Someone was going to pay dearly for hurting Mine!.


  Screams rang out through the park as gunfire barked from several of Eternity’s Elites. The bullets bounced off the iridescent scales of the white dragon that had been one of their numbers. Michael crouched protectively over Mine!. These men had hurt her and were going to pay for it.

  Letting out a great roar, Michael swung his tail, taking out three of the men behind him. He placed one clawed foot over Mine! so she was protected but wouldn’t be crushed as he fought. Turning his attention to the man in front of him, Michael snapped him up and tossed him into one of the bushes. He really didn’t want to hurt these men; they had been his friends. Well, he didn’t want to hurt most of them. One was most definitely going to be hurting.

  The sting of bullets on his left side had Michael turning to face his attacker. Balling up his claws, Michael swiped at the man, knocking him back. A few quick flaps of his great wings knocked the rest of the Elites off their feet. A few more shots hit Michael’s back, but a swing of his tail took care of that attacker. They should know better than this. They were going to need something much bigger than the handguns they were trying to hit him with.

  Looking around, Michael saw the one person he really wanted, hunkered down and taking aim. Michael roared in rage at his partner. He lunged at him, snapping his teeth but missing the man. He was just out of Michael’s reach. He would have to relinquish his protective hold on Mine! to get to him. An answering roar came from the bushes where he had tossed Demarco. Michael snarled and pulled himself over Mine! as a green dragon shot into the air. Michael let go with another echoing roar, warning the new dragon off.

  A bark of gunfire from Jareth brought Michael’s attention back to the ground.

  Demarco took the opportunity to dive-bomb Michael. Michael was nearly twice his size, but the unexpected impact sent Michael teetering forwards.

  “Mine!” Michael roared as he stumbled forwards, trying not to crush Carissa. Dropping to his belly next to her, he tucked his wing around her. No matter what, he had to protect her. Michael turned his attention to her to make sure he hadn’t injured her more. Mine! lay motionless under his wing. Rage turned his vision red, and he whipped his head back around to that son of a bitch who’d shot her.

  Roaring, Michael dropped his wings loose so they scraped across the ground. Mine! would be safe under that shield. A great swing of his tail brought the fringy end around to smack Jareth off his feet. Lunging forwards, Michael snapped the fallen man up in his massive jaws.

  Jareth screamed in terror as his gun jammed up.

  “Michael!” Daniel’s voice boomed across the chaos.

  Michael whipped his head around to look as his boss, racing towards him. Kyle was only a step behind him. Michael closed his mouth and sucked on his partner, worrying him with his teeth. One good bite, and the man was toast. Smoke bubbled out of Michael’s nostrils, startling him. Oh my, he could make flames! Maybe he should just roast him instead.

  “Don’t do it!” Daniel loped up to stand in front of Michael. “Killing him won’t do you any good.”

  A growl rumbled up from Michael’s chest. He lifted his wing, showing Mine!’s crumpled form, and then dropped it over her again, protectively.

  The blood drained from Kyle’s face, but he stayed where he was.

  Smart man.

  Demarco landed behind Daniel, watching Michael closely.

  Michael’s jaws clenched, making Jareth scream again.

  “You will never clear your name if he’s dead,” Daniel yelled up at him.

  The desire to crunch down on the man that hurt Mine! and the need to clear his name warred inside of him. His instincts demanded that he end what had hurt Mine!, but he couldn’t be with Mine! if he killed the pathetic thing wiggling in his mouth.

  Michael sucked on him, rolling him around in his mouth, considering his options. Crunch or spit him out? Crunch or spit him out? Crunch or spit him out? A tingle against his side drew his attention from the whimpering mouthful. Mine! sat up under his wing, rubbing his side. Mine! was alive! Her eyes held a note of begging that made his decision for him.

  Opening his mouth, Michael dumped the sodden man out at Daniel’s feet. He snorted before shifting back to his belly and curling his head up under his wing. Mine! leaned out and hugged his great nose.

