fall short, for there are numerous other hardships caused by Communism, some resulting in deaths, many resulting in health epidemics. While this may be getting ahead of the argument of this thesis, the subject of abortion cannot be completely separated from Communism. Nobody knows exactly, but considering the population and sterilization policies of Red China it is not inconceivable that 1 billion babies have been aborted there. Abortion has always been a bulwark of Socialism, which has been described as Communism without a conquering army. Who knows how many children have been aborted in Europe?

  What we do know is that since Roe v. Wade (1973), 55-60 million children have been aborted in Christian America alone.

  This leads the conservative Christian American to a question of conscience. If indeed this is the Promised Land, created by God to do His work, and indeed if we did do His work for over 200 years, winning the aforementioned wars, often against great odds, seemingly by miracle, and freeing billions through victory and innovation, is it possible that this "exceptionalism" had a finite purpose? Israel, for instance, was the Biblical Promised Land. God literally chose sides, identifying many of Israel's historical enemies as His enemies, then coming down from Heaven and performing miracles too numerous to count that favored His people, allowing them victories shaping the Middle East.

  However, this seems to have come to an end with the birth of Christ. The Jews entered 2,000 years of Diaspora until the Holocaust and the creation of Israel, which is seen by many as a major sign that we are entering the End Times, when God's final judgment will be rendered upon Mankind.

  Is it possible that America's increasingly sinful nature, embodied by Hollywood and pornography, and most notably by the killing of 55-60 million of God's children by abortion, has angered God to the point where we no longer are the Promised Land, and therefore we have become vulnerable to our greatest enemies? Who is our greatest enemy?


  But, exactly, is Communism, at least as it stands in 2017?

  Incredibly, the answer to this question is not an easy one. It defies the understanding of even the most learned scholars. It is in fact a cancer, a disease that has spread all over the world and cannot be eradicated. Where the Nazis were very obvious on its face, as to who they were, what their methods were, their goals and desires, Communism is amorphous and cannot be ground down to a group of people, any particular country, ethnicity, region or any other identifiable trait. It once stood for fairly obvious goals: one-world government, an international military-political system under the banner of Russia's hammer and sickle; the violent defeat of the U.S. and subjugation of free peoples under its authority. For reasons utterly beyond common sense, a large portion of free, educated and otherwise decent people either did not think it a major threat, or even sympathized with its aims in one form or another.

  Most of these goals became obsolete between the 1970s and early 1990s. First, Vietnam was a mere Pyrrhic victory for Communism, in which the so-called "victory" came at a cost that was far greater than the value of the achievement. This weakened international Communism to the point where its adventures in Latin America, Africa and eventually Afghanistan, combined with the pressures applied by President Reagan and Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger, brought the entire system crumbling to the ground.

  So how does Communism continue to be an entity? Only by understanding that it is not merely a defeated political ideology, but rather the tool of an actual spirit we know as the devil, and that the off-shoot of this tool in the free world are its natural off-shoots, even allies, liberalism and Socialism, can we begin the necessary work of identifying this disease, just as any doctor must identify the disease in a patient. The problem is that this disease has metastasized and is so widespread, it is wholly impossible to eliminate it.

  For reasons that can only be attributed to Satan, while the Nazis are easily isolated, polarized and any whiff of identification with them is rightly subject to immediate disqualification from meaningful society, tacit, even outright sympathy or even membership in Communist organizations is swept aside by most. In the past eight years, the United States of America was led by a President who by all accounts learned Marxism at the knee of a card-carrying member of the Communist Party between age nine and his entrance, paid for by entities unknown to this day, to a an expensive private college at age 18. There was a time in the lives of many Americans in which such a fact would automatically disqualify one from the office, and more likely result in such a person being Impeached and jailed. Those days have passed. The circumstances allowing such a disaster cannot be explained beyond the hand of evil.

