Page 16 of All Wound Up

  Oh, well. She got up, went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She thought about getting dressed, then decided it was too much effort at the moment, choosing instead to follow the coffee smell.

  She paused at the end of the hall as she spied Tucker. He wore only his sweats, slung low on his hips as he sipped a cup of coffee. He leaned against the kitchen counter and looked out the window.

  He had the most chiseled abs of any man she'd ever been with. And those hip bones . . . God, those hip bones. Did men know what those things did to women? Maybe they did and they wore their pants low like that so women would leach out brain cells, think only of sex and want to drop their panties on command.

  If he asked, she'd drop hers. It was a horrifying realization considering she wasn't some hormonal teenager. She was a smart professional. A freaking doctor, for God's sake. She'd seen naked men before--plenty of them. Many of them had damn fine bodies, too.

  But not like Tucker. She was melting all over herself and there was nothing to do but appreciate the hell out of his anatomy.

  In a purely nonclinical way.

  She should be ashamed of herself. But she wasn't. Nope, not a bit.

  Gathering her wits around her, she walked into the kitchen trying to get hold of herself.

  Tucker spotted her and smiled. "Hey, you're awake."

  "I smelled coffee."

  "Like an aphrodisiac, isn't it?"

  He turned around and grabbed a cup out of the cabinet while she continued to admire his hip bones.

  The aphrodisiac? That was him, not the coffee, and she was becoming more and more aroused every second. Pretty soon she'd be wide awake and she wouldn't even need coffee.

  But he brewed her a cup, so she accepted it from him with a murmured thanks, fixed it the way she liked it and took a few sips, letting the caffeine infuse her senses. Along with the eye candy.

  "Sleep well?" he asked.

  "Like the dead. Sorry for crashing on you."

  His lips curved. "Not a problem. I was pretty tired, too, so I'm not sure I could have performed for you anyway."

  "Oh, I don't know. I have a feeling you're up for it no matter how tired you are."

  "You must think pretty highly of me. I'm gonna take that as a compliment."

  "You do that."

  As the coffee worked its magic, so did the sight of Tucker, his hair sleep mussed, his body calling to her in ways she wasn't about to try to fathom.

  Purely and simply, she'd woken up on the side of arousal this morning. She laid her cup down and went over to him, sliding her fingertips along the waistband of his pants.

  He looked down at her and she caught the flare of instant desire in his eyes, happy to know he was on the same page.

  She moved into him, pressing her body against his. She raised up on her toes, slid her hand in his tousled hair and kissed him, tasting the lingering flavor of coffee on his lips. He kissed her back, wrapping his arm around her to pull her closer.

  Yes. Oh yes. Some hot, heady passion was exactly what she needed this morning.

  She reached between them, sliding her hand into his sweats. He wasn't wearing underwear, so she wrapped her hand around his hard cock. He groaned, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, the action of his mouth and her hand on his shaft inciting her to a feverish arousal.

  It was all consuming, this desire she had for him. The best part was, she felt it in return, in the way he thrust his cock into her hand, the sounds he made and how he tunneled his fingers into her hair as he kissed her.

  She pulled away from the kiss, pressed her hands on his chest for some distance, and took in the look of raw passion in his gaze. He was breathing heavily as he stared her down--like some fire-breathing dragon. And wasn't that just the sexiest thing? She'd established he was the hottest man she'd ever laid eyes on, the reason for her state this morning.

  She couldn't get enough of him, her mind and body already fixated on him. On sex.

  She drew down his pants, releasing his cock, then dropped to her knees.

  "Oh, yeah," Tucker said, tipping her chin up so she met his gaze. "Suck my cock, Aubry. Put your sweet, hot lips around me and suck it."

  Hearing his words and seeing his gaze fixated on her unraveled her. She lifted his cock, winding her hands around the shaft, stroking him, wanting to give him pleasure because he always made her feel so good.

  Now it was her turn to make him feel good.

  TUCKER DREW IN A BREATH, THEN HELD IT AS AUBRY wrapped her lips around his cock, drawing his shaft into her warm, wet mouth.

