May 22

  The group from the Friends of the New World Order again met with J. M. and me and informed us that they have selected the girl to be inseminated.

  June 12

  We again met with the Friends of the New World Order. They promised to pay for a fully equipped lab. That will cost a great deal. They told us that after the birth of the baby, we could keep the lab and all the equipment for our own use. They said that they had one stipulation--that we would have to keep the entire matter in absolute secrecy. They are very strange.

  July 3

  J. M. and I met the young woman to be inseminated for the first time. She seemed nice but a little frightened. Her name is Calinda Anguis. She is Romanian, and J. M. had to translate and explain the procedure to her.

  July 10

  Today we received the sperm and eggs provided by the Friends of the New World Order. They would not tell us who the donors were. Strange!

  July 13

  J. M. and I completed the procedure of implanting the fertilized egg into Calinda Anguis.


  July 20

  We examined Calinda Anguis, and everything seems to be going smoothly with no complications.

  August 10

  Today J. M. and I met with members from the Friends of the New World Order. They again stressed absolute secrecy about Miss Anguis and the entire procedure. They seemed to be very nervous and quite demanding. J. M. and I are very curious.

  September 4

  J. M. and I met for lunch. He shared his concerns about what we were doing and about all of the secrecy. He has fears that we may be doing something illegal. We both do not care for the people we have met. They seem evil.

  September 29

  I was able to find out details about the father and mother of Calinda Anguis. The father is Carmine Anguis and the mother's maiden name is Kola Matrinka.

  October 14

  I received a phone call today from the Friends of the New World Order. They were extremely demanding and firm about the secrecy of what we are doing. I am beginning to agree with J. M. We may be doing something illegal.


  October 17

  I did some investigating and was able to discover who the egg donor was. Keres Mazikeen.

  November 30

  I was able to trace down the mother of Keres Mazikeen. She is a lady named Mariana Yakov. She told me her mother's name was Zigana Averna. I am beginning to feel nervous and uncomfortable. J. M. thinks he is being followed.

  December 28

  The holiday season was uneventful.

  January 15, 1968

  I have made an amazing discovery. The sperm donor is the famous scientist Alfred Meinrad. It is a very curious situation.

  February 7

  I was able to uncover information about the great-grand-mother -- Zigana Averna. She worked for a woman named Alice Bailey.

  February 20

  A group from the Friends of the New World Order visited our clinic and talked with Calinda Anguis. J. M. and I were not allowed to be in on the conversation. She seemed very agitated after they left.


  March 14

  J. M. has found out information about the Friends of the New World Order. He told me that he was very frightened. He told me he would talk about it when he was sure that we would be alone.

  March 31

  Calinda began contractions around 8:00 P.M.

  April 1

  The boy is born. The mother and child are doing fine. Members of the Friends of the New World Order came to the hospital. They were very adamant that the boy get the best care possible. They were almost rude to us.

  April 29

  J. M. has apprehensions about the arrangements with the group. He says that we must talk soon. He sounds very frightened.

  May 12

  Terrible tragedy--J. M. was killed in an automobile accident. The police said that he was traveling at high speed and could not negotiate a turn in the mountains and drove off a cliff. I am very frightened. J. M. did not like to go to the mountains. He never sped anywhere... always driving under the speed limit. I feel like I must protect myself I don't think it was an accident. I believe that he was murdered. I have decided to send all of my 160 notes and papers to my daughter in the United States. I have instructed her to put them in a safe deposit box in an unknown location.

  "That does sound very strange, Michael," Isis said thoughtfully. "Who do you think the Friends of the New World Order are?"

  "I'm not sure. In my talk with Dr. Anderson before he was killed, he was convinced that they were evil people who had an evil plan of some kind. He even suggested that he might have helped in the birth of the Antichrist."

  "You mean the Anti-Christ of the Bible that you're always talking about?"

  "The same one," Murphy said, soberly.

  Isis had grown up in a household where the myths and religions of the world had an almost tangible presence. Her father, an archaeologist, had such a deep interest in the deities of the ancient world that he had named Isis after not one but two goddesses (her middle name was Proserpina).

  Like her parents, however, Isis grew up without any kind of Christian belief.

  But Murphy was different from most Christians she had met. There was something about him that was genuine, and intellectual, and attractive. The Ararat adventure had shaken all of her ideas about the Bible and religion. She had actually walked on Noah's Ark--there was no doubt about that at all. She had also helped him find Moses' brass serpent and Nebuchadnezzar's golden statue. They were real, and she could touch them. She was beginning


  to believe that Murphy's faith was real, and the Bible was real, and it frightened her. At some point she would have to make a decision as to whether there is a God or not.

  I need to be open-minded. What if there is a real Antichrist? The thought made her shudder.



  "MICHAEL, LISTEN TO THIS. I've been reading some of these other folders."

  Murphy looked up.

