Page 26 of Family Is Forever

  My parents had stopped Jake in the common area where Trey was hanging out with my grandfather, aunt, uncle, and all of my grandmothers, besides Halina. Mom and Dad were talking strategy with Jake and Ben. I was sure Hunter would want to join them, but instead, he stopped several feet away and looked down at me, then back at Halina still hugging Gabriel.

  When he returned his eyes to me, the dark brown depths were torn. “We should…before I go…” Pausing, he let out a heavy sigh. “This probably won’t be as dangerous as Jake made it sound, but I can’t afford to be…distracted while I’m gone. You and I…we need to…”

  He looked down at his feet, and I could tell he didn’t even want to say it. I supplied the answer for him. “We need to break the bond. Now, before you leave?”

  Pain in his eyes, he looked up at me. “Yes. For your safety as well as mine.”

  I felt my throat closing up and tears stinging my eyes. I’d known this was coming, and he was right, we needed to do it. But it still hurt. Just thinking about doing it was painful, the actual act would be torture. And I wasn’t the only one who would be affected by the bond being broken. The shot Hunter was going to take would sever his bond with everyone he was attached to.

  Even though she was still wrapped in Gabriel’s arms, Halina overheard us. She was immediately at Hunter’s side. “What? You’re going to sever the bond again?” she asked, disbelief in her voice.

  I felt bad that there wasn’t more time to ease her into the conversation. To really explain why it needed to happen, and give her some time to deal with it. But if I was staying and Hunter was leaving, and neither one of us could afford the risk of being drawn to each other at an inopportune moment, then this needed to happen right now.

  Dropping my hand, Hunter grabbed Halina’s shoulders. “I’m sorry. I wanted to sit down with you, explain why I needed to do this and give you time to prepare, but there just isn’t any time.”

  A red sheen moistened Halina’s eyes. “You said you wouldn’t do that to me again. You know how awful it was.”

  Hunter nodded as he smoothed her hair. “I know. And if things were different, I wouldn’t do this. I don’t want to, but I have to. It’s the only way I can keep Nika safe. It’s the only way I’ll be able to stay focused while we’re apart. You know what the bond does to us. If we’re at a critical moment in Simon’s rescue, and the drive to rush to Nika kicks in…I could get you all killed. And I won’t risk that. I won’t put my family in danger like that.”

  Halina gave him a small, sad smile. “Your family?”

  Hunter wrapped his arms around her, bringing her into his embrace. “My family,” he told her, kissing her head.

  My eyes misted, and I had to look away. Jake was watching the tender exchange with a strange expression on his face, like he was seeing something he didn’t know how to process. I hoped he was beginning to understand that being a vampire didn’t necessarily mean you were a monster. We had lives, feelings, families…aside from being undead and living solely off the blood of other animals, we were just like everybody else.

  After Hunter and Halina parted, Hunter looked past her, to Gabriel. “She’s given her permission. Can you bring the shot to my room, please?”

  Gabriel nodded, then turned to go to his lab. Halina frowned. “I don’t know if I would call that my permission. I still don’t like this…but…I understand.”

  Hunter nodded, then kissed her head again. Dad broke apart from Jake and the others to walk toward us. He put his arm around Halina, leading her to the circle plotting a potentially deadly mission. Dad must have figured that would make Halina feel better. He was probably right too. Hunter led me away, to his room. Normally, going to my boyfriend’s room would have given me delightful goose bumps, but not today. Today Hunter’s room was the last place I wanted to be.

  I was practically dragging my feet by the time we got there. Hunter looked equally glum. He halfheartedly opened the door and pushed it inward. Even with no effort involved, the door still banged against the far wall. I stepped inside with a heavy sigh. I’d rather be doing something far more interesting in this room than temporarily removing our bond.

  That delightful thought instantly set fire to another one. I was fairly certain I wouldn’t be able to talk Hunter into sex before he left, but I might be able to convince him to do a different intimate act with me. Hunter turned on the light and we waited a few, brief moments until Gabriel arrived with a small, stainless steel suitcase. He handed it to Hunter, inclined his head in a respectful manner, and then left the room, shutting the door behind him. Quiet descended on us once the wooden door was closed. Like all of the bedrooms down here, Hunter’s room was soundproof.

