The Movie Star

  One bright sunny day not long ago, a girl by the name of Katrina came walking down the street in her town in the Midwest. Susan, a friend of Katrina, was walking the other way when they met. “Hi Katrina.” Susan said. “What’s new?” asked Katrina. Susan was all excited. “Did you read in the papers that Jake Warner is coming to our town to make a movie?” Katrina said, “No, to our town?” “When? Where?” Susan said, ”He is coming tomorrow for tryouts.” “I’m going to try out for a part in his movie.”

  “Do you think I could come and try out to?” said Katrina. “Why sure, it should be a lot of fun even if we don’t get to be in the movie.”

  “Let's go to the mall to see if we can find some new clothes to wear to the tryout.” said Susan. “OK.” Katrina said, “OK, let's go.

  So Katrina and Susan went to the mall to see if they could find any new clothes. When they got to the mall there were many of their friends there. The talk all afternoon was about the movie that was going to be made in their very own town. Katrina said to Susan, “Boy, there are so many kids that want to try out for this movie that I don’t think that we have a chance.”

  “I don’t care, I still want to try out.” Said Susan. The two girls went down the fingers of the mall and stopped in almost every one of the fashion stores. They finely got tired and went home. Then they tried on all the clothes in their closets before deciding on what to wear. “I guess this will have to do.” Katrina said to herself because by this time Susan had gone home.

  The next day, Katrina got up and showered and dressed in the clothes she picked out the day before. “Well, I guess I’m ready.” And out the door she went. She walked down to Main Street and when she came around the corner she saw the line of kids waiting to go before the famous director. Katrina got closer and then saw Jake Warner. He wasn’t hard to make out with his wide brim hat and scarf around his neck.

  “Hay, over here.” yelled Susan to Katrina. Katrina saw her about halfway up the line. She got to her in a few steps and slid in front of her. A few girls gave them a dirty look but Susan just stared at them and they looked away.

  “How do I look?” asked Susan. “Just great.” said Katrina. “I just know that you will get a part in this movie.”

  The line moved slowly and time seemed to drag on until the girls were near the front. A young man came to the front of the line and said. “Sorry folks but its late and we have to break for today.” There were moans and yelps from the people in line. But the young man wasn’t finished. “So those who wish to try out tomorrow I have some cards with numbers on them so that you can get back in the line at the place you left today. “ and with that started walking down the line handing out cards.

  Katrina took her card and Susan and her left to go home, disappointed but hopeful.

  The next morning the two girls met again and had breakfast at Susan’s house. After breakfast they took the walk to town and got in line using the cards that they got the day before. “I hope that we don’t have to wait too long only to be disappointed.” said Susan. Katrina said, “Yah, that would be a bummer.”

  As the line got shorter the girls moved to the front. When the young man finally came to them he said, “Now don’t try to do things on your own. Just listen to the director and follow his orders. OK?”

  The girls nodded and followed him into the old movie house. It was dark at first but soon their eyes adjusted to the light and they could see that there were many people moving around. “Come this way.” said the young man. The girls entered the movie house and inside the lights were on and there were some people sitting in the middle rows about half way back.

  “Alright, what’s your name?” the director asked. Susan replied, “Susan.” And then she was told to come up on stage. They told her to walk back and forth then asked her some questions. Then that was that and she was walking off the stage and out the door with the young man. “Next.” Said the director. Katrina stepped up and walked up the steps to the stage. “What’s your name?” the director said and Katrina answered, “Katrina.”

  They asked her some questions then the walk back and forth. The young man came over and started to walk Katrina off when the director called him over. When he came back he said to Katrina, “Can you come to the theater tomorrow at 1 PM sharp? Katrina said,” Yes I can.”

  “Now don’t be late, we have a tight schedule and we need to use our time wisely. If your late you're out. OK?”

  Katrina nodded a yes and was shown out the door where Susan was waiting.

  “Well what took so long?” said Susan. Katrina looked at her and almost screamed with joy, “I have to come back at 1 pm tomorrow.

  The two girls went home and told their parents all about it. Katrina’s mom was very happy that her daughter will have a chance to be in a movie and not have to go to Hollywood. Dad was not as happy. He didn’t trust the movie people.

  The next day, Katrina had to go to church because it was Sunday. After the service the preacher came up to Katrina and said, ”Katrina, I need you to bring this basket to Mrs. Olson on the other side of town.” Katrina was just about to tell him of her meeting at 1 pm when he said thank you and turned away to talk to someone else.

  Well it was only 12 and she had a whole hour so she set off to deliver the basket. After giving Mrs. Olson the basket Mrs. Olson insisted on giving Katrina some of her homemade cookies. Well Katrina couldn’t say no to the old lady and waited for the cookies. “Thank you.” She said and started off down the street before Mrs. Olson could answer her.

  About half way home she was crossing the street near the fountain in the middle of town. There had been a leak in the fountain for years but no one ever took the time to fix it so the water ran down the street and made dirty puddles of mud here and there. As Katrina jumped over one she slipped and fell right in the middle of the puddle. By the time she got out of it and stood up her dress was covered with mud. Katrina didn’t know what to do and started to cry.

  When she arrived home and looked at her watch it was five to one and her clothes were ruined. There just was no way she could change and still make it to the audition at the movie house on time. She laid on her bed and began to cry.

  Her mother came in to see what was wrong. “What’s the matter dear?” asked her mother. Katrina only shook her head and cried louder. “I’ll never get another chance in my life like this.” she thought. About that time Susan knocked on the front door to Katrina’s house. “Is anyone home?” she said.

  “Were up stairs Susan.” said Katrina’s mom. Susan ran up the stairs and into Katrina’s room. Katrina’s mom was sitting on the bed next to her trying to find out why she is crying. “How come your not dressed yet?” Susan said.

  Katrina raised her head and said, “It’s too late, it’s after one and they said I have to be there on time or I’m out.”

  Susan looked at Katrina and said, “Dah, it’s only twelve fifteen. Yesterday was the day to change the clocks.” She laughed and poked Katrina. “Get up and change or you will be late.

  Katrina moved as fast as she could and arrived at the movie house on time. “Thanks Susan, she said and went inside. Susan waited and waited for the longest time when thirty minutes later Katrina walked out with a sad face.

  Susan being the good friend that she was said, “Don’t think anything about this small time stuff Katrina, you will be a star someday, I’m sure.”

  Katrina just couldn’t hold it in anymore. “I was asked to be in this movie.” she yelled. “I’m going to be a movie star.” As Susan and Katrina ran all the way home to tell Katrina’s mom and dad, they were yelling and hugging each other. Things will be changing for Katrina now. How much only time will tell.

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