  "This Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky is very interesting," Isis began. "She was born in 1831 and died in 1891. In 1875 she founded the Theosophical Society. Its logo is an alchemical symbol of a circle formed by a snake eating its tail. Inside the snake circle is a symbol of two interlocking pyramids representing the union of heaven and earth. In the center of the pyramids is an Egyptian ankh. At the top of the pyramid is a circle with an inverted swastika inside of it. As you know, the swastika is a well-known occult symbol believed to have originated in ancient India. The words surrounding the snake say: THERE IS NO RELIGION HIGHER THAN TRUTH. It says that she wrote a book entitled The Secret Doctrine"

  "I've heard of that book," Murphy said, excited. "Adolf Hitler kept a well-marked copy of it beside his


  bed. He was a follower of Madame Blavatsky. That must have been where he got the idea of using a swastika for his military uniforms."

  "Dr. Anderson lists that she also wrote another book, Manual for Revolution"

  "Wow! That's something. I've heard of that book too. It was one that Sirhan Sirhan requested while he was in prison for killing Robert Kennedy. This Blavatsky woman had some interesting followers. I've heard it said that she's viewed as one of the greatest occultists in history. She founded Blavatsky Lodge and the Esoteric School."

  "It looks like Dr. Anderson did some research on her," Isis said thoughtfully. "He lists that as a child, Blavatsky was restless, impetuous, daring, reckless, and had a fearful temper. He goes on to say that she had a passionate curiosity about the unknown and an unusual interest in the mysterious, weird, and fantastical. She used to scare her playmates by telling them that there were subterranean corridors under their homes that were protected by hunchbacks. It is said that she could cause her playmates to hallucinate. She even claimed to see a Hindu in a white turban. He was her phantom protector. She said that she received her directions from him telepathically. He became her spirit

  "She sounds like Shirley MacLaine." Murphy grinned.

  "According to Dr. Anderson, she would go into a trance and become a channeler. She was into table rapping, materializations, séances, and had psychic powers and could move objects at will."

  Murphy laughed out loud. "She sounds very talented."

  "Here's an article that says she led a wild life of


  wandering the world for about ten years. She was shipwrecked on the island of Spetsai sailing from Greece to Egypt. At one point she went abroad disguised as a man and fought under Garibaldi. She was wounded and left for dead in the battle of Mentana in Russia. And she established the Theosophical Society and wrote those books I mentioned. Dr. Anderson quotes her in one of her writings saying 'Lucifer is divine and terrestrial light, the "Holy Ghost" and "Satan" are one and the same.'"

  "I think her theology was a little messed up."

  "Dr. Anderson goes on to say that Madame Blavatsky heavily influenced two women: Annie Besant and Alice Ann Bailey. Besant was an activist in the feminist movement; she was especially involved in birth control. She was generally looked at as a socialist political radical. For ten years she and Alice Ann Bailey published a monthly magazine entitled Lucifer."

  Murphy made a face. "Today they would probably make the magazine into a television series or at least a Saturday morning cartoon program."

  "She was married to Frank Besant at nineteen. He was a clergyman who had traditional views. Those views clashed with her independent spirit, and she left her husband. In the process she rejected Christianity and became an atheist and free thinker. She was instrumental in developing the foundation for the New Age Movement."

  Isis turned a page and continued. "Alice Ann Bailey started a number of organizations, including the Lucis Trust, World Goodwill, Triangles, the Ariane School, and New Group World Servers. She compiled twenty-one books with over 10,469 pages of material. She claimed


  that she wrote them while she was in a trance state. They were dictated to her by her spirit guide, Djwhal Khul the Tibetan. It is from her writings that words like 'reincarnation,' 'astrology,' 'meditation,' 'karma,' and 'nirvana' became popularized."

  "Boy, those spirit guides really are into literature, aren't they."

  "It says that the Lucis Trust was founded in 1922 under the parent name--LUCIFER PUBLISHING COMPANY. Hey, Michael, just listen to some of the famous people who have belonged to the Lucis Trust: Robert McNamara, Ronald Reagan, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Paul Volcker, and George Schultz."

  "Huh. Isis, did you know that these very men were part of the Council on Foreign Relations? It's the elite group that influenced the founding of the United Nations. I remember that the Lucis Trust was headquartered for many years at the United Nations Plaza. I believe they've moved to somewhere on Wall Street now."

  "What do you think about all this, Michael?"

  "It sounds like Madame Blavatsky became an occultist and influenced Alice Bailey, who took her work and expanded on it. She in turn started Lucifer magazine and other organizations that continued the occult teachings. Her works and organizations then influenced men who started the United Nations. It doesn't make for a pretty picture."

  Murphy picked up another folder. "It sounds like those gals were triple-threat charmers for sure. What do you think they had to do with Dr. Anderson?"

  "I'm not sure yet. I've got some more reading to do."



