Clementia, De (Seneca), 275

  Cleopatra VII, Queen of Egypt (69-30 B.C..), 70, 168, 187-190, 195, 204-208, 228, 237, 247, 329, 344, 347, 512, 531, 630

  clepsydra (water clock), 66, 308, 356

  clientes, 22

  climate, 455, 476

  Clitias, Greek potter, 9

  Clivus Victoriae, 341

  Cloaca Maxima, 81

  Clodia, wife of Caius Caecilius Metellus Celef (fl. 1st century B.C..), 135, 155-157, 172, 235

  Clodius Pulcher, Publius, politician (?-52 B.C..), 132, 135, 171-174, 180, 202, 219

  Clorinda, 637

  clothing, in Etruria, 6, 18;

  in Carthage, 40, 41;

  in Rome, 18, 70, 76, 89, 108, 132, 134, 215, 223, 321-322, 328-329, 372-373, 624;

  in Spain, 468;

  in Gaul, 471;

  in Egypt, 499;

  in Parthia, Clusium (Chiusi), 17, 36

  Clyde, 476;

  Firth of, 476

  Clytie, 351

  Cnidus, 513

  Code (Justinian), 394, 406

  Codex Gregorianus, 634

  Coele-Syria, 204

  coinage, Etruscan, 6, 17;

  Carthaginian, 40;

  Roman, 17, 78-79, 87, 192-193, 195, 275, 291, 329, 330-331, 346, 358, 372, 627, 632, 639, 641, 656;

  British, before Caesar, 476;

  Pontic, 517

  coitus interruptus, see birth control

  Colchis, 413

  Collatinus, Lucius Tarquinius, friend of Sextus Tarquín (fl. 6th century B.C..), 16

  collegia, of priests, 63, 225;

  of workers, 80, 128, 173, 192, 335, 371, 427, 627, 644;

  of physicians, 312

  Colline Gate, battle of (82 B.C..), 125

  Cologne (anc. Oppidum Ubiorum; later Colonia Agrippinensis), 175*, 176, 324, 408, 479-480

  coloni, see tenant farmers colonization, Etruscan, 11;

  Latin, 12, 38;

  Greek, 35;

  Roman, 24, 38, 47, 116-117, 120, 192, 194, 218, 410, 419, 457, 465

  Colonna, Piazza, 443

  Colosseum, 287, 289, 345, 351, 356, 361, 383-387, 455, 627

  Colossians, The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the, 587*, 588

  Colossus of Rhodes, 514

  Columbus, Christopher, Genoese discoverer of America (1446?-1506), 308, 325, 329, 503

  Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus, writer on agriculture (fl. 1st century), 319, 320, 473

  column, 355-361, 411-413, 420, 427*, 443, 453, 465, 466, 474, 499, 500, 508, 509, 511, 512, 515, 516, 533, 661-662

  Columna Lactaria, 364*

  Comana Pontica, 517

  comedy, 73-74, 93, 95, 98, 99-102, 232, 269, 378

  Comedy of Errors, 100

  comites, 479

  comitia centuriata, see Centurial Assembly

  comitia curiata, see Curial Assembly

  comitia populi tribuna, see Tribal Assembly

  Commagene, 322, 495, 513

  Commentaries (Caesar), 146, 169, 178

  Commentarii (Sulla), 126

  commerce, see trade Commodus (Lucius Aurelius Commodus), Roman emperor (161-192), 214, 221, 323, 330, 390, 396, 430, 432, 446-448, 505, 620, 622, 632, 649

  communication, 271, 323-324

  communion, 525, 598, 599-600, 613

  communism, in Saturnia Regna, 61; 526, 537-538, 565, 576, 597, 604*, 605, 646

  Como (anc. Comum), 322, 368, 411, 439, 440, 454

  Como, Lake (Lacus Larius), 4, 344, 454

  Compitalia (Feast of the Crossroads), 59

  Composite order (architecture), 338, 357

  Comum, see Como

  concilium principis, 215

  Concord, 358;

