Page 13 of Fiery Fate

  She waited for Garick to speak. Anger hardened his features, more so than she had ever seen. She had to say something before Garick spoke.

  "'Twas my fault, Garick. I lured him, tempted him, until he could not resist. Truly, I made it impossible for him to say no. This is my doing, my responsibility, and I should be punished accordingly, but Roarke should not be blamed."

  "Ridiculous," Roarke interrupted. "I need no woman to stand up for me. I made the decision on my own and I will be held accountable for violating a faerie princess."

  "No!" Solara stood and faced Roarke. "I will not have you stand in judgment as if this was your doing. You fought me every day, keeping your distance. 'Twas I that forced you into this." Roarke smiled, his eyes gentling. "You are hardly able to force yourself upon me, faerie. As you can see, I am much stronger than you."

  She looked to Garick, desperately grasping at anything that would release Roarke from punishment. "I put a magical spell on him, forcing him into it."

  Garick rolled his eyes. "Enough. Leave now. I cannot think with the two of you arguing over who is at fault. I will call upon both of you later when I am ready to discuss this." She was loath to leave, yet she had to follow the king's orders. With a bow of her head, she and Roarke left the room. Noele stayed behind, offering her a sympathetic smile as she closed the door.

  As soon as the door was closed, Roarke asked her, "Why did you do that?"

  "Because I could not stand to see your honor besmirched because of what I have done."

  "You are not to blame in this, Solara. I came to your chambers last night, remember? You were the one who vowed to keep your distance."

  She shook her head. "Does not matter. This is my fault, and I will not have you punished for it." He reached for a tendril of hair and slid it through his fingers. His eyes darkened and he smiled at her. "I would accept any punishment for having had a chance to taste your delights, my princess. Do believe me when I say that you were worth any cost."

  Her pulse skittered, blood roaring through every vein in her body. Oh, what she would not give for a moment of privacy, a chance to touch him one more time. "And I will accept any punishment as well, for I did not wish to go the rest of my life wondering what it was like to lie in your arms." Roarke sucked in a breath. "We had best separate before Garick comes out and finds us together." She nodded her agreement, but did not want to leave him.

  "I know, faerie. I feel the same way. I want you in my arms so badly right now I am willing to risk death to defy my king."

  "I need you Roarke. I am cold without the warmth of your arms around me." He looked both ways down the hallway, then pulled her into a dark corner, gathering her into his arms and taking her mouth in a kiss that spoke of a thirst that could never be quenched. Her heart ached, soaring with joy and plummeting with the realization that they could never be together.

  Roarke rained kisses on her cheeks and neck, murmuring, "I wish so many things, Solara. I wish we were fated, I wish I was noble enough to ask for your hand, but I am no king, and therefore unworthy of you."

  Now she could not hold back the tears. "You are my king, you are everything I have ever wanted. From the time of my youth I imagined a dark-haired man who would love me with his heart, not for what I could bring to his lands, but because he wanted me." He smiled and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "And I do love you, Solara, although I do not think I have ever said the words."

  "You did not need to. I love you, too. I have felt in my heart from the first time we met that we were fated. But our fate ends here, this day. Oh, Roarke, I cannot bear to lose you!" He gathered her against his chest and stroked her hair, whispering words of love. Words she had wanted to hear from him.

  But they both knew that despite the words they spoke, their love was not enough to ensure their future together.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Noele paced Garick's office. There was much she wanted to say to him and did not know where to begin.

  He had been silent since Roarke and Solara left. Normally, she would not disturb him while he was deep in thought. But she felt that now she must, because she did not want him to make the wrong decisions.

  "Garick, I must have a word with you."

  He stared out the window into the courtyard. She stepped behind him, laying her hand on his shoulder.

  When he turned, she knew the pain that Roarke and Solara's admission had caused him.

