Page 22 of The Gathering (DR)

  "Did she just call me cute?" Corey said.

  Hayley turned on Tori. "Did you just flirt with my boyfriend?"

  "Boyfriend?" Corey said.

  "Are you coming?" I asked Corey. "Or staying to flirt back?"

  "Bossy, isn't she?" Tori said.

  "Yeah, I think it's hot," Corey said with a grin.

  Daniel prodded me along before I could retort. Corey fell in beside us and we were at the bedroom door when Ash came running in.

  He stopped in front of me. "There's definitely someone out there."

  Tori stood. "Um, don't you think you should tell the person in charge here?"

  Ash gave her a cold look, then stepped to the left, so he was addressing both me and Daniel. "There's definitely someone out there."

  "Not really what I meant," Tori said.

  "Don't really care," Ash said. He caught my sleeve and tugged. "Forget them. We're going. Now." He looked over at Hayley. "You coming, blondie?"

  She hesitated.

  "Whatever," he said, waving her off as he herded me out the door.

  "Hold up," Hayley said, and hurried after us.

  "I really don't think--" Dr. Fellows called.

  "Really don't care," Ash called back.

  "You guys are definitely related," Corey said as we jogged down the hall. "The only difference is that Maya is polite when she's getting in your face."

  Ash snorted and started to reply.

  "Wait!" I skidded to a halt halfway down the steps. "Where's Rafe?"

  "Already outside," Ash said. "I took him scouting. He's standing guard on the porch. Now stop talking and move!"


  I TURNED LEFT AT the bottom of the stairs and headed for the living room.

  Ash caught the back of my shirt. "The exit is this way."

  Daniel brushed past us. "Yes, but we're going to take the extra minute to tell Kit and the others that we're leaving."

  "Fine, go," Ash said. "Maya, stay with me."

  I followed Daniel into the living room.

  "Hey!" Ash said. "Both of you don't need--"

  The back door banged open. Shoes pounded down the hall as Rafe raced in.

  "They're coming," Rafe said. "I saw someone around the side of the garage. They shot out the lights on it."

  Daniel was now in the living room doorway, hands braced on either side as he leaned in, talking fast. Then he jogged back to us.

  "Daniel!" Kit shouted. Daniel didn't stop. Kit swung out the door. "Hold on. They'll have the house surrounded. There's no place you can run."

  "We're sure as hell not surrendering," Ash said.

  "No," Chloe said. "There's an escape route in the basement."

  "You guys take them down." Kit pushed Derek, Simon, and Chloe toward us. "I'll get Tori and Lauren."

  When Chloe and the guys caught up, they started waving us down the hall. Ash didn't move.

  "Come on," I said. "There's a way out."

  "You really think so?" He tugged me aside, out of Derek's path. "A secret escape in the basement? Like hell. It's a trap."

  "Why would they--?" I began.

  "They're going to use us. Lock us in the basement and negotiate with the Cabals."

  "We wouldn't do that," Chloe said.

  "Why not?" Derek said. "It'd work."

  "Really not helping, bro," Simon muttered.

  "I'm being honest," Derek said. "It's a good plan. It isn't what we have in mind, but they don't know that. They don't know us. I don't blame them." He looked at Daniel, then me, his gaze shifting between us. "It's not a trick. I don't know how to convince you of that, but we can't stand here and argue."

  "Split up," I said quickly. "Ash, if you have another idea, you do that with . . ." I hesitated and looked from Rafe to Daniel to Corey. "Take me. Guys--"

  The back-door window shattered. Something dropped, hissing, on the floor, spinning, smoke swirling out.

  "Gas!" Ash yelled. "Everyone down!"

  We all dropped. I told them to pull their shirts up over their mouths, and a second canister crashed through a front window, then a third someplace else, only the explosion of glass reaching us. Smoke from the first canister filled the hall.

  "Stairs," I said. "Where are the--?"

  Fingers clasped my upper arm. It was Chloe, mouth covered, her slitted eyes already tearing up. Daniel reached over and grabbed a handful of my shirt hem.

  "Everyone grab somebody," he called. "We're moving."

  And so we did, a slow, awkward, blind snake crawling along the hallway. Someone bashed into a wall. I told them to move slowly and hold on--and to make sure whoever had them was still holding on. My words came out slurred, and I could feel myself blinking hard, not just against the smoke, but against a numb, floating feeling.

