Page 26 of Darkness, Kindled

  The club manager looked the type.

  Jai curled a lip. He hated bullies.

  “What can I get you?”

  “I’ll have a Glenlivet and ginger ale.” Jennifer smiled up at him. Jai liked Jennifer enough. She seemed cool, didn’t have any pretentious airs. Her boyfriend Chris seemed all right too—a salt-of-the-earth kind of guy.

  “Same here,” Chris added.

  The waiter turned to Ari, and Jai answered prudently before she could. “Water for us.”

  “So, how did you two get into the security business?” Jennifer asked as soon as the waiter was gone.

  No. The actress might be nice but they weren’t doing this. No conversation. He needed to keep focused. “Family business,” he answered shortly, hoping his tone would mean the end of the discussion.

  “Oh. You two are siblings?”

  “No,” Ari answered immediately, clearly as appalled by the idea as he was. He was just better at hiding his feelings. Ari let hers hang out for everyone to see. Jai really wished she’d stop doing that. It just made it harder for him not to accidentally hurt her.

  He shot her a look, trying to silently communicate this, and then he answered Jennifer with a lie. “Our fathers are friends and colleagues.”

  “How long have you been security officers?”

  How long is this night going to last?

  “A while.”

  “Do you like it?”

  At this moment? No.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  To Jai’s relief, after a few more

  questions, Jennifer finally got that he wasn’t in a talkative mood. She turned to her boyfriend and their conversation turned intimate, their bodies curling into one another.

  Feeling the tension return between him and Ari, Jai hoped that intimate conversation didn’t turn into actual intimacy.

  The last thing they needed was a side show.

  Ten minutes later his hopes were dashed when Jennifer and Chris started making out. He knew exactly when Ari noticed because her whole body tensed. He turned his head slightly to watch her, her eyes skipping over the couples’ wandering hands. She fidgeted uncomfortably and Jai couldn’t help but smirk. If he needed any proof that anything happening between him and Ari was a bad idea, this was it. She was embarrassed by a couple making out.

  Sensing his gaze, Ari looked at him. Even though five seconds later, she was glaring at his smirk, Jai caught the look that had been in her eye. She wasn’t embarrassed Jennifer and Chris were making out. She was uncomfortable … because it was turning her on.

  Oh, hell.

  Jai nearly hung his head, praying for someone to deliver him from temptation, when a drunken voice shouted, “Hey!”

  A tall, baby-faced guy was peering in at Ari through the railing. “You wanna dance, pretty girl?”

  You wanna keep your nose where it is, pretty boy? Jai slid his arm down around Ari’s silky, bare shoulders and pulled her into him. “Beat it,” he growled.

  The punk disappeared into the crowd and Jai let her go, stopping himself from pushing her soft body from his like a third-grader with a crush. At the half-hopeful, half-confused look in her eye, Jai opted for a cold explanation. “We can’t leave our post.”

  He felt her hurt and looked away sharply, not needing to witness the effect of his jackassery.

  “You know,” Jennifer called to them loudly over the music, “I want to dance.” She hauled Chris to his feet and grinned mischievously down at Jai. “I guess that means you two better join us.”

  Jesus, if it wasn’t Trey matchmaking, it was someone else. Maybe it was time to send a memo out.

  Jai plus Ari equals guardian and client. Nothing more. Ever.

  But he was still going to have to dance with her. Great. He couldn’t help the reluctant sigh that fell from between his lips as he stood, waiting on Ari to join him. She slowly got up but wouldn’t meet his gaze. He felt another pang of remorse. He was being a jerk.

  Needing to reassure her, even though it was an incredibly bad idea, and wanting to keep her close as they moved through the club, Jai grabbed Ari’s hand, pulling her ahead of their clients so he could watch the crowd. His eyes constantly returned to Jennifer and Chris and the people around them. So far, so good.

