Disarmed by Sir Thomas Knevet and his followers, who found upon hisperson a packet of slow matches and touchwood, and bound hand and foot,Guy Fawkes was dragged into the cellar by his captors, who instantlycommenced their search. In a corner behind the door they discovered adark lantern, with a light burning within it; and moving with the utmostcaution--for they were afraid of bringing sudden destruction uponthemselves--they soon perceived the barrels of gunpowder ranged againstthe wall. Carefully removing the planks, billets, and iron bars withwhich they were covered, they remarked that two of the casks were stavedin, while the hoops from a third were taken off, and the powderscattered around it. They also noticed that several trains were laidalong the floor,--everything, in short, betokening that the preparationsfor the desperate deed were fully completed.

  While they were making this investigation, Guy Fawkes, who, seeing thatfurther resistance was useless, had remained perfectly motionless up tothis moment, suddenly made a struggle to free himself; and so desperatewas the effort, that he burst the leathern thong that bound his hands,and seizing the soldier nearest to him, bore him to the ground. He thengrasped the lower limbs of another, who held a lantern, and strove tooverthrow him, and wrest the lantern from his grasp, evidently intendingto apply the light to the powder. And he would unquestionably haveexecuted his terrible design, if three of the most powerful of thesoldiers had not thrown themselves upon him, and overpowered him. Allthis was the work of a moment; but it was so startling, that Sir ThomasKnevet and Topcliffe, though both courageous men, and used to scenes ofdanger--especially the latter--rushed towards the door, expecting somedreadful catastrophe would take place.

  "Do him no harm," cried Knevet, as he returned to the soldiers, whowere still struggling with Fawkes,--"do him no harm. It is not here hemust die."

  "A moment more, and I had blown you all to perdition," cried Fawkes."But Heaven ordained it otherwise."

  "Heaven will never assist such damnable designs as yours," rejoinedKnevet. "Thrust him into that corner," he added to his men, whoinstantly obeyed his injunctions, and held down the prisoner so firmlythat he could not move a limb. "Keep him there. I will question himpresently."

  "You _may_ question me," replied Fawkes, sternly; "but you will obtainno answer."

  "We shall see," returned Knevet.

  Pursuing the search with Topcliffe, he counted thirty-six hogsheads andcasks of various sizes, all of which were afterwards found to be filledwith powder. Though prepared for this discovery, Knevet could notrepress his horror at it, and gave vent to execrations against theprisoner, to which the other replied by a disdainful laugh. They thenlooked about, in the hope of finding some document or fragment of aletter, which might serve as a clue to the other parties connected withthe fell design, but without success. Nothing was found except a pile ofarms; but though they examined them, no name or cipher could be tracedon any of the weapons.

  "We will now examine the prisoner more narrowly," said Knevet.

  This was accordingly done. On removing Guy Fawkes's doublet, ahorse-hair shirt appeared, and underneath it, next his heart, suspendedby a silken cord from his neck, was a small silver cross. When this wastaken from him, Guy Fawkes could not repress a deep sigh.

  "There is some secret attached to that cross," whispered Topcliffe,plucking Knevet's sleeve.

  Upon this, the other held it to the light, while Topcliffe kept his eyefixed upon the prisoner, and observed that, in spite of all his effortsto preserve an unmoved demeanour, he was slightly agitated.

  "Do you perceive anything?" he asked.

  "Yes," replied Knevet, "there is a name. But the character is so small Icannot decipher it."

  "Let me look at it," said Topcliffe. "This is most important," he added,after gazing at it for a moment; "the words inscribed on it are,'_Viviana Radcliffe, Ordsall Hall_' You may remember that this younglady was examined a short time ago, on suspicion of being connected withsome Popish plot against the state, and committed to the Tower, whenceshe escaped in a very extraordinary manner. This cross, found upon theprisoner, proves her connexion with the present plot. Every effort mustbe used to discover her retreat."

  Another deep sigh involuntarily broke from the breast of Guy Fawkes.

  "You hear how deeply interested he is in the matter," observedTopcliffe, in a low tone. "This trinket will be of infinite service tous in future examinations, and may do more for us with this stubbornsubject even than the rack itself."

  "You are right," returned Knevet. "I will now convey him to Whitehall,and acquaint the Earl of Salisbury with his capture."

  "Do so," replied Topcliffe. "I have a further duty to perform. Beforemorning I hope to net the whole of this wolfish pack."

  "Indeed!" exclaimed Knevet. "Have you any knowledge of the others?"