  But for her, he smiled, lifting her hand and pressing it to his lips. "I have missed you, my faerie queen. The first thing I wanted to do upon returning was to sweep you into my arms and carry you into our chambers, where I could make love to you throughout the day." His words heated her, driving her nipples to hard peaks beneath her shift. Forcing thoughts of pleasure aside until later, she said, "I understand, for I have missed you greatly. My bed is cold at night without you next to me. But first, we must talk about Roarke and Solara." His smile died and he turned away. "'Tis a decision I must make alone, and you know that."

  "Aye, but I have thoughts too and would ask you to hear them." He sighed and turned to her, leading her to the chaise. Taking her hands in his, he nodded. "Speak, then, for I must make a decision today."

  "Roarke and Solara are fated. I feel it, have felt it since the moment the two of them met. The same day I was introduced to you."

  He arched a brow. "I felt no such thing that day. Then again, my mind was filled with thoughts of the faerie princess I was to marry."

  Caressing his cheek, she leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips. "For that I thank you. But trust me on this, Garick. They are meant to be together. You cannot blame them for giving in to their desires for one another."

  "'Twas forbidden for Roarke to touch Solara."

  "True. But when two souls are fated, allowances must be made."

  "There is no room for allowances in the laws and customs of our lands."

  "Then perhaps it is time to change a few of those laws and customs." His eyes widened. "What are you saying? That the laws of the land set down generations ago should be altered because Roarke could not keep his dick in his breeches?"

  'Twas his frustration causing him to raise his voice, and she knew his conflict was great. Roarke was like an actual brother to Garick, and Garick would not make a decision on his future lightly. "No, that is not what I am saying. What I suggest is that you think about what would have happened had you met me and we bonded, and yet you were forbidden to have me." He opened his mouth to speak, but Noele pressed a finger to his lips. "I know what you would say, but stop and think. Yes, we were lucky enough to be betrothed and to fall in love. But what if we had not been? What if I had been presented as betrothed to another man? Think before you answer me, Garick." To his credit, he did. But it wasn't long before his warm grey gaze met hers. "I would have walked through the fires of hell to have you by my side." His words seared her very soul. "And I would have done the same. I would have committed any crime, done anything, honorable or dishonorable, to make you mine. Now, think of that when you make your decision on Roarke and Solara. Your logic is sound and the laws are clear. But think with your heart, too."

  He nodded and she turned to leave, knowing he needed time alone to make his decision. But then she hesitated, remembering her wonderful news. Before she left, she had to tell him, as she would be unable to contain her joy much longer.

  "Before I go, Garick, one last thing?"

  The way he looked at her, the love in his heart shining on his face, gave her a sense of contentment that she had not thought possible. "Yes, my love?"

  She paused for only a second, then grinned. "I carry your child."


  Roarke waited impatiently in the hall, oblivious to the stirrings of the castle inhabitants behind him. He only had eyes for Solara, who also stood in front of the two chairs set aside for the King and Queen of Winterland. They awaited Garick and Noele's arrival. Many hours had passed between their meeting with Garick and this moment. Agonizing hours that Roarke sp
ent wondering what his fate would be.

  Garick was fair, had always been so, and yet he could not allow Roarke's violation of Solara to go unpunished. There were laws in the elvin and faerie kingdoms. When those laws were broken, the punishments were severe.

  He could be banished, stripped of his position, dishonored publicly, or even imprisoned. As far as Solara, Garick would not punish her, but find her a king willing to accept a faerie princess who was not a virgin. Chances were she would not be taken. But then again, what man would be fool enough to resist her? Her scarlet hair curled wildly down her back, her wings of matching color fluttering slowly open and closed. Her skin was soft as butter, her green eyes reflecting golden pools of passion.

  Nay, there would be a fight among the kingdoms. Many would want to claim her.

  But she would always be his. No, he would not ask for her. He did not want her to suffer the dishonor that would be bestowed upon him tonight. Nay, he would give her up to a forthright and honorable king before he would allow her to be shamed.

  Solara did not know this, but Roarke had spoken privately with Garick before the evening meal, making sure that Garick understood he was more than willing to accept his punishment, but that he wanted no harm to come to Solara.

