Page 68 of No Quarter!



  Notwithstanding Lunsford's assurances--at best rather dubious--the rivercould not be crossed at Westbury, without much difficulty and delay.The large horse-boat had received some damage, and it would take time torepair it. So Rupert and his following were constrained to keep on toFramilode Passage, three miles farther up stream.

  It would bring them into dangerous proximity with Gloucester; and shouldany of Massey's men be raiding down the river, they might find an enemyin front, even when over it. Still this was little likely, as Masseywas believed to be himself out of Gloucester, operating on the northernside in the direction of Ledbury. Besides, Walwyn must have hadinformation of their being at Hollymead, to have drawn him into theForest at that time of the night.

  Still from behind was the Prince most apprehensive of danger; nowgreater by the traverse of flooded tracts that must needs be made beforethey could reach the Passage. His failure to get across at Westburyseemed ominous of evil; and he had grown more nervous than ever. Whatif he should fail also at Framilode? Then, indeed, would he have torisk encounter with the redoubtable Foresters, outnumbering his escort,as he knew.

  Already had they passed across several stretches of inundated ground; ateach the rear-guard being left on the dry land till the main body waswell-nigh through; and then following on to the next. But now one oflonger extent lay before them; more than a mile of road leading on tothe ferry being under water. Still the causeway, or rather where itran, could be told by certain landmarks; and these Lunsford, as othersof the escort, was acquainted with. But the flood was high over it, andthe fording must be done cautiously, entailing loss of time. Moreover,if caught on the narrow way, with no chance of manoeuvring, scarce widthenough for an "about face," any party pursuing would have them at adisadvantage--almost at mercy.

  Greater vigilance would be called for on the part of the rear-guard, itsstrength needing to be doubled. And this was done; the Prince, beforetaking to the water, himself inspecting it, and giving minuteinstructions to the officer in command. It was to be kept in ambushbehind some trees that grew conveniently by; and, should pursuersappear, they were to be fired at, soon as within range; the firingcontinued, and the point held at all hazards, till the last moment ofretreat practicable. If no pursuit, then the guard to follow as before,at signal of bugle sent back.

  Reginald Trevor it was to whom the dangerous duty was assigned; and, asregarded courage and acquaintance with the ground, no officer of theescort was better fitted for it than he. None half so well, had hisheart been in the work. Which it was not, but all the other way; forevery movement he was making, every act he had been called upon toaccomplish since leaving Bristol, was not only involuntary on his part,but sorely against his will. Forced upon him had been the ceremony ofintroducing Prince Rupert to the woman he himself loved; and now was hefurther compelled to be one of those conducting her to a prison--as itwere to her grave! For, well knew he it would be the grave of herpurity, the altar on which her young life's innocence was sure of beingsacrificed.

  In the past, sinful himself, profligate as most of the Cavalier school,he had of late become a much altered man. That one honest love of hislife had purified him, as such often does with natures like his. Andnow a great sorrow was to seal his purification; the object of his loveabout to suffer defilement, as it were before his face; and as it were,with himself aiding and abetting it!

  His thoughts were black and bitter, his constrained duties repulsive.And as he stood by the flood's edge, looking after the escort that hadcommenced making way through it, he felt faint and sick at heart.

  Nor took he any steps to carry out the commands of the Prince, either byplacing the guard in ambush, or making other disposition of it. So themen remained in their saddles, exposed on the high ridge of the road,just as they had come up; receiving but one order from him: that, shouldpursuers appear, they were not to fire till he gave the word.

  After which he separated from them, and walked his horse back along theWestbury road; stopping at some fifty paces' distance, and there stayingalone. The soldiers thought it strange, for they had overheard theinstructions given him. But as they were acquainted with his courage,and could not doubt his fidelity to the King's cause, they made noremark about his apparent remissness, supposing it some strategicdesign.

  Yet never was officer entrusted with guard less careful of his charge,than he at that moment. Caring, but not for its safety; instead,wishing it attacked, defeated, destroyed, though he himself might be thefirst to fall. For still another change had of late come over hissentiments--a political one. Brought about by the behaviour of PrinceRupert and his associate crew; which, for some time past, had been avery career of criminal proceeding. It had inspired Reginald Trevorwith a disgust for Cavalierism, as his cousin Eustace two years before.Growing stronger day by day, the last day's and this night's work haddecided him. He was Royalist no more, though wearing the King'suniform. But he meant casting it off at the first opportunity; was evennow blaming himself for not having sought an opportunity since theypassed through Mitcheldean; reflecting whether, and in what way, suchmight yet be found.