  Temple of, 24, 358

  concubinage, 134, 204, 222, 272, 288, 290, 300-301, 396, 423, 516, 529, 653

  confession, 525, 600

  confirmation, 600

  Confucius, Chinese philosopher (551-479 B.C..), 567

  conquistadores, 600*

  conscription, 34, 51, 87, 90, 111, 114, 118, 178, 179, 182, 222, 429, 482, 621, 631*, 647, 650, 667, 668

  Conservatori, Museo de’, 443*

  Conservatori, Palazzo dei, 662

  consolatio, 301

  Consolatio ad Helviam (Seneca), 301

  Consolatio ad Polybium (Seneca), 301

  Consolatione, De (Cicero), 163*

  Constancy of the Sage, On the (Seneca), 302

  Constantia, sister of Constantine I (2nd and 3rd centuries), 663

  Constantine I the Great (Flavius Valerius Constantinus), Roman emperor (272-337), 331, 349, 375, 426, 483, 607, 639, 643, 644, 645, 653-664, 665, 666, 668

  Constantine, Arch of, 443*

  Constantine, Basilica of, 661-662

  Constantine, Baths of, 375

  Constantine, Life of (Eusebius), 663

  Constantine, anc. Cirta, q.v.

  Constantinople (Byzantium, Istanbul), 95, 332, 354, 406, 410, 412, 482, 483, 509*, 518, 529, 622, 633, 640, 656, 657, 661, 663, 670

  Constantinople, Council of, 615

  Constantius I (Flavius Valerius Constantius Chlorus), Roman emperor (reigned 305-306), 635, 640-641, 644, 651, 653, 655

  constitution of Rome, 670;

  under the Republic, 25-35, 51, 114, 123, 125, 126, 139, 174;

  under the Principate, 212-217, 285, 292, 391

  consulship, 23-25, 27, 29-31, 34, 126, 180-181, 191, 213, 216

  Contra Celsum (Origen), see Against Celsus

  contraception, see birth control

  contracts, in the early Republic, 57

  Copenhagen, 350

  Copernicus, Nikolaus, Polish astronomer (1473-1543), 502, 503

  Coponius, Caius, senator (fl. 1st century B.C..), 202

  Corbulo, Cnaeus Domitius, general (fl. 1st century), 271, 275

  Corcyra (Corfu), 383

  Corduba (Cordova), 296, 425, 470

  Cordus, Aulus Cremutius, historian (?-25), 301

  Corfinium, 78, 122, 182, 184

  Corinna, 254-255

  Corinth, 87, 107, 192, 193, 194, 283, 332, 374, 383, 487, 546, 584-585, 602, 617, 630;

  Isthmus of, 283, 487

  Corinthian order (architecture), 338, 345, 355, 357, 420, 427*, 465, 474, 511, 533, 661

  Corinthians, The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the, 554, 580, 587*, 589, 591

  Corinthians, The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the, 554, 587*

  Coriolanus, Caius (or Cneius) Marcius, hero (banished 491 B.C..), 35

  Corioli, 35

  corn, see grain

  Corneille, Pierre, French dramatist (1606-1684), 302, 412

  Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi (fl. 2nd century B.C..), 113, 115, 117

  Cornelia, lex, 312

  Cornelia, sister of the Gracchi and wife of Scipio Aemilianus (fl. 2nd century B.C..), 113, 115

  Cornelia, second wife of Caesar (?-68 B.C..), 167, 168

  Cornelian Laws, 126

  Cornelii, Roman clan, 21, 91, 364

  Cornelius, Roman Pope (?-253), 618

  Corneto (anc. Tarquinii, q.v.), 11

  corporations, 78-80, 88, 340

  Corsica, 38, 40, 43, 46, 52, 301, 302, 463-464

  Coruncanius, Tiberius, consul (fl. 280 B.C..), 32

  Corvini, Roman family, 255

  Corvus, Marcus Valerius, consul and dictator (fl. 350, B.C..), 71

  Cos, 312, 329, 504, 514

  cosmetics, 89, 187, 255, 329, 372-373, 465, 596, 599, 624, 657

  Cossutia, first wife of Caesar (1st century B.C..), 167

  Costoboii, 431

  Cotta, Aurelius, political leader (fl. 241 B.C..), 78

  Cotta, Lucius, friend of Caesar (fl. 1st century B.C..), 197

  Cottian Alps, 454

  Country Life, On (Varro), 159

  courtesans, in Etruria, 7;

  under Rome, 62, 68, 132, 138, 199, 204, 244, 254, 255, 366, 369, 636

  court life, 235, 303, 640-641, 643, 655, 661, 662, 668

  courts, 1
29, 160, 180, 216, 220, 231, 261, 270, 275, 340, 397-398, 401-403, 448

  crafts, 80, 111, 243, 321-323, 333, 335, 338, 365, 373, 479, 510, 513, 528, 536, 642-644, 671