  Topcliffe smiled significantly.

  "Time will show," he said. "But if you do not require me further, I willleave you."

  With this, he quitted the cellar, and joined the Earl of Mounteagle andTresham, who were waiting for him outside at a little distance from thecellar. After a brief conference, it was arranged, in compliance withthe Earl of Salisbury's wishes, that if they failed in entrapping theconspirators, nothing should be said about the matter. He then departedwith Tresham. Their subsequent proceedings have already been related.

  By Sir Thomas Knevet's directions, Guy Fawkes was now raised by two ofthe soldiers, and led out of the cellar. As he passed through the door,he uttered a deep groan.

  "You groan for what you have done, villain," said one of the soldiers.

  "On the contrary," rejoined Fawkes, sternly, "I groan for what I havenot done."

  He was then hurried along by his conductors, and conveyed through thegreat western gate, into the palace of Whitehall, where he was placed ina small room, the windows of which were strongly grated.

  Before quitting him, Sir Thomas Knevet put several questions to him, buthe maintained a stern and obstinate silence. Committing him to thecustody of an officer of the guard, whom he enjoined to keep strictguard over him, as he valued his life, Knevet then went in search of theEarl of Salisbury.

  The Secretary, who had not retired to rest, and was anxiously awaitinghis arrival, was delighted with the success of the scheme. They werepresently joined by Lord Mounteagle; and after a brief conference it wasresolved to summon the Privy Council immediately, to rouse the King, andacquaint him with what had occurred, and to interrogate the prisoner inhis presence.

  "Nothing will be obtained from him, I fear," said Knevet. "He is one ofthe most resolute and determined fellows I ever encountered."

  And he then related the desperate attempt made by Fawkes in the vault toblow them all up.

  "Whether he will speak or not, the King must see him," said Salisbury.As soon as Knevet was gone, the Earl observed to Mounteagle, "You hadnow better leave the palace. You must not appear further in this matter,except as we have arranged. Before morning, I trust we shall have thewhole of the conspirators in our power, with damning proofs of theirguilt."

  "By this time, my lord, they are in Tresham's hands," repliedMounteagle.

  "If he fails, not a word must be said," observed Salisbury. "It must notbe supposed we have moved in the matter. All great statesmen havecontrived treasons, that they might afterwards discover them; and thoughI have not contrived this plot, I have known of its existence from thefirst, and could at any time have crushed it had I been so minded. Butthat would not have answered my purpose. And I shall now use it as apretext to crush the whole Catholic party, except those on whom, likeyourself, I can confidently rely."

  "Your lordship must admit that I have well seconded your efforts,"observed Mounteagle.

  "I do so," replied Salisbury, "and you will not find me ungrateful.Farewell! I hope soon to hear of our further success."

  Mounteagle then took his departure, and Salisbury immediately caused allsuch members of the Privy Council as lodged in the palace
to be aroused,desiring they might be informed that a terrible plot had beendiscovered, and a conspirator arrested. In a short time, the Duke ofLennox, the Earl of Marr, Lord Hume, the Earl of Southampton, Lord HenryHoward, Lord Mountjoy, Sir George Hume, and others, were assembled; andall eagerly inquired into the occasion of the sudden alarm.

  Meanwhile, the Earl of Salisbury had himself repaired to the King'sbedchamber, and acquainted him with what had happened. James immediatelyroused himself, and desired the chamberlain, who accompanied the Earl,to quit the presence.

  "Will it be safe to interrogate the prisoner here?" he asked.

  "I will take care your Majesty shall receive no injury," repliedSalisbury; "and it is absolutely necessary you should examine him beforehe is committed to the Tower."

  "Let him be brought before me, then, directly," said the King. "I amimpatient to behold a wretch who has conceived so atrocious--so infernala design against me, and against my children. Hark 'e, Salisbury, onecaution I wish to observe. Let a captain of the guard, with his drawnsword in hand, place himself between me and the prisoner, and let twohalberdiers stand beside him, and if the villain moves a step, bid themstrike him dead. You understand?"

  _Guy Fawkes interrogated by King James the First_]

  "Perfectly," replied Salisbury, bowing.

  "In that case, you may take off his bonds--that is, if you think itprudent to do so--not otherwise," continued James. "I would not have theknave suppose he can awe me."

  "Your Majesty's commands shall be fulfilled to the letter," returned theEarl.

  "Lose no time, Salisbury," cried James, springing out of bed, andbeginning to dress himself without the assistance of his chamberlain.