  He shuddered as he watched his cock disappear between her lips. It was like a large piece of heaven wrapped around his dick. Or maybe the sweet fires of hell. He couldn't be sure, but right now he didn't care. All he knew was it felt really damn good to have her mouth around him--to see her swirling her tongue over the crest, then engulfing his cock to the hilt. His balls throbbed as he fought to keep from thrusting as hard as he could into the soft cavern of her throat.

  Instead, he eased in and out, watching her cheeks hollow as she took him deep.

  She made him shudder as she pulled away, then wrapped her tongue around the head of his cock. She gripped him at the base, stroking him as she bathed his shaft in sweet, hot licks that made his balls quiver.

  And when she tilted her head back, met his gaze and put her mouth around his cock again, each inch of his shaft disappearing slowly between her lips, he nearly lost it right then.

  He let out a low groan.

  "You're killing me," he said. "And you're gonna make me come."

  Her only response was a satisfied hum against his cock, which only made it worse. Or better, he supposed, because it felt really damn good.

  He slid his hand around the back of her neck, holding her in place as he thrust deep, then withdrew. She gave him hard suction, clamping her lips tight together, squeezing the head of his dick against the roof of her mouth until he was ready to explode into her hot, wet mouth.

  "I'm gonna come, Aubry. Right now."

  She didn't back away, instead leaned in and took his cock fully into her mouth. When his cockhead hit her throat and she swallowed, squeezing him, he knew he couldn't hold back any longer.

  His entire body shuddered as he climaxed, a jettison of hot come spurting along her soft tongue. Aubry's throat worked to take it in, and he watched her swallow while he convulsed with pleasure until he was shaking with it.

  Spent, he reached down to pull her up from the floor, then took her mouth in a kiss that tasted of him. She wound her tongue around his, her soft moans making him twitch despite the blistering orgasm she'd just given him.

  Now it was time to give her a little taste of what she'd done for him. He bent and pulled her underwear down, then put his mouth on her.

  She hummed in satisfaction as he rolled his tongue over her sex.

  "Oh, yes, Tucker. Right there. I woke up so hot this morning. I'm so ready to come."

  He loved hearing her say that, loved knowing she'd woken up aroused and ready for sex. He found the spot that made her moan and kept his tongue there, pressing in, giving her what she needed. He added his fingers, sliding them inside of her, pumping her, fucking her, listening to her cries of pleasure as she came apart for him.

  There was nothing sweeter than having her come for him, to taste her as she trembled against him. He got up and kissed her, held her while she shuddered through the aftershocks until she settled.

  She laid her head on his shoulder. "Now I'm hungry."

  He laughed. "Let's go take a shower, then we'll get some breakfast."

  They cleaned up and headed out to a restaurant to eat.

  "When's your next game?" she asked as she dove into some oatmeal and fruit.


  Her eyes widened. "Am I keeping you from getting to the ballpark?"

  "No. I don't head over until this afternoon."


  "How about you? When do you work?"

  "I have
a shift tonight."

  "Now it's my turn to ask if I'm keeping you from work."

  She laughed. "Trust me. Nothing keeps me from work or I get in trouble. I report at three."

  "Okay. Thanks for spending the night with me."

  "I enjoyed it. But, you know, we can't make a habit of it."

  Interesting thing for her to say. "Yeah? Why's that?"

  She shrugged and finished her glass of juice. "You're busy. I'm busy. It's that whole career thing."

  He leaned back in the booth. "We've managed just fine so far, haven't we? You haven't missed work yet, have you?"


  "And I haven't missed a game. So we're doing okay, aren't we?"

  "I guess so."

  He studied her. "Unless that's your polite way of saying you'd like to dump me."

  Her lips curved and she reached across the table to grab his hand. "Trust me, Tucker. I like what you've got."

  "Good. Then quit trying to end it. We're good. We're having fun together. So stop trying to complicate something that, so far, isn't complicated."

  Now she studied him, before finally nodding.

  "Okay. Uncomplicated it is."

