_Henrietta Visits Armine, Which Leads to a Rather Perplexing Encounter_.

  THE communion of this day, of the spirit of which the conversation justnoticed may convey an intimation, produced an inspiriting effect on themind of Ferdinand. Love is inspiration; it encourages to great deeds,and develops the creative faculty of our nature. Few great men haveflourished who, were they candid, would not acknowledge the vastadvantages they have experienced in the earlier years of their careerfrom the spirit and sympathy of woman. It is woman whose prescientadmiration strings the lyre of the desponding poet whose genius isafterwards to be recognised by his race, and which often embalmsthe memory of the gentle mistress whose kindness solaced him in lessglorious hours. How many an official portfolio would never have beencarried, had it not been for her sanguine spirit and assiduous love! Howmany a depressed and despairing advocate has clutched the Great Seal,and taken his precedence before princes, borne onward by the breezeof her inspiring hope, and illumined by the sunshine of her propheticsmile! A female friend, amiable, clever, and devoted, is a possessionmore valuable than parks and palaces; and, without such a muse, few mencan succeed in life, none be content.

  The plans and aspirations of Henrietta had relieved Ferdinand froma depressing burthen. Inspired by her creative sympathy, a new sceneopened to him, adorned by a magnificent perspective. His sanguineimagination sought refuge in a triumphant future. That love for whichhe had hitherto schooled his mind to sacrifice every worldly advantageappeared suddenly to be transformed into the very source of earthlysuccess. Henrietta Temple was to be the fountain, not only of his bliss,but of his prosperity. In the revel of his audacious fancy he seemed, asit were, by a beautiful retribution, to be already rewarded for havingdevoted, with such unhesitating readiness, his heart upon the altarof disinterested affection. Lying on his cottage-couch, he indulgedin dazzling visions; he wandered in strange lands with his beautifulcompanion, and offered at her feet the quick rewards of his unparalleledachievements.

  Recurring to his immediate situation, he resolved to lose no time inbringing his affairs to a crisis. He was even working himself up to hisinstant departure, solaced by the certainty of his immediate return,when the arrival of his servant announced to him that Glastonbury hadquitted Armine on one of those antiquarian rambles to which he wasaccustomed. Gratified that it was now in his power to comply with thewish of Henrietta to visit his home, and perhaps, in truth, notvery much mortified that so reasonable an excuse had arisen for thepostponement of his intended departure, Ferdinand instantly rose, and asspeedily as possible took his way to Ducie.

  He found Henrietta in the garden. He had arrived, perhaps, earlier thanhe was expected; yet what joy to see him! And when he himself proposedan excursion to Armine, her grateful smile melted his very heart.Indeed, Ferdinand this morning was so gay and light-hearted, that hisexcessive merriment might almost have been as suspicious as his passinggloom the previous day. Not less tender and fond than before, hissportive fancy indulged in infinite expressions of playful humourand delicate pranks of love. When he first recognised her gatheringa nosegay, too, for him, himself unobserved, he stole behind her ontiptoe, and suddenly clasping her delicate waist, and raising her gentlyin the air, 'Well, lady-bird,' he exclaimed, 'I, too, will pluck aflower!'

  Ah! when she turned round her beautiful face, full of charmingconfusion, and uttered a faint cry of fond astonishment, as she caughthis bright glance, what happiness was Ferdinand Armine's, as he feltthis enchanting creature was his, and pressed to his bosom her noble andthrobbing form!

  'Perhaps this time next year, we may be travelling on mules,' saidFerdinand, as he flourished his whip, and the little pony trotted along.Henrietta smiled. 'And then,' continued he, 'we shall remember ourpony-chair that we turn up our noses at now. Donna Henrietta, jogged todeath over dull vegas, and picking her way across rocky sierras, willbe a very different person from Miss Temple, of Ducie Bower. I hope youwill not be very irritable, my child; and pray vent your spleen uponyour muleteer, and not upon your husband.'

  'Now, Ferdinand, how can you be so ridiculous?'

  'Oh! I have no doubt I shall have to bear all the blame. "You broughtme here," it will be: "Ungrateful man, is this your love? not evenpost-horses!"'

  'As for that,' said Henrietta, 'perhaps we shall have to walk. I canfancy ourselves, you with an Andalusian jacket, a long gun, and, I fear,a cigar; and I with all the baggage.'

  'Children and all,' added Ferdinand.

  Miss Temple looked somewhat demure, turned away her face a little, butsaid nothing.

  'But what think you of Vienna, sweetest?' enquired Ferdinand in a moreserious tone; 'upon my honour, I think we might do great things there. Aregiment and a chamberlainship at the least!'

  'In mountains or in cities I shall be alike content, provided you be mycompanion,' replied Miss Temple.

  Ferdinand let go the reins, and dropped his whip. 'My Henrietta,' heexclaimed, looking in her face, 'what an angel you are!'

