Viviana, as has already been intimated, after her capture at the houseat Lambeth, was conveyed to the Star-Chamber. Here she was detaineduntil a late hour on the following day, when she underwent a long andrigorous examination by certain members of the Privy Council, who weresummoned for that purpose by the Earl of Salisbury. Throughout thisarduous trial she maintained the utmost composure, and never for asingle moment lost her firmness. On all occasions, her matchless beautyand dignity produced the strongest impression on the beholders; but onno occasion had they ever produced so strong an effect as the present.Her features were totally destitute of bloom, but their very paleness,contrasted as it was with her large dark eyes, which blazed withunwonted brilliancy, as well as with her jet-black hair, so far fromdetracting from her loveliness, appeared to add to it.

  As she was brought before the Council, who were seated round a table,and remained standing at a short distance from them, guarded byTopcliffe and two halberdiers, a murmur of admiration pervaded thegroup,--nor was this feeling lessened as the examination proceeded.Once, when the Earl of Salisbury adverted to the unworthy position inwhich she, the daughter of the proud and loyal Sir William Radcliffe,had placed herself, a shade passed over her brow, and a slightconvulsion agitated her frame. But the next moment she recoveredherself, and said,

  "However circumstances may appear against me, and whatever opinion yourlordships may entertain of my conduct, the King has not a more loyalsubject than myself, nor have any of you made greater efforts to avertthe danger by which he is threatened."

  "Then you admit that his Majesty is in danger?" cried the Earl ofSalisbury, eagerly.

  "I admit nothing," replied Viviana. "But I affirm that I am his true andloyal subject."

  "You cannot expect us to believe your assertion," replied the Earl;"unless you approve it by declaring all you know touching thisconspiracy."

  "I have already told you, my lord," she returned, "that my lips aresealed on that subject."

  "You disclaim, then, all knowledge of a plot against the King's life,and against his government?" pursued Salisbury.

  Viviana shook her head.

  "You refuse to give up the names of your companions, or to reveal theirintentions?" continued the Earl.

  "I do," she answered, firmly.

  "Your obstinacy will not save them," rejoined the Earl, in a severetone, and after a brief pause. "Their names and their atrocious designsare known to us."

  "If such be the case," replied Viviana, "why interrogate me on thesubject?"

  "Because--but it is needless to give a reason for the course whichjustice requires me to pursue," returned the Earl. "You are implicatedin this plot, and nothing can save you from condign punishment but afrank and full confession.

  "Nothing _can_ save me then, my lord," replied Viviana; "but Heavenknows I shall perish unjustly."

  A consultation was then held by the lords of the council, who whisperedtogether for a few minutes. Viviana regarded them anxiously, butsuffered no expression of uneasiness to escape her. As they again turnedtowards her, she saw from their looks, some of which exhibited greatcommiseration for her, that they had come to a decision (she could notdoubt what) respecting her fate. Her heart stopped beating, and shecould scarcely support herself. Such, however, was the control sheexercised over herself that, though filled with terror, her demeanourremained unaltered. She was not long kept in suspense. Fixing hissearching gaze upon her, the Earl of Salisbury observed in a severetone,

  "Viviana Radcliffe, I ask you for the last time whether you will avowthe truth?"

  No answer was returned.

  "I will not disguise from you," continued the Earl, "that your youth,your beauty, your constancy, and, above all, your apparent innocence,have deeply interested me, as well as the other noble persons hereassembled to interrogate you, and who would willingly save you from thesufferings you will necessarily undergo, from a mistaken fidelity tothe heinous traitors with whom you are so unhappily leagued. I wouldgive you time to reflect did I think the delay would answer any goodpurpose. I would remind you that no oath of secresy, however solemn, canbe binding in an unrighteous cause. I would tell you that your firstduty is to your prince and governor, and that it is as great a crime, asunpardonable in the eyes of God as of man, to withhold the revelation ofa conspiracy against the State, should it come to your knowledge, as toconspire against it yourself. I would lay all this before you. I wouldshow you the magnitude of your offence, the danger in which you stand,and the utter impossibility of screening your companions, who, ere long,will be confronted with you,--did I think it would avail. But, as youcontinue obstinate, justice must take its course."

  "I am prepared for the worst, my lord," replied Viviana, humbly. "Ithank your lordship for your consideration: but I take you all towitness that I profess the utmost loyalty and devotion for my sovereign,and that, whatever may be my fate, those feelings will remain unchangedto the last."

  "Your manner and your words are so sincere, that, were not your conductat variance with them, they might convince us," returned the Earl. "Asit is, even if we could credit your innocence, we are bound to act as ifyou were guilty. You will be committed to the Tower till his Majesty'spleasure is known. And I grieve to add, if you still continue obstinate,the severest measures will be resorted to, to extract the truth fromyou."

  As he concluded, he attached his signature to a warrant which was lyingon the table before him, and traced a few lines to Sir William Waad,lieutenant of the Tower.

  This done, he handed the papers to Topcliffe, and waving his hand,Viviana was removed to the chamber in which she had been previouslyconfined, and where she was detained under a strict guard, untilTopcliffe, who had left her, returned to say that all was in readiness,and bidding her follow him, led the way to the river-side, where awherry, manned by six rowers, was waiting for them.

  The night was profoundly dark, and, as none of the guard carriedtorches, their course was steered in perfect obscurity. But the rowerswere too familiar with the river to require the guidance of light.Shooting the bridge in safety, and pausing only for a moment to give thesignal of their approach to the sentinels on the ramparts, they passedswiftly under the low-browed arch of Traitor's Gate.