  He wondered if she'd brought it up because of the work schedule thing, or if it was something else. Because, really, what they were doing was as uncomplicated as it could get. Sure, they both had busy schedules, but so far they'd been able to work around them. And he liked Aubry--a lot. He wanted to keep seeing her. But if she had reservations about it--about him . . .

  He decided to shrug it off and just go with the way things were for now. Aubry was pretty upfront and outspoken. If she had issues, she'd tell him.

  He definitely had no issues. He liked being with her, liked seeing her, touching her and having sex with her. He knew she didn't want to complicate her life, and after that debacle with Laura, the last thing he wanted was a difficult relationship.

  So far, the two of them were working well.

  He intended to keep it that way.

  AUBRY HAD HER HANDS FULL WITH A PATIENT WITH abdominal pain, another with a broken ankle, one with a bloody nose that wouldn't clot properly and one with an upper-respiratory infection. She'd been running nonstop since she got to work this morning, which made for a good day as far as the passage of time, but it sure as hell had been hectic.

  "Room twelve is vomiting blood," Olivia, the nurse said as she passed her in the hall.

  "Tell him to quit sniffling. He's drawing all that blood down his throat. And is the clotting agent working yet?"

  Olivia nodded. "It seems to be slowing down the bleeding. I'm heading back in there now to check."

  "I'll be there shortly. I need to check the X-rays for the abdominal patient."

  She reviewed the X-rays, which didn't tell her what she needed to know, so she found the intern in charge of her abdominal patient.

  "What do you see on this X-ray?"

  The intern, Max, studied it. "Not much, really. Nothing to account for the amount of pain the patient is in. We've ruled out appendix and gall bladder."

  She nodded. "What would you do next?"

  Max looked at her. "I'd order a CT scan of the upper and lower abdominal region."

  "Good call. Get that done and go monitor the patient. Let me know when we have the results."

  Max nodded and went to order the tests.

  That taken care of, she went in to check on her nosebleed patient. True to what Olivia had told her, the clotting agent was working and his bleeding had stopped. She packed his nose and decided to keep him there to make sure the bleeding didn't start up again. Hopefully within an hour he'd be on his way, with instructions to see a specialist about his inability to appropriately clot.

  They'd gotten X-rays back on the upper-respiratory patient, which fortunately revealed no pneumonia, just a bad case of bronchitis. She sent the older woman on her way with antibiotics and an inhaler, and a note to follow up with her personal physician.

  Since she actually had a minute to breathe, she went to grab an energy drink. She had downed that when her phone buzzed.

  It was Tucker. In the waiting area. You busy?

  She rolled her eyes. She hadn't seen him in a couple days. Conflicting schedules and all. But he had kept in touch and they'd talked.

  But now, to just show up here? For some reason he must think she worked in an office, and he could drop by anytime. She was going to have to set him straight about that.

  Like now, when she had those few minutes to breathe. She headed out to the waiting area where he stood at the desk talking to Charlene, the intake coordinator.

  He looked up when he saw her and smiled.

  So typical. He wore loose jeans, a long-sleeved cotton shirt pushed up to the elbows, and he looked gorgeous.

  She, on the other hand, had her hair pushed behind her ears and her scrubs were covered in . . . God only knew what. She felt disgusting.

  "Hey," he said, heading over to her. "I was in the area so I thought I'd drop by."

  "I'm really busy. You should call or text and make an appointment."

  He laughed. "I haven't fallen or torn anything up, Doc. I don't need an ER appointment."

  "That's not what I meant."

  "Oh. You meant like an appointment for a date. Well, aren't you all important."

  She shook her head. "That's not what I meant, either."

  Her hair had fallen in her face and he tucked the strand behind her ear. "Having a rough day?"

  His voice was soft and comforting and she was being a bitch.

  Her shitty day was not his fault. "It's been busy."

  "I can go. Why don't you call me when you get off work?"

  He turned to walk away but she grabbed his wrist. "No. It's okay. I'd like you to stay. I have a patient I have to deal with first, but . . . stay."

  His gaze melted her, made her wish they were anywhere but here right now.

  "Okay. I'll just hang out here."

