The room was a big one and most of the furniture had been cleared outto admit the guests who had come from the ends of the earth to learn thestory of the twisted candles, and to test John Lexman's theory by theirown.

  They sat around chatting cheerfully of men and crimes, of great coupsplanned and frustrated, of strange deeds committed and undetected.Scraps of their conversation came to Belinda Mary as she stood in thechintz-draped doorway which led from the drawing-room to the room sheused as a study.

  "... do you remember, Sir George, the Bolbrook case! I took the man atOdessa...."

  "... the curious thing was that I found no money on the body, only asmall gold charm set with a single emerald, so I knew it was the girlwith the fur bonnet who had..."

  "... Pinot got away after putting three bullets into me, but I draggedmyself to the window and shot him dead--it was a real good shot...!"

  They rose to meet her and T. X. introduced her to the men. It was atthat moment that John Lexman was announced.

  He looked tired, but returned the Commissioner's greeting with acheerful mien. He knew all the men present by name, as they knew him. Hehad a few sheets of notes, which he laid on the little table which hadbeen placed for him, and when the introductions were finished he went tothis and with scarcely any preliminary began.