  Scowling and emitting seriously annoyed energy, Jai managed to clear a space for them on the dance floor and positioned himself and Ari close to Jennifer and Chris. To avoid any extra hassle, he held Ari gently at the waist and kept a good distance between their bodies. Like this, he could stay focused, and he did, his eyes constantly moving over the club, through the throngs of dancers.

  Two hands slapped his shoulders, startling him out of his concentration. Jai scowled down at Ari as her head whipped around to glare up at him. What was going on with her now? Dammit, he did not need this. “What?”

  To his surprise, Ari tugged his head down with a surprising amount of strength, her lips brushing his ear as she demanded, “Dance with me properly, or I’m going to kick you in the nuts.”

  Taken aback, Jai couldn’t help but chuckle at her. His arms automatically tightened around her waist to draw her closer. It was a bad idea, and he knew it as soon her soft body pressed against his and her head rested on his shoulder. But Ari had a way of charming you with her honesty. That was one of the things he liked best about her. He always knew what she wanted. He just wished she didn’t want him. It would make this a helluva lot easier.

  At the touch of her fingers stroking his nape, Jai had to repress a shudder. She smelled great. She felt great. And he felt as though he were about to burst out of his skin with frustration.

  “We’re here to work,” he reminded her gruffly, hoping that it would also be a reminder to himself. “Not dance.”

  We can do both, she replied using telepathy, her voice teasing but insistent.

  With an inward sigh, Jai decided to give her that. I’ll keep an eye on the happy couple. You watch the crowd.

  Yes, sir.

  He snorted. There was that smart mouth again.

  Jai didn’t know how it happened. One minute he’d been doing his job, watching … but his brain and body couldn’t shut her out. All he could smell was her, could feel her soft hair under his chin, her fingers stroking the skin at the base of his neck, her curves brushing against him from chest to thigh.

  He might be a pretty powerful Ginnaye …but he was also still just a guy.

  She felt amazing. She felt right.

  And as he skimmed his hand down her slender back, following the gently sloping curve to rest his hand possessively on her hip, his other hand trailing in its wake to trace circles on her lower back, Jai had never been more convinced of that fact. She felt right. This felt right. She was his.


  His hand automatically gripped her hip tight, pulling her to him as his conscience did its best to convince him. She trembled a little in his arms, letting him know she felt it too.

  God … this was torture. Jai exhaled heavily against her ear, nearly groaning his frustration aloud.

  “You ready for another drink?”

  Jennifer’s voice pierced their bubble and brought Jai back to reality with a crashing thump.


  He pushed Ari away from him, ignoring Jennifer’s questioning smile and Ari’s confused silence. What the hell was he doing? Was he trying to mess her up? Furious at himself and the sudden disappearance of his world-renowned self-control, Jai led them back to the table, deciding it best not to even look at Ari.

  He was supposed to be on a job, not lusting after an eighteen-year-old girl who was more lost and confused than he’d ever been, and that was saying something. Crap. Jesus. What the hell …

  Jai tried to shake off his annoyance, but it was hard with his Achilles heel sitting right next to him looking like he’d slapped her.

  He heard her voice sigh in his head before she said, I need to go to the bathroom.


  Jai studied her face a mom
ent to see if she could hold it in, but by the way she scrunched up her nose and wriggled in her seat like a little girl, he doubted it. He eyed the empty glasses of water on the table. Damn, she was such a rookie. He shot her a warning look. Be quick. I don’t like the idea of you moving alone. Too many wandering hands out on that dance floor.

  I have Ms. Maggie, she tried to assure him.

  Ah, yeah, the poltergeist that didn’t seem to like him much. But the Ifrit was protective of Ari, so … Jai gave her a sharp nod, and she practically bolted out.

  Jennifer and Chris returned to ignoring him. Jai couldn’t say he blamed them. He wasn’t exactly Mr. Conversation. It didn’t bother him. He wasn’t paid to be nice or liked. He was paid to keep people alive. Speaking of …Jai’s eyes darted through the dark of the club. Ari was taking a while. Had she fallen down the toilet? He sighed in annoyance as his conscience told him she was probably pulling herself together after he’d gotten her all hot and bothered on the dance floor.


