After rescuing the unfortunate prophetess from a watery grave in themanner just related, the soldier snatched up his cloak, and, taking hisdripping burthen in his arms, hurried swiftly along the bank of theriver, until he came to a large cleft in the rock, into which he crept,taking the prophetess with him, and thus eluded observation. In thisretreat he continued upwards of two hours, during which time the poorcreature, to whom he paid every attention that circumstances wouldadmit, had so far recovered as to be able to speak. But it was evidentthat the shock had been too much for her, and that she was sinking fast.She was so faint that she could scarcely move; but she expressed astrong desire to reach her cell before she breathed her last. Havingdescribed its situation as accurately as she could to the soldier--whobefore he ventured forth peeped out to reconnoitre--he again raised herin his arms, and by her direction struck into a narrow lane skirting thebank of the river.

  Pursuing this road for about half a mile, he arrived at the foot of asmall knoll, covered by a clump of magnificent beech-trees, and stillacting under the guidance of the dying woman, whose voice grew morefeeble each instant, he mounted it, and from its summit took a rapidsurvey of the surrounding country. On the opposite bank of the riverstood an old hall, while further on, at some distance, he could perceivethrough the trees the gables and chimneys of another ancient mansion.

  "Raise me up," said Elizabeth Orton, as he lingered on this spot for amoment. "In that old house, which you see yonder, Hulme Hall, I wasborn. I would willingly take one look at it before I die."

  Guy Fawkes in Ordsall Cave]

  "And the other hall, which I discern through the trees, is Ordsall, isit not?" inquired the soldier.

  "It is," replied the prophetess. "And now let us make what haste we can.We have not far to go; and I feel I shall not last long."

  Descending the eminence, and again entering the lane, which here made aturn, the soldier approached a grassy space, walled in on either side bysteep sandstone rocks. At the further extremity of the enclosure, aftera moment's search, by the direction of his companion, he found, artfullyconcealed by overhanging brushwood, the mouth of a small cave. He creptinto the excavation, and found it about six feet high, and ofconsiderable depth. The roof was ornamented with Runic characters andother grotesque and half-effaced inscriptions, while the sides wereembellished with Gothic tracery, amid which the letters I.H.S., carvedin ancient church text, could be easily distinguished. Traditionassigned the cell to the priests of Odin, but it was evident thatworshippers at other and holier altars had more recently made it theirretreat. Its present occupant had furnished it with a straw pallet, anda small wooden crucifix fixed in a recess in the wall. Gently depositingher upon the pallet, the soldier took a seat beside her on a stone slabat the foot of the bed. He next, at her request, as the cave wasrendered almost wholly dark by the overhanging trees, struck a light,and set fire to a candle placed within a lantern.

  After a few moments passed in prayer, the recluse begged him to give herthe crucifix that she might clasp it to her breast. This done, shebecame more composed, and prepared to meet her end. Suddenly, as ifsomething had again disturbed her, she opened wide her glazing eyes, andstarting up with a dying effort, stretched out her hands.

  "I see him before them!" she cried. "They examine him--they adjudge him!Ah! he is now in a dungeon! See, the torturers advance! He is placed onthe rack--once--twice--thrice--they turn the levers! His joints snap intheir sockets--his sinews crack! Mercy! he confesses! He is led toexecution. I see him ascend the scaffold!"

  "Whom do you behold?" inquired the soldier, listening to her inastonishment.

  "His face is hidden from me," replied the prophetess; "but his figure isnot unlike your own. Ha! I hear the executioner pronounce his name. Howare you called?"

  "GUY FAWKES," replied the soldier.

  "It is the name I heard," rejoined Elizabeth Orton.

  And, sinking backward, she expired.

  Guy Fawkes gazed at her for some time, till he felt assured that thelast spark of life had fled. He then turned away, and placing his handupon his chin, became lost in deep reflection.