On the morning after his encounter with Guy Fawkes, Humphrey Chetham,accompanied by Martin Heydocke, took his way to Lambeth Marsh. With athrobbing heart he approached the miserable dwelling he knew to beinhabited by Viviana, and could scarcely summon courage to knock at thedoor. His first summons not being answered, he repeated it more loudly,and he then perceived the face of Father Oldcorne at the window, who,having satisfied himself that it was a friend, admitted him and hisattendant.

  "You were expected, my son," said the priest, after a friendly greeting."Guy Fawkes has prepared Viviana for your coming."

  "Will she not see me?" demanded the young merchant, uneasily.

  "I believe so," replied Oldcorne. "But I will apprise her of yourarrival. Be seated, my son."

  He then carefully fastened the door, and repaired to Viviana's chamber,leaving Chetham in that state of tremor and anxiety which a lover,hoping to behold his mistress, only knows.

  It was some time before Viviana appeared, and the young merchant, whoseheart beat violently at the sound of her footstep, was startled by thealteration in her looks, and the extreme coldness of her manner.Oldcorne was with her, and motioning Martin Heydocke to follow him, theyouthful pair were left alone.

  "You desire to see me, I am given to understand, sir," observed Viviana,in a freezing tone.

  "I have journeyed to London for that express purpose," replied HumphreyChetham, tremulously.

  "I am much beholden to you, sir," returned Viviana, in the samerepelling tone as before; "but I regret you should have taken so muchtrouble on my account."

  "To serve you is happiness, not trouble, Viviana," replied HumphreyChetham, ardently; "and I am overjoyed at finding an opportunity ofproving my devotion."

  "I have yet to learn what service I must thank you for," she returned.

  "I can scarcely say that I am warranted in thus intruding upon you,"replied Chetham, greatly abashed; "but, having learnt from my servant,Martin Heydocke, that Doctor Dee had set out for London, with the viewof seeking you out, and withdrawing you from your present associates, Iwas determined to be beforehand with him, and to acquaint you, ifpossible, with his intentions."

  "What you say surprises me," replied Viviana. "Doctor Dee has no rightto interfere with my actions. Nor should I obey him were he to counselme, as is scarcely probable, to quit my companions."

  "I know not what connexion there may be between you to justify theinterposition of his authority," replied Chetham; "neither did I tarryto inquire. But presuming from what I heard, that he _would_ attempt toexercise some control over you, I set out at once, and, without guide toyour retreat, or the slightest knowledge of it, was fortunate enough, onthe very night of my arrival in London, to chance upon Guy Fawkes, whodirected me to you."

  "I am aware of it," was the chilling answer.

  "I will not avouch," pursued Chetham, passionately, "that I have notbeen actuated as much by an irrepressible desire to see you again, as byanxiety to apprise you of Doctor Dee's coming. I wanted only a slightexcuse to myself to induce me to yield to my inclinations. Yourdeparture made me wretched. I thought I had more control over myself.But I find I cannot live without you."

  "Alas! alas!" cried Viviana, in a troubled tone, and losing all herself-command. "I expected this. Why--why did you come?"

  "I have told you my motive," replied Chetham; "but, oh! do not reproachme!"

  "I do not desire to do so," returned Viviana, with a look of agony. "Ibitterly reproach myself that I cannot meet you as of old. But I wouldrather--far rather have encountered Doctor Dee, had he come hitherresolved to exert all his magical power to force me away, than have metyou."

  "Have I unwittingly offended you, Viviana?" asked Chetham, inastonishment.

  "Oh! no--no--no!" she replied, "you have not offended me; but----"

  "But what?" he cried, anxiously.

  "I would rather have died than see you," she answered.

  "I will not inquire wherefore," rejoined Chetham, "because I too welldivine the cause. I am no longer what I was to you."

  "Press this matter no further, I pray of you," returned Viviana, in muchconfusion, and blushing deeply. "I shall ever esteem you,--ever feel thewarmest gratitude to you. And what matters it whether my heart isestranged from you or not, since I can never wed you?"

  "What matters it?" repeated the young merchant, in accents ofdespair,--"it matters much. Drowning love will cling to straws. Thethought that I was beloved by you, though I could never hope to possessyour hand, reconciled me in some degree to my fate. But now," he added,covering his face with his hands,--"now, my heart is crushed."

  "Nay, say not so," cried Viviana, in a voice of the deepest emotion. "I_do_ love you,--as a sister."