  He was so going to kill Trey for this when he got home.

  Jai’s spine stiffened at the sudden chill that rippled over him. The trace. Ari?

  “Jai?” Jennifer asked softly and he turned back to find her frowning in concern. “Everything okay?”

  He was just about to turn to her when a low, female voice echoed loudly in his head, The White King has Ari locked in the ladies’ restroom!

  Jai’s heart stuttered at Ms. Maggie’s message, his fists curling with fear. “I’ll be right back. Stay here,” he ordered. He then moved as fast as he could without appearing less than human, pushing through the dancers, his face dark with intent so they’d move.

  Finally, he turned the corner to the toilets and poured all his energy into his feet, moving down the corridor like the wind and slamming up against the door so that the wood cracked with the impact.

  “ARI!” He roared through the wood, his fists, lit with magic, pummeling into it. What if he was too late? What if he …

  Shaking off the panic, Jai took a step back and a deep breath. He glanced behind him to make sure he was alone and then flooded all of his magical energy into his right leg, his jeans glowing.

  With a primal growl, he pulled back his knee and slammed his foot forward against the wood, blowing the door almost off its hinges. Without another thought, Jai skidded into the bathroom, his eyes seeking her out.

  Relief flooded him.

  Ari stood alone, face pale, eyes wide as she stared at him, trembling from head to toe. She was terrified. Impotent fury rushed through him and Jai clenched his jaw at the same time he slammed the bathroom door shut and locked it. She was still shaking. He hurried over to her, the blood rushing in his ears at the thought of what could’ve happened to her. It made his chest burn with fear. In fact, he’d never felt fear like it.

  “Are you okay? Was he here?”

  Holding her hands out to reassure him, Ari sighed. “He’s gone. I’m okay. How did you know? I didn’t telepath.”

  No, but you should have!

  His eyes narrowed in anger as he searched her body for injury. She was in one piece. “Just as I felt a warning in the trace, Ms. Maggie spoke to me telepathically.”

  If he didn’t have the trace … if Ms. Maggie hadn’t warned him. Shit. The White King could’ve done anything to her.

  She would’ve been gone. He’d never have been able to talk to her again … or touch her …

  He was a mess. An effed-up, confused mess because all that mattered in that moment was that she was okay, not that he wasn’t supposed to want her. For now he was with her … and he could touch her. His eyes dipped to her trembling lips. Need fisted in his gut.

  Nothing else mattered.

  There was too much space between them.

  Without thinking about the consequences, Jai tugged her roughly into his arms so he could hug her and assure himself that she was safe. The familiar feel of her body against his only sharpened the need and his hold tightened, his heart pounding so hard, they both could hear it.

  He felt Ari squeeze him back. “I’m okay,” she reassured him softly. “He just wanted to mess with my head. I didn’t do anything. I didn’t command him. It was hard, but I didn’t, I promise.”

  “Ssshh,” Jai hushed, not wanting her to worry that he thought she’d be reckless enough to do that. Ari was honest and sometimes impulsive, but she was smart, and unlike some people, she had a lot of self-control. She amazed him. “I know. I’m proud of you.”

  He heard her breathing change—it became ragged as she pulled back to gaze up at him. Everything was there in her eyes. Her gratitude, her relief … her desire. Jai’s eyes dipped to her mouth again. One taste. One taste wouldn’t be so bad …

  She tried to take a step back and Jai’s hands tightened around her. He didn’t want her to go yet … he hadn’t had time …


  His control snapped.

  He hauled her up against him, his lips crushing down over hers, satisfaction slamming through him at the taste of her.

  She melted instantly, her arms wrapping around him, her mouth opening to let him deepen the kiss, his tongue teasing hers mercilessly. And that instant surrender to him was like throwing tinder on the fire. He wanted to be closer.

  He wanted inside of her, so deep inside she’d never get him out.