  As he sate in his saddle, listening, glad would he have been to hearhoof-strokes in the direction of Westbury; to see horsemen approaching,with the hostile war-cry "For the Parliament?" That might still saveVaga Powell, and nothing else could. In another hour she would beacross the Severn, and on for Berkeley Castle, whither he must follow.But with no hope of being able to do anything for the doomed girl. Onthe one side, as the other, all powerless to protect her, even with thesacrifice of his own life. And at that moment he would have laid itdown for her; so much had generosity, love's offspring, mastered theselfishness of his nature.

  An interval of profound silence followed; the only sounds heard beingthe screams of wild fowl flying low over the flooded meadows, theoccasional stamp of a restive steed among those of the guard, and theplunging of nigh two hundred others far off in the water, graduallybecoming less distinct as they waded farther. But, ere long, somethingelse broke upon the night's stillness, as it reached the ear of ReginaldTrevor, causing him to start in his saddle. There sate he, listeningand vigilant; the sparkle of his eyes proclaiming it no sound thatalarmed him, but one welcome and joy-giving.

  A dull pattering as of horses' hoofs--hundreds--making way over softground, or along a muddy road. And so it was, the road from Westbury,the horses ridden by men in military formation, as the practised ear ofthe young soldier told him. But no other noise, save the trample; novoice of man, nor note of bugle.

  Soldiers were they notwithstanding; and pursuing soldiers, led by onewho knew how to carry pursuit to a successful issue. For it wasWalwyn's Horse.

  Still at a gallop, their hoof-strokes were quickly nearer, soundingclearer. For there was no taking up of trail to delay them now. Awayover the white water they saw a long dark line, serried, by a turn inthe route which brought Rupert's following quarter-flank towards them;saw, and knew it to be that they were after.

  At the same time seen themselves by Reginald Trevor, who rode back uponhis guard. But not to inspire it to resistance, nor place it in aposition of defence. Instead, he seemed irresolute, uncertain whetherto make stand or retreat. His men, heavy Dragoons, had unslung theirdragon-muzzled muskets, and awaited the word "Fire!" But no such wordwas spoken, no order given. Even when the approaching horsemen werecharging up to them, shouting "For God and Parliament!" even then, nocommand from their officer to meet or withstand the charge.

  Nor did they then wish it; they saw the assailants were ten to theirone; it was too late, even for retreat. Should he call "Quarter!" theywere ready to chorus it. And just that called he, the instant after, toa man among the foremost of the charging party--his cousin! Theirswords came together with a clash, Eustace the first to speak.

  "At last!" he exclaimed. "At last we've met to keep our promise made.`No Quarter!' I cry it!"
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  "And I cry `Quarter'--beg it."

  Never dropped blade quicker down from threatening thrust than that ofEustace Trevor; never was combatant more surprised by the behaviour ofan adversary.

  "What do you mean?" he asked, in utter astonishment.

  "That I fight no more for Prince, or King. Henceforth, if they'll haveit, my sword's at the service of the Parliament."

  "God bless me, Rej; how glad I am to hear you say that! And so nearmaking mince-meat of one another!"

  "Not of one another, Eust. You might have done that with me--may still,if you feel spiteful."

  "Good Heavens! cousin; what has come over you? But I won't questionnow; there's no time."

  "There isn't. See yonder. Rupert and Lunsford, with the Powells astheir prisoners."

  "We know all that. But where are the ruffians taking them?"

  "Berkeley first; then Bristol. They're making to cross at FramilodePassage. It's but a short way beyond."

  "They shall never cross it--can't before we come up with them. You'llbe with us now, Rej?"

  "I will."

  The strange episode, and dialogue, took up but a few seconds' time;during which Rob Wilde, with a half-score files of Foresters, haddisarmed the unresisting rear-guard. It was now under guard itself, andall ready for continuing the pursuit.

  And continued it was instantaneously; Sir Richard, at the head of hisgreen-coats, spurring straight into the flood, and on after the redones, without further precaution either of silence or concealment. Forhe knew they would be seen now.