  "That is small comfort," rejoined Chetham, bitterly. "I echo your ownwish. Would we had never met again! I might, at least, have deludedmyself into the belief that you loved me."

  "It would have been better so," she returned. "I would inflict pain onno one--far less on you, whom I regard so much, and to whom I owe somuch."

  "You owe me nothing, Viviana," rejoined Chetham. "All I desired was toserve you. In the midst of the dangers we have shared together, I feltno alarm except for your sake. I have done nothing--nothing. Would I haddied for you!"

  "Calm yourself, sir, I entreat you," she returned.

  "You did love me _once_?" demanded Chetham, suddenly.

  "I thought so," she answered.

  The young merchant uttered an exclamation of anguish, and a mournfulpause ensued, broken only by his groans.

  "Answer me, Viviana," he said, turning abruptly upon her,--"answer me,and, in mercy, answer truly,--do you love another?"

  "It is a question I cannot answer," she replied, becoming ashy pale.

  "Your looks speak for you!" he vociferated, in a terrible tone,--"youdo! His name?--his name?--that I may wreak my vengeance upon him."

  "Your violence terrifies me," returned Viviana, withdrawing the hand hehad seized. "I must put an end to this interview."

  "Pardon me, Viviana!" cried Chetham, falling on his knees beforeher--"in pity pardon me! I am not myself. I shall be calmer presently.But if you knew the anguish of the wound you have inflicted, you wouldnot add to it."

  "Heaven knows I would not!" she returned, motioning him to rise. "And,if it will lighten your suffering, know that the love I feel foranother--if love, indeed, it be,--is as hopeless as your own. But it isnot a love of which even _you_ could be jealous. It is a higher and aholier passion. It is affection mixed with admiration, and purified fromall its grossness. It is more, perhaps, than the love of a daughter forher father--but it is nothing more. I shall never wed him I love--couldnot if I would. Nay, I would shun him, if I did not feel that the hourwill soon come when the extent of my affection must be proved."

  "This is strange sophistry," returned Chetham; "and you may deceiveyourself by it, but you cannot deceive me. You love as all ardentnatures do love. But in what way do you mean to prove your affection?"

  "Perhaps, by the sacrifice of my life," she answered.

  "I can tell you who is the object of your affections!" said Chetham. "Itis Guy Fawkes."

  "I will not deny it," replied Viviana; "he is."

  "Hear me, then," exclaimed Chetham, who appeared inexpressibly relievedby the discovery he had made; "in my passage across the river with himlast night, our conversation turned on the one subject ever nearest myheart, yourself,--and Guy Fawkes not only bade me not despair, butpromised to aid my suit."

  "And he kept his word," replied Viviana, "for, while announcing yourproposed visit, he urged me strongly in your behalf."

  "Then he knows not of your love for him?" demanded Chetham.

  "He not only knows it not, but never shall know it from me,--nor must heknow it from you, sir," rejoined Viviana, energetically.

  "Fear it not," said Chetham, sighing. "It is a secret I shall carefullypreserve."

  "And n
ow that you are in possession of it," she answered, "I no longerfeel your presence as a restraint. Let me still regard you as a friend."

  "Be it so," replied Humphrey Chetham, mournfully; "and _as_ a friend letme entreat you to quit this place, and abandon your present associates.I will not seek to turn your heart from Fawkes--nor will I try to regainthe love I have lost. But let me implore you to pause ere youirretrievably mix yourself up with the fortunes of one so desperate. Iam too well aware that he is engaged in a fearful plot against theState,--though I know not its precise nature."

  "You will not betray him?" she cried.

  "I will not, though he is my rival," returned Chetham. "But othersmay--nay, perhaps have done so already."

  "Whom do you suspect?" demanded Viviana, in the greatest alarm.

  "I fear Doctor Dee," replied the young merchant; "but I know nothingcertainly. My servant, Martin Heydocke, who is in the Doctor'sconfidence, intimated as much to me, and I have reason to think that hisjourney to town, under the pretext of searching for you, is undertakenfor the purpose of tracing out the conspirators, and delivering them tothe Government."

  "Is he arrived in London?" inquired Viviana, eagerly.

  "I should think not," returned Chetham. "I passed him, four days ago, onthis side Leicester, in company with Kelley and Topcliffe."

  "If the wretch Topcliffe was with him, your conjectures are too wellfounded," she replied. "I must warn Guy Fawkes instantly of his danger."

