Page 29 of Manwhore

  I’m finally going to see him. I have no idea what I’m going to say, where I will begin, what can even make this okay.

  I picture myself kissing him, having the courage to say I love him.

  I picture myself getting teary maybe, too, because this has been the worst month of my entire existence.

  I picture him in all his glory, and my chest can’t take it without gnarling up like a live rope.

  His office.



  I brush my teeth, take a shower, then hurry to my closet and swing open the doors, staring at my clothes, hoping something—the right outfit—stands out and yells, WEAR ME, HE CANNOT SAY NO TO THIS. Instead I see a lot of sleeves and nothing, nothing, fit for this moment. Hidden in this closet is his shirt. How I loved sleeping in this shirt. It engulfed me like his arms did, and I had the best dreams, sometimes even erotic ones, even after I was back from his arms, recently sated. I pull it out and look at it, missing it with an ache, then impulsively hide it in the long-dress section again.

  I go for something white, a white turtleneck sweater, a pair of light-colored jeans, my lambskin boots.

  I feel exposed, all my walls tumbled down. But I go brush my hair, add a light peach lipstick, and look at myself, my gray eyes staring back at me, as vulnerable as I’ve ever seen them.

  Because I’ll tell him the truth—the entire truth.

  And I’ll deserve whatever he comes back with; I’ll deserve it, every bit.

  At M4, I take the elevator, trembling.

  Our every complex human emotion, bottled up inside our bodies, our minds and souls and hearts.

  Every member of every ethnicity, every human in the past and the present and every one in the future wants to feel like this. The way I feel right now, just a girl hoping and craving, dying to see him, praying the guy she loves loves her back.

  My throat is so tight I can’t talk when I step out. His four assistants lift their heads from their computer screens. “I’m . . . here to see—”

  “One moment,” Catherine tells me.

  I’m standing here wondering if he’ll smell like I remember, look at me like I remember. If he’ll smile or frown, if he’ll hate me forever, if he thinks of me at all. If he misses me at all.

  It doesn’t matter so long as he sees me right now. That’s all I want, to look into his face again. Hear his voice.

  Finally Catherine hangs up and nods at me as she walks to the door and pushes it open for me, and I walk inside.

  To be continued in the next Manwhore book . . .


  This book wouldn’t have been possible without the support of my fans, whose continued love, support, and enthusiasm for my work and characters continues to fuel me, day in and day out. My utmost love and gratitude goes to you!

  Thank you so much to my early draft readers. Amy, you light my way. Dana, who brought me Chicago. CeCe, you get it every time. My lovely daughter, you inspire me, my love. Kati D, as always so smart and illuminating, it’s never “done” until you read it, Kati. Monica Murphy, who not only reads early drafts but knows both the best and worst of me. Jen Frederick, from the moment REAL and Undeclared released we met online and became friends, thank you for that friendship. Thank you to the mega-talented ladies, Lisa Desrochers and Angie McKeon, some of my closest author friends. And my friend since our teens, Paula, who has lunch with me to talk about books every time I’m in town. Sylvia Day, I’ve admired you for a long time, thank you for the read and the amazing blurb; super honored to have my cover wear it.

  To the amazing Kelli for lending me her eagle eye, and to Anita S. for helping me proofread and polish up my babies—but only to the point where my voice remains as natural as possible. :)

  I also want to thank all the bloggers who have supported me from the moment my debut book, REAL, was released into the world. Your excitement over every work that has followed, your reviews, and your help in connecting me with readers have given my books a platform they couldn’t have without you. With all my heart, thank you!

  To my assistants, Lori and Gel, who help me keep my head straight when I’m in the writing cave.

  Thank you to the most wonderful agent I could’ve asked for, Amy Tannenbaum: you get me, you inspire me, and you keep amazing me with your superhero talents! And thank you to everyone at Jane Rotrosen: you are among the most enthusiastic and talented people I know.

  And speaking of amazing, talented teams, to my thorough, witty, and dedicated editor, Adam Wilson; to his wonderful assistant, Trey; and to the unforgettable Lauren McKenna. To Jen Bergstrom, for her belief in me; to Kristin, who is a genius at publicity, and to Gallery Books’ art department, copy editors, and every gem of a person who does their best to bring this book to you as early as possible in the best possible shape we humanly can. Also, to Gregg Sullivan, from Sullivan and Partners, thank you for being part of the team.

  To my Real Series Facebook group, readers who are so devoted and such cheerleaders, they touch my heart every day. To all my readers who’ve emailed, tweeted, and sat down to read one of my stories. Like you, I feel knots and butterflies when I watch two people fall in love. Like you, I cry and smile and ache for more and want to yell. It’s the greatest joy ever to know that you enjoy my works the way I did when I discovered them. . . .

  To my beautiful family, who is patient and loving, even when you laugh at me humming with my Beats on, typing away. I love you with all my heart.

  To my muse . . . delicate as a butterfly. I thought, once, that I might lose you. That I would never be able to write again. You came back, book after book, again and again. And though you’ve proved me wrong, that fear of losing you is never gone, and so I wake every day hopeful that we will have a date, you and I, and that you will show up because our characters are waiting. I cannot thank you enough for what you give me. You bring me joy like only the best things in life could.

  And last, but never least, thank you to you, right at this moment, for taking the time to read my story. XOXO


  Katy Evans is married and lives with her husband and their two children plus three lazy dogs in South Texas. Some of her favorite pastimes are hiking, reading, baking, and spending time with her friends and family. For more information on Katy Evans and her upcoming releases, check her out on the sites below. She loves to hear from her readers.




  Email: [email protected]


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  Gallery Books

  An Imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

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  New York, NY 10020

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015 by Katy Evans

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, ad
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  First Gallery Books trade paperback edition March 2015

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  Design by Davina Mock-Maniscalco

  Cover design by Damon

  Cover photograph by iStockPhoto

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

  ISBN 978-1-5011-0153-3

  ISBN 978-1-5011-0156-4 (ebook)



  Chapter 1: Dream Job

  Chapter 2: New Research

  Chapter 3: Message

  Chapter 4: Monday

  Chapter 5: Shirt

  Chapter 6: Club

  Chapter 7: Dream

  Chapter 8: Summoned

  Chapter 9: Yacht

  Chapter 10: Campout

  Chapter 11: Office

  Chapter 12: Thursday

  Chapter 13: Interface Inaugural

  Chapter 14: After the Party

  Chapter 15: A Makeover

  Chapter 16: Tunnel

  Chapter 17: Night

  Chapter 18: Spinning

  Chapter 19: Morning

  Chapter 20: Tonight . . .

  Chapter 21: Affair

  Chapter 22: Excitement, Ecstasy, and Expos

  Chapter 23: Status

  Chapter 24: Mothers Know Best

  Chapter 25: Needing a Saint

  Chapter 26: Friends and Fantasies

  Chapter 27: On the Edge

  Chapter 28: Truth and Loyalty

  Chapter 29: Research

  Chapter 30: After the Storm

  Chapter 31: Four


  About the Author



  Katy Evans, Manwhore

  (Series: Manwhore # 1)




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