  "It's a sedative!" I yelled. "Try not to breathe it and try to stay awake. We're almost there."

  I had no idea if we were really "almost there" until I felt a rush of cool, clean air . . . and nearly toppled headfirst down the stairs. Chloe released my arm and I reached back for Daniel, guiding him onto the steps. We crawled down backward. When Corey tried to stand and walk, he lost his balance, woozy from the gas, and fell onto Daniel. Daniel and I managed to get him downstairs with Hayley's help.

  We ended up in almost a heap at the bottom, everyone hunkered down together, sputtering and wheezing. Gas filtered through the open doorway until Derek--bringing up the rear--closed it and stumbled down the stairs.

  I lifted my head and peered around. "Rafe? Where's Rafe?"

  Derek stepped over us. "And where's Simon?"

  No one answered either of us. I sprang up. Derek wheeled toward the stairs. Chloe shot up and grabbed him.

  "Simon was beside me when the gas hit," she said. "He said someone should warn your dad. Rafe said he'd go with him. I said no, your dad would be fine, we just needed to get to the basement. Then I couldn't see and I thought he was right there."

  "He went for your father," I said. "And Rafe went to help."

  "And neither of you can go after them," Chloe said, jumping into our path when we started for the stairs. She turned to Daniel, arm shooting out as he tried to get around her. "None of us can go back. You know you can't. They're fine. Simon can take care of himself and he has Rafe. They'll watch out for each other."

  I looked at Daniel. He rocked there, gaze on mine, ready to go after Rafe if I gave any sign that that's what I wanted him to do.

  I took a deep breath. "Chloe's right."

  When Derek hesitated, Chloe said, "If you leave, either I go with you and take the same risk or I stay here, with strangers. Without you."

  He scowled at her.

  "Yes, it's a low blow," she said. "But I'll use whatever works right now." She got to her feet, wiped her eyes again, and looked around. "Okay, I'm going to suggest we don't wait for Kit and the others. We get out of here before the bad guys break in. I'm guessing that's the plan--knock everyone out with gas, then come in and scoop them up."

  "It's an old Nast trick," Ash said. "They won't wait long to swoop in, either."

  As if in reply, booted footsteps thundered across the hardwood overhead.

  "So where's this escape tunnel?" Corey asked.

  "It's not really a tunnel," Chloe said as she waved for us to follow. "Beyond the basement is a cold cellar for storing vegetables and preserves. There's a chute from the barn."

  "Which is now the garage," I said.

  She nodded. "Kit installed a fire-escape ladder. That's why we rented this place."

  She pulled open a door on the far side of the basement, then reached in and pulled a string. A bare bulb lit a corridor with cement walls and a dirt floor. She waved us in.

  "Yeah, right." Ash caught my arm before I could walk in, then pointed at Chloe. "You first."

  Derek muttered something and shoved past. He headed into the dimly lit hall. We followed. The hallway passed a couple of rooms that must have been for storage at one time, the wooden shelves now rotting and
dotted with dusty jars filled with gray preserves.

  The hall ended at a rope ladder. Derek gave it a tug, then went up first. When I tried to follow, Ash elbowed me aside and cautiously ascended, peering through at the top before waving us up.

  We came out in the barn/garage, as Chloe had said. Derek motioned for silence. I peered around. It was nearly pitch black--the only light coming through a break in the roof. But after being in the cold cellar, my eyes had adjusted. When I could make out a ladder leading to the hayloft, I tapped Derek's arm--figuring he'd have better night vision than Chloe. I pointed to the ladder and mouthed "safe?" He nodded and led us over to it. We went up.

  At the top, mouldering straw covered the floor. I could smell feces. Cat or rat, I wasn't sure. I just kept my ears attuned for squeaks or hisses as we cleared spots and hunkered down.

  Outside, all was silent. Or so it seemed, until we quieted down and I could pick up the distant murmur of voices. Then one grew louder.

  "I want to speak to Dr. Inglis." It was Dr. Fellows. "Are you listening--?"

  An outraged squawk, then muffled cries, as if someone had gagged her.