  "Command my services in any way," said Chetham.

  "I know not what to do," cried Viviana, after a pause, during which shebetrayed the greatest agitation. "I dare not seek him out;--and yet, ifI do not, he may fall into the hands of the enemy. I must see him at allhazards."

  "Suffer me to go with you," implored Chetham. "You may rely upon mysecrecy. And now I have a double motive for desiring to preserveFawkes."

  "You are, indeed, truly noble-hearted and generous," replied Viviana;"and I would fully confide in you. But, if you were to be seen by theothers, you would be certainly put to death. Not even Fawkes could saveyou."

  "I will risk it, if you desire it, and it will save _him_," replied theyoung merchant, devotedly. "Nay, I will go alone."

  "That were to insure your destruction," she answered. "No--no--it mustnot be. I will consult with Father Oldcorne."

  With this, she hurried out of the room, and returned in a short timewith the priest.

  "Father Oldcorne is of opinion that our friends must be apprised oftheir danger," she said. "And he thinks it needful we should both go totheir retreat, that no hindrance may be offered to our flight, in casesuch a measure should be resolved upon."

  "You cannot accompany us, my son," added Oldcorne; "for though I am asfully assured of your fidelity as Viviana, and would confide my life toyou, there are those who will not so trust you, and who might rejoice inthe opportunity of removing you."

  "Viviana!" exclaimed Chetham, looking entreatingly at her.

  "For my sake,--if not for your own,--do not urge this further," shereturned. "There are already dangers and difficulties enow withoutadding to them. You would be safer amid a horde of robbers than amidstthese men."

  "And it is to such persons you commit yourself?" cried Chetham,reproachfully. "Oh! be warned by me, ere it is too late! Abandon them!"

  "It is too late, already," replied Viviana. "The die is cast."

  "Then I can only lament it," returned Chetham, sadly. "Suffer me, atleast, to accompany you to some place near their retreat, that you maysummon me in case of need."

  "There can be no objection to that, Viviana," observed Oldcorne;"provided Humphrey Chetham will promise not to follow us."

  "Readily," replied the young merchant.

  "I am unwilling to expose him to further risk on my account," saidViviana. "But be it as you will."

  It was then agreed, that they should not set out till nightfall, butproceed, as soon as it grew dark, to Lambeth, where Humphrey Chethamundertook to procure a boat for their conveyance across the river.

  The hour of departure at length arrived. Viviana, who had withdrawn toher own room, appeared in her travelling habit, and was about to setforth with her companions, when they were all startled by a sudden andloud knocking at the door.

  "We are discovered," she cried. "Doctor Dee has found out our retreat."

  "Fear nothing," rejoined Chetham, drawing his sword, while his examplewas imitated by Martin Heydocke; "they shall not capture you while Ilive."

  As he spoke, the knocking was repeated, and the door shaken so violentlyas to threaten to burst its fastenings.

  "Extinguish the light," whispered Chetham, "and let Father Oldcorneconceal himself. We have nothing to fear."

  "Where shall I fly?" cried Oldcorne despairingly. "It will be impossibleto raise the flag, and seek refuge in the vault."

  "Fly to my room," cried Viviana. And finding he stood irresolute, as ifparalysed with terror, she took his arm, and dragged him away. The nextmoment the door was burst open with a loud crash, and several armed men,with their swords drawn, followed by Topcliffe, and another middle-agedman, of slight stature, and rather under-sized, but richly dressed, andbearing all the marks of exalted rank, rushed into the room.

  "You are my prisoner!" cried Topcliffe, rushing up to Chetham, who hadplanted himself, with Martin Heydocke, at the foot of the stairs. "Iarrest you in the King's name!"

  "You are mistaken in your man, sir," cried Chetham, fiercely. "I havecommitted no offence. Lay a hand upon me, at your peril!"

  "How is this?" cried Topcliffe. "Humphrey Chetham here!"

  "Ay," returned the young merchant; "you have fallen upon the wronghouse."

  "Not so, sir," replied Topcliffe. "I am satisfied from your presencethat I am right. Where _you_ are, Viviana Radcliffe is not far off.Throw down your arms. You can offer no resistance to my force, and yourzeal will not benefit your friends, while it will place your own safetyin jeopardy."

