The first edition of the _Millville Daily Tribune_ certainly proved itto be a wonderful newspaper. The telegraphic news of the world's doings,received and edited by the skillful Miss Briggs, was equal to that ofany metropolitan journal; the first page cartoon, referring to theoutbreak of a rebellion in China, was clever and humorous enough todelight anyone; but the local news and "literary page" were woefullyamateurish and smacked of the schoolgirl editors who had prepared them.Perhaps the Chazy County people did not recognize these deficiencies,for the new paper certainly created a vast amount of excitement and wonthe praise of nearly all who read it.

  On the eventful night of the _Tribune's_ "first run" our girls were tooeager to go home and await its appearance, so they remained at theoffice to see the birth of their enterprise, and as it was the nightpreceding the Fourth of July Uncle John gave an exhibition of fireworksin front of the newspaper office, to the delight of the entirepopulation.

  The girl journalists, however, were not so greatly interested infireworks as in the birth of their fascinating enterprise. Wearing longgingham aprons they hovered over the big table where the forms werebeing locked up, and watched anxiously every movement of the workmen. Itwas exceedingly interesting to note how a column of the first page wasleft open until the last, so that copy "hot from the wire" of the verylatest news might be added before going to press. Finally, at exactlytwo o'clock, the forms were locked, placed upon the bed of the press,and McGaffey, a sour-faced individual whose chief recommendation was hisability as a pressman, began to make ready for the "run."

  Outside the brilliantly lighted windows, which were left open for air,congregated a wondering group of the Millville people, many of whom hadnever been up so late before in all their lives. But the event was tooimportant to miss. The huge, complicated press had already inspiredtheir awe, and they were eager to "see it work" as it printed the newpaper.

  The girls tolerated this native curiosity with indulgent good humor andat midnight even passed out sandwiches to the crowd, a supply havingbeen secured for the workmen. These were accepted silently, and as theymunched the food all kept their eyes fixed upon the magicians within.

  There was a hitch somewhere; McGaffey muttered naughty words under hisbreath and plied wrenches and screwdrivers in a way that brought athrill of anxiety, approaching fear, to every heart. The press startedhalf a dozen times, only to be shut down abruptly before it had printeda single impression. McGaffey counseled with Larry, who shook his head.Fitzgerald, the job printer, examined the machinery carefully and againMcGaffey screwed nuts and regulated the press. Then he turned on thepower; the big cylinder revolved; the white paper reeled out like a longribbon and with a rattle and thump the first copy of the _MillvilleDaily Tribune_ was deposited, cut and folded, upon the table placed toreceive it. Patsy made a rush for it, but before she could reach thetable half a dozen more papers had been piled above it, and gatheringspeed the great press hummed busily and the pile of _Tribunes_ grew asif by magic.

  Patsy grabbed the first dozen and handed them to Beth, for they were tobe reserved as souvenirs. Then, running back to the table, she seized abunch and began distributing them to the watchers outside the window.The natives accepted them eagerly enough, but could not withdraw theireyes from the marvelous press, which seemed to possess intelligencealmost human.

  Each of the three girl journalists now had a copy in hand, scanning itwith boundless pride and satisfaction. It realized completely theirfondest hopes and they had good cause to rejoice.

  Then Uncle John, who ought to have been in bed and sound asleep at thisuncanny hour of night, came bouncing in, accompanied by Arthur Weldon.Each made a dive for a paper and each face wore an expression of genuinedelight. The roar of the press made conversation difficult, but Mr.Merrick caught his nieces in his arms, by turn, and gave each one anecstatic hug and kiss.

  Suddenly the press stopped.

  "What's wrong, McGaffey?" demanded Patsy, anxiously.

  "Nothing, miss. Edition off, that's all."

  "What! the entire four hundred are printed?"

  "Four twenty-five. I run a few extrys."

  And now a shriek of laughter came from the windows as the villagers,slowly opening the papers they held, came upon the caricature of PeggyMcNutt. The subject of the cartoon had, with his usual aggressiveness,secured the best "standing room" available, and his contemplative,protruding eyes were yet fixed upon the interior of the workroom. Butnow, his curiosity aroused, he looked at the paper to see what hisneighbors were laughing at, and his expression of wonder slowly changedto a broad grin. He straightened up, looked triumphantly around thecircle and exclaimed:

  "By gum, folks, this 'ere paper's going to be a go! I didn't take nostock in it till now, but them fool gals seem to know their business,an' I'll back 'em to the last ditch!"