  Derek winced. He shot a glance toward Chloe, but she didn't seem to have heard. He cast a glower at me, as if warning me not to tell her that her aunt had been taken. I wasn't about to.

  A minute later, when I caught a noise below, I shot up, but Derek waved me down and went to the stairs. He leaned out. Then he climbed down a few stairs. A moment later he returned. Kit followed him. As Kit surveyed our faces, Derek headed back down a few steps to look around below. Then, almost simultaneously, they whispered, "Where's Simon?"

  The next few minutes were a flurry of whispers and worries as they each realized Simon wasn't with the other one. Then I caught his voice in the distance. Derek heard it, too. He told Kit. They whispered together, but there was nothing anyone could do. The Cabals had Dr. Fellows, Tori, Rafe, and Simon.

  "They aren't going to hurt your son," Hayley said. "Rafe left his sister with them."

  Kit looked ill, but managed to nod. "Yes. They won't hurt him. Not if they hope to convince us to rejoin the fold."

  Derek snorted. "Like that would ever happen."

  Kit said nothing. But Derek's head whipped around to face his father.

  "Dad?" he said.

  "Simon will be fine," he said. "But if we hope to end this on our terms, we need to get everyone else out of here."


  "THEY'VE GOT THE HOUSE surrounded," Ash said.

  I looked over to see him perched on a rafter near Hayley.

  "House, but not barn," he said. "But that still means they're very close."

  "Which means we need to revert to our favorite ploy," Daniel murmured. "Divert their attention away from the barn so we can get out. Is there a back door?"

  "There is," I said. "I saw it when we came in. But I vote for the aerial route if we can. The trees come up to the roofline, right?"

  "They do," Ash said. "And there's a busted-out window back there. A decent branch comes close enough to grab. That was gonna be my suggestion."

  I looked over at the others. "Anyone have tree-climbing issues?"

  Obviously Ash and I didn't. Daniel, Hayley, and Corey said they'd be fine. Chloe hoped she would--she had gymnastics training. Mr. Bae joked that it would be his first time in a couple of decades. Derek said nothing.


  "It looks like I'll be the guy doing the distracting. I'm not trusting a tree branch to hold me."

  "You're not playing decoy," Chloe said. She turned to us. "I'm sorry. I know that sounds like a cop-out, but he really can't. The last time we were in a fight against the St. Clouds, the orders were to tranq all of us except Derek. For him, it was shoot to kill. They don't trust werewolves."

  "I think they've calmed down," Derek said. "They've been watching us for months and haven't tried to assassinate me yet."

  Chloe put her hands on her hips. "And that's your definition of acceptance? Not going out of their way to kill you?"

  "You're both right," Kit said. "I do believe they've realized Derek isn't the threat they expected, but I also don't trust them not to use excessive force."

  "He's not going out there," Daniel said. "When I suggested that, I meant I'd do it."

  "What?" I said.

  "That's commendable, Daniel," Mr. Bae said. "But we do need to maintain our strongest negotiating position. According to what Antone says, you and Maya are the most valuable subjects. You're both clearly successes."

  "Negotiating position?" Derek said.

  "I'll play decoy," Corey said. "Done it before. Got away, too. That's a good sign."

  Kit shook his head. "We need you, too. The Cabals may not realize it, but you're also a success, if you're seeing visions. I'll go."

  "You can't, either," I said. "You're the lawyer. We need you to negotiate."

  "There's that word again," Derek muttered.

  Ash dropped from the rafters. "Can we all stop falling on our swords and actually do something? Another couple minutes and those witches will cast their sensing spell and figure out where we're hiding."

  "So you're volunteering to do it?" Corey asked.

  Ash met his gaze. "No, I'm not. Anyone has a problem with that? Too bad."

  "Well, I guess blondie is playing decoy," Hayley said, trying for a smile.

  Daniel stepped forward. "No. You've already done that once."

  "And I was pretty damned good at it, wasn't I? Face it, I'm an excellent actor."

  "No," Daniel said. "There's enough bargaining power here. This is my turn."

  "You stay. Help Maya. Fight the good fight. Blah-blah. Personally, I didn't mind being captured. Hot food. Hot showers. I'm not really cut out for this running around stuff."

  Hayley headed toward the ladder. When Daniel went after her, Derek caught his arm and yanked so hard that Daniel flew off his feet.