  Crassus, Lucius Licinius, orator (fl. 1st century B.C..), 160

  Crassus Dives, Marcus Licinius, general and triumvir (112-53 B.C..), 126, 130-131, 137-139, 168-169, 170-179, 192, 194, 217, 312, 529, 531, 623

  Crates of Mallus, Stoic philosopher (fl. 2nd century B.C.), 95

  cremation, 84, 232, 443, 472

  Cremona, 47, 87, 236, 285, 454, 461

  Crescens, colleague who forsook St. Paul (1st century), 590

  Crete or Candia (anc. Creta), 17*, 55, 200, 216, 505

  Crimea, 517, 519

  criminals, in labor, 78, 322;

  in games, 383-387;

  law and, 398;

  in the army, 665

  Crispus, son of Constantine I (?-326), 663-664

  Crispus, Caius, husband of Agrippina the Younger (fl. 1st century), 273

  Critolaus, Greek philosopher (fl. 2nd century B.C..), 95-96

  Croesus, King of Lydia (fl. 560 B.C..), 516 Cronus, 62-63, 588*

  Crotona, (Cotrone), 35, 37, 51, 363

  Crucifixion, 555, 559, 572-574

  crucifixion, 112, 138, 168, 281, 385, 397, 404, 469, 543, 544, 545, 572-573, 578, 591, 606, 652

  Ctesiphon, 413, 428, 528, 529, 531, 602, 605, 622

  Cuba, 59

  cults, see religion

  culture, Italian, 3-5;

  Villanovan, 5;

  Etruscan, 5-11, 17-18, 36;

  Celtic, 36;

  Latin, 38;

  Carthaginian, 40-42;

  Greek, 95, 96;

  German, 479;

  under the Republic, 75, 177;

  under the Principate, 234-235, 287, 311, 379, 419-420, 449, 455, 459, 461, 474, 478, 481, 625;

  under the monarchy, 661, 666-667;

  of Rome, 670-672

  Cumae, 17, 35, 37, 64, 73, 113, 121, 126, 240, 346, 347, 456

  cuneiform, 529

  Cupid, 255, 352-353, 468

  Curio, Caius Scribonius, orator and consul (?-53 B.C..), 168

  Curio, Caius Scribonius, general (?-49 B.C..), 133, 168, 181, 183, 361

  Curius, Marcus Dentatus, hero and consul (fl. 275 B.C..), 71

  currency, see mediums of exchange

  cursus honorum, 28-29, 636

  cursus publicus, see post

  Curtius, Marcus, legendary hero, 64

  Cutilia, Lake (Pozzo di Ratignano), 288

  Cybele, 94, 157, 276, 358, 513, 523, 524-525, 526, 527, 606; see also Magna Mater

  Cybele, Temple of, 358

  Cyclades, 519

  Cydnus, 204

  Cynicism, 136, 286, 292, 300, 489-490, 493, 509, 537, 657

  Cynoscephalae (battle, 197 B.C..), 85

  Cynthia, 253

  Cyprian, St. (Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus), Latin father of the Church and Bishop of Carthage (200?-258), 603, 613, 617, 618, 650, 657, 665

  Cyprus, 173, 174, 196, 204, 206, 216, 310, 322, 505, 513, 548, 582, 583, 630

  Cyrenaica, 40, 328, 364

  Cyrene, 200, 216, 413, 548, 559*

  Cyropaideia (Xenophon), 636

  Cyzicus, 418, 516;

  Temple of, 418


  Dacia (Rumania), 291, 322, 330, 366, 410, 412, 414, 424, 429, 434*, 480, 632, 638

