle, this mountain of earth andstones, the accumulation of centuries, it is probably on the bottom ofsome vast cavern. It is my opinion that we were only in one end ofthat cavern, and this may be the entrance to another end of it."

  "Then," asked Mr. Damon, "do you mean that we can enter here, get intothe cave that contains the buried city, or part of it, and find thereBeecher and his friends?"

  "That's it. It is possible, and if we could it would save an immenselot of work, and probably be a surer way to save their lives than bydigging a tunnel through the landslide to find the mouth of the cavewhere we first entered."

  "It's a chance worth taking," said Mr. Damon. "Of course it is achance. But then everything connected with this expedition is; so oneis no worse than another. As you say, we may find the entombed menmore easily this way than any other."

  "I wonder," said Tom slowly, "if, by any chance, we shall find, throughthis passage, the lost city we are looking for."

  "And the idol of gold," added Ned.

  "Goosal, do you know anything about this?" asked Professor Bumper."Did you ever hear of another passage leading to the cave where you sawthe ancient city?"

  "No, Learned One, though I have heard stories about there being manycities, or parts of a big one, beneath the mountain, and when it wasabove ground there were many entrances to it."

  "That settles it!" cried the professor in English, having talked toGoosal in Spanish. "We'll try this and see where it leads."

  They entered the stone-lined passage. In spite of the fact that it hadprobably been buried and concealed from light and air for centuries, asevidenced by the growth of the giant trees above it, the air was fresh.

  "And this is one reason," said Tom, in commenting on this fact, "why Ibelieve it leads to some vast cavern which is connected in some fashionwith the outer air. Well, perhaps we shall soon
make a discovery."

  Eagerly and anxiously the little party pressed forward by the light ofthe pocket electric lamps. They were obsessed by two thoughts--whatthey might find and the necessity for aiding in the rescue of theirrivals.

  On and on they went, the darkness illuminated only by the torches theycarried. But they noticed that the air was still fresh, and that agentle wind blew toward them. The passage was undoubtedly artificial,a tunnel made by the hands of men now long crumbled into dust. It hada slightly upward slope, and this, Professor Bumper said, indicatedthat it was bored upward and perhaps into the very heart of themountain somewhere in the interior of which was the Beecher party.

  Just how far they went they did not know, but it must have been morethan two miles. Yet they did not tire, for the way was smooth.

  Suddenly Tom, who, with Professor Bumper, was in the lead, uttered acry, as he held his torch above his head and flashed it about in acircle.

  "We're blocked!" he exclaimed. "We're up against a stone wall!"

  It was but too true. Confronting them, and extending from side to sideacross the passage and from roof to floor, was a great rough stone.Immense and solid it seemed when they pushed on it in vain.

  "Nothing short of dynamite will move that," said Ned in despair. "Thisis a blind lead. We'll have to go back."

  "But there must be something on the other side of that stone," criedTom. "See, it is pierced with holes, and through them comes a currentof air. If we could only move the stone!"

  "I believe it is an ancient door," remarked Professor Bumper.

  Eagerly and frantically they tried to move it by their combined weight.The stone did not give the fraction of the breadth of a hair.

  "We'll have to go back and get some of your big tunnel blasting powder,Tom," suggested Ned.

  As he spoke old Goosal glided forward. He had remained behind them inthe passage while they were trying to move the rock. Now he saidsomething in Spanish.

  "What does he mean?" asked Ned.

  "He asks that he be allowed to try," translated Professor Bumper."Sometimes, he says, there is a secret way of opening stone doors inthese underground caves. Let him try."

  Goosal seemed to be running his fingers lightly over the outer edge ofthe door. He was muttering to himself in his Indian tongue.

  Suddenly he uttered an exclamation, and, as he did so, there was anoise from the door itself. It was a grinding, scraping sound, arumble as though rocks were being rolled one against the other.

  Then the astonished eyes of the adventurers saw the great stone doorrevolve on its axis and swing to one side, leaving a passage openthrough which they could pass. Goosal had discovered the hiddenmechanism.

  What lay before them?

Victor Appleton's Novels
»Tom Swift and His Motor-Cycle; Or, Fun and Adventures on the Roadby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat; Or, Under the Ocean for Sunken Treasureby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout; Or, The Speediest Car on the Roadby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His War Tank; Or, Doing His Bit for Uncle Samby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle; Or, Daring Adventures in Elephant Landby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel; Or, The Hidden City of the Andesby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Giant Telescopeby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Motor-Boat; Or, The Rivals of Lake Carlopaby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Wireless Message; Or, The Castaways of Earthquake Islandby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship; Or, The Naval Terror of the Seasby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive; Or, Two Miles a Minute on the Railsby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the City of Gold; Or, Marvelous Adventures Undergroundby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera; Or, Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Picturesby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the Caves of Ice, or, the Wreck of the Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Undersea Search; Or, the Treasure on the Floor of the Atlanticby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Air Scout; Or, Uncle Sam's Mastery of the Skyby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in Captivity, Or, A Daring Escape By Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders; Or, The Underground Search for the Idol of Goldby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift Among the Fire Fighters; Or, Battling with Flames from the Airby Victor Appleton