The Green-eyed Monster

  With the summer term came a period of great outdoor activity atPendlemere. Miss Chadwick, Miss Carr, and Miss Ormrod were tremendouslybusy on the land, and gave the school a thorough initiation into theprinciples of gardening. The girls studied birds, noted what insectsthey ate, and how useful they were in a garden; they learned thelife-histories of certain insects, and the causes of some plantdiseases; they organized an amateur weather bureau, and kept charts ofthe progress of their crops. Everybody agreed that the new regime wasmuch more interesting than that of the old days when the gardening hadall been done for them, and they had only lounged about the lawn andplayed tennis. Each flower seemed twice as beautiful when they hadhelped to grow it, and the vegetables of their own cultivation werevoted prize-winners.

  Diana, in consideration of her great love for horses, was allowed togive some assistance in Baron's toilet, and even sometimes to drive him,a privilege (dependent on good behaviour) which made her supremelyhappy.

  On the whole, though Miss Todd was undoubtedly rather strict, the girlsdecided that the school was jollier than in Mrs. Gifford's days. Theydid not forget their former Principal, who wrote to them sometimes fromher new home and told them about her life in Burma, but they hadaccepted the changed conditions, and had grown to like them. The outdoordepartment seemed to bring a much wider current of life into Pendlemere.Miss Chadwick and her two assistants were thoroughly modern, and woulddiscuss all sorts of up-to-date problems, so that the school kept intouch with the outside world instead of living in the narrow rut of itsown little round of lessons and amusements. This term four elderstudents had come, principally to study gardening under Miss Chadwick.They were girls of eighteen and nineteen, who, instead of being placedamong the school, took somewhat the position of the old-fashioned"parlour boarder" of sixty years ago, and were on terms of intimacy withthe mistresses. Naturally they were the envy and admiration of thoseless fortunate beings who were still only ordinary pupils. They weregood-natured to the schoolgirls, but held themselves a little aloof.Sometimes, in a rather superior manner, they would condescend to befriendly. Each had her own train of worshippers. The prettiest and mostattractive of the four was Adeline Hoyle, a tall, fine-looking girl withdark eyes, a very fair skin, and thick coils of brown hair twisted intoa classic knot. There was a calm dignity about her and a charm ofmanner that was exceedingly taking. It bowled over Diana's heartentirely. She took a sudden and most violent affection for Adeline. Shewould hang about to try to get a word with her, flush crimson at theslightest notice from her idol, and was ready to perform anything in theway of odd jobs. She even took up sewing--a much neglected part of hereducation--in order to embroider a handkerchief-case as a birthdayoffering. It is an exhilarating, but rather wearing process to beviolently in love, especially when you are decidedly doubtful as towhether the loved object in the least appreciates your attentions.Adeline would accept Diana's sweets or flowers with a kind "Thank you",and then pat her on the shoulder and tell her to run away. She wouldsometimes allow her to link arms in the garden, but it was suffered withan air of amused tolerance. It was obvious that she very much preferredthe society of Hilary, who was nearer her own age, and that she regardedintermediates as mere children. Diana, who was eccentric in her likesand dislikes, but very keen when she took a fancy to anybody, wentthrough all the stages of longing, hope, elation, despair, and jealousy.When she saw Hilary received into supreme favour, the green-eyed monsterswooped down and took possession of her. Loveday, who had watched theprogress of the affair with some distress, offered what consolation shecould in the sanctuary of the ivy room.

  "Adeline's really very good to you," she comforted.

  "Yes, but she doesn't care twopence," raged Diana. "I know she's niceand kind and all that, but she loves me with the love she'd give to adistressed negro or a starved cat. I want her to _want_ me--and shedoesn't one little bit! She just tolerates me sometimes, and that's all.What she can see in Hilary I can't imagine. I think Hilary's the mostdetestable girl in the school. I always have disliked her. I _hate_ hernow!"

  "Some people say that hating anybody sends out 'thought-forms' likehideous daggers into the invisible world, and they do dreadful harm, andin the end they come back to their owners like curses. Can't you manageto send out some prettier thoughts?"

  "No, Loveday Seton; I can't, and won't, and shan't!" said Dianaemphatically, screwing up mouth and eyes into one of her ugliest faces."I'm not going to pretend I like Hilary when I don't--that would be afiblet and worse than red daggers. Yes, you can call me naughty if youlike. I've got to the stage when I don't care."

  Knowing by experience that Diana generally received suggestions in thisway, but sometimes ruminated over her remarks afterwards, Lovedayshelved the question of thought-forms and their possible ill effects,and petted her spoilt room-mate instead till she cajoled her into abetter temper. The green-eyed monster still reigned, however, and Dianasat at tea-time flashing, if not red daggers, very obvious untowardglances, as she caught a smile of comprehension pass between Adeline andHilary. Nobody had time to take much notice of her heroics.