  "Hey!" Daniel said, twisting in Derek's grip.

  Derek just stood there, impassive. As Daniel struggled, Corey stepped in front of him. "Uh-huh. Time to let someone else be the big damn hero. We need you here."

  "Hayley's gone," Ash said. "So how about we go, too. Before she distracts everyone for no reason."

  Ash led the way and we crawled out across the rafters. Behind me Derek balked, but Chloe urged him on and his dad told him to just take another rafter if he was worried. He did.

  I don't think Derek's weight would have made much difference. There were six of us, putting about eight hundred pounds of weight on a very old piece of wood. When it creaked, I swung over to the one Derek was using. Ash picked up speed and got to the window first. Daniel helped him clear the glass. Then Ash leaned out, peering into the night. When he gave the all clear, we started through. Ash went first, with me right behind. Daniel stood watch and made sure we waited our turn so we didn't overburden the branch.

  As we crawled out, I could hear a commotion to the left--Hayley running through the woods, making enough racket to be a half dozen of us. Somewhere below, a shadow tore after her.

  As Hayley crashed through the trees, we continued along. Ash and I swung to the next tree. Daniel followed. So did Chloe. Corey almost missed, but made it. Mr. Bae didn't try--just whispered for us to go ahead, spread out, and he and Derek would get on the ground as soon as they could, and travel that way.

  At the next tree, I decided we should split up, Chloe and Corey taking the easy route. Daniel, Ash, and I crossed another tree, then another.

  "Okay," Ash whispered. "We're spread out enough. Time to go--"

  His gaze shot to the side. Before I could look, he knocked me so hard that I'd have fallen if Daniel hadn't grabbed me. Something hit Ash in the shoulder. He toppled. We tried to grab him, but he was a dead weight, and he fell from our hands, tumbling down, striking one branch before hitting the ground.

  When I tried to go after him, Daniel caught me. I swiped at him, but he held me firm.

  "It's a tranq dart, Maya," he s

  "I don't care. He--"

  Daniel clapped a hand to my mouth as a dark-suited figure slipped from the trees and crouched beside Ash's sprawled body. The figure pressed a hand to his neck and nodded.

  Daniel tugged me up and motioned to the branch above. I hesitated. Then another figure joined the first below, both armed, and I realized any rescue would turn into a group capture. So, after one last look down, I steeled myself and escaped with Daniel.


  DANIEL AND I MOVED carefully, crossing to the next tree then waiting there until they finished scanning the treetops and decided Ash had been alone. They carried him away and we continued on.

  Now and then I'd hear a tree limb creak, but that was it. Then I caught the faint sound of footfalls on the ground. When I peered over I could make out the pale shape of faces moving in the forest. Two of them. I squinted.

  "Derek and Kit," I whispered.

  Daniel nodded. We were about to head away from them when I heard the crackle of undergrowth. Derek froze, then yanked Kit down. Their faces vanished, their dark clothing blending into the night.

  Daniel and I watched as two figures stepped through a cluster of trees. Men dressed in camouflage gear, carrying rifles. Tranquilizer rifles, I hoped. They were heading straight for where Derek and Kit were hiding.

  I tensed, but they just kept looking around, not calling for backup, unaware of how close Derek and Kit were.

  Daniel had tensed, too. His jaw worked, as if he instinctively wanted to use his shout. Of course he couldn't. Invoke his power and every Cabal guy within a kilometer radius would come running.

  I laid my hand on his. "It's okay. Derek knows they're there."

  Daniel nodded and rubbed my thumb. I looked down at my hand on his. There was a time, not long ago, when I wouldn't have done that. Rafe was right. Something had changed, and I don't think either Daniel or I had even realized that. It was the little things, like this, reaching out to reassure each other, the chaos giving us an excuse.

  I leaned down to focus on the men below. If they walked under us, we could have leaped on them. They didn't. But they were still heading straight for--

  Derek pounced, slamming one guy to the ground before his partner had time to react. I heard a sizzle, and a bolt like lightning flew from Kit's fingers. The other guy stumbled back. Kit took him down with a right hook. Beside him, Derek let out a hiss of pain. I didn't see what had happened--presumably his opponent used his supernatural powers.