  She kissed it, borrowing the voice he wasn’t using. “Thank you.” Carissa rubbed her cheek between his nostrils. “Can you help me up?”

  Michael let Mine! grab on to his scales as he lifted her to her feet.

  “Mine,” she declared, and kissed him on the nose again.

  Michael purred his contentment at being claimed. His head followed Mine! as she walked out from under his protective wing. The Elites he had knocked over were back up with guns trained on him, waiting for his next attack.

  “Put those away!” Daniel called to the men surrounding Michael.

  Michael’s head shifted back and forth with a growled warning.

  The men tensed up with guns aimed at him.

  “They won’t hurt her,” Daniel reassured Michael. “I said put them up!” he bellowed to his squad.

  Slowly, they lowered their guns, but no one actually holstered anything.

  Daniel looked down at the mess Michael had made of Jareth. He was well slobbered and slightly chewed, but nothing a field kit couldn’t fix. He squatted down so he could talk to him. “So, do you want to explain why you fired on an unarmed man giving himself up?”

  Jareth looked up at his boss. “She wouldn’t leave his side,” he answered. “His hair was white. I thought he had her under a spell.”

  “It takes a better man than him to bespell me,” Carissa growled at him. “No offense, love.” She patted the side of Michael’s head where it lay next to her.

  He snorted his forgiveness.

  Daniel looked over the woman, and then turned back to Jareth. “Of all the people here, you should know that Michael isn’t a mage,” he reprimanded him. “As you can see, he had another reason for the white hair.” Daniel waved at the huge mound of white dragon sprawled in the grass. “But, you’d have known that if you had followed protocol and brought him in like you were ordered to.” He looked around at the rest of the group still holding their positions. “Did I, or did I not, tell you to come out and collect him peacefully?”

  The group was deathly still.

  Daniel turned his attention back to Jareth. “I believe my exact words were, ‘Michael is no longer a suspect in Carissa’s abduction. He’s waiting for you in the park. Please bring them both in, unharmed.’”

  Disbelief and doubt swept across the faces of the Elites surrounding Michael.

  “Isn’t that what he told all of you?”

  Heads shook around the group.

  “No?” Daniel looked back down at Jareth.


  Daniel looked at the brave man. “Yes, McGee?”

  “We were informed that Michael had been spotted in the park, and we were to bring him back by any means necessary.”

  “Any means necessary?” Daniel asked.

  The solider nodded. “Any means necessary.” In fact, most of the group nodded.

  Daniel stood up, away from the worn man. “I think this might require a full inquiry—of this incident and everything in the last five years.”

  Jareth looked rather peaked and pale.

  “McGee.” Daniel looked over at the brave solider who had spoken up. “Why don’t you, Charlie Mac, and Demarco head back to base and lock our friend here up. Oh, and while you’re at it, there’s a very interesting file on my desk that needs taken over to Internal Affairs. Give it to the investigator who’s been working on Duncan’s case. Apparently, someone’s been leaving vital information out of his reports.”

  McGee’s eye’s narrowed as he caught the implication. They jumped to Michael’s still form and then to Jareth before coming back to Daniel. “Yes, sir!” McGee and another h
eavier, dark-skinned man fished Jareth up from where he was sprawled. They patted him down, stripping him of his weapons, and frog-marched the man out of the park as Demarco’s green-dragon form lumbered behind them.

  Now that Jareth was dealt with, Daniel turned his attention to Carissa. “Are you hurt?”

  She leaned against the boned frill at the back of Michael’s head.

  Michael’s eye tracked Daniel’s movements as he and Kyle approached her. A warning growl rumbled up from his chest.

  The surrounding Elites raised their guns to point at the dragon.

  “I said put those away!” Daniel’s yell stopped the motion. “Meaning holster those pieces!”

  Movement was reluctant, but the surrounding Eternity members tucked their guns away.