  Everyone was too busy discussing school affairs. The very latest newswas that the boat-house was at last to be unlocked, the boat thoroughlyoverhauled and painted, and that mistresses and students would go rowingon the lake. A rumour even began to circulate that certain favouredmembers of the school might be taken as passengers.

  "We used when Mrs. Gifford was here," said Wendy. "She often got Mr.Thwaites from the village to come and row us. It was top-hole. And oncehe let Tattie and me try to row, but I 'caught a crab' and dropped theoar. I'd soon learn though, if I'd another chance."

  "We ought to have two or three boats," decided Sadie.

  "One for each form," amended Vi.

  "You bet it's only seniors who'll have any luck," groused Diana, who wasstill in the depths of despondency.

  "There's no knowing," said Jess hopefully.

  Though they might not be certain of sharing in the pleasure ofnavigating the lake, there was at least an element of anticipation inthe matter. It was just possible that some fine day Miss Todd might sayto one of them: "Put on your jersey and you may go for a row". They feltit was one of those sporting chances that sometimes turn up in a life.They hung about the boat-house wistfully when Mr. Appleton from Glenburydid his task of overhauling, and if he went away for a few minutes theytook advantage of his absence to scramble in and sit inside the boat andimagine how delightful it would feel to be really on the water. Theybegan to practise boat-songs, just to be ready for any emergency, andwould sit on the landing-place singing "Row, brothers, row!" or "Mybarque is on the shore".

  It was very exciting when repairs got to the painting stage, especiallywhen Diana did not notice, and took a leap inside, with equal disasterto Mr. Appleton's nice coat of paint and her own serge skirt. Great wasthe day when the _Peveril_ at last was dry, and Mr. Appleton launchedher himself on the lake, and took Miss Todd, Miss Beverley, and MissChadwick for a trial trip. The school, watching enviously from the bank,decided that nothing but a steamer, or a small fleet of rowboats couldsatisfy its demands. They considered rowing ought to be a part of everygirl's education.

  As Diana had prophesied, the intermediates came in for no luck. MissChadwick and her assistants, with the four gardening students,monopolized the _Peveril_. They took Miss Todd, Miss Beverley, and MissHampson out for airings on the lake; occasionally a senior was invited,and once the four youngest girls in the school were given a brief treat.All the rest had just to look on and long. Diana, indeed, extorted asort of half promise from Adeline that some time, when it wasconvenient, and if she was not too busy, and if nobody else wanted theboat, she would let her realize her ambition, but so far this promisehad remained an empty one, a vague invitation that meant nothing. Diana,catching Adeline in the garden one afternoon, made a desperate effort toobtain its fulfilment.


  "Just for ten minutes," she pleaded.

  "I'm so busy," evaded Adeline. "I've got seedlings to plant out, andreally haven't time to take people on the lake. What a bother you are,Diana!"

  "You said you would some time."

  "Well, so I will; but the time isn't to-day. I've other things to do."

  "May I help you to plant the seedlings?"

  "No indeed! They need very delicate handling, and I'm responsible toMiss Chadwick for them. Why don't you go and help Miss Carr?"

  With a decidedly snubbed feeling Diana strolled away, not to help MissCarr, for it was recreation hour, and she felt at liberty to employ herleisure as she liked, but to find Wendy or some other congenial spirit.Wendy, Sadie, and Vi, however, had gone to the village with Miss Ormrod,and Tattie, Jess, Magsie, and Peggy occupied the tennis-court. Diana wasthe only one of the intermediates left out. She felt exceedinglyaggrieved. She stood for a while watching the set; but looking on attennis is never very amusing, so she wended her solitary way into thehouse to fetch a book. Down the corridor bustled Miss Hampson in ahurry.

  "Diana! I was just wanting somebody, and you'll do. Will you go and tellAdeline that Miss Todd wishes to speak to her as soon as she's finishedin the greenhouse?"

  Miss Hampson, with her arms full of exercise books to correct,disappeared into the senior room, and Diana departed on her errand.Adeline was not in the greenhouse. She had not even begun to transplantthe seedlings, though the pots and the soil were ready. Diana waited afew minutes to see if she would come, then went in quest of her. Bobbingbriskly down the shrubbery path were two heads, a dark one with hair ina classic knot, and a fair one with a pig-tail. They could just bedistinguished above the line of the laurels. Diana put her hands to hermouth and called:


  The heads turned for a moment to look, then scuttled on with the utmostrapidity. Diana, following, caught a glimpse of two figures whiskingpast the boat-house to the landing-place. She stopped dead.

