Page 7 of Two Easters

special wedding. On Saturday, Pastor Thomas Grant officiated as Tom and Betty Allison were remarried in their home. "This is where I prayed my husband home and this is where I wanted to remarry him," Betty had explained to others from her stander's group who had attended.

  Of all who attended that wedding, none were more proud than their sons, Brad and Brett. Brett introduced his new girl friend, Carrie, to his mom and dad for the first time. At one point, Carrie whispered to Betty, "I love the Lord and am praying for Brett to receive Him. He's starting to ask questions."

  That evening, before the Grants started home for Sunday services, Tom Allison handed Pastor Grant a carefully wrapped package. Betty had no idea what was inside. The pastor opened it to find an old green grocer's apron with a name tag that read TOM pinned to it.

  "That is my last reminder of Fort Lauderdale," Tom explained. "I threw that apron in the back seat the night the Lord spoke to me and I headed home to Betty."

  If you are ever in Pastor Tom Grant's office, be sure to notice the clothes tree over in the corner. Coats and jackets might come and go from there, depending on the season, but that green apron remains.

  "That is my symbol of what God can do," Pastor Grant will explain to you. "Whenever I am tempted to doubt the power of God, I look at that apron and am reminded of what a mighty God we serve."

  My friend, I pray that you have some kind of "green apron" to remind you, on those difficult days of what a Mighty God we do serve. He does bring prodigals home. May God bless your family.



  “Is this story about your family?” Well, yes and no. The entire story and the characters are fictional, but our family has experienced the heartache of being torn apart by divorce. I praise God that He also allowed me to know the happiness of a marriage restored by Him in 1987. God gave Bob and me 23 more years together, prior to his death in December 2010.

  Perhaps you have never eaten at Skyline, or bagged groceries at Publix, nor can you play a saxophone, yet this short story reads like your story. If so, we encourage you to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ for His healing touch on your marriage. There are no circumstances too complex for the God we serve. We pray that you will allow Him to level the mountains surrounding your home. May God bless you.

  Charlyne Steinkamp and family

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