Page 25 of The Mad King



  Twenty troopers had ridden with Lieutenant Butzow and the false kingfrom Lustadt to Blentz. During the long, hard ride there had beenlittle or no conversation between the American and his friend, forButzow was still unsuspicious of the true identity of the man whoposed as the ruler of Lutha. The lieutenant was all anxiety to reachBlentz and rescue the American he thought imprisoned there and indanger of being shot.

  At the gate they were refused admittance unless the king wouldaccept conditions. Barney refused--there was another way to gainentrance to Blentz that not even the master of Blentz knew. Butzowurged him to accede to anything to save the life of the American. Herecalled all that the latter had done in the service of Lutha andLeopold. Barney leaned close to the other's ear.

  "If they have not already shot him," he whispered, "we shall savethe prisoner yet. Let them think that we give up and are returningto Lustadt. Then follow me."

  Slowly the little cavalcade rode down from the castle of Blentztoward the village. Just out of sight of the grim pile where theroad wound down into a ravine Barney turned his horse's head up thenarrow defile. In single file Butzow and the troopers followed untilthe rank undergrowth precluded farther advance. Here the Americandirected that they dismount, and, leaving the horses in charge ofthree troopers, set out once more with the balance of the company onfoot.

  It was with difficulty that the men forced their way through thebushes, but they had not gone far when their leader stopped before asheer wall of earth and stone, covered with densely growingshrubbery. Here he groped in the dim light, feeling his way with hishands before him, while at his heels came his followers. At last heseparated a wall of bushes and disappeared within the aperture hishands had made. One by one his men followed, finding themselves ininky darkness, but upon a smooth stone floor and with stone wallsclose upon either hand. Those who lifted their hands above theirheads discovered an arched stone ceiling close above them.

  Along this buried corridor the "king" led them, for though he hadnever traversed it himself the Princess Emma had, and from her hehad received minute directions. Occasionally he struck a match, andpresently in the fitful glare of one of these he and those directlybehind him saw the foot of a ladder that disappeared in the Stygiandarkness above.

  "Follow me up this, very quietly," he said to those behind him. "Upto the third landing."

  They did as he bid them. At the third landing Barney felt for thelatch he knew was there--he was on familiar ground now. Finding ithe pushed open the door it held in place, and through a tiny cracksurveyed the room beyond. It was vacant. The American threw the doorwide and stepped within. Directly behind him was Butzow, his eyeswide in wonderment. After him filed the troopers until seventeen ofthem stood behind their lieutenant and the "king."

  Through the window overlooking the courtyard came a piteous wailing.Barney ran to the casement and looked out. Butzow was at his side.

  "Himmel!" ejaculated the Luthanian. "They are about to shoot him.Quick, your majesty," and without waiting to see if he were followedthe lieutenant raced for the door of the apartment. Close behind himcame the American and the seventeen.

  It took but a moment to reach the stairway down which the rescuerstumbled pell-mell.

  Maenck was giving his commands to the firing squad with fiendishdeliberation and delay. He seemed to enjoy dragging out the agonythat the condemned man suffered. But it was this very cruelty thatcaused Maenck's undoing and saved the life of Leopold of Lutha. Justbefore he gave the word to fire Maenck paused and laughed aloud atthe pitiable figure trembling and whining against the stone wallbefore him, and during that pause a commotion arose at the towerdoorway behind the firing squad.

  Maenck turned to discover the cause of the interruption, and as heturned he saw the figure of the king leaping toward him with leveledrevolver. At the king's back a company of troopers of the RoyalHorse Guard was pouring into the courtyard.

  Maenck snatched his own revolver from his hip and fired point-blankat the "king." The firing squad had turned at the sound of assaultfrom the rear. Some of them discharged their pieces at the advancingtroopers. Butzow gave a command and seventeen carbines poured theirdeadly hail into the ranks of the Blentz retainers. At Maenck's shotthe "king" staggered and fell to the pavement.

  Maenck leaped across his prostrate form, yelling to his men "Shootthe American." Then he was lost to Barney's sight in thehand-to-hand scrimmage that was taking place. The American tried toregain his feet, but the shock of the wound in his breast hadapparently paralyzed him for the moment. A Blentz soldier wasrunning toward the prisoner standing open-mouthed against the wall.The fellow's rifle was raised to his hip--his intention was only tooobvious.

  Barney drew himself painfully and slowly to one elbow. The man wasrapidly nearing the true Leopold. In another moment he would shoot.The American raised his revolver and, taking careful aim, fired. Thesoldier shrieked, covered his face with his hands, spun around once,and dropped at the king's feet.