  The still in the air was both natural and unnatural. It had been a long time since I’d heard so little. Like I was standing next to a freeway, there was usually a constant stream of background noise around me. The absence of sound amplified everything else. My skin felt on fire with anticipation, and I was overly aware of where Hunter was in the room. His light breath was behind me while I scanned the art on his walls, the odds and ends on his bookcase, the rumpled sheets on his bed.

  Without a word, Hunter headed to his dresser and placed the suitcase on top of it. Unclasping the latches, he lifted the lid and exposed the handful of syringes tucked inside. I wanted to sigh again, but I held it in. He had to do this. I understood.

  With sure, steady hands, Hunter grabbed one of the vials and removed it from the case. Walking over to him, I grabbed his arm. He turned to look at me, and there was no hiding the sadness in his eyes. He didn’t want to do this any more than I wanted him to. Swallowing a lump in my throat, I said in a low voice, “Before you take it…can I have my birthday present?”

  A confused expression passed over him for an instant, and then he understood. His mouth dropped open and the pain in his eyes shifted to desire. “Nika…I don’t think now…”

  I pressed a finger to his lips. I didn’t want to hear his excuses. We both wanted this, and there was no reason to deny ourselves anymore. I replaced my finger with my mouth, and worked my lips against his. A deep noise of satisfaction escaped his throat, and he shifted to set the syringe down.

  One of his hands came up to cup my cheek, the other reached behind me to pull my body tight against his. Our slow breaths quickly increased, and I felt a phantom heartbeat pulsing in my chest. Hunter’s tongue slipped between my lips and a groan escaped me. I was instantly grateful for the soundproofing. I also started to wonder if we had time for more than what I’d originally planned. I knew we didn’t though. He had to leave me soon.

  As his fingers drifted from my cheek to curl around my neck, mine ran up his broad chest. Every muscle was defined under my fingertips, and I could easily picture the curves and valleys of his skin. It only made me want him more.

  Pulling my mouth away from his, I breathed across his cheek, “Please, bite me…”

  I felt a growl rumble through his chest as his grip around me tightened. His hand on my neck shifted to pull my shirt down my shoulder. I hissed in a breath as my skin was exposed. His lips dragged across me, sending shockwaves of sensation through my body. I could feel the indentation of his teeth extending as his mouth pressed against me. My own teeth, no longer containable, dropped of their own accord.

  I bunched his shirt in my hands. Feeling lightheaded, needy, and so full of love I thought my heart might burst, I moaned, “Yes.”

  I hiked my leg up his thigh, needing to feel more of him. His free hand grabbed my leg, holding me tight against him. His desire for me was almost overwhelming. I could feel all of his straining muscles. It made me feel weak, wanton, and lustful. I couldn’t reach his neck from my position, so I told him, “Lift me.” He instantly reached down with his other hand and scooped me up.

  Wrapping my arms and legs around him, I settled my lips at the base of his neck, over his jugular. Hunter found the same sweet spot on me, and I ground against him in delight. “Now…I want you…” I murm
ured, before pressing my fangs into his skin.

  Hunter let out a deep groan, then pressed his teeth into me. With my lips still firmly attached to his body, I cried out and grasped him even tighter. I almost couldn’t take the heady, erotic rush of drinking from him while being entangled with him. It reminded me of our first electric time together. It made me want to make love to him, but we couldn’t. This was it for now. And it was enough.

  Our bodies moved together in a teasing, stimulating way while we drank, and I felt like I’d been transported to another world, one where nothing else existed but Hunter. It was a fabulous world, one I never wanted to leave. I felt strong in his arms. And loved…cherished. I never wanted to let him go.

  Hunter released me first. With a gasp, he pulled his mouth away. His hands helped my hips rock against his while I continued to drink. With longing in his voice, he murmured my name. I felt a familiar ache building as his life poured into me. I knew I should stop. I should let him go so he could leave with the others, but I was past the point of being able to. With a few more frantic rubs against him, a powerful wave of ecstasy washed through me. I released him as I rode out the sensation with a series of light moans. It had been too long. For the both of us. Hunter’s body was still ready to go. I wished I could help him as I came down from my high, but I knew he’d say no. Now wasn’t the time, here wasn’t the place. Just the fact that he’d let it get this far spoke volumes about how much he’d needed me.

