“Harmony, have you even unpacked?”

  Wiping my tears away, I pointed at Preston. “You should have seen your face when I said you landed on my cat. I don’t even have a cat!” Wrapping my arms around my waist, I attempted to stop laughing.

  Sitting down on the chair opposite the sofa, Preston laughed. “I’m glad I amuse you.”

  Pulling my knees up, I rested my chin and looked at Preston. “I haven’t laughed like that in a long time. It felt good.”

  Giving me a sexy-as-hell wink, Preston spoke softly. “Good. I’m glad my clumsiness, or your lack of unpacking, rather, caused you to laugh.”

  Brushing him off with my hand, I giggled, “Oh, it has nothing to do with my lack of unpacking.”

  Turning and pointing to the row of shoeboxes that were lined up at the front door, Preston asked, “How many damn pairs of shoes do you own?”

  My heart began to get that familiar ache as I shrugged my shoulders. “I went on a shoe shopping spree. Trey said he never liked seeing me in heels. Said it made other guys want to look at my legs. Once I found out he had been cheating on me…I kind of went shoe crazy.”

  Preston’s face moved from happy to sad in an instant. “What? Trey cheated on you?”

  Tears filled my eyes as I looked away. “I think he was about to tell me right before the accident. He said he had to tell me something and my phone rang, we argued and…well…anyway. After the accident, I went up to his office to get some personal things and I found his play drawer he used with his secretary.”

  “Holy shit,” Preston whispered.

  Letting out a gruff laugh, I nodded. “Yeah. That was my reaction, too. The best part of all this, she was a girl we went to high school with.” Throwing my hands up in the air and letting out a frustrated moan, I stood up. Well, I stood up and then stumbled forward. “Ugh, it’s a long story and one I don’t feel like talking about. I’ve had too much fun tonight.”

  Preston jumped up and caught me before I fell over. I didn’t want to admit to myself how much I liked being in his arms. My blue eyes met his green and I found myself wanting to know more about Preston Ward.

  “Preston,” I whispered and then hiccupped rather loudly.

  His smile melted my heart and I pushed away from him. “I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

  Swallowing hard, Preston took a few steps away from me. Ha! I had to have some damn aura around me that told guys to keep away. My own husband didn’t even want me.

  Pushing his hand through his hair, Preston tried to talk. “Um…Harmony, I should probably—”

  Narrowing my eyes at him, I pushed him hard on the chest. “I don’t want to sleep with you, asshole. I just don’t want to be alone. When I’m alone I think about them both. Even the dick that cheated on me.”

  Preston’s body relaxed and a small part of me was disappointed to know that Preston didn’t desire me. Turning, I stumbled back to the sofa and fell face forward on it while letting out a long, drawn-out moan.

  Feeling his hands on my body, I smiled. “Where’s your room, Harmony?”

  Placing my hand on the side of his face as he lifted me, I licked my lips and said, “You’re cute, Preston.”

  Laughing, he winked at me and said, “You’re kind of cute, too, Harmony.”

  Smiling, I felt my eyes closing. “You’re more than cute. You’re very, very cute.”

  Preston chuckled as he whispered, “And you’re beautiful. Now where is your room, princess?”

  Smiling at the sweet endearment, I said, “It’s on the next floor. Last door on the left.”

  Snuggling my face into his chest, I took in a deep breath while I felt Preston’s chest vibrate when he moaned, “More damn stairs.”

  “Mommy? Mommy, it’s dark and I’m all alone. Please come get me.”

  Standing in the dark hallway, I felt along the wall. “TJ! Baby, Mommy is coming for you!”

  “Mommy! It hurts. It hurts, Mommy!”

  “TREY!” I screamed as I ran in the dark until I came to a door.

  “Mommy! Help me…please.”

  Throwing the door open, I sucked in a breath of air as I saw Trey’s body lying on the ground. Looking away, I saw TJ.

  “No!” I screamed as I ran over to him and pulled him into my arms. “Please, God, don’t take him. Please!”

  Darkness swept over the room and I couldn’t see a thing. The pain. The pain was so strong.


  TJ slipped from my arms as I screamed out his name. “TJ, no, please don’t leave me!”

  “Harmony, please wake up. Harmony!”