  Daedalus, 256, 352

  Daily Doings, see Acta Diurna

  Dalmatia, 217, 366, 455, 480, 629, 639, 653

  damage suits, 58, 396

  Damascus, 78, 320, 508, 511, 530, 534, 544, 577, 581, 602

  Damis the Epicurean (in Lucian), 496

  dancing, in Etruria, 7, 11;

  under Rome, 83, 135, 204, 266, 314, 354, 367, 377-379, 430, 437, 470, 500

  Dancing Faun, 459

  dancing girls (puellae Gaditanae), 470

  Daniel, Book of, 539, 540, 541, 559, 564, 569, 593

  Dante, see Alighieri

  Danube (anc. Danubius or Ister), 112, 194, 217, 257, 291, 329, 410, 411, 412, 414, 417, 429, 431, 432, 441, 446, 448, 475, 478, 480, 523, 606, 620, 627, 628, 630, 631*, 638, 639, 640, 669

  Daphne, park in Antioch, 512

  Daphnis, grammarian of slave class (fl. 1st century B.C..), 334

  Daphnis and Chloë (Longus), 637

  Dardanelles, see Hellespont

  Dares, 382

  Darius I Hystaspis, King of Persia (558?-486? B.C..), 528

  Dark Ages, 470

  David, King of the Jews (reigned 1010-974 B.C..), 534, 541, 557, 558*, 559, 569

  Dawn, 241, 340

  Day of Atonement, 533

  Dead Sea (anc. Lacus Asphaltites), 537

  death masks, 350

  debts, 184, 192, 213, 331, 399-400, 514, 536, 644

  Decapolis, 535

  Decebalus, King of the Dacians (?-106), 291, 410, 412

  Decemvirs, 23, 31, 399, 670

  decimal system, 75

  Decius (Caius Messius Quintus Traianus Decius), Roman emperor (200?-251), 615, 628-629, 635, 650, 657

  Decius Mus, Publius, consul (?-340 B.C..), 37*, 64

  Decius Mus, Publius, son of preceding, consul (?-295 B.C..), 64

  deforestation, 77, 270, 487, 665

  Deianeira, 354

  deification, 226-227, 256, 260, 266, 268, 269, 274, 280, 291-292, 309, 316, 388, 430, 432, 523, 623, 640-641, 646

  Deipnosophists (Athenaeus of Naucratis), 635-636

  delatores, 262, 264, 269, 279, 289, 290, 292, 302-303, 438, 447

  Delia, 253

  Delos, 80, 86, 92*, 112, 139, 330, 519, 546

  Delphi (Kastri), 64, 124, 472, 517

  Delphic oracle, 64, 484

  Demas, colleague who forsook St. Paul (1st century), 590

  Demeter, 62, 511;

  Feast of, 525

  Demetrius, Cynic philosopher (fl. 1st century), 300

  Demetrius, Bishop of Alexandria (fl. 3rd century), 615

  Demetrius, Greek image-maker (at time of Saint Paul), 515, 585

  demigods, 241

  democracy, in Carthage, 54;

  Cicero on, 165;

  under Rome, 34, 54, 91, 116, 122, 128, 136, 160, 179-180, 208, 212, 251, 260, 335, 340, 395, 406, 449, 460, 641, 670

  Democritus, Greek philosopher (460?-362? B.C..), 150, 153, 164, 497 Demonax, Greek Cynic philosopher (50-150), 487, 490

  Demosthenes, Athenian orator and statesman (384?-322 B.C..), 95, 161

  dentistry, Etruscan, 6;

  Roman, 75, 313

  Derbe, 513, 582

  Deuteronomy, 536

  Dialogue on Orators (Tacitus), 433

  Dialogues of the Dead (Lucian), 496-497

  Dialogues of the Hetairai (Lucian), 495-496

  Diana, 61, 62, 63, 81, 389, 459

  Diatribai (Epictetus), see Discourses

  dice, in Etruria, 7;

  in Rome, 269, 375, 403

  dictatorship, in Rome, 30-31, 34, 119, 124, 126, 128, 136, (Cicero on), 165, 179-184, 189-197, 208, 213, 214, 645

  Didius, general (fl. 1st century B.C..), 136

  Didius Julian (Marcus Didius Salvius Julianus Severus), Roman emperor (133?-193), 620-621

