Chapter 5

  Mermaid Bloom!

  That morning, the girls took Charlotte’s dad’s speedboat to Bloom Island, so they got there faster.

  “So, how do you get to that little cave again?” Charlotte asked. Bloom grabbed her hand. The girls walked until they got to the giant stone.

  They moved the big stone out of the way. “You go first.” Bloom said. Charlotte stepped in to the hole. She slid down into the cavern with the pond in it.

  Charlotte heard an extremely loud, “CANNONBALL!!!!!!!!!!”

  She thought, Oh, boy! This isn’t good!!!!!Next thing she knew, Bloom was flying by in her blue swimsuit right above her head, and landing in the little pond inside of the cave.

  “That was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!”Bloom screamed. She paddled in the water.

  “Try the breathing trick!” Charlotte said.

  Bloom dove under water. She took her fingers off of her nose. Bloom inhaled the water. Bloom gave her a big thumbs up! She popped out of the water. “That is awesome!!!!” she bounced.

  “Alright. Now, let’s do what we came here for.” Charlotte grinned.

  “Ok!” Bloom said. “What do I do?”

  “Ok, to turn into a mermaid, um, you, um, honestly, I don’t know. Do anything!” Charlotte said.

  “Mermaid!” she said. Nothing happened. “I want to be a mermaid.” She said. She was still normal. “Mermaid power, active!” “Make me a mermaid.” And “Can I please be a mermaid, crazy magic girl powers?” didn’t work either. She groaned.

  “Maybe you should try concentrating on being a mermaid.” Charlotte said.

  “Ok.” Bloom said. She closed her eyes, and thought hard about being a mermaid. Then, the water started glowing blue! (It was already blue, but this made it glow brighter blue!) Bloom saw blue sparkles at her feet!

  Then, her legs turned blue! “Whoa! This is awesome!” Bloom said. Then, her legs went flat. They came together and grew scales. Finally, the fin came on the bottom of her tail and the top of her swimsuit tuned into a blue, ruffled, swimming shirt. She was a mermaid!

  She dove underwater and screamed happily. Somehow, Charlotte could hear her. “Now, it’s time to test your fairy powers.” Charlotte said.

  Chapter 6

  Hey! Where’s my fairy power?!

  Charlotte and Bloom were going to check Bloom’s fairy power. “OK, Bloom, concentrate.” Charlotte said.

  “OK.” Bloom closed her eyes. I want to be a fairy. I want to be a fairy. I want to be a fairy, she thought. Nothing happened this time. Bloom got a little upset. “WHERE’S MY FAIRY WINGS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!” She yelled.

  “Don’t get so worked up! Maybe your powers are just incomplete.” Charlotte explained to her.

  “Ok, so WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!” Bloom yelled.

  “I don’t know! I’ll check my laptop!” Charlotte said trying not to let Bloom blame her if she couldn’t turn into a fairy.

  Charlotte pulled the computer out of her bag. She went to the same website as she did the day before. “Alright, I’m going to the link ‘incomplete powers’ and it says ‘Even if you are a magic girl, you will have to touch the pink sparkle stone to gain your powers. If you don’t, your powers will be incomplete. It is unlikely, since the stone has been lost for 10,000 years! Will anyone ever find it?” Charlotte read.

  Bloom got a flash of happiness. “That... That…. That’s the stone that I touched! It’s right! My powers are incomplete! Charlotte, where’s the stone?!?!?”

  “Uhhh…. right here, but I’m not touching that thing!” Charlotte said, freaked out.

  Bloom gave her a look. “Fine…” Charlotte kicked it into the water. Bloom grabbed it. She fainted!

  “BLOOM! Are you ok?!?” Charlotte yelled.

  “Tricked ‘ya!” Bloom giggled as she popped out of the water.

  “That’s not funny. You really got me scared.” Charlotte groaned. She was annoyed with Bloom.

  “Nothing happened! I was supposed to be a fairy by now!” Bloom said. As she said that, she didn’t notice, but the mermaid tail was disappearing, and turning back to regular feet.

  She also didn’t notice that instead of her barefoot feet, there were cute high-heels. Then, instead of her swimsuit, there was a pretty blue dress. A green circle with pointed tops began to appear on the back of her dress. The circle grew bigger, and then it split in half. The circle then looked like tear drops.

  Soon, it was so big, that it came off of the dress! They were wings! Bloom was a fairy! Finally, her glasses faded and her hair automatically curled.

  “This is so awesome!” Bloom yelled as she looked around and saw her wings. She was a beautiful fairy!

  Chapter 7

  Return of the little kids

  Bloom flew around the cave for about an hour, admiring her wings. After that, it was about 6:00, so the girls had to go home. Bloom turned back into a person, and hopped in the boat.