  Snapping my eyes open, I saw his eyes. The eyes that should haunt my dreams, yet did just the opposite. They calmed me almost instantly. Sitting up, I threw myself into Preston’s arms.

  “You…you were dreaming and you screamed,” Preston said as he held me tightly. Inhaling deeply, I fought like hell to keep my tears at bay.

  “Nightmare,” I whispered.

  Pulling back, Preston searched my face. “Do you have them often?”

  Shaking my head, I pulled my eyes from his. “No. At first I had the same dream every night. Now it’s about once a week.”

  Preston closed his eyes and then scrubbed his hands down his face.

  “You stayed?” I asked as I took him in. Holy moly. He didn’t have a shirt on. Look away, Harmony. Count to twenty and look away.

  I attempted to focus on anything other than his chest and amazingly fit abs. Jesus, Harmony. Get a grip on yourself. Risking another peek, I turned slightly and moved my eyes over Preston’s fit body quickly.

  Preston slowly stood up and I forced my betraying bitch of a body to keep my feelings deep inside.

  “Do you want me to leave, Harmony? I will if you’d rather be alone. It’s just…you asked me to stay last night and I didn’t want you to be upset if you woke up and I was gone. Of course, you could be upset that I stayed.”

  Frowning, Preston shook his head and turned around as he headed out the door. Pursing my lips together, I kept my giggle suppressed. “Preston, please don’t leave. It’s five in the morning.”

  He must have noticed he wasn’t wearing a shirt, probably from the cold draft that blew through this old house. Or because I was eyeing him up and down…again.

  “Shit, let me go get a shirt on.” Spinning on his heels, Preston disappeared.

  Pushing the covers off me, I noticed I was in a T-shirt and sweats. I wondered if I had changed into these clothes or if Preston had changed me. God, I hoped I’d changed myself. I was pretty sure I hadn’t shaved under my arms in two weeks.

  Rolling my eyes, I walked out of my bedroom and leaned over the railing. Closing my eyes briefly, I let out a sigh. Oh Lord, do I feel like crap. My head was pounding and my mouth tasted like a bar. I think my drinking days are over, before they even really got started. “Preston? I’m going to jump in the shower. I feel like shit and my mouth tastes worse.”

  He appeared before my eyes as he looked up at me. “How about I make you some breakfast?”

  Laughing, I brushed him off and said, “Ha! If you can find food in this house and make a meal out of it, I’ll spend the entire day doing what you want to do.”

  Winking at me, Preston said, “Deal.”

  Smiling weakly, I turned and headed back into my bedroom and to the master bathroom. Turning on the hot water, I stripped out of my clothes and walked into the shower. Letting the water move across my body, I let out the breath I hadn’t even realized I had been holding in. Moving my face into the water, I made a decision. These feelings that I was feeling…these confusing feelings…I was going to push them away and lock them somewhere deep down inside. My husband and child had just died a few months ago and I was drooling over another man.

  Placing my hands over my face, I leaned against the shower wall and slowly slid down as I cried.

  After a few minutes of sobbing, I looked up. I’ve never done this before. I’ve never experienced these feeling
s about anyone other than Trey. The way I’m feeling about Preston is ten times stronger and it is confusing the hell out of me. Please…please just make the pain go away. Burying my face in my hands again, my body shook as sobs rolled through me. “I’m so scared. Please help me.”

  Please, God. Please.

  Chapter 8

  Just Friends


  Opening up Harmony’s refrigerator, I attempted to find some sort of food to work with. I was met with pretty much an empty refrigerator. “Jesus, no wonder she looks like she’s lost weight.” Pushing a bag of lettuce out of the way, I saw some eggs. Reaching in, I pulled them out.

  Smiling, I whispered, “Perfect.” Taking another look around, I saw a purple onion and a green pepper. The pepper felt a bit soft but I thought it was workable.

  Setting the eggs down next to the onion and bell pepper, I searched for a bowl and a frying pan.

  Once I got the eggs beaten and poured over the sautéed onion and peppers, I put a dash of salt on it and some black pepper. Taking a look around, I took in Harmony’s place. I wasn’t sure how I should be feeling. Harmony’s nightmare did a number on me when I heard her screaming out TJ’s name. I almost dropped to my knees on the stairs when I heard it.