  But Chetham fiercely refused compliance, and after a few minutes'further parley, the soldiers were about to attack him, when Vivianaopened a door above, and slowly descended the stairs. At her appearancethe young merchant, seeing that further resistance would be useless,sheathed his sword, and she passed between him and Heydocke, andadvanced towards the leaders of the band.

  "What means this intrusion?" she asked.

  "We are come in search of two Jesuit priests, whom we have obtainedinformation are hidden here," replied Topcliffe;--"as well as of certainother Papists, disaffected against the State, for whose apprehension Ihold a warrant."

  "You are welcome to search the house," replied Viviana. "But there is noone within it except those you see."

  As she said this, Chetham, who gazed earnestly at her, caught her eye,and from a scarcely-perceptible glance, felt certain that the priest,through her agency, had effected his escape. But the soldiers had notwaited for her permission to make the search. Rushing up-stairs theyexamined the different chambers,--there were two small rooms besidesthat occupied by Viviana,--and found several of the priests'habiliments; but though they examined every corner with the minutestattention, sounded the walls, peered up the chimneys, underneath thebed, and into every place, likely and unlikely, they could find no othertraces of those they sought, and were compelled to return to theirleader with tidings of their ill success. Topcliffe, with another party,continued his scrutiny below, and discovering the moveable flag in thehearth, descended into the vault, where he made certain of discoveringhis prey. But no one was there; and, the powder and arms having beenremoved, he gained nothing by his investigations.

  Meanwhile, his companion,--and evidently from his garb, and thedeference paid him, though he was addressed by no title which could leadto the absolute knowledge of his rank, his superior,--seated himself,and put many questions in a courteous but authoritative tone to Vivianarespecting her residence in this solitary abode,--the names of hercompanions,--where they were,--and upon what scheme they were engaged.To none of these que
stions would she return an answer, and herinterrogator, at last, losing patience, said,

  "I hold it my duty, to inform you that you will be carried before theCouncil, and if you continue thus obstinate, means will be taken--andthose none of the gentlest--to extort the truth from you."

  "You may apply the torture to me," replied Viviana, firmly; "but it willwrest nothing from me."

  "That remains to be seen," replied the other; "I only trust you will notcompel me to put my threat into execution."

  At this moment Topcliffe emerged from the vault, and the soldiersreturned from their unsuccessful search above.

  "They have escaped us now," remarked Topcliffe to his superior. "But Iwill conceal a party of men on the premises, who will be certain tocapture them on their return."

  Viviana uttered an exclamation of irrepressible uneasiness, which didnot escape her auditors.

  "I am right, you see," observed Topcliffe, significantly, to hiscompanion.

  "You are so," replied the other.

  As this was said, Viviana hazarded a look at Humphrey Chetham, themeaning of which he was not slow to comprehend. He saw that she wishedhim to make an effort to escape, that he might warn her companions, andregardless of the consequence, be prepared to obey her. While thosearound were engaged in a last fruitless search, he whispered hisintentions to Martin Heydocke, and only awaited a favourable opportunityto put them in execution. It occurred sooner than he expected. Beforequitting the premises, Topcliffe determined to visit the upper roomshimself, and he took several of the men with him.

  Chetham would have made an attempt to liberate Viviana, but, feelingcertain it would be unsuccessful, he preferred obeying her wishes to hisown inclinations. Topcliffe gone, he suddenly drew his sword,--forneither he nor Heydocke had been disarmed,--and rushing towards thedoor, struck down the man next it, and followed by his servant, passedthrough it before he could be intercepted. They both then flew at aswift pace towards the marshy fields, and, owing to the darkness andunstable nature of the ground, speedily distanced their pursuers.

  Hearing the disturbance below, and guessing its cause, Topcliffeimmediately descended. But he was too late; and though he joined in thepursuit, he was baffled like his attendants. Half an hour afterwards, hereturned to the house with an angry and disappointed look.

  "He has given us the slip," he observed to his superior, who appearedexceedingly provoked by the young merchant's flight; "But we will soonhave him again."

  After giving directions to his men how to conceal themselves, Topcliffeinformed his companions that he was ready to attend him. Viviana, whohad remained motionless and silent during the foregoing scene, was takenout of the house, and conducted towards the creek, in which lay a largewherry manned by four rowers. She was placed within it, and as soon ashis superior was seated, Topcliffe inquired--

  "Where will your lordship go first?"

  "To the Star-Chamber," was the answer.

  At this reply, in spite of herself, Viviana could not repress a shudder.

  "All is lost!" she mentally ejaculated.