  "So it's Hilary Adeline's taking with her. And they're going in theboat. Well, of all mean things this is the limit! Adeline hadn't time totake people on the lake, and wanted to plant seedlings. That's why shewas so anxious to send me off to help Miss Carr. If she won't listenwhen I call to her _I_'m not going to bother to give her Miss Hampson'smessage. I don't suppose Miss Todd wants her about anything important.I'm fed up!"

  A very disconsolate and indignant Diana once more walked up the garden;the green-eyed monster was sitting on her back and digging in hisdisagreeable talons pretty deeply; he was anything but a brightcompanion. She wandered aimlessly round the orchard, and finally cameacross Miss Carr and Loveday carrying out food to the chickens. Theywere chatting as she met them, and the words drifted to her between theapple-trees.

  "So Mr. Appleton said it really wasn't safe at all, and Miss Todd hadbetter let nobody take her out till he could come up. He'd try to comethis evening, but he wasn't sure if he'd manage it because--why, Diana,what's the matter?"

  "Is it the boat you're talking about?" demanded a breathless, excitedlittle figure.

  "Yes--but why? Diana! What is it? Di--an--a!"

  Loveday spoke to the winds, for already her room-mate was half-way downthe orchard. Diana's feet were trying to keep pace with her whirlingbrain. The boat was unsafe! That, no doubt, was the message that MissTodd had intended for Adeline. If she had not already started it mightbe possible to stop her, or at any rate to call her back. She racedalong the shrubbery and down the bank to the landing-place. But Adelineand Hilary had wasted no time, and were already quite a considerableway out on the lake. Diana called and shouted to them. They turned theirheads to look, evidently laughed, and took no notice. It was plain thatthey thought Diana wished them to return and take her for a row, andthat they had no intention of any such philanthropic course of action.On the landing-place Diana raged. If the _Peveril_ were really unsafeevery stroke of the oar was taking Adeline and Hilary into greaterdanger. How could she possibly make them understand? The more shecalled, the more they would row away.

  Then a very desperate idea occurred to her, so desperate that only aharum-scarum like Diana would have thought of it. She would swim outtowards them, and when they saw her in the water they would probablyturn and come back. She pulled off her skirt and her shoes. Now Dianawas not a very expert swimmer; it was indeed two years since she had hadany practice, and that had been in the sea, which is easier than freshwater. She never thought of these particulars, however, but, putting herhands together, dived off the landing-place just as Loveday turned thecorner of the boat-house. It was very cold, indeed, in the water, farcolder than she had expected; it made her gasp for breath, and sent anumbness into her limbs. She struggled on, however, with brave strokes.

  "Di--ana!" screamed Loveday's agitated voice behind her.

  The girls in the boat were not even looking. How fearfully cold it was!It was difficult to hold up her head properly and see where she wasgoing. She had thought swimming was so easy. A few more strokes andsomething seemed to be twining round her. She had dashed into somewaterweeds, and their clammy stems clutched her like dead fingers. Shemade a desperate effort to free herself; down went her head, and nextmoment she was gulping, struggling, and shrieking for help. There was asplash behind from the landing-place as Loveday plunged to the rescue;the occupants of the boat also, at last looking and realizing theseriousness of the situation, began to row in her direction as fast asthey could pull. They were some distance off, however, and Loveday wonthe race. She caught Diana just as she was sinking, and held her upuntil the boat arrived.

  A very draggled, agitated pair of girls made their way up the shrubberywalk to the house, leaving a wet trail to mark their path. Adeline tiedup the _Peveril_ before she followed them.

  "I'm sure nobody can blame _us_," she remarked to Hilary.

  Loveday and Diana, warmed, dried, and clad in fresh garments, scolded byMiss Todd, and cosseted by Miss Carr, the heroines of a real adventure,and for the moment the centre of interest in the school, discussed theevent in private.

  "I've explained, but Adeline doesn't see it," said Diana. "She says theboat wasn't as bad as all that, and they were in no real danger, andthat I did a very silly, idiotic, foolhardy thing. She doesn'tunderstand I was trying to save her life. But I _was_!"

  "I know," nodded Loveday. "I don't think somehow, though, that Adeline'sthe kind of girl whom you could ever make understand. Why do you lavishall this love on her, Di? She's not worth it."

  Diana was plaiting her skirt into little gathers. She looked at herfingers and not at Loveday.

  "I _did_ like her so! But it's all ended now--drowned in the water, Ithink. She doesn't care twopence about me. Well! If _she_ doesn't, nomore do _I_! She may go to Hong-Kong as far as I'm concerned."

  Loveday glanced anxiously at her friend. There was a suspicious tremblein the usually cheerful voice. Were those drops shining on the longeyelashes?

  "It takes a good deal of riddling before we sort out the wheat and thechaff in our friendships," ventured Loveday.

  "_You're_ 'honest grain', at any rate!" said Diana, winking rapidly, asshe rose and ended the conversation.