  Garick was strangely silent, but nodded at Roarke's request. He had not spoken to Roarke since, a fact that caused him much pain. He would miss his bonded brother greatly.

  A hush went over the hall when Garick and Noele entered. The king's expression gave away nothing of his thoughts, and neither did Noele's. They sat, as did the rest of the people gathered in the hall.

  Roarke and Solara were directed to seats in chairs provided for them in front of the crowd. She was so close he could smell her sweet scent. He longed to reach for her hand and reassure her that no harm would come to her this eve, yet did not dare touch her.

  For as long as he lived, he would remember her scent, the silken feel of her skin, the warm gold flecks in her eyes and the love in her heart.

  Garick cleared his throat and began, first giving the people of Winterland a summary of what had happened in Greenbriar. Gasps were heard when he told of Trista becoming the bride of Braedon.

  Roarke felt eyes on the back of his head, and no doubt Solara felt them too, yet no one said anything.

  "Roarke, would you stand please?"

  He stood, looking only at his king.

  "Garick, I wish to speak."

  The crowd murmured as Solara stood.

  "You do not have permission to speak, Solara. Sit down."

  "But you do not understand, Garick. I have been trying to tell you--"

  "Sit down now or I will have you removed!" Garick bellowed.

  Solara sat quickly. Roarke chanced a glance at her, his heart twisting in knots at the sight of her head bowed, fat tears falling onto the hands clasped tightly together in her lap.

  Her attempts to protect him were admirable. If he could, he would kiss her for her unselfish willingness to bring dishonor upon herself on his behalf. But he could not.

  "And now, if I may be allowed to continue with no more interruptions," Garick started, looking at Solara as if expecting her to object. When she didn't, he nodded and inclined his head to Roarke. "Roarke, please come forward."

  He did as his king asked of him, approaching Garick.

  "It has come to my attention that there have been some changes while I was gone. This has led me to reevaluate your position here at Winterland."

  Roarke listened intently. Not even a sound was made behind him.

  "Since the day we were bonded as children, your loyalty to me and to this kingdom has been above reproach. You have been my protector, my friend, and have never failed in your duties." Roarke inhaled, fighting against the guilt as Garick recited the list of qualities he found admirable. Truly, he did not deserve this, even though he knew what would come after.

  "Time and again you have proven yourself equal to the kings of any land. You have fought to protect all of us, your willingness to lay down your life for our people evident. You fended off yet another of the wizards' attacks a few days ago with honor and a warrior's strength. I commend you for this." Roarke bowed his head, no longer able to meet Garick's eyes.

  "Because of your loyalty, your bravery, and because of many other things that have come to light since my return, I am removing you as captain of my guard and releasing you as my protector." A low murmur reverberated through the crowd. Roarke ignored it, knowing it was about to get much worse.

  "Kneel before me, Roarke."

  He dropped to one knee as was required, resting his hands on his leg. 'Twas in this position that he would receive his king's decree.

  "Be it known throughout our lands that I, Garick, King of Winterland, do hereby bestow the title of King to Roarke. A parcel of my lands to the east will be cordoned off, and forever known as the lands of Roarke, King of Boreas."

  Roarke's head snapped up to see Garick taking out his sword and gently placing it over Roarke's shoulders. Cheers resounded throughout the hall, the cacophony of sound blocked out by the blood roaring through his ears.

  He stood, unable to fathom what had just occurred. Had he heard correctly? Surely this was some sort of dream, for 'twas not at all the outcome he expected.

  Garick clasped him tightly and leaned back. Roarke shook his head. "I...I do not know what to say." The grin of his old friend shined on his face. "Say nothing. You are now a king."

  "I cannot accept this Garick. I do not deserve to be rewarded for an act of dishonor."

  Garick arched a brow. "You will insult me if you do not accept. And that would be an act of dishonor. Loving a woman as you do Solara is no shame, Roarke. My own lovely wife reminded me that if our positions were reversed, I would have let nothing stand between me and the woman I loved."