  Dido (Elissa), daughter of King Belus of Tyre, 39, 42, 240-241, 256

  Didyma, 514

  Diels, Hermann, German classical philologist (1848-1922), 504*

  Digest (Justinian), 393, 406, 409, 634

  Digesta (Salvius Julianus), 392

  di indigetes, 61; di novensiles, 62

  Dio Cassius, see Dion Cassius Cocceianus

  Dio Chrysostom, see Dion Chrysostomus

  Diocletian (Caius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus Jovius), Roman emperor (245-313), 359, 367, 375, 426, 474, 480, 520, 606, 622, 634, 635, 639-645, 651, 653, 657, 664, 668

  Diocletian, Baths of, 359, 375, 635

  Diodorus Siculus, Greek historian (1st century B.C..), 42, 234

  Diogenes of Seleucia (the Babylonian), Stoic philosopher (fl. 2nd century B.C..), 95-96, 4

  Diogenes Laertius, Greek historian of philosophy (2nd century), 635

  Diognetus, Stoic philosopher (fl. 2nd century), 425

  Dion Cassius Cocceianus (Dio Cassius), Bi-thynian historian of Rome (155-240?), 14, 24, 207, 212, 219, 225, 262, 267, 268, 272, 280*, 290, 302, 414, 442, 516, 545, 548, 620, 622, 636

  Dion Chrysostomus, Greek rhetorician (fl. reign of Trajan), 408-409, 483, 486, 487, 488, 500, 521-522

  Dionysian Artists, 80

  Dionysian cult, 94, 354, 458

  Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria (fl. 3rd century), 650, 651, 666

  Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Greek historian 54?-7 B.C..), 234, 513

  Dionysus, 62, 94, 204, 352, 353, 523, 525, 553, 588, 595, 598, 605; see also Bacchus

  Dionysus, Theater of, 487

  Diophantus of Alexandria, Greek algebraist (fl. 250), 633-634

  Dioptra (Hero), 504

  Dioscorides of Cilicia, Greek writer on medicine (40-90 A.D.), 505

  Dioscurides, gem cutter (fl. reign of Augustus), 346

  Discourses (Epictetus), 490-494

  Dispersion, the (Diaspora), 545-549, 577, 579

  Disputationes Tusculanae (Cicero), 163*, 454

  dissection, 313, 504, 506

  Divinae Institutiones (Lactantius), 662

  divination, see soothsaying

  Divinatione, De (Cicero), 163*

  Divine Antiquities (Varro), 159

  divorce, 69, 89, 134-136, 167, 223-224, 229, 230, 254, 266, 272, 279, 370, 438, 479, 529, 539, 560, 568, 590, 598

  Docetists, 605

  Dolabella, Cnaeus Cornelius, governor (fl. 1st century B.C..), 169

  Dolabella, Publius Cornelius, consul and governor (?-43 B.C..), 188-189, 191, 200

  dole, see grain

  Doliche (Kakava), 390

  dome, 355-361, 420, 421, 635, 662, 671

  Domitia, wife of Domitian (1st century), 292

  Domitia, Via, 473

  Domitian (Titus Flavius Domitianus Augustus), Roman emperor (51-96), 234, 287, 289-293, 311, 316, 317, 320, 336, 340, 344, 345, 348, 351, 365*, 372, 390, 398, 399, 407, 412, 415, 433, 434, 437, 440, 476, 490, 521, 526, 547, 575, 592, 647;

  Domitii, Roman clan, 284

  Domitilla, St. (?-100), 601

  Domitius, Lucius, politician (fl. 1st century B.C..), 174, 176, 184

  Domna, Julia, wife of Septimius Severus (?-217), 621-623, 635

  Domus Aurea, see Golden House

  Domus Flavia, 290, 316, 345

  Domus Gaiana, 344

  Domus Tiberiana, 344

  Domus Transitoria, 280

  Donar (Tor), 479

  Donatists, 658

  Donatus, Bishop of Carthage and founder of the Donatists (fl. 4th century), 657-658

  Dorchester (anc. Durnovaria)

  Doric order (architecture), 338, 355, 357, 411

  Doryphoros (Polycleitus), 350