  "No. Come back with me. There's a lounge you can wait in."

  He smiled. "Sure."

  She walked him back to the doctors' lounge. No one was in there--of course--because it was just that kind of day.

  "There's a vending machine. It has soda and water and snacks. And a TV with a sports channel."

  "I'm good for now."

  She looked up at him. "I'll just check on that patient and be right back. If I'm not--"

  He put his hands on her arms. "Aubry. I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself. If you get busy, don't worry about me, okay?"


  He brushed his lips against hers. "I'll either see you soon or I'll talk to you later."

  She nodded, then hurried off. She ran into Max on her way to the patient's room.

  "CT scan is ordered. I was just going to arrange to have the patient taken in."

  "All right. Let me know when we have the results."

  After Max walked off, she finished charting her patients' records, then went back to check on incoming.

  Those were all handled, so she headed back to the lounge.

  Tucker was in there playing a game on his phone.

  "You're still here."

  He stood and slid his phone in his pocket. "You weren't gone long."

  "I'm waiting on test results for a patient."

  "How long will that take?"

  "Maybe an hour."

  He looked around. "Got a broom closet we can fool around in?"

  She laughed. "That stuff only happens on those television shows."

  "What? You've never gotten it on in the hospital?"

  "Uh, no."

  He took her hand and led her out of the lounge. "You're doing it all wrong, then, Dr. Ross."

  "What are you doing?"

  "Finding us a closet or one of those--what do you call them--on-call rooms?"

  She tugged at his hand, horrified that he'd even consider the notion. "Tucker. We cannot do this."

  He didn't stop, until they ran into Katie.
  "Hey, where are you two headed? And I'm Katie, by the way," she said to Tucker.

  "Tucker. Nice to meet you, Katie."

  "Back to the lounge," Aubry said.

  "Actually, we're looking for some privacy," Tucker said.

  Katie's eyes widened, then she grinned. "How fun for the two of you. I'd suggest room thirty-four at the end of hallway two. Unless we're slammed, they never place patients that far away. It's very private, and no one will come looking for you there."

  "And how do you know that?" Aubry asked.

  Katie just gave her a crooked smile, then retrieved a granola bar from her pocket. "You two have fun."

  "Thanks," Tucker said. "Now where's this hallway and room thirty-four?"

  Aubry shook her head. "No way."

  "Fine. I'll just ask for directions, but then it won't be so private."

  "Are you serious about this?"

  He let go of her wrist. "Clock's ticking, Doc. And we can just kiss a little if you're afraid about being caught. Nothing has to happen that you don't want to happen."

  She could definitely use a few minutes of kissing. Tucker always managed to relax her, and her day had been frenetic at best. "Fine."

  She took his hand and led him around several corners and down a long hallway until they got to the last room on the right, room thirty-four.

  "Jesus. This is far away. Do you really have this many patients?"

  "Sometimes. Especially in the winter, during flu season. We get jammed then. But right now? No."

  "Good." He closed the door, then pushed her against it and laid his mouth on hers in a deep, passionate kiss that made her forget all about her lousy day. All she thought about was Tucker's hands on her hips, his fingertips squeezing into her flesh as his kiss made her feel boneless. She sagged against him and he drew her scrubs up, placing those awesome hands of his over her skin. And when he dipped his hand inside her pants, sliding his fingers into her underwear to cup her sex, she had a fleeting thought to object.

  That thought vanished in an instant, arousal taking over when he whispered against her ear.

  "Let me make you come, Aubry."

  "Yes." It's what she wanted, what she needed more than anything right now. And maybe a small part of her recognized the danger in the situation, which only served to heighten her sense of arousal.

  He stroked her sex, his fingers dipping inside of her while he used the heel of his hand to rub against her clit. It wasn't going to take her long. She was ready, so ready to come. And his words only made it easier.

  "You're so hot, so wet, Aubry. I want to feel you come apart for me, to feel your pussy squeezing my fingers. After you go off, I'm going to push you up against the door, drag your pants down and shove my cock in you. I'm going to fuck you hard and fast until I come."