  “Are ‘ya ready?” Bloom asked.

  “I guess…’’ Charlotte said. The girls hopped into the boat. After a while, Bloom started to get bored with the riding.

  “I’m turning into a fairy.” She said.

  “Uh… Why?” Charlotte asked.

  “Because it’s boring riding!” Bloom replied.

  “But, what if someone sees you? Do you know what could happen?!”

  “Trust me, no one’s on the beach at this kind of night!”

  “Fine, just if you see someone, turn back, ok?” Charlotte groaned.

  “OK!” Bloom stood up and did the same sequence that happened earlier. She was a fairy flying high above the boat.

  Soon, as they reached the shore, they started hearing noises. Charlotte noticed a giant TV screen.

  “I see some kids out there watching a movie!” Bloom said. “Maybe I should turn back…”

  “Well, Yeah!” Charlotte laughed. “Wait a minute…… I know those kids! This is bad! That’s Thomas, Aleah and my cousins, Franny and Jennifer! You know why this is bad? Franny’s a tattletale!” she yelled.

  “AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Both girls screamed at the top of their lungs.

  Meanwhile, two-year-old Jenny noticed this odd ship with a butterfly on the top, and it was heading right toward them! “Uh… Franny? Why’s that ship about to hit us?!” She panicked and ran toward her four-year-old sister.

  “What ship?” Franny giggled. Then she looked at the sea. “Oh…that ship…….” She stared. “This isn’t good.” Franny took a few steps back.

  Then Thomas and Aleah noticed it. “SHIPWRECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Thomas yelled as loud as he could.

  Soon, the girls’ boat hit the sand, and Charlotte went flying out. “Charlotte?!” Franny giggled.

  “Uh… Franny, it’s not what you think!” Charlotte said, while trying to gain consciousness.

  “Um... I think it is what I think!” She laughed “Charlotte can’t drive a lousy boat!”

  Charlotte was happy that Franny hadn’t seen Bloom. Well, until Bloom flew up. “Hey, you ok?” Bloom laughed, not realizing that she was still a fairy.

  Charlotte motioned to her to go away, but it was too late! Franny, Thomas, Jenny, and Aleah were dazed.

  Then, Jenny began to cry. Hearing that, Franny yelled, “MOMMY! CHARLOTTE’S LITTLE FRIEND IS HALF BUTTERFLY!!!!!”

  “Oh, boy…..”Charlotte said as she ran off.

  Chapter 8

  Fairy? No………………………….

  “Charlotte!” Bloom yelled.

  Franny and Jennifer’s mom came out. “What’s all this yelling for?!” She said.

  Quickly, Bloom changed back to a person. “Uhh…didn’t you hear me? Charlotte’s…. friend ….. Is……..half…….butterfly!” Franny hollered.

  “Don’t talk to me that way!” Her mom said. “Now, Bloom, I’m sure you have an expla
nation for this.”

  “Uhh…Uhh…Uhh… Uh…” is all Bloom could say.

  Meanwhile, Charlotte was running across the beach. What to do… what to do, WHAT TO DO! She thought. She saw a hang glider in the air, and it looked just like Blooms wings!

  “HEY! ANY CHANCE I COULD BORROW THAT?!!?” She yelled at the blond-haired girl.

  “NO! NOT A CHANCE!” The girl yelled back.


  “FINE!” The girl yelled, as she glided down. “You owe me big time!” she said as she gave it to Charlotte and walked away.

  Yes! Charlotte thought.

  At Franny’s house, Bloom was in deep ice! Then, Charlotte finally showed up! “Uh… Franny? Did you happen to realize she was hang gliding?” Charlotte laughed.

  “See, Franny? Bloom and Charlotte were hang gliding, not literally flying!” her mom said.

  Franny gave Charlotte a dirty look. She pouted and left. “Nice one!” Bloom whispered in her ear.

  “P.S…… You owe me $20 for that little ‘stunt’” Charlotte laughed.

  Chapter 9

  No powers for Charlotte?

  After that, the girls started walking back to Bloom’s house. After a while, Bloom said, “I wonder if you have powers like me.”

  “Well, that would be really cool.” Charlotte said.

  Bloom said, “Well, maybe we should try!” Since her house wasn’t far away, she went to grab a bucket of water and her cousin’s wagon.

  When she got back, she told Charlotte, “Think fast!” and poured the bucket of water on Charlotte’s head!

  “HEY! This outfit was dry-cleaning only!” she yelled.

  “Well, if this works, it’ll be worth it!”

  “In that case, in addition to that $20, now you owe me $50!” Charlotte fussed.