  The Earl hastily retired, and ordered the attendants to repair to theirroyal master. He next proceeded to the chamber where Guy Fawkes wasdetained, and ordered him to be unbound, and brought before the King.When the prisoner heard this mandate, a slight smile crossed hiscountenance, but he instantly resumed his former stern composure. Thesmile, however, did not escape the notice of Salisbury, and he commandedthe halberdiers to keep near to the prisoner, and if he made theslightest movement in the King's presence, instantly to despatch him.

  Giving some further directions, the Earl then led the way across acourt, and entering another wing of the palace, ascended a flight ofsteps, and traversed a magnificent corridor. Guy Fawkes followed,attended by the guard. They had now reached the antechamber leading tothe royal sleeping apartment, and "Salisbury ascertained from theofficers in attendance that all was in readiness. Motioning the guard toremain where they were, he entered the inner room alone, and found Jamesseated on a chair of state near the bed, surrounded by his council;--theEarl of Marr standing on his right hand, and the Duke of Lennox on hisleft, all anxiously awaiting his arrival. Behind the King were stationedhalf a dozen halberdiers.

  "The prisoner is without," said Salisbury. "Is it your Majesty'spleasure that he be admitted?"

  "Ay, let him come in forthwith," replied James. "Stand by me, my lords.And do you, varlets, keep a wary eye upon him. There is no saying whathe may attempt."

  Salisbury then waved his hand. The door was thrown open, and an officerentered the room, followed by Guy Fawkes, who marched between twohalberdiers. When within a couple of yards of the King, the officerhalted, and withdrew a little on the right, so as to allow full view ofthe prisoner, while he extended his sword between him and the King.Nothing could be more undaunted than the looks and demeanour of Fawkes.He strode firmly into the room, and without making any reverence, foldedhis arms upon his breast, and looked sternly at James.

  "A bold villain!" cried the King, as he regarded him with curiosity notunmixed with alarm. "Who, and what are you, traitor?"

  "A conspirator," replied Fawkes.

  "That I know," rejoined James, sharply. "But how are you called?"

  "John Johnson," answered Fawkes. "I am servant to Mr. Thomas Percy."

  "That is false," cried Salisbury. "Take heed that you speak the truth,traitor, or the rack shall force it from you."

  "The rack will force nothing from me," replied Fawkes, sternly; "neitherwill I answer any question asked by your lordship."

  "Leave him to me, Salisbury,--leave him to me," interposed James. "Andit was your hellish design to blow us all up with gunpowder?" hedemanded.

  "It was," replied Fawkes.

  "And how could you resolve to destroy so many persons, none of whom haveinjured you?" pursued James.

  "Dangerous diseases require desperate remedies," replied Fawkes. "Mildermeans have been tried, but without effect. It was God's pleasure thatthis scheme, which was for the benefit of his holy religion, should notprosper, and therefore I do not repine at the result."

  "And are you so blinded as to suppose that Heaven can approve theactions of him who raises his hand against the King--against the Lord'sanointed?" cried James.

  "He is no king who is excommunicated by the apostolic see," repliedFawkes.

  "This to our face!" cried James, angrily. "Have you no remorse--nocompunction for what you have done?"

  "My sole regret is that I have failed," replied Fawkes.

  "You will not speak thus confidently on the rack," said James.

  "Try me," replied Fawkes.

  "What purpose did you hope to accomplish by this atrocious design?"'demanded the Earl of Marr.

  "My main purpose was to blow back the beggarly Scots to their nativemountains," returned Fawkes.

  "This audacity surpasses belief," said James. "Mutius Scaevola, when inthe presence of Porsenna, was not more resolute. Hark 'e, villain, if Igive you your life, will you disclose the names of your associates?"

  "No," replied Fawkes.

  "They shall be wrung from you," cried Salisbury.

  Fawkes smiled contemptuously. "You know me not," he said.

  "It is idle to interrogate him further," said James. "Let him be removedto the Tower."

  "Be it so," returned Salisbury; "and when next your Majesty questionshim, I trust it will be in the presence of his confederates."

  "Despite the villain's horrible intent, I cannot help admiring hiscourage," observed James, in a low tone; "and were he as loyal as he isbrave, he should always be near our person."

  With this, he waved his hand, and Guy Fawkes was led forth. He wasdetained by the Earl of Salisbury's orders till the morning,--it beinganticipated that before that time the other conspirators would bearrested. But as this was not the case, he was placed in a wherry, andconveyed, as before related, to the Tower.