  The troopers under Butzow were forcing the men of Blentz toward thefar end of the courtyard. Two of the Blentz faction were standing alittle apart, backing slowly away and at the same time deliberatelyfiring at the king. Barney seemed the only one who noticed them.Once again he raised his revolver and fired. One of the men sat downsuddenly, looked vacantly about him, and then rolled over upon hisside. The other fired once more at the king and the same instantBarney fired at the soldier. Soldier and king--would-be assassin andhis victim--fell simultaneously. Barney grimaced. The wound in hisbreast was painful. He had done his best to save the king. It was nofault of his that he had failed. It was a long way to Beatrice. Hewondered if Emma von der Tann would be on the station platform,awaiting him--then he swooned.

  Butzow and his seventeen had it all their own way in the courtyardand castle of Blentz. After the first resistance the soldiery ofPeter fled to the guardroom. Butzow followed them, and there theylaid down their arms. Then the lieutenant returned to the courtyardto look for the king and Barney Custer. He found them both, and bothwere wounded. He had them carried to the royal apartments in thenorth tower. When Barney regained consciousness he found thescowling portrait of the Blentz princess frowning down upon him. Helay upon a great bed where the soldiers, thinking him king, hadplaced him. Opposite him, against the farther wall, the real kinglay upon a cot. Butzow was working over him.

  "Not so bad, after all, Barney," the lieutenant was saying. "Only aflesh wound in the calf of the leg."

  The king made no reply. He was afraid to declare his identity.First he must learn the intentions of the impostor. He only closedhis eyes wearily. Presently he asked a question.

  "Is he badly wounded?" and he indicated the figure upon the greatbed.

  Butzow turned and crossed to where the American lay. He saw that thelatter's eyes were open and that he was conscious.

  "How does your majesty feel?" he asked. There was more respect inhis tone than ever before. One of the Blentz soldiers had told himhow the "king," after being wounded by Maenck, had raised himselfupon his elbow and saved the prisoner's life by shooting three ofhis assailants.

  "I thought I was done for," answered Barney Custer, "but I ratherguess the bullet struck only a glancing blow. It couldn't haveentered my lungs, for I neither cough nor spit blood. To tell youthe truth, I feel surprisingly fit. How's the prisoner?"

  "Only a flesh wound in the calf of his left leg, sire," repliedButzow.

  "I am glad," was Barney's only comment. He didn't want to be kingof Lutha; but he had foreseen that with the death of the king hisimposture might be forced upon him for life.

  After Butzow and one of the troopers had washed and dressed thewounds of both men Barney asked them to leave the room.

  "I wish to sleep," he said. "If I require you I will ring."

  Saluting, the two backed from the apartment. Just as they werepassing through the doorway the American called out to Butzow.

  "You have Peter of Bl
entz and Maenck in custody?" he asked.

  "I regret having to report to your majesty," replied the officer,"that both must have escaped. A thorough search of the entire castlehas failed to reveal them."

  Barney scowled. He had hoped to place these two conspirators onceand for all where they would never again threaten the peace of thethrone of Lutha--in hell. For a moment he lay in thought. Then headdressed the officer again.

  "Leave your force here," he said, "to guard us. Ride, yourself, toLustadt and inform Prince von der Tann that it is the king's desirethat every effort be made to capture these two men. Have thembrought to Lustadt immediately they are apprehended. Bring them deador alive."

  Again Butzow saluted and prepared to leave the room.

  "Wait," said Barney. "Convey our greetings to the Princess von derTann, and inform her that my wound is of small importance, as isalso that of the--Mr. Custer. You may go, lieutenant."

  When they were alone Barney turned toward the king. The other layupon his side glaring at the American. When he caught the latter'seyes upon him he spoke.

  "What do you intend doing with me?" he said. "Are you going to keepyour word and return my identity?"

  "I have promised," replied Barney, "and what I promise I alwaysperform."

  "Then exchange clothing with me at once," cried the king, halfrising from his cot.

  "Not so fast, my friend," rejoined the American. "There are a fewtrifling details to be arranged before we resume our properpersonalities."

  "Do you realize that you should be hanged for what you have done?"snarled the king. "You assaulted me, stole my clothing, left me hereto be shot by Peter, and sat upon my throne in Lustadt while I lay aprisoner condemned to death."

  "And do you realize," replied Barney, "that by so doing I saved yourfoolish little throne for you; that I drove the invaders from yourdominions; that I have unmasked your enemies, and that I have onceagain proven to you that the Prince von der Tann is your best friendand most loyal supporter?"

  "You laid your plebeian hands upon me," cried the king, raising hisvoice. "You humiliated me, and you shall suffer for it."