  When my breath was close to normal, Hunter released my legs. I stood, but I was a bit wobbly. When I giggled, Hunter furrowed his brows. Steadying me, he asked, “Did I take too much?”

  Biting my lip, I shook my head. “I don’t think it was the blood.”

  Hunter’s lip curved into a half-smile. “Oh.”

  His fingers wiped away the remnants of blood on my neck. I knew I’d already healed. He had too. He seemed stronger as he stood before me. Even though I’d taken some of his blood, just the act of drinking had been good for him. I loved that I could help him in some small way.

  “Are you okay?” he asked me, still concerned.

  I nodded, feeling a little drunk. “I’m perfect.”

  By his corresponding grin, I could tell that he agreed with me. Flicking his eyes over my face, he sighed, then placed a light kiss on my forehead. “I should…” He indicated the forgotten syringe with his head.

  My happiness faded. “Yeah…you probably should.”

  With slow fingers, he reached down and picked the syringe up. By the way he lifted it, you would think it weighed a thousand pounds. He squeezed a bit of the liquid out of the top. It was an unnecessary precaution, since an air bubble trapped in the vial wouldn’t hurt him, but being cautious was a human trait that was hard to shake. His eyes were locked onto the syringe while he straightened his other arm. Where he shot himself didn’t matter…it just needed to be in his body. And it would hurt going in. I knew. He’d given it to me once.

  I squeezed the fingers of his extended hand, giving him strength. He gave me a brief smile, but his eyes were still focused on what he was doing. With precision care, he brought the needle to the inside of his elbow. Seemed as good a spot as any, I supposed. He inhaled deep, then held his breath. I was a nervous wreck while I waited for him to push down the plunger. When he did, I flinched. He screamed.

  He sank to his knees as a torturous cry escaped him. I sank down with him, holding his hand now. He clasped me with all his strength. If I were human, he would have crushed my hand. When the syringe was empty, he tossed it away and slapped his hand over the wound on his elbow. Rocking back and forth, he massaged the area.

  I couldn’t feel his pain, but I could feel the bond breaking. It was like a sharp crack up my spine. A dull ache started radiating in my chest, growing stronger with each surge. Then the pain faded and all that was left was an empty hollowness. The loss of our connection was so great, tears rolled down my cheeks. Hunter looked up at me then, and I saw the same loss reflected in his eyes.

  It was gone. The part of him that resided within me, giving me peace, comfort, hope…was gone. Even though the torment he’d just gone through was so much worse, I couldn’t stop myself from crying and my soul wept right along with me.

  MY SISTER WAS in Hunter’s room, saying goodbye. I could feel my own goodbye to Arianna approaching, but I was pushing that moment away for now. I wasn’t ready. I probably wouldn’t ever be ready. For now, I was busying myself with watching my family split in half.

  Mom and Dad were saying their quiet farewells, each wishing the other to be safe. Since we didn’t really know which direction the danger was coming from, it kind of felt like both parties were heading off to war. It made me wish Arianna and Trey had stayed at my house. Then they’d be safe with Starla, Jacen and Olivia. Maybe Nika and the others should abandon the ranch and go back home. That wouldn’t really solve anything though. Simon knew where we lived.

  Ben and Tracey were on the other side of my parents. Tracey looked like she was having a hard time with Ben leaving. Clutching his arm, she asked him, “Are you sure you have to go? Can’t you stay here with me and Emma?”

  Smoothing her hair, Ben told her, “You’ll be safe here with the others. Being with Teren is where I’ll be able to do the most good.” Pausing, he examined his wife’s face for a moment, then added, “But I was serious about doing anything to make our marriage work. If you want me to stay, then I’ll stay.”