  At the sound of her gasp in his mouth, Jai nearly expired on the spot. He wasn’t close enough. Pushing her against the counter, finesse, gentleness, it all was burned away by the blazing heat in his blood. Jai gripped her hips and easily lifted her onto the counter so he could insinuate himself between her legs, long legs that immediately wrapped themselves around him, drawing him closer. His fingers dug into her hips as he nudged against her, groaning deep at the pleasure that rippled through him from the tease. The first time he’d kissed her, there was a spark—a spark between two strangers, and it had made him cautious. Confused him. He hadn’t really taken the time to enjoy the taste of her. Now he was going to enjoy it.

  Damn, the girl could kiss, he thought as she licked at his mouth, her pace slowing and drawing him into something deeper, more languorous … sexy as hell. At the feel of her hands on his chest, Jai pulled back. He wanted to feel her too. With his lips. He kissed her jaw, tasting her skin. Was it possible to be addicted to a person? he wondered vaguely, his brain a fog of mush, now that another part of his body was controlling him. Jai squeezed her harder to him as he trailed soft, lush kisses down her neck until he came to her bare shoulder. That naked skin had been teasing him all night. He bit it softly.

  She whimpered, the sound full of need.

  It was like a kick in the gut.

  Jai was done with patience.

  She was his and he was having her now.

  His hand clasped her nape, drawing her head back so he could look into her flushed face, her eyes bright. She wanted this too. She wanted him …

  He pulled her roughly against his mouth, his kiss deeper than before, his body pushing into hers as her legs climbed his hips. Those legs drew his attention. He wanted to touch her, see for himself how soft the skin at the top of her thighs was—CRASH!

  The door slammed open.

  Instinct had him throwing his body from her and then shielding her, his chest rising and falling as he struggled to get his breath back. There was no one there.

  Jai shot a wide-eyed look at Ari only to find her staring back with a mirror-image expression on her face.

  “It’s Ms. Maggie,” she informed him hoarsely.

  Ms. Maggie? Why …? Jai’s gaze traveled over Ari. Her flushed cheeks, her lidded, dark eyes, swollen mouth, the hem of her dress indecently high … Ms. Maggie had interrupted them before he did something he’d regret.



  What had he almost done? Dammit, he could’ve lost everything just because he couldn’t keep it in his pants! He’d have lost Ari, his reputation, his fragile relationship with his father … Wh
at the hell had he been thinking? And Ari … she wasn’t helping! He’d told her they weren’t anything more than friends and she kept looking at him …

  Shit! It wasn’t her fault.

  She was an innocent. He was the grown-up. The Ginnaye. And for the first time in his life, he was failing at what he did best. He groaned, rubbing a hand over his head as his taut, frustrated body warred with his self-flagellating mind. “That shouldn’t have happened.”

  Ari’s wounded eyes ripped him apart, and watching her struggle to pull down the hem of a dress he’d almost gotten her out of made him feel like crap. And that made him angrier than anything could.

  Was he becoming what his stepmother Nicki had always predicted?

  “Jai …?” Ari’s voice was filled with vulnerable need for assurance.

  Assurance he couldn’t give her.

  Enraged, needing her to understand, the growl ripped out of him before he could stop himself. “No. It never happened. I was worried about you and I just … shit!” He hit his palm off the tiled walls, needing the sting of clarity.

  She slipped off the counter, struggling with her dress, looking very much like a girl who had nearly given a boy everything only for him to act like a jerk and treat her like she wasn’t worth it.

  Guilt pricked him, mixing with the pain of hurting her.

  Today was the last time he’d do that to her. She deserved better. “Ari, I’m so sorry,” he said. “The last thing you need is an older guy treating you like crap. You deserve more. And I can’t give you more.”

  I’ll never be able to.

  She got even, though.

  She made him want her even more than he already did. He watched with fascination and admiration as she finally accepted the truth. She shrugged on that truth, even though he knew it hurt her, and she wore it with a carefully controlled expression. She smoothed her hair and straightened her shoulders, looking him straight in the eye with nothing but cool civility.