  Carissa patted Michael soothingly. “I’m fine.” She shifted so Daniel could see the bullet wound on her shoulder. The 9mm slug had just barely broken the skin. “I’m not stupid enough to come into a potential firefight without protection. I just hadn’t expected it to hit that hard.” Carissa moved her shoulder around, working the ache out of it. “Knocked the wind out of me for a few minutes. This big lug didn’t even realize I’d cast protection spells on the both of us as we wandered the park.”

  Michael shifted so he could catch her in the corner of his eye. Protection spells? He vaguely remembered Mine!’s fingers tingling as she ran them over his butt. So she was spelling him, not caressing his ass. Michael snorted. He had liked it better when he thought the little gropes and tingles were because she liked his ass. Oh well, they had felt good.

  “And you.” Daniel finally turned his attention to the elephant in the room, or rather, the gigantic, white dragon drawing a crowd. “Damn, you’re huge.” He ran his eyes down Michael’s side. “I think he might be bigger than you are.” Daniel turned to look at Kyle.

  “I think you’re right.” Kyle had been oddly silent through this entire exchange. His eyes kept drifting from Carissa to Michael and the protective way the large dragon guarded his sister.

  “Well,” Daniel sighed, “I’m sorry to say this, but I’m going to have to put you on administrative leave until further notice.”

  Michael nodded his understanding without disturbing Mine!, who was leaning into him. Man, she felt good there.

  “Now, why don’t you shift back so we can go sort this shit out.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Carissa interrupted before Michael could nod his head.

  “Why not?”

  “Decency laws,” Carissa offered. “I don’t think he stopped to take off his clothing before he shifted.”

  Michael snorted. Clothing had been the furthest thing from his mind at that moment. He vaguely remembered the sound of tearing. Laws were in place to allow dragons to shift, but a brash display of public nudity would still get you arrested.

  “Point.” Daniel gave him a considering look. “A blanket. We need a blanket.”


  Carissa let out a sigh of relief as she leaned against her bedroom door and engaged the lock. Alone at last! Well, not completely alone. Her eyes swept over Michael’s broad back as he surveyed her quarters.

  The last day had been grueling. After the chaos in the park, they had both been subject to medical care, followed by hours of interrogation at the hands of Eternity’s Internal Affairs department. She had nearly taken someone’s head off when they had tried to get her to part with Michael. He was hers, and no one was going to take him away from her—especially in a place where someone might hurt him. A few of his fellow Elites held tightly to their guns while Michael was around. As if they’d never seen a dragon before! But, that was over now.

  Bless Daniel. He, of all those idiots her brother had arranged to protect dragons, had seen the connection between her and Michael. It was on his order that the Internal Affairs guys backed off and allowed her to stay with him, under the condition that she remain quiet. Which worked out fine, since she had to give Michael back his voice to answer their questions. She simply held his hand as they drilled him about his involvement with the missing dragons.

  In good form, Michael sat contently, answering the same string of questions until the investigator was sure his story wouldn’t change. Then, they had left them sitting in an overly bright interrogation room, but that hadn’t bothered either of them much. Simply holding his hand, knowing that she had found the one man for her, made the entire event bearable.

  Finally, Michael had been released into her custody by order of her brother. They had grabbed a couple of burgers before coming back here so Carissa could get changed. Her shirt currently had a bullet hole in it. Michael had insisted that she wear the leather jacket they had left in Daniel’s office on their last visit. He had also tried to give her his shirt, but she put her foot down on that one.

  Things with Eternity were starting to look better, but they had a lot to do before everything was settled. They still had to return Terrence’s truck and pick up the motorcycle. Then, there was the issue of Michael’s ruined home. But all of that could wait until later. Right now, Carissa had plans for Michael.

  “There you are!” Michael snapped up his good leather jacket from where it hung over the arm of Carissa’s couch. Tilly must have picked it up after she snuck them out. “I’ve missed you.” He held it up, checking for damage. There were a few new scratches on it from Carissa’s claws, but overall, it was fine.

  Carissa smiled at his joy and stalked after him. What she had in mind didn’t involve a leather coat.

  “Here.” Michael fished in one of the inside pockets and turned to find Carissa a lot closer then she had been. Surprise crossed his face as he held out a handful to her.