  President Barack Obama's Director of Central Intelligence, John Brennan revealed at the end of his term that in 1980, when he was in college and Ronald Reagan was winning a landslide election on the promise to defeat our mortal enemies, Communism, that very CIA Director did in fact vote for the Communist candidate!

  These items, which range from verified as fact by the individual in question to unchallenged and therefore stipulated as truth, have raised nary a ripple in the media or the body politic. Sure, there are screams and shouts from the Silent Majority, but the very fact these screams and shouts have not resulted in active efforts to end such things from being events that happen in America is endemic of the sickness in America.

  Perhaps the most telling aspect of this accusation is in identifying what the early Communists felt was important, and the methods they used to deliver their ideas into our culture.

  V.I. Lenin, founder of the U.S.S.R., said as early as 1920 or 1921 that "of all the arts, cinema is the most important." The Soviets recognized early that Hollywood was the most vulnerable and influential niche in American culture.

  One of the most telling works revealing Communist plans comes in a 1927 novel by the Socialist author Upton Sinclair, Oil! This book was the template for the 2007 film There Will Be Blood, but the Communism of the novel was not revealed in the film, probably because it was too true a thing for the entertainment industry to allow Americans to learn about them.

  The Communists had a dedicated spy apparatus in America in the 1920s. All of this was revealed by Whittaker Chambers in Witness. One of the ways the Communists subversively embedded their anti-American ideas into our culture was through bohemianism. One of the early American Communists, "Red Emma" Goldman, was motivated largely by hatred of her "patriarchal" father, by lesbianism, by "free love" in the form of orgies and refuting traditional marriage, and by despoiling all vestiges of what might be called "traditional values." The Communists spread homosexuality, and promiscuity, in America (often using these as tools of blackmail). They encouraged nudity, running on the beach naked, wearing hair in long and frizzy manner, and disdaining the clothes of capitalism, for instance suits and ties, in favor of "workers' garb." All of this is described in Oil! and foreshadows the Beats, the hippies and the protest generation of the 1960s, none of which is a coincidence.

  They saw as natural targets blacks, Jews, lesbians, homosexuals, misfits and unattractive women who were often unable to find husbands, and therefore were susceptible to an "explanation" as to why they could not "fit in." One of Sinclair's stereotypes, seen as the character that lures the son of an oil magnate to Communism to cleanse his "bourgeoisie guilt," is a Jewish girl with exceptionally curly hair who purposefully hides any hint of physical attractiveness, whose ugliness is worn as a kind of uniform not unlike the protestors of the Vietnam War.

  But what is most telling is the treatment of blacks, Jews, homosexuals and undesirables in Communist countries, not merely the U.S.S.R. but in Red China, Cuba and virtually all Communist nations. Jews were arguably the first Marxists and Bolsheviks, and were disproportionally the most traitorous of American Communists, but their usefulness, often in the form of intellectualism, was quickly swept by the wayside. By the end of Stalin's reign of terror, the Jews were virtually liquidated from the Soviet Union, including a purging of Jewish doctors, a strange dynamic that no doubt increased sickness and d
eath in this depraved country. It is not inconceivable at all that in the history of the Soviet Union, the Communists murdered more Jews than Hitler (6 million).

  Then there were the blacks. While there were virtually no blacks living in Russia, the experience of the American Communist Paul Robeson is telling indeed. Subject to racism in the U.S., he decided Communism was the anti-dote to it. The Communists infiltrated the Civil Rights Movement, but when asked about this at a HUAC meeting, baseball great Jackie Robinson told the committee he knew the Communists were trying to indoctrinate blacks, but African-Americans were "too Christian and too patriotic" to fall for it. This might be the nicest thing anybody has ever said about African-Americans.

  But Robeson fell for Communism hook, line and sinker . . . until he actually went to live in the Soviet Union. He was quickly disenchanted and returned to the U.S., where he gave a deathbed confession repudiating the Communists. His prot?g?, however, actor-singer Harry Belafonte, never lived in the U.S.S.R. and therefore