  This visit to Armine was so delightful to Miss Temple; she experiencedso much gratification in wandering about the park and over the oldcastle, and gazing on Glastonbury's tower, and wondering when she shouldsee him, and talking to her Ferdinand about every member of his family,that Captain Armine, unable to withstand the irresistible current,postponed from day to day his decisive visit to Bath, and, confidentin the future, would not permit his soul to be the least daunted by anypossible conjuncture of ill fortune. A week, a whole happy week glidedaway, and spent almost entirely at Armine. Their presence there wasscarcely noticed by the single female servant who remained; and, if hercuriosity had been excited, she possessed no power of communicating itinto Somersetshire. Besides, she was unaware that her young master wasnominally in London. Sometimes an hour was snatched by Henrietta fromroaming in the pleasaunce, and interchanging vows of mutual love andadmiration, to the picture-gallery, where she had already commenced aminiature copy of the portrait of the great Sir Ferdinand. As thesun set they departed in their little equipage. Ferdinand wrapped hisHenrietta in his fur cloak, for the autumn dews began to rise, and, thusprotected, the journey of ten miles was ever found too short. It is thehabit of lovers, however innocent their passion, to grow every day lessdiscreet; for every day their almost constant companionship becomes morea necessity. Miss Temple had almost unconsciously contrived at firstthat Captain Armine, in the absence of her father, should not beobserved too often at Ducie; but now Ferdinand drove her home everyevening, and drank tea at the Bower, and the evening closed with musicand song. Each night he crossed over the common to his farmhouse morefondly and devotedly in love.

  One morning at Armine, Henrietta being alone in the gallery busied withher drawing, Ferdinand having left her for a moment to execute someslight commission for her, she heard some one enter, and, looking upto catch his glance of love, she beheld a venerable man, of a mild andbenignant appearance, and dressed in black, standing, as if a littlesurprised, at some distance. Herself not less confused, she neverthelessbowed, and the gentleman advanced with hesitation, and with a faintblush returned her salute, and apologised for his intrusion. 'He thoughtCaptain Armine might be there.'

  'He was here but this moment,' replied Miss Temple; 'and doubtless willinstantly return.' Then she turned to her drawing with a trembling hand.

  'I perceive, madam,' said the gentleman, advancing and speaking in asoft and engaging tone, while looking at her labour with a mingled airof diffidence and admiration, 'that you are a fine artist.'

  'My wish to excel may have assisted my performance,' replied MissTemple.

  'You are copying the portrait of a very extraordinary personage,' saidthe stranger.

  'Do you think that it is like Captain Armine?' enquired Miss Temple withsome hesitation.

  'It is always so considered,' replied the stranger. Henrietta's handfaltered; she looked at the door of the gallery, then at the portrait;never was she yet so anxious for the reappearance of Ferdinand
. Therewas a silence which she was compelled to break, for the stranger wasboth mute and motionless, and scarcely more assured than herself.

  'Captain Armine will be here immediately, I have no doubt.'

  The stranger bowed. 'If I might presume to criticise so finished aperformance,' he remarked, 'I should say that you had conveyed, madam, amore youthful character than the original presents.'

  Henrietta did not venture to confess that such was her intention.She looked again at the door, mixed some colour, and then cleared itimmediately off her palette. 'What a beautiful gallery is this!' sheexclaimed, as she changed her brush, which was, however, without afault.

  'It is worthy of Armine,' said the stranger.

  'Indeed there is no place so interesting,' said Miss Temple.

  'It pleases me to hear it praised,' said the stranger.

  'You are well acquainted with it?' enquired Miss Temple.

  'I have the happiness to live here,' said the stranger.

  'I am not then mistaken in believing that I speak to Mr. Glastonbury.'

  'Indeed, madam, that is my name,' replied the gentleman; 'I fancy wehave often heard of each other. This a most unexpected meeting, madam,but for that reason not less delightful. I have myself just returnedfrom a ramble of some days, and entered the gallery little aware thatthe family had arrived. You met, I suppose, my Ferdinand on the road.Ah! you wonder, perhaps, at my familiar expression, madam. He has beenmy Ferdinand so many years, that I cannot easily school myself no longerto style him so. But I am aware that there are now other claims------'

  'My dearest Glastonbury,' exclaimed Ferdinand Armine, starting as here-entered the gallery, and truly in as great a fright as a man couldwell be, who perhaps, but a few hours ago, was to conquer in Spain orGermany. At the same time, pale and eager, and talking with excitedrapidity, he embraced his tutor, and scrutinised the countenance ofHenrietta to ascertain whether his fatal secret had been discovered.

  That countenance was fond, and, if not calm, not more confused than theunexpected appearance under the circumstances might account for. 'Youhave often heard me mention Mr. Glastonbury,' he said, addressinghimself to Henrietta. 'Let me now have the pleasure of making youacquainted. My oldest, my best friend, my second father; an admirableartist, too, I can assure you. He is qualified to decide even upon yourskill. And when did you arrive, my dearest friend? and where have youbeen? Our old haunts? Many sketches? What abbey have you explored, whatantique treasures have you discovered? I have such a fine addition foryour herbal! The Barbary cactus, just what you wanted; I found it inmy volume of Shelley; and beautifully dried, beautifully; it will quitecharm you. What do you think of this drawing? Is it not beautiful? quitethe character, is it not?' Ferdinand paused for lack of breath.