  JOHN BARTHOLOMEW SMILED to himself. This is the perfect change of pace. No one will even notice us. It's one of the most crowded cities in the world.

  He was getting tired of meeting in the castle, and Switzerland was too cold. He wanted to enjoy the sun for a change. Besides, Señor Mendez had made arrangements so everyone could fly into Rio de Janeiro on separate planes. He had rented a large villa beyond Copacabana Beach near Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon. It was a secluded spot where they would be alone and could bask in the sun.

  How appropriate , he thought, to be able to make plans to destroy Christianity, the rule of law, and set the stage for the Antichrist in the shadow of Corcovado Mountain with the giant Christ the Redeemer statue on top. Señor Mendez has a sense of humor.

  The meeting began at 10 A.M. on the shady veranda. Jakoba Werner was the first to speak in her thick German


  accent. Her blond hair was tied back in the usual tight bun. "I would like to commend Señor Mendez for his choice of location. The accommodations and the dinner last night were superb."

  "I will second that," said Ganesh Shesha. "This reminds me of a presidential palace fifty kilometers outside Calcutta. I used to visit it often."

  "Well, I'm sure that we all appreciate the sun rather than the snow," said Bartholomew. "Let me call this meeting to order. You will recall that at our last meeting, you were all given assignments to work on for our sevenfold plan for world governance. I will report on phase one."

  Bartholomew passed out a detailed paper outlining the first phase.

  "Let me highlight phase one: the relocation of the United Nations. We have begun to plant the suggestion into the minds of key UN leaders to consider moving the United Nations organization from the United States to Babylon in Iraq. We believe that this move will do several things. First, it will please the Europeans that America is losing its influence. Many European countries already resent U.S. policies and politics. They will think that the Americans are getting what they deserve for trying to control the world. Everyone likes to see the 'big dog' have its ego deflated. It will help to isolate the United States from the rest of the world. Second, the move to Iraq will please the Arabs and help to unite them. It will give them a sense of prestige. They'll believe that they are rising in power, and they'll think that they have some control over their future. It will also help to settle the various factions


  that are fighting with each other. Rebuilding Babylon will bring back Arab pride and give them all something to focus their energy on. Especially if it becomes the headquarters for the UN."

  Viorica Enesco tossed her red hair. In her thick Romanian accent, she asked, "Wouldn't the Europeans object to having the UN in Babylon rather than somewhere in Europe?"

  Bartholomew smiled. "Some of them may indeed object. But those in leadership positions will not care. They know that the UN is just window dressing anyway--all talk and no action in the final analysis. The UN would collapse instantly if the United States and the European Union withdrew their funding. The key leaders in Europe know that they have the real financial power and the expertise to control the Arab nations. They would strongly support the Arabs in exchange for lower oil prices. The United States would still have to support the UN or be accused of being Arab-phobic. They will cave in to the political pressure. That will cause a drain on U.S. finances and help to weaken the dollar. A crisis will soon occur that will help to expedite this phase."

  Bartholomew gestured to Ganesh Shesha, who smiled slightly. His white teeth stood in sharp contrast to his dark skin.

  "Phase two involves an increase in the threats of war. We have begun a plan to create a crisis between India and Pakistan. The threat of a nuclear war will help to cause political turmoil in the United States. It will get their leaders bogged down in time-wasting negotiations and political posturing. We will then send funding to key


  African warlords. They are egomaniacs already, and they will expand their power. They will begin eliminating their enemies, as they did with the extermination of hundreds of thousands in Rwanda and the fighting in Somalia and the Congo. The funding of certain Muslim factions will enable them to turn their anger toward the Christians in their countries. It will be wonderful to see the United States attempt to settle conflicts on many fronts."

  The other six nodded in agreement.

  "We have already started stirring up the North Koreans over the nuclear issue," Shesha explained. "We wi
ll increase the conflict and cause the United States to deploy more Navy ships and Army personnel to the area. At the same time we will increase the rumors that China is attempting to take over Taiwan. More resources will be drained from the United States. We have already begun to complicate the nuclear threat in Iran. The Americans now have to spend time planning war scenarios for that country. At the right moment we will instigate a combined attack on American consulates around the world. In conjuction with this, we will fund terrorists to make strikes at major seaports like Long Beach, California, and in New York City. The Americans already have a difficult time with security in these areas."

  Bartholomew looked at Señor Mendez. "I believe that you are next."

  "Yes. The next phase involves the boycott of U.S. trade. Our plan is to shut down the flow of oil to the United States. This will raise the price of gas and anger the people. There will be infighting, and everyone will


  blame the politicians, who will become protective of their positions. There will be turmoil. It is our hope that this will cause the Americans to begin to use up their oil reserves. This will create the need to drill for oil in Alaska. The environmentalists will fight Congress for endangering protected forests and waterways. Billions of dollars will be spent in attempting to drill for oil and pipe it to refineries. We want to help break the financial back of the only nation that stands in our way of world control."