  Tracey’s eyes went wide with surprise. Ben usually did what he wanted, especially when it came to our family. She glanced around at the couples separating. Looking distraught, probably because Hunter had just severed their bond, Halina was hugging Imogen. Alanna was squeezing Dad. Everyone here was accepting the risk of losing someone they cared about. Tracey’s eyes were wide when they returned to Ben’s. “No, you’re right, I’ll be safe here. You should go where you’re needed.”

  Ben beamed as he smiled down on her. “I love you, so much.”

  Tracey nodded, swallowed, then told him, “I love you too. I must. You brought me into a house filled with vampires and I’ve yet to run away screaming.”

  Ben laughed and I looked away. My gaze settled on Trey. My best friend was frowning as he took in the exchanges around him. Walking his way, Arianna’s hand firmly in mine since I wasn’t letting her go until the last possible moment, I asked him, “Hey Trey, what’s wrong?”

  His frown deepening, Trey tucked his hair behind his ears. “I heard that dude over there telling that scarred chick that they were going on a rescue mission, and you were going with them. I should be going with you, dude.”

  I smiled at his courage, then frowned at his suggestion. “It’s too dangerous, you’re better off here with the others.” Glancing over at the group he’d indicated, I said, “And that dude is my father, the scarred chick is my aunt.”

  Halina’s eyes flashed to Trey. There was a deadly glint to them, and I knew she didn’t approve of Trey’s choice of words. He didn’t mean anything by it, but with the mood Halina was in now, it was best to move the conversation along. Returning my eyes to Trey, I told him, “I need you to stay here and protect Arianna for me.”

  I wanted to laugh a little at how familiar this conversation was. I’d asked Trey to be her bodyguard before, but neither of them remembered it. Trey looked over at Arianna and his back straightened. Inhaling a deep breath, he stood from the small couch he’d been sitting on. His expression completely serious, he clapped my shoulder and said, “You got it, man. I’ll die for her if I need to.” With a cringe, he added, “I won’t need to, will I?”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “I hope not. Thank you though.”

  I looked between the girl of my dreams and my best friend, glad to have both of them in my life, even if they only recalled bits and pieces of it. I remembered it all though, and I loved them for their loyalty and acceptance. While only moments ago I’d wish that they were gone and safe, I now wished Raquel was here among them too. She’d shown hers
elf to be a good friend recently, and I suddenly felt the need to have all my good friends and loved ones under the same roof while I was gone.

  Jake was anxious to leave, I could tell by the way he paced and kept looking down the hall. I thought he might make a run for it at any moment, but not to get away this time. No, now it was to save Simon. Rory and Cleo were watching him like hawks. I supposed they would come with us, just to keep an eye on him. I didn’t see Jake being the problem this time though.

  Arianna tightened her grip on my hand and I focused my attention on her. Soft, luscious lips were curved down in displeasure. I hated seeing that expression on her face. “I don’t like this.”

  I wasn’t sure which part of this she meant, but I was hoping she meant the two of us going separate ways. That was the part I hated, and I wanted her to be on the same page. “I know,” I told her, “but it’s important, and…it will be over soon, I’m sure.” Stroking her thumb, I whispered, “You should call your mom, tell her you’re spending the night at a friend’s. And…tell her something about Simon too, just so she won’t worry.”

  Arianna sighed, then nodded. “Why do I get the feeling we’ve lied to my parents a bunch of times?”

  I leaned into her as I laughed. “Only a couple dozen times. No big deal.”

  Arianna laughed with me, then she let go of my hand and tossed her arms around my waist. I froze with the shock of it at first, then I melted into her touch. Being in her arms was the single most amazing feeling in the world, and I’d missed it more than I’d truly understood until this moment. I clutched her tight, breathing her in. Without my consent, the words, “I’ve missed you,” slipped out of my mouth.

  After a quiet moment, she whispered, “I wish I remembered being with you.”

  An ache went through me. God, I wished that too. “Yeah, I know. Me too.”

  My sister reemerged from Hunter’s room then. Her cheeks looked freshly scrubbed, but my sharp eyes could see the tinge of red left on her skin. And there were also droplets of blood on her shirt. She’d been crying. A lot. It pained me to do so, but I left Arianna with Trey and walked over to Nika. She needed me.