  A seductive smile curled her lips as she took his offering: her jewels from the ball and a single, golden scale. Reaching up, she took the jacket from his hand and dropped it to the floor. A gentle hand on his chest pressed him backwards until his calves hit the couch and he went down to the cushions.

  “Hello.” Michael smiled as his hands came up to her hips.

  Carissa slipped her knee up on one side of him and settled on his lap, facing him. Her fingers sorted through her things, pulling the scale out and letting the jewels spill to the floor behind her. Michael’s hands slid lower, supporting her as she leaned forwards and ran the scale over his jaw line. She leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips, stealing his voice. “Mine,” she purred as she pulled back before he could deepen the kiss.

  A rumble of agreement issued from Michael’s chest as he pulled her harder against him. Oh yes, he liked that idea.

  Carissa saw a single objection pass through his ice-blue eyes, and he opened his mouth to voice it. “No.” She shook her head, stopping him. “Like it or not, you are mine.” She ran her fingers up through his hair, making his eyes close in sheer pleasure. “I claim you.” This brought his eyes back open to look deeply into hers. “And tomorrow, I will give you this scale, so the whole world will see that you’re mine.” She ran the scale over his cheek again. “It will look beautiful set about right here.” The hard edge scraped up over his temple and into his hairline.

  He shivered at her touch. Well, this scale was probably too dead to do what she wanted with it, but he would have one of her scales. In addition to the desire darkening his eyes, there was shock and a single question. Did she know what sharing scales meant?

  Carissa nearly laughed at him. Here she was, offering her life to him, and he was giving her a way out. A sign that he was truly her mate. The exchange of scales would bind them together irrevocably. It was painful and took a skilled mage, but once the scales were set, it marked them as a pair. Older pairs had entire sections of their hide that had taken on the color of their mate’s scales. Michael would look good with a section of gold on his frill. If he were lucky, the color might even seep over into his human form as a lock of gold mixed into his silver hair. That would be perfect.

  “Oh, yes.” Carissa caressed him one more time. “I know what tha
t means, and I will share a scale with you, if you’ll have me.”

  Delight filled Michael’s eyes, and his hands slid up her back pulling her in for a tight hug.

  She laughed and wrapped her arms around his head as he nodded, rubbing his face into her chest. They would have to talk about a human marriage later, but that was a formality for others. The sharing of scales was the real bonding.

  Leaning back, Carissa pressed her lips to his once again.

  Michael growled in desire and deepened the kiss. His hands slipped back down to her hips, pulling her forwards until they were fitted together as tightly as their clothing would allow. Oh, yes. They had both been waiting for this since he had pinned her to the grass on Darien’s lawn.

  Heat bloomed in her as Michael pressed them together and worshipped at her lips. His tongue slipped into her mouth, promising all sorts of carnal delights. She shrugged off Michael’s spare jacket as he rubbed against her rhythmically. Oh, their first time was definitely going to be hard and fast, followed by hours of slow exploration. She shivered with anticipation as his lips left hers and worked their way down to her throat. She nearly laughed at the sound of tearing as he shredded her shirt instead of relinquishing her long enough to take it off. Oh well, it was ruined anyway, but she decided she would gladly let him destroy any of her clothing as his mouth found her breasts.

  A loud knock on the door broke into their moment.

  “Carissa?” Tilly’s voice called through the door. The handle wiggled as her best friend tried to let herself in.

  Carissa thanked God that she had locked it on her way in.

  “I know you’re in there.” The knock sounded again.

  Michael closed his teeth on her nipple and growled his frustration at the interruption. He rubbed his swollen length against her core.

  Carissa let out a sigh. Tilly had the worst timing. Should she stop this and let her best friend in?

  Michael’s hands slipped around, loosening the zipper on her jeans before slipping down the back of her pants and caressing her ass. He rubbed her against him again as his mouth moved to feast on the other breast.

  The knock sounded on the door again as Tilly called to them.