Natural History.
=Stories and Pictures of Wild Animals.= By Anna F. Burnham. Quarto,boards, 75 cts.
Big letters, big pictures and easy stories of elephants, lions, tigers,lynxes, jaguars, bears and many others.
=Life and Habits of Wild Animals.= Quarto, cloth, 1.50.
The very best book young folks can have if they are at all interestedin Natural History. If they are not yet interested it will make themso. Illustrated from designs by Joseph Wolf.
=Children's Out-Door Neighbors.= By Mrs. A. E. Andersen-Maskell. 3volumes, 12mo, cloth, each 1.00.
Three instructive and interesting books: Children with Animals,Children with Birds, Children with Fishes. The author has the happyfaculty of interesting boys and girls in the wonderful neighbors aroundthem and that without introducing anything which is not borne out bythe knowledge of learned men.
=Some Animal Pets.= By Mrs. Oliver Howard. Quarto, boards, 35 cts.
The experiences of a Colorado family with young, wild and tame animals.It is one of the pleasantest animal books we have met in many a day.Well thought, well written, well pictured, the book itself, apart fromits contents, is attractive. Full page pictures.
=Tiny Folk In Red and Black.= Quarto, boards, 35 cts.
The tiny folk are ants and they make as interesting a study as humanfolk--perhaps more interesting in the opinion of some. The book gives afull and graphic description of their many wise and curious ways--howthey work, how they harvest their grain, how they milk their cows, etc.It will teach the children to keep eyes and ears open.
=My Land and Water Friends.= By Mary E. Bamford. Seventy illustrationsby Bridgman. Quarto, cloth, 1.50.
The frog opens the book with a "talk" about himself, in the courseof which he tells us all about the changes through which he passesbefore he arrives at perfect froghood. Then the grasshopper talksand is followed by others, each giving his view of life from his ownindividual standpoint.