  Before she could lift it, Jenny and Aleah walked over. In her squeaky voice, Jenny said, “Uh… Boom, Charwette? Fanny’s weally mad at you.”

  “Tell Franny she’s a crazy face and that Bloom really was hang gliding.”

  “OK!” Franny and Aleah left.

  “Ok, now concentrate and lift the wagon.” Bloom calmly said.

  Charlotte closed her eyes. She stuck out her hands and tried to lift it. Nothing happened.

  “Nope! No powers for me, I guess.” Charlotte said.

  “Well that stinks. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “No, I think there’s supposed to be a tropical storm coming through tomorrow.” Charlotte said. “See ‘ya later!”

  “Can you call me?” Bloom shouted as Charlotte walked to her house.

  Charlotte stopped. “Yeah, sure!” she yelled from a distance.

  Chapter 10

  CALL ME!!!!!!!

  The next morning, Bloom woke up and sat by her cell phone. She couldn’t watch TV because the power was out.

  She waited two hours. She skipped breakfast since she couldn’t miss the call. She waited until lunch. No call. She ate a sandwich. No call. She waited until four o’clock. No call.

  Then, she realized she had wasted her day (not that she could do anything with it). She grabbed her MP3 player and put on her favorite song, “Walking on sunshine” and danced to it.

  She was having so much fun! Well, until she froze her pillow….Bloom put it out to thaw. Finally, the phone rang!

  “Hello? Who is this? Is this Charlotte?” she said.

  “No….” the voice said.

  “Then, who is this?!” she yelled.

  “Well, IT’S YOUR BROTHERS PRANKIN’ ‘YA!” Piranha and Shark, Bloom’s two brothers, laughed.

  Bloom was upset. Where was Charlotte?

  Chapter 11

  Not-so-nice Charlotte

  Bloom went to Charlotte’s house to see why Charlotte didn’t call. She grabbed her wagon and umbrella and trudged up the tall sand dune that was between their houses.

  She put the wagon on the top of the dune, and cautiously stepped in, since she didn’t want to fall just yet. She gave the little wagon a slight push, and began rolling down the dune.

  “YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She screamed as loud as she could.

  Meanwhile, at Charlotte’s house, Thomas was on her bed, bugging her. “Wanna fight? Wanna? Wanna? Come on! Don’t be a chicken! Me, You, and a fight! Come on! Come on! Come on! Let’s fight! Come on!” he said, being annoying.

  “GET OUT OF MY ROOM!” Charlotte screamed at him.

  “Fine. Still wanna fight?” he said as he slowly walked out of her room.

  “NO!!!!!” She screamed.

  She got even more annoyed when she heard a faint YAHOO!!!!!! In the distance. Oh boy….here comes Bloom wondering about the call!

  Bloom was at the door. Knock, knock. Charlotte whispered to Aleah. “Go tell her I’m not home.” She said. Aleah ran off.

  Aleah opened the door. “Uh… Sissy told me to tell you she’s not home.” She said with her squeaky baby voice.

  “Well, tell Charlotte I will do something really bad that has to do with freezing if she doesn’t come out.” Bloom said.

  “Ok...”Aleah said as she ran to Charlotte. “Bloom said she’s gonna freeze something if you don’t go see her…..”

  “Whatever……” she groaned and walked outside. “What do you want?”

  “I want to know why you didn’t call me today.” She said.

  “Eh… ‘ya don’t……. You’re talking to me now, so what did you want to tell me?”

  “Charlotte, just tell me why you didn’t call me!”

  Charlotte tried to think of an excuse. “Uh…sorry….I was a little jealous of your magical powers….”she made out.

  Bloom tried to think of something to reply, since her friend “Wanted” powers. Then, a great idea hit her “Well, maybe you could be a magic girl too! All you have to do is touch the pink sparkle stone!” she said.

  Charlotte thought about being like Bloom. She thought about the horror of being a mermaid. She thought about being a fairy. She thought about fire, wind, ice, water, and Franny. Most of all, she thought about that glowing stone. She couldn’t let Bloom make her touch that!

  “What?” she said, while trying not to make herself scream.

  “You can touch the stone and see if you’re a magic girl!”



  Charlotte was on her last nerve. First it was Thomas, then Aleah, then Bloom, then that dumb stone. She couldn’t take it anymore! “GET OUT!!!! I DON’T BELIEVE IN ANY OF THIS MAGIC STUFF! I WAS TRYING TO BE NICE, NOT TELLING YOU THAT, BUT YOU HAVE GOTTEN ON MY LAST NERVE! THIS MAY OR MAY NOT BE A DREAM, BUT IF IT ISN’T, I STILL DON’T WANT ANY