  Barney Custer eyed the king for a long moment before he spoke again.It was difficult to believe that the man was so devoid of gratitude,and so blind as not to see that even the rough treatment that he hadreceived at the American's hands was as nothing by comparison withthe service that the American had done him. Apparently Leopold hadalready forgotten that three times Barney Custer had saved his lifein the courtyard below. From the man's demeanor, now that his lifewas no longer at stake, Barney caught an inkling of what hisattitude might be when once again he was returned to the despoticpower of his kingship.

  "It is futile to reason with you," he said. "There is only one wayto handle such as you. At present I hold the power to coerce you,and I shall continue to hold that power until I am safely out ofyour two-by-four kingdom. If you do as I say you shall have yourthrone back again. If you refuse, why by Heaven you shall never haveit. I'll stay king of Lutha myself."

  "What are your terms?" asked the king.

  "That Prince Peter of Blentz, Captain Ernst Maenck, and old VonCoblich be tried, convicted, and hanged for high treason," repliedthe American.

  "That is easy," said the king. "I should do so anyway immediately Iresumed my throne. Now get up and give me my clothes. Take this cotand I will take the bed. None will know of the exchange."

  "Again you are too fast," answered Barney. "There is anothercondition."


  "You must promise upon your royal honor that Ludwig, Prince von derTann, remain chancellor of Lutha during your life or his."

  "Very well," assented the king. "I promise," and again he half rosefrom his cot.

  "Hold on a minute," admonished the American; "there is yet one morecondition of which I have not made mention."

  "What, another?" exclaimed Leopold testily. "How much do you wantfor returning to me what you have stolen?"

  "So far I have asked for nothing for myself," replied Barney. "NowI am coming to that part of the agreement. The Princess Emma von derTann is betrothed to you. She does not love you. She has honored mewith her affection, but she will not wed until she has been formallyreleased from her promise to wed Leopold of Lutha. The king mustsign such a release and also a sanction of her marriage to BarneyCuster, of Beatrice. Do you understand what I want?"

  The king went livid. He came to his feet beside the cot. For themoment, his wound was forgotten. He tottered toward the impostor.

  "You scoundrel!" he screamed. "You scoundrel! You have stolen myidentity and my throne and now you wish to steal the woman who lovesme."

  "Don't get excited, Leo," warned the American, "and don't talk soloud. The Princess doesn't love you, and you know it as well as I.She will never marry you. If you want your dinky throne back you'llhave to do as I desire; that is, sign the release and the sanction.

  "Now let's don't have any heroics about it. You have theproposition. Now I am going to sleep. In the meantime you may thinkit over. If the papers are not ready when it comes time for us toleave, and from the way I feel now I rather think I shall be readyto mount a horse by morning, I shall ride back to Lustadt as king ofLutha, and I shall marry her highness into the bargain, and you maygo hang!

  "How the devil you will earn a living with that king job taken awayfrom you I don't know. You're a long way from New York, and in thepresent state of carnage in Europe I rather doubt that there aremany headwaiters jobs open this side of the American metropolis, andI can't for the moment think of anything else at which you wouldshine--with all due respect to some excellent headwaiters I haveknown."

  For some time the king remained silent. He was thinking. Herealized that it lay in the power of the American to do preciselywhat he had threatened to do. No one would doubt his identity. EvenPeter of Blentz had not recognized the real king despite Leopold'srepeated and hysterical claims.

  Lieutenant Butzow, the American's best friend, had no more suspectedthe exchange of identities. Von der Tann, too, must have beendeceived. Everyone had been deceived. There was no hope that thepeople, who really saw so little of their king, would guess thedeception that was being played upon them. Leopold groaned. Barneyopened his eyes and turned toward him.

  "What's the matter?" he asked.

  "I will sign the release and the sanction of her highness' marriageto you," said the king.

  "Good!" exclaimed the American. "You will then go at once toBrosnov as originally planned. I will return to Lustadt and get herhighness, and we will immediately leave Lutha via Brosnov. There youand I will effect a change of raiment, and you will ride back toLustadt with the small guard that accompanies her highness and me tothe frontier."

  "Why do you not remain in Lustadt?" asked the king. "You could aswell be married there as elsewhere."

  "Because I don't trust your majesty," replied the American. "It mustbe done precisely as I say or not at all. Are you agreeable?"

  The king assented with a grumpy nod.

  "Then get up and write as I dictate," said Barney. Leopold of Luthadid as he was bid. The result was two short, crisply wordeddocuments. At the bottom of each was the signature of Leopold ofLutha. Barney took the two papers and carefully tucked them beneathhis pillow.

  "Now let's sleep," he said. "It is getting late and we both needthe rest. In the morning we have long rides ahead of us. Goodnight."

  The king did not respond. In a short time Barney was fast asleep.The light still burned.