  'Twas all too much, only half of it sinking in. A celebration had already begun behind him, but all he could see was his king, his friend, and his beautiful wife, her silver-sparkled face beaming back at him.

  "Thank you. I am deeply honored by your generous gift." Garick nodded. Noele threw her arms around Roarke and kissed his cheek, then took his hands. "As a new king, your first duty should be to select your queen." His queen. He was a king, still a term he would never think to identify himself. His gaze moved to Solara, who stood near him, smiling. Elisa and Mina flanked her, their youthful, exuberant grins evident. Roarke moved to Solara, and Elisa and Mina stepped back. He took Solara's hands in his, then dropped down to one knee.

  The room fell silent as all eyes turned to them.

  Solara placed her hand over her breast, trying to quiet the pounding of her heart. The emotion of the moment was almost more than she could bear. And now, to have Roarke on his knees before her was something she could have never imagined.

  "Solara, faerie princess of D'Naath. You are the sun that rises in my heart, your soul is my soul, and I would be honored if you would agree to join with me for all eternity. Will you be my wife?" The words she thought she would never hear from Roarke's lips made her heart soar. She fluttered her wings excitedly, then nodded. "Yes. Oh yes, Roarke. I love you with all my being. I would be honored to spend the remainder of my days at your side."

  At her acceptance, the chorus of applause and shouting was near deafening. Roarke stood, gathered her in his arms and kissed her. He held nothing back, pouring out his love in a public display that had her laughing with joy. When they parted, she ran and hugged Noele.

  "You said something to Garick that made him change his mind." Noele kissed her cheek. "Nay. Your love is fated, my sister. I had to do nothing but ask my husband to decide with his heart."

  Solara looked to Garick, reaching for his hand and squeezing it. "I will never be able to thank you enough for what you have done."

  Garick grinned. "'Tis enough that my wife will have her sister nearby when our baby comes. She will need much help, I think."

  She hugged her sister and brother-in-law, then turned to Roark
e, flinging herself into his arms and raining kisses all over his face.

  "We must marry soon, my faerie," he said, nuzzling her neck. "I cannot wait until you warm my bed every night."

  "'Twould be my honor to marry you at the day and time of your choosing. Oh, Roarke, I am so happy I am without words."

  Winding his arm around her waist, he led her into the throng of celebration. "You will not need words very soon, my princess. You can show me your joy in acts without words." The promise in his voice spread desire throughout her body. "Let us hope this celebration is a short one, then, for I have much to say."

  The festivities lasted well into the night. Plans were made to refurbish Castle Boreas, which had lain dormant since the death of the previous king. They would begin immediately. Splitting up Garick's lands would create a stronger defense on the northern territories, making a more powerful force against the wizards.

  Many of the villagers were eager to make their homes with Roarke. Some of the unprotected villagers outside of Winterland would be welcome in the new castle.

  As Roarke and Garick sat and poured over plans, Solara stood watch, smiling at the pride on her soon-to-be-husband's beaming face.

  In the end, his honor had stood strong, as had the man behind it. Solara eagerly anticipated her new life as Queen of Boreas, but more than that, as wife of her fated love.

  About the author:

  Jaci Burton has been a dreamer and lover of romance her entire life. Consumed with stories of passion, love and happily ever afters, she finally pulled her fantasy characters out of her head and put them on paper. Writing allows her to showcase the rainbow of emotions that result from falling in love.

  Jaci lives in Oklahoma with her husband (her fiercest writing critic and sexy inspiration), stepdaughter and three wild and crazy dogs. Her sons are grown and live on opposite coasts and don't bother her nearly as often as she'd like them to. When she isn't writing stories of passion and romance, she can usually be found at the gym, reading a great book, or working on her computer, trying to figure out how she can pull more than twenty-four hours out of a single day.

  Jaci welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora's Cave Publishing at P.O. Box 787, Hudson, Ohio 44236-0787.