  'I was just observing as you entered,' said Glastonbury, very quietly,'to Miss------'

  'I have several letters for you,' said Ferdinand, interrupting him, andtrembling from head to foot lest he might say Miss _Grandison_. 'Doyou know you are just the person I wanted to see? How fortunate that youshould just arrive! I was annoyed to find you were away. I cannot tellyou how much I was annoyed!'

  'Your dear parents?' enquired Glastonbury.

  'Are quite well,' said Ferdinand, 'perfectly well. They will be soglad to see you, so very glad. They do so long to see you, my dearestGlastonbury. You cannot imagine how they long to see you.'

  'I shall find them within, think you?' enquired Glastonbury.

  'Oh! they are not here,' said Ferdinand; 'they have not yet arrived.I expect them every day. Every day I expect them. I have preparedeverything for them, everything. What a wonderful autumn it has been!'

  And Glastonbury fell into the lure and talked about the weather, for hewas learned in the seasons, and prophesied by many circumstances a hardwinter. While he was thus conversing, Ferdinand extracted from Henriettathat Glastonbury had not been in the gallery more than a very fewminutes; and he felt assured that nothing fatal had transpired. Allthis time Ferdinand was reviewing his painful situation with desperaterapidity and prescience. All that he aspired to now was that Henriettashould quit Armine in as happy ignorance as she had arrived: as forGlastonbury, Ferdinand cared not what he might suspect, or ultimatelydiscover. These were future evils that subsided into insignificancecompared with any discovery on the part of Miss Temple.

  Comparatively composed, Ferdinand now suggested to Henrietta to quither drawing, which indeed was so advanced that it might be finished atDucie; and, never leaving her side, and watching every look, and hangingon every accent of his old tutor, he even ventured to suggest thatthey should visit the tower. The proposal, he thought, might lull anysuspicion that might have been excited on the part of Miss Temple.Glastonbury expressed his gratification at the suggestion, and theyquitted the gallery, and entered the avenue of beech trees.

  'I have heard so much of your tower, Mr. Glastonbury,' said Miss Temple,'I am sensible, I assure you, of the honour of being admitted.'

  The extreme delicacy that was a characteristic of Glastonbury preservedFerdinand Armine from the dreaded danger. It never for an instantentered Glastonbury's mind that Henrietta was not Miss Grandi-He thoughtit a little extraordinary, indeed, that she should arrive at Armineonly in the company of Ferdinand; but much might be allowed to plightedlovers; besides, there might be some female companion, some aunt orcousin, for aught he knew, at the Place. It was only his parents thatFerdinand had said had not yet arrived. At all events, he felt at thismoment that Ferdinand, perhaps, even because he was alone withhis intended bride, had no desire that any formal introduction orcongratulations should take place; and only pleased that the intendedwife of his pupil should be one so beautiful, so gifted, and sogracious, one apparently so worthy in every way of his choice and herlot, Glastonbury relapsed into his accustomed ease and simplicity,and exerted himself to amuse the young lady with whom he had become sounexpectedly acquainted, and with whom, in all probability, it washis destiny in future to be so intimate. As for Henrietta, nothing hadoccurred in any way to give rise to the slightest suspicion in her mind.The agitation of Ferdinand at this unexpected meeting between his tutorand his betrothed was in every respect natural. Their engagement, asshe knew, was at present a secret to all; and although, under suchcircumstances, she herself at first was disposed not to feel very muchat her ease, still she was so well acquainted with Mr. Glastonbury fromreport, and he was so unlike the common characters of the censoriousworld, that she was, from the first, far less annoyed than she otherwisewould have been, and soon regained her usual composure, and was evengratified and amused with the adventure.

  A load, however, fell from the heart of Ferdinand, when he and hisbeloved bade Glastonbury a good afternoon. This accidental and almostfatal interview terribly reminded him of his difficult and dangerousposition; it seemed the commencement of a series of misconceptions,mortifications, and misfortunes, which it was absolutely necessary toprevent by instantly arresting them with the utmost energy and decision.It was bitter to quit Armine and all his joys, but in truth the arrivalof his family was very doubtful: and, until the confession of his realsituation was made, every day might bring some disastrous discovery.Some ominous clouds in the horizon formed a capital excuse for hurryingHenrietta off to Ducie. They quitted Armine at an unusually early hour.As they drove along, Ferdinand revolved in his mind the adventure ofthe morning, and endeavoured to stimulate himself to the exertion ofinstantly repairing to Bath. But he had not courage to confide hispurpose to Henrietta. When, however, they arrived at Ducie, they werewelcomed with intelligence which rendered the decision, on his part,absolutely necessary. But we will reserve this for the next chapter.