  Then the way she was looking at me like she wanted me had me even more confused. The look was gone as fast as it came. I was crazy for even thinking about having any sort of relationship with Harmony. She was a friend. That was it.

  Bullshit, Ward. She is more than a friend.

  Closing my eyes, I thought back to last night when I helped her get undressed. The moment she unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor, I wanted to take her right then and there. Especially when she began flirting. Luckily, she passed out and I finished getting her dressed while I thought of every scary movie I could think of. And the puke in her hair. The puke in her hair gagged me every time I looked at it. Every time my dick started to come up, I’d look at the puke.


  Jumping practically out of my own skin, I snapped my eyes open and saw Harmony standing in front of me. Her blond hair was pulled up into a sloppy bun that sat on top of her head. She had on a New York Yankees pinstriped baseball jersey and sweatpants that read PINK on the side of them.

  Giving me a smile, she sat down on the barstool and looked around me to see what was cooking while I stood there, stunned.

  Chuckling, she asked, “Did you find food?”

  “What. In. The. Hell. Are. You. Wearing?” I asked slowly.

  Looking down at her shirt, Harmony smiled an evil smile. “My favorite baseball team, the Yankees.”

  Dropping my mouth open, I let the spatula fall from my hand as I took a few steps back while I covered my heart.

  “That’s blasphemy. What…why…how?” I couldn’t even form a sentence.

  Tilting her head, Harmony rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. Don’t tell me you’re one of those guys.”

  Remembering the eggs, I picked up the spatula, turned and moved them around in the pan before they burned. “What exactly is one of those guys?” I asked as I looked over my shoulder.

  Scrunching her nose in the most adorable way, she shrugged her shoulders. “You know. The gung-ho, crazy-for-the-Boston-Red-Sox, doesn’t-change-his-socks-for-fear-the-team-will-lose guy.” Shaking her head, she laughed. I didn’t dare tell her my lucky socks had not been washed or changed since the beginning of the season.

  Letting out a nervous laugh, I rolled my eyes. “No. I’m not one of those guys.”

  Grinning from ear to ear, Harmony said, “Good. ’Cause I can’t stand those guys. Especially the Irish ones. Oh. My. God. They are the worst. With the way they take their sports so seriously. Good Lord.”

  I made a mental note to myself not to tell Harmony I was fifty percent Irish, even though my mother insisted it was more like sixty. I also made a note not to tell her that my dream was to own an Irish pub someday. Sherry hated it when I talked about owning a pub. She made sure to let me know it was beneath her to be married to someone who owned a bar.

  “Preston? Are you okay? You’re lost in thought.”

  Giving her a quick smile, I nodded. “Yep. Totally fine. Now, if you would please get out two plates and two glasses, I have our breakfast.”

  Standing, Harmony laughed as she made her way over and took out two plates. “No way you found enough food to feed us both!”

  Once she set the plates down, I halved the eggs onto her plate and mine. Setting the frying pan back on the stove, I grabbed two small boxes of orange juice and opened them up and poured them into the glasses. My heart stopped beating for a few seconds when Harmony looked at me. For the first time since I’d known her, I saw happiness there.

  Sliding her plate in front of her, along with the orange juice, I smiled. “Looks like I won, Ms. Banks. I know exactly what we’ll do today. Dress casual, it will be a long day.”

  Stopping her fork before it went into her mouth, Harmony frowned. “What?”

  “Your bet. You said if I found food, you’d spend the entire day doing what I wanted to do.”

  “Are you sure I said that?” Harmony said with a wink.

  Taking a bite of my eggs, I chewed as I looked up and thought hard about what the bet was. “Yep. It was a challenge and I won.”

  Smiling a smile that left me breathless, Harmony shook her head. “Is that so? And if I refuse?”

  Taking another bite and swallowing it, I pouted. “Would you really refuse me after I helped you undress last night?”

  Harmony’s mouth dropped open and a beautiful shade of red swept across her cheeks. “How embarrassing.”

  “Then it’s a date.”

  Narrowing her left eye at me, she shook her head. “Not a date. Two friends just hanging out.”

  Lifting my hands up in surrender, I said, “That’s what I said. Two friends. Hanging out.”

  She was chewing on her lower lip, and I saw the mask coming back up. “Harmony, please. Just spend the day with me. I can’t bear the idea of going back to my place and seeing Sherry packing up.”

  “Sherry broke up with you?”

  Shit. That piece of information I didn’t want to talk about just yet. “Well…um…I kind of…I kind of broke up with Sherry. Last night. After you puked.”

  Slapping her hands over her mouth, Harmony’s eyes widened. “I wasn’t even thinking of Sherry last night when I asked you to stay. Oh, Preston, if I somehow—”

  Holding up my hands to get her to stop, I said, “Harmony, stop. Please let me talk.”

  Closing her mouth abruptly, she nodded and remained quiet.

  “Sherry and I have been over for months now. I was just too stupid…or stubborn…to see it. It was a long time coming and had nothing to do with you.”

  Harmony’s face looked horrified. “Do you promise, Preston? And please don’t lie to me…I don’t think I could take it if you lied to me.”

  My heart dropped to the floor and my stomach instantly formed into a knot. What in the hell is this girl doing to me?

  Setting down my fork, I walked over to Harmony and picked up her hand. Lacing my pinky around her pinky, I whispered, “I pinky swear to you, Sherry and I were not meant to be and you didn’t have anything to do with me breaking up with her. I just finally saw the light.”

  Glancing down at our pinkies, Harmony’s eyes filled with tears. Pulling her emotions back in and burying them like she always did, she managed to smile. It didn’t touch her eyes though. My goal was to see a smile on Harmony’s face that touched her eyes. I’d do whatever it took to make it happen.

  Dropping her hand down from mine, she slowly stood. “Do you mind if I take a nap? I don’t want to be tired when you show me the town today.”

  Throwing my head back, I let out a laugh. “I think I’ll crash for a bit longer, too, on your couch, if you don’t mind.”

  Giving me a wink, Harmony stood and walked her plate over to the sink and downed the last of her
OJ. “The sofa is all yours, Mr. Ward. Leave the dishes. They can wait until later.”

  Standing, I walked over and placed my dish in the sink but waited for Harmony to walk out of the kitchen. Leaning against the sink, I attempted to calm down my beating heart.

  Just friends. We’re just friends.


  Walking back in from the balcony, I stopped dead in my tracks. Harmony was standing in front of me with a huge smile on her face. Closing my eyes, I shook my head. “You have to change, Harmony.”

  “Nope. This is my most favorite sweatshirt. Plus, it keeps me warm and makes me feel better since I feel like I’ve been hit by a Mack truck.”

  My mouth dropped open. “You don’t play fair.”

  Giving me a crooked grin, she slowly walked up to me and placed her hand on my chest. I was praying like hell she didn’t feel my heart pounding. “If you can tell me that you are not wearing any article of clothing that you’ve had on since the Sox started their season, I’ll go change.”

  Harmony’s eyes danced with excitement, and for one brief moment I considered what an asshole her husband must have been to cheat on her.

  Raising her eyebrows, she purred, “I’m waiting.”

  Ah, shit. She sure as hell doesn’t play fair.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I let out a gruff laugh. “It doesn’t bother me that you’re wearing a Yankees sweatshirt. I’m not the one who will be getting all the dirty looks.”

  “So you don’t mind if I wear it?”

  Swallowing hard, I shook my head. “Nope.”

  Smiling even bigger, she pulled out a Yankees baseball cap and placed it on her head. My mouth dropped open and my knees went weak. She looked adorable in it. Damn it all to hell. She looked fucking adorable in the damn Yankees cap.

  Taking in a deep breath and slowly blowing it out, I prayed like hell Harmony made it through this day with all the Yankees garbage on. And I made a bet with myself I would be able to get her to take it all off by lunch.

  “Are you ready for our day, Harmony?” I asked as I put my arm out for her.

  Biting gently on her lower lip, Harmony looked everywhere but at me as she spoke. “Preston, I just wanted you to know that…well…” Landing her eyes on my face, she slowly gazed into my eyes. “I want you to know how much I appreciate this. It’s nice to spend some time where my thoughts aren’t flooded by memories or nightmares.”