“Any ideas gentlemen?” The three seekers were gathered in the living room staring at the metallic trinket that would supposedly somehow save them.
“Well, we can’t just go running out into the night like Batman and Robin.”
“True, but we’ve come this far; we can’t just sit here either. From what your wife said this thing could keep control of Michael for days, killing dozens in its wake until it’s satisfied.”
“Yeah, but on the other hand, I can’t help feeling unprepared for all of this. Maybe Jonathan and I should have guns too?”
“I don’t think so. Not to impugn either one of your abilities, but I’m trained to use my weapon in extremely delicate and dangerous circumstances and even I’m having a difficult time reminding myself that there’s a little boy trapped inside this monster and I haven’t been brought face to face with it yet. So nothin’ doin’.”
“What about tranquilizer darts or stun guns?”
“You know, that’s not a bad idea. In fact, that may be the only way to get this thing around its neck. Can you use a stun gun, Jonathan?”
Jonathan barely heard Aaron and Gary’s conversation over the growing concern in his gut.
“You hoo,... Jonathan?”
“What... a stun gun... yeah I think so. I’ve done my fair share of hunting I guess.”
Now Gary knew something was up. “Are you alright Jonathan, you’ve been acting strange ever since the attic? Is something wrong?”
Jonathan was beginning to feel more and more like things were about to go seriously wrong, but then again, they were talking about hunting down a vicious creature from Hell, so.... “Just nerves I guess... I mean werewolves, talismans, spells. Not your everyday, normal, occurrence.” That was enough to settle the concerns of the two sitting across from him, but not his own.
“We’ll stop by the station and pick up a couple of stun guns... so where to from there? Any idea where this thing might show up?”
“How about the caves?”
“What caves, Aaron?”
“Well, Jeremy said that he and his friends found that book in one of the caves down by the lake.”
“Yeah, I see where you’re going. That’s where the car was found with that poor couple in it too. Maybe it’s drawn to that area. It sounds like a good place to start.”
“Well, wherever we go we ought to take something to tie it... I mean him, up with when we do get him. Sue should have something in the garage. Next question is what are we going to do with him until Mrs.... Wendy finds that reversal spell,” cold shivers and a nagging voice sickened him once again, “it may be a while?”
“I’ve been thinking about that. There’s a holding cell for emergencies, sort of a solitary confinement type deal for extremely dangerous individuals; if this doesn’t qualify I don’t know what does.”
“What about witnesses?”
“Aaron, if Wendy doesn’t have a cure by the time people start poking around, we’re gonna need a few witnesses to reassure ourselves that we’re not insane